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Grace Palma
what's is the
Asperger's syndrome?
Asperger’s syndrome is a form of
high-functioning autism. It is a I chosed this syndrome, because is very
neurodevelopmental disorder, one of five frequently between the students, and
disorders on the autism spectrum. It is teachers need to know about to consider
generally estimated to affect 48 children in pedagogical decisions.
in 10,000 – roughly 1 in 200, though During my experience at school, a
severity varies greatly. classmate had a brother with Asperger's. I
remembered that every time we studied
at his house, his brother hid from us and
did not talk to us. My partner told me that
it was a waste of time for his brother to
greet us.
Extreme focus on specific topic of interest

Hypersensitivity to
When they have something
sensory assaults
that generates many
interest, explore and
If one of this child listen loud investigate everything of
noises, they go away and felt that.
They don't have filter to
say what they feel.

Difficulty with social communication and

I'm going to do research
ACTIVITIES IN activities of free choice to

CLASSROOM work on their personal

The activities that i'm going to do in the classroom
are focused on treating the daily situations that
children with Asperger's syndrome experience.

Every day I am going to do activities

focused on working on their
To work on the communicative
problems within the class, activities
difficulty that they have, I am
that promote communication with
going to do a role play, so that
others in order to understand
they can understand the
emotions of others.
Predictions and results of activities
With good results, students
with Asperger syndrome will Further, teachers will expect that
have tools to understand and students can promote a great
manage their emotions. ambience to convivence in the
At the end of the lessons, students
will know about conducts or treats
they should have with classmates Communication between students
with Asperger Syndrome. For will make better, that is to say,
example, they won’t make loud fluid and comprehensive.
noises to avoid bad experiences of
their classmates w/ AS.

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