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Dislocations of the elbow in children

M. N. Rasool A total of 33 children were treated for acute traumatic dislocation of the elbow between
1994 and 2002; 30 dislocations were posterior and three anterior. Eight children had a pure
From the Nelson R. dislocation and 25 had an associated fracture of the elbow. Two had compound injuries.
Mandela School of Two children had injury to the ulnar nerve, one to the radial nerve and one to the median
Medicine, Congella, nerve together with injury to the brachial artery. Twenty required open reduction.
South Africa Complications included pseudarthrosis of the medial epicondyle in one child and loss of
flexion and rotation of between 10˚ and 30˚ in ten others. Meticulous clinical and
radiological assessment is mandatory in children with dislocation of the elbow to exclude
associated injuries.
The results were excellent to good in 22 patients, fair in ten and poor in one.

Traumatic dislocation of the elbow is rare in major referral centre were reviewed retrospec-
children with an incidence of only 3% to 6%1 tively. All children with displaced injuries
of all elbow injuries and there has been only involving the elbow are routinely admitted and
one study describing this injury exclusively in reviewed by the consultant after initial assess-
children.2 The most recent publications have ment and treatment by orthopaedic trainees.
been case reports of rare forms of dislocation Twenty-one children had been referred from
and associated complications.3-16 rural hospitals. All had standard anteroposte-
Dislocations may be classified according to rior (AP) and lateral radiographs and in 23
the position of the proximal radio-ulnar joint radiographs were taken of the opposite elbow
in relation to the distal humerus. Displacement for comparative views. There were 24 boys
of the proximal forearm can occur in four and nine girls with a mean age of nine years (5
directions, either posterior, anterior, medial or to 13). Every injury had been caused by a fall
lateral.1 and was seen and treated within five days. Two
Pure dislocation is uncommon and radio- children had compound injuries. Two had an
graphs must be evaluated carefully for associ- associated injury of the ulnar nerve, one of the
ated avulsions and fractures around the elbow. radial nerve and one of the median nerve with
Avulsion of the medial epicondyle is the most disruption of the brachial artery. Radio-
common associated injury.1,17-21 Less common logically, 22 of the dislocations were postero-
are injuries in the region of the coronoid proc- lateral, seven posteromedial, one posterior,
ess, radial head, olecranon, trochlea and lateral two anteromedial, and one anterolateral.
 M. N. Rasool, FCS (Ortho)
condyle,1 or very rarely, there may also be dis- Associated fractures of the elbow were seen
(SA), Consultant Paediatric ruption of the proximal radio-ulnar joint in 25 children. In 18, the dislocation was asso-
Orthopaedic Surgeon
Department of Orthopaedic
(divergent type).3-10 ciated with a single fracture or avulsion and in
Surgery, Nelson R. Mandela The aim of this paper is to highlight the the remaining seven there were various combi-
School of Medicine, Private
Bag 7, Congella 4013,
spectrum of dislocations of the elbow and to nations. The fracture was not recognised on
Republic of South Africa. increase the awareness of the less common the initial radiograph in eight children after ini-
©2004 British Editorial
types seen in children. The importance of tial reduction.
Society of Bone and careful clinical and radiological assessment is The various types of injury were grouped as
Joint Surgery
emphasised. follows:
14505 $2.00 Pure dislocation (eight cases). Seven children had
J Bone Joint Surg [Br]
Patients and Methods a closed reduction. One (Fig. 1) had a com-
2004;86-B:1050-8. The clinical records and radiographs of 33 pound injury with severe soft-tissue disruption
Received 23 April 2003;
Accepted after revision
children with acute traumatic dislocation of and damage to the median nerve and brachial
3 October 2003 the elbow treated between 1994 and 2002 at a artery. The latter was reconstructed using a



reverse saphenous graft. The artery was subsequently

ligated because of failure of the graft. There was adequate
collateral circulation.
Dislocation with avulsion of the medial epicondyle (11 cas-
es). Ten dislocations were posterolateral (Fig. 2); one was
anteromedial. Seven children had a closed reduction. The
medial epicondyle was trapped within the joint in two chil-
dren who required open reduction and fixation with Kir-
schner wires (K-wire). In one of these the dislocation was
compound with associated injury to the ulnar nerve. Two
children with displacement of the medial epicondyle after
closed reduction required open reduction and fixation with
Dislocation with fracture of the lateral condyle (5 cases).
Four fractures were Milch type II (Salter-Harris type II) and
one, type I (Salter-Harris type IV). The dislocations were
Fig. 1
posteromedial in four and anteromedial in one. All under-
Anteroposterior and lateral radiographs of the elbow showing a postero- went internal fixation with K-wires.
lateral dislocation. There is air in the tissues, extensive soft-tissue swell-
ing and disruption. The patient had injury to the median nerve and Dislocation with fracture and avulsion of the olecranon (one
brachial artery. case). This injury was associated with anterolateral disloca-

Fig. 2a

Fig. 2b

Radiographs showing a) posterolateral dislocation of the elbow and avulsion of the medial
epicondyle (arrows) and b) asymptomatic nonunion of the medial epicondyle at follow-up at
four years.

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1052 M. N. RASOOL

Fig. 3a

Fig. 3b

Figure 3a – Radiographs showing avulsion of the olecranon and anterior dislocation of the
elbow. The olecranon fragment is superimposed on the distal humerus. Figure 3b – Dia-
grams showing the avulsed olecranon (dotted lines).

tion (Fig. 3) and was treated by open reduction and fixation Divergent dislocations. Two children with posterolateral
with a single K-wire. displacement of the elbow had a transverse type of diver-
Posterior dislocation with fracture of the radial head. One gent dislocation of the proximal radius and ulna (Fig. 6). In
child had a posterior dislocation with an associated Salter- one reduction was achieved by traction and compression of
Harris type I complete epiphyseal separation and was the radial head and olecranon, the other required open
treated by open reduction and K-wire fixation (Fig. 4). reduction. The latter child also had signs of injury to the
Combined injuries (7 cases). In seven children the disloca- radial nerve and, at surgery, the radial head was found to
tion was associated with more complex injuries of the have buttonholed through the lateral capsule and the origin
elbow. Three with posteromedial dislocations had the fol- of the extensor muscles. The coronoid was avulsed and was
lowing injuries: 1) fracture of the lateral condyle (Milch II) not visible on radiographs. The annular ligament was
and avulsion of the medial epicondyle (Fig. 5); 2) avulsion repaired after reduction.
of the radial head (Salter-Harris type II) and olecranon apo- Fractures at other sites. Two children had a fracture of the
physis; and 3) avulsion of the olecranon and medial epi- distal radius.
condyle and injury to the radial head (Salter-Harris type II). Delayed diagnosis. The diagnosis was delayed in eight chil-
Two children with posterolateral dislocations had the dren. The associated fractures or avulsions had been over-
following injuries in combination: 1) avulsion of the ole- looked. Four required surgery to fix a displaced medial or
cranon and medial epicondyle and injury to the ulnar nerve; lateral condyle. Comparative radiographs showed overlap
and 2) injury to the radial head (Salter-Harris type II) and of the fragments on bone in four. All dislocations which had
avulsion of the medial epicondyle. been reduced by closed manipulation were immobilised in a
All the injuries were treated by open reduction and K- collar and cuff sling for three weeks. Those with combined
wire fixation. injuries or who required surgery, were immobilised in a



Fig. 4a

Fig. 4b

Figure 4a – Radiographs showing posteromedial

dislocation of the elbow with a fracture of the lat-
eral mass and avulsion of the medial epicondyle.
The lateral mass is superimposed on bone on both
views. Figure 4b – Diagrams showing the avulsed
medial epicondyle and lateral mass (dotted lines).
Figure 4c – Radiographs showing reduction of the
medial epicondyle and lateral mass and fixation
with K-wires.

Fig. 4c

plaster backslab for four weeks. All had physiotherapy for ment; good, mild symptoms, not >10˚ of loss of movement;
two to three weeks. fair, moderate symptoms and 10˚ to 30˚ loss of movement;
and poor, severe symptoms, >30˚ loss of movement. There
Results were 22 children (67%) with excellent or good results, ten
The patients were reviewed at a mean of 10 months (4 to fair and one poor result (Table I). Seventeen patients (52%)
48). The results were graded using the criteria of Roberts20 had a full range of movement, and seven of these had a pure
as follows: excellent, no symptoms, no limitation of move- dislocation.

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1054 M. N. RASOOL

Fig. 5a

Fig. 5b

Fig. 5c

Figure 5a – Radiographs showing dislocation of the elbow and associated Salter-Harris

type I injury of the radial head. Figure 5b – Diagrams showing fracture of the radial head
(dotted lines). Figure 5c – Radiographs six months later showing healing.



Fig. 6a

Fig. 6b

Figure 6a – Radiographs showing divergent dislocation (transverse type) of the proximal

radio-ulnar joint on the AP views (arrows) and posterior dislocation of the trochlea ulnar
articulation on the lateral views. Cartilaginous avulsion of the coronoid is not visible. Fig-
ure 6b – Radiographs four months later showing good reduction. There is formation of new
bone anteriorly on the proximal ulna indicating healing of the coronoid.

Patients with closed reduction had a better outcome than In this study, 75% of the dislocations had an associated
those requiring open reduction. The children with injury to injury to the elbow. In 24% of cases, an accurate diagnosis
the ulnar and radial nerves recovered in two to four weeks. was not made on the initial radiographs.
Loss of movement was greater with injury to the lateral In all other studies the commonest associated injury was
compartment (radial head, and lateral condyle) than to the avulsion of the medial epicondyle by the origin of the flexor
medial compartment (medial epicondyle, olecranon and muscles and medial collateral ligament (Table II). The inci-
coronoid). Combined and compound injuries resulted in a dence ranged from 25% to 36%2,22 and was similar to that
greater loss of movement than isolated fractures. Asympto- of this study (33%). The epicondyle is small and when dis-
matic pseudarthrosis of the medial epicondyle was seen on placed it is difficult to see on routine radiographs; it may be
follow-up radiographs of one patient, four years after the overlapped by the distal humeral metaphysis or confused
initial injury (Fig. 2b). with the ossification centre of the trochlea or olecranon
At follow-up at four months, the child with the vascular (Fig. 2a). The management is controversial. Some authors
injury had a fixed flexion deformity of 30˚ at the elbow and have advocated open reduction and internal fixation in all
rotational loss of 30˚, but there was a good collateral circu- cases to prevent instability and nonunion.23 Others have
lation and no signs of ischaemia. The median nerve did not considered surgery for the entrapped or displaced epi-
recover. condyle to restore stability to the elbow.2,20,21 Recurrent
dislocations have been reported in adults who had injury to
Discussion the medial epicondyle in childhood17 but asymptomatic
Carlioz and Abols2 reported the only large series of dislo- fibrous union of the medial epicondyle has been seen in this
cations of the elbow in children and found that 64% of series and others.21,22
children had associated fractures and avulsions. Other When avulsion of the olecranon is associated with dislo-
series included adults and children in their study17-20 cation, the displacement is usually anterior1 as was
(Table I). observed in this study. Osteochondral fragments from the

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1056 M. N. RASOOL

Table I. Literature review of dislocations of the elbow in children

Length of
Author/s review (yrs) Number of cases and age Type of dislocation Associated fractures Complications
Carlioz and Abols2 5 58 (<15 yrs) Posterior (all) Medial epicondyle 24 Pulse deficit 4
Pure 21 Olecranon 1 Ulnar nerve 2
Radial head, neck 3 Osteochondral flap (ulna) 2
Lateral flakes of bone 5 Radioulnar synostosis 2
Coronoid 2
Combined 2

Roberts20 11 24 (<14 yrs) Posterolateral 23 Medial epicondyle 8 Ulnar nerve 1

+36 adults Lateral 1 Lateral condyle 1 Median nerve 1
Pure 12 Radial head neck 2
Coronoid 1
Linscheid and Wheeler17 15 12 (<10 yrs) Details of injuries in
27 (11 to 20 yrs) children unknown
+71 adults
Josefsson and Nilsson18 12 13 (<20 yrs) Details of injuries in
+165 adults children unknown
Neviaser and Wickstrom19 10 31 (<10 yrs) Details of injuries in
39 (11 to 20 yrs) children unknown
+45 adults
Present study 8 33 (<13 yrs) Posterolateral 22 Medial epicondyle 11 Median nerve 1
Posteromedial 7 Lateral condyle 5 Radial nerve 1
Posterior 1 Olecranon 1 Ulnar nerve 2
Anteromedial 2 Radial neck 1 Brachial artery injury 1
Anterolateral 1 Coronoid 1
Pure 8 Combined 7 (Divergent 2)

Table II. Incidence (%) of associated fractures and injuries with osteochondral fractures of the trochlea.12,13 Grantham and
dislocations Tietjen14 reported an unusual transcondylar fracture-dislo-
Associated injury Carlioz and Abols2 Roberts20 Present study cation in which the fracture line was intracapsular and both
Medial epicondyle 36.0 33 33 distal humeral condyles were displaced as a single unit with
Lateral condyle 0.0 4 17 the elbow dislocated (Chutro-Posadas fracture).
Olecranon 1.7 0 3
Fracture of the lateral condyle occurring with dislocation
Radial head, neck 5.0 8 3
Coronoid 3.5 4 3 is very rare. Four cases have been reported by Newman25
Divergent 0.0 0 6 and one by Roberts.20 There was a higher incidence of iso-
Combined 3.5 0 20 lated fracture of the lateral condyle in this study compared
with others (Table II) and most dislocations were postero-
articular surface of the olecranon have been observed occa- Injury to the head and neck of the radius associated with
sionally to prevent reduction2 and such lesions may be dislocations of the elbow can occur during the process of
unrecognised on plain radiographs but found on explora- reduction when the capitellum can damage the distal lip of
tion. Carlioz and Abols2 emphasised that these lesions can the radial head. Alternatively, the radial neck may be frac-
cause recurrent dislocation of the elbow and that explora- tured during the process of dislocation when the capitellum
tion is indicated when inadequate reduction is seen on radi- can damage the proximal lip of the radial head.1,26 Three
ographs. such injuries were seen in this series all occurring during
Fracture of the coronoid is rare (<1%) and usually occurs dislocation. Steinberg et al26 reviewed the literature and
with dislocation in older children.1An unusual flap injury found 25 children with fracture of the head and neck of the
has been described in dislocations in which the articular radius with associated dislocation of the elbow. Some limi-
surface may be flipped back into the joint and prevent con- tation of rotation usually occurs after these injuries.
gruous reduction.15 Grant and Miller13 stated that unrecog- In our study most of the dislocations were posterolateral
nised osteochondral fragments may cause a poor result in (66%). The incidence of anterior dislocation is generally
an initially apparently uncomplicated dislocation of the low (< 2%).2,17-20 It may occur from a direct blow to the
elbow. If there is an indication for operative intervention, posterior aspect of the elbow,1 with avulsion of the inser-
the joint should be thoroughly inspected. In well-reduced tion of the triceps from the olecranon. The radius and ulna
dislocations there is no need to replace the coronoid avul- usually dislocate anteromedially.
sion surgically.1 Simultaneous dislocation of both the elbow and the
Dislocations with unusual associated fractures of the proximal radio-ulnar joint, includes disruption of all three
elbow have been reported. Fracture of the medial condyle joints of the elbow - the radiocapitellar, ulnotrochlear and
has been reported by Badelon et al24 and Saraf and Tuli.16 proximal radio-ulnar joints. The transverse type has been
Dislocations have also been observed in association with reported by other authors.3-11 The suspected mechanism of



injury is thought to be a combination of axial loading on tion. A dislocation of the elbow in a child may be associated
the ulna and a strong pronation force causing disruption to with an unrecognised additional fracture. There should be a
the proximal radio-ulnar joint, the interosseus membrane high index of suspicion, with good clinical examination and
and the annular ligament. Reduction is achieved by gentle meticulous assessment of the radiographs and systematic
traction and compression of the radial head and ole- examination of the medial (medial epicondyle, olecranon,
cranon.5,9 Avulsion of the coronoid process has been coronoid, medial condyle) and lateral compartments
reported with this injury6,10 and was seen in this study. The (radial head, lateral condyle) for associated fractures or
anteroposterior type of divergent dislocation seen in adults avulsions. Comparative radiographs are helpful for detect-
has not been reported in children.1 Proximal radio-ulnar ing an overlap of fragments. MRI may reveal cartilaginous
translocation (convergent dislocation) has been described fragments. Dislocations in children should ideally be
in which the radius articulates with the trochlea and the reduced under general anaesthesia and radiological control
ulna with the capitellum as the forearm is clinically pro- to avoid delay in accurate diagnosis.
nated.3,4,11 No benefits in any form have been received or will be received from any com-
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