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Unofficial variant rules for “Call to Adventure”

By Guillermo Yaroslavl Verduzco

*You may add one, two or as many rules as you like together.

*Every rule makes a little difference in the game experience. If you add all these rules the game
experience will change significantly.

*Whenever you toss a Corruption Marker Token and your result shows 2 of a kind and 1 from
the other you get to choose whichone you want to achieve.

*When adding Adversaries if one of the rules doesn’t apply, proceed to the next step.

*You may pay any Card or Ally in order to get XT/HP ONLY when facing an Adversary.
Remember that if you run out of XT/HP you die.

*When moving by using a D4 or casting the Dark Runes place a Corruption Track Marker Token
on the Act Card you actually are on to show your actual position, the Challenge you’re trying to
attempt and your actual Corruption (showing Moon/Sun) show non your Heroe Tableau to have
a fast and better perspective of everything when attempting a Challenge/Trait. To indicate
which of the Challenges you are attempting, place the token up or down when you’re
attempting the Challenge shown on the upper part or the bottom one on the Act Card dividing
the Card into 2 parts.

*Shuffle the Allies with the rest of Act Cards forming the Stack as always but leave the
Adversaries out of the Stacks as normal rules indicate.

*End of Game ALWAYS applies this way even in normal rules.


Story Track: All Cards from an Act layed out.

Corruption Track Marker Token: White token with the Moon/Sun symbols.

Quest’s Adversary: The final Adversary you must fight against. Usually the only one added to the
Game in solo/co-op mode.
[Adding a D4 in order to move]

Add a D4 in order to move over the Story Track, the number the D4 shows is
the total amount of Cards you advance on the Story Track in order to
attempt a Challenge or Trait. Your move counts starting from the last
position (Card) you finished last turn, eg:
-If you are just starting an Act, you start from the top of the Act Deck and you are able to move as
many cards to the right as shown on the D4. So lets say you are starting Act I and you have got a 3
on the D4, then you are able to move between the 1rst and 3rd Act I Cards and attempt to any of

-If you are starting Act I and you have got a result of 1 on the D4, then you must Challenge/Trait
mandatory that 1st Act Card to the right , if you are not able to achieve it, Journey until you can
face an Act Card.

-If you have already started an Act and you are, for example, on the 2nd Act Card to the right
starting from the Act Deck and you result shows a 2, then you are able to chose the only 1 Act
Card on the Story Track to your left or you may chose between the 1st and the 2nd (3rd and 4th
starting from the Story Deck) Act Card on the Story Track to your right.

* Once you succeded on a Challenge/Trait and you place an Act Card filling in the empty space,
you start your movement on this Card. That is your starting position for the Turn.

[Adding the Dark Runes in order to move]

Add the 3 Dark Runes in order to move over the Story Track, the number of
Moons the Dark Runes show is the total amount of Cards you can advance
on the Story Track in order to attempt a Challenge or Trait. Your move
counts starting from the last position (Card) you finished last turn. Apply just
the same as de “Adding a D4 in order to move” rule.

* Once you succeded on a Challenge/Trait and you place an Act Card filling in the empty space,
you start your movement on this Card. That is your starting position for the Turn. No Moons as a
result by casting the Runes means you must challenge the one in the position you are. You may
always Journey.
[Adding HP to your Hero]

Your total amount of XT (Experience Tokens) is also your current total

amount of HP (Health Ponits). If you run out of XT/HP you die.

[Adding HP to the Adversaries]

Quest’s Adversary’s total amount of XT is also its current total amount of HP

(See “Fighting the Quest’s Adversary”).

[Adding Allies]

Whenever an Ally comes into play, you must first add it to the matching Story
Icon card, if there isn’t any, choose the highest difficulty one.

[Failing a Challenge with an Ally]

Whenever you fail a Challenge with an Ally, you lose 1 XT/HP (so you don’t
earn any XT/HP but the Quest’s Adversary does)]

[ “End the Game”]

Occures once you finish achieving your 3rd and last Act III Card, then you
count your points as usual (you never count your points after fighting the
Quest’s Adversary Challenge) and check if you reached the total amount of
points shown in the “Rise the Adversary” Card. Then you proceed to face the
Quest’s Adversary Challenge (If the total Destiny Score of the Game is not
reached -30 Points-, add 2 XT/HP to the Quest’s Adversary’s Area). If the
Quest’s Adversary reaches the total amount of 5 XT/HP before you get to
the End of Game Final Score, you’re done and you have lost the Game.
-When achieving the 3rd Challenge/Trait Card of the Act III and the Quest’s Adversary didn’t
reach the total amount of XT/HP necesary to defeat you -5 XT/HP-, you are safe. What this means
is that if that happens and you didn’t reach the Destiny Score of 30 Points at the End of Game, you
must add 2 XT/HP to the Quest’s Adversary’s Area, you get to Challenge the Adversary even if
adding those 2 extra XT/HP overcome the 5 XT/HP shown in the Solo Mode Card. That total
amount of XT/HP (5 or 6) the Adversary achieved after counting your Destiny Score Points at the
End of Game is the total amount of HP you have to take off from the Quest’s Adversary’s Area in
order to defeat it.

[Adding Adversaries through Act II and/or Act III]

Easy Mode:

Every time you achieve a Challenge cast the 3 Dark Runes and add 1
Adversary on the Remaning Spot according to the result of casting the Dark
Runes as shown below:

*If you happen to have your highest Ability Rune Icon shown on the
Adversary Card and also your lowest Ability Rune Icon, you may Challenge
that Adversary.
-0 Moons: No Adversary is added.

-1 Moon: Add an Adversary of the same Act showing the same Stoy Icon of the Challenge

-2 Moons: Add an Adversary of the same Act showing the same Stoy Icon of the Challenge
achieved + showing the highest Difficulty on the top left side of the Adversary’s Challenge Card.

-3 Moons: Add an Adversary of the same Act showing the same Stoy Icon of the Challenge
achieved + showing the highest Difficulty on the top left side of the Adversary’s Challenge Card +
showing your lowest Ability Rune Icon on the top left side of the Adversary’s Challenge Card.

*In the Easy Mode you must place the Adversary once you succeed on a Challenge and may
attempt to the Adversary Challenge. If you attempt to the Adversary Challenge but you don’t
defeat it, you can always come back later for the Challenge (see “Fighting the Adversary”).
Hard Mode:

Every time you achieve a Challenge cast the 3 Dark Runes and add 1
Adversary on the Remaning Spot according to the result of casting the Dark
Runes as shown below:
-0 Moons: Add the lowest Difficulty Adversary (you choose the enemy).

-1 Moon: Add an Adversary of the same Act showing the same Stoy Icon of the Challenge

-2 Moons: Add an Adversary of the same Act showing the same Stoy Icon of the Challenge
achieved + showing on top of the card your lowest Ability Rune Icon.

-3 Moons: Add an Adversary of the same Act showing the same Stoy Icon of the Challenge
achieved + showing your lowest Ability Rune Icon on the top left side or the Adversary’s
Challenge Card + showing the highest Difficulty on the top left side or the Adversary’s
Challenge Card.

*In the Hard Mode you must fight the Adversary mandatory once you succeed on a Challenge
until you defeat it (see “Fighting the Adversary”).

[ Fighting the Adversary]

whenever you face an Adversary Challenge, the Fight Round takes place in
the next order:

Easy Mode:
-You face the Challenge as Normal Rules point.

-When losing against an Adversary Challenge you don’t get to obtain 1 XT/HP as usual but
instead you earn 1 XT/HP if you defeat the Adversary.

Normal Mode:
-The total amount of Triumph/Tragedy Points shown of top right side of the Adversary’s
Challenge Card is equal to its total amount of HP, add that amount of XT/HP to the Adversary’
Challenge Card.

-When facing an Adversary Challenge you must reach the total amount of Difficulty as normal.
-You gain 1 XT/HP if you succed to the Adversary Challenge each Fight Round. That 1 XP/HP you
take from the Adversary’s Challenge Card.

-When you succed to the Fight Round you deal 1 extra damage to the Adversary for every 1 extra
Point obtained casting the Runes overcomming the Difficulty, eg: if the Adversary’s Challenge
Card shows a Difficulty of 6 and you cast 8 Points with the Runes, the Adversary loses 3 XT/HP: 1
reaching the Difficulty of 6 + 1 being the number 7 you obtained by casting the Runes + 1 being
the number 8 you obtained by casting the Runes = 3 XT/HP of damage.

-You lose 1 XT/HP if you don’t succed to the Adversary Challenge each Fight Round. That 1 XP/HP
you take from your Heroe Area. You can always sacrifice an Ally instead of receiving the 1 XT/HP

- You can always come back to Challenge again.

-Dealt damage to the Adversary remains on the Adversary’s Challenge Card.

-You can always defeat 1 Adversary paying the total amount of Cards (Allies, Hero or Anti-Hero
Cards but never mixed) from your hand equal to the total amount of Triumph/Tragedy Points
shown on the top right side of the Adversary’s Challenge Card.

Hard Mode:
-The total amount of Triumph Points shown of top right side of the Adversary’s Challenge Card is
equal to its total amount of HP, add that amount of XT/HP to the Adversary’ Challenge Card.

-When facing an Adversary Challenge you must reach the total amount of Difficulty as normal.

-You gain 1 XT/HP ONLY if you defeat the Adversary.

-You lose 1 XT/HP if you don’t succed to the Adversary Challenge each Fight Round. That 1 XP/HP
you take from your Heroe Area. You can always sacrifice an Ally instead of receiving the 1 XT/HP

-You can always defeat 1 Adversary paying the total amount of Cards (Allies, Hero or Anti-Hero
Cards but never mixed) from your hand equal to the total amount of Triumph/Tragedy Points
shown on the top right side of the Adversary’s Challenge Card.

-You MUST defeat the Adversary.

[Challenging the Quest’s Adversary]

Easy Mode:
-Normal Rules Apply.
Normal Mode:
- In order to access the Quest’s Adversary’s Challenge, during Act II and Act III you must defeat
Adversary Challenges with the total amount of Triumph/Tragedy Points shown on top of the
Quest’s Adversary’s Card, eg: On top of the right side of the Quest’s Adversary’s Challenge Card
a total amount of 4 Triumph Points is shown and the Adversary you have defeated during an Act
shows the total amount of 3 Triumph Points, you must defeat another one in order to achieve or
surpass the total amount of 4 Triumph Points show on the Quest’s Adversary’s Challenge Card.

Hard Mode:
- In order to access the Quest’s Adversary’s Challenge, during Act II and Act III you must defeat the
total amount Adversary Challenges of Triumph/Tragedy Points shown on top of the Quest’s
Adversary’s Card, eg: : On top of the right side of the Quest’s Adversary’s Challenge Card a total
amount of 4 Triumph Points is shown, so you must defeat the total amount of 4 Adversaries in
order to achieve the total amount of 4 Triumph Points show on the Quest’s Adversary’s Challenge

[Adding Rewards to the Challenges]

In order to give an extra push of tense/satisfaction to the game you may add
some rewards after you achieved a Challenge Card as shown below:

Easy Mode:

-Every time you achieve a Challenge you may toss 2 Corruption Track Marker Tokens in order to
achive either a Card (Hero or Anti-Hero) or to gain an Corruption Position on Corruption Track at
the left side of the Player’s Board/Heroe Area by getting a result of 2 of a kind. When two results
apply, you may choose whichone you want to receive.

1 Moon: Move the Corruption Track Marker Token one position down on the Corruption Track.

2 Moons: Gain 1 Anti-Hero Card/Move the Corruption Track Marker Token one position down on
the Corruption Track.
1 Sun: Move the Corruption Track Marker Token one position up on the Corruption Track.

2 Suns: Gain 1 Hero Card/ Move the Corruption Track Marker Token one position up on the
Corruption Track.

Normal Mode:

-Every time you achieve a Challenge you may toss 3 Corruption Track Marker Tokens in order to
achive either a Card (Hero or Anti-Hero) or to gain an Corruption Position on Corruption Track at
the left side of the Player’s Board/Heroe Area by getting a result of 3 of a kind. When two results
apply, you may choose whichone you want to receive.

1 Moon: Move the Corruption Track Marker Token one position down on the Corruption Track.

2 Moons: gain 1 Anti-Hero Card.

3 Moons: gain 1 Anti-Hero Card/Move the Corruption Track Marker Token one position down on
the Corruption Track.

1 Sun: Move the Corruption Track Marker Token one position up on the Corruption Track.

2 Suns: Gain 1 Hero Card.

3 Suns: Gain 1 Hero Card/ Move the Corruption Track Marker Token one position up on the
Corruption Track.

Hard Mode:

-Every time you achieve a Challenge you may toss 3 Corruption Track Marker Tokens in order to
achive either a Card (Hero or Anti-Hero) or to gain an Corruption Position on Corruption Track at
the left side of the Player’s Board/Heroe Area, or to lose a Card (Hero or Anti-Hero) by getting a
result of 3 of a kind. When two results apply, you may choose whichone you want to receive.

1 Moon: Lose 1 Anti-Hero Card. Scrap it from your hand, if there are no available cards of this kind
in your hand, scrap it from the discard pile, otherwise omit this rule.
2 Moons: Move the Corruption Track Marker Token one position down on the Corruption Track.

3 Moons: Gain 1 Anti-Hero Card/Move the Corruption Track Marker Token one position down on
the Corruption Track.

1 Sun: Lose 1 Hero Card. Scrap it from your hand, if there are no available cards of this kind in your
hand, scrap it from the discard pile, otherwise omit this rule.

2 Suns: Move the Corruption Track Marker Token one position up on the Corruption Track.

3 Suns: Gain 1 Hero Card/Move the Corruption Track Marker Token one position up on the
Corruption Track.

*Adversary Challenge: No matter which mode you chose, add Only 1 Token to toss and get the
card of the Corruption Symbol shown in the result (Hero or Anti-Hero Card). Or apply this
“Adding Rewards to Challenge” rules mentioned above ONLY after defeating an Adversary.

Quest’s Adversaries Difficulty Ranking (from the easies to the hardest)

The Warlock

The Dark Rider

The Wolf

The Crime Lord

The Mad Cultist

The Sorceress

The High Priest

The Warlord

The Demon

The Tyrant

Story Mode
Here is a list of preset Adventure Stories (Quest’s Adversary - Hero) arranged
by Quest’s Adversary Difficulty Level.
The Warlock – Student/Thirst for Knowledge/High Arcanist

The Dark Rider – Pickpocket/Thrill Seeker/Hand of Vengeance

The Wolf – Settler/Born Lucky/Intrepid Explorer

The Crime Lord – Beggar/Natural Leader/Master of Whispers

The Mad Cultist – Farmer/Trained by a Master/People’s Champion

The Sorceress – Acolyte/Seeker of Truth/Wise Master

The High Priest – Outlander/Sworn Protector/Paragon of Light

The Warlord – Conscript/Vow of Vengeance/Mighty Conqueror

The Demon – Apprentice/Chosen by Light/Hand of Fate

The Tyrant – Squire/Bound by Honor/Hero of Destiny

*You may randomize Motivation

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