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1. Job interview, can we prepare for it?

2. Why do we tend to judge people by their appearance?
3. In future medical websites will replace doctors
4. Increasing age of society will influence average standard of living in the future
5. Air travelling is the best way of travelling
6. Reading is an old fashioned entertainment
7. Extreme weather conditions reflect the state of environment
8. Risk taking should be severely prosecuted
9. The things we regret in life
10. What music would you play to an alien?
11. In 21st century people live in a sleep deprived society
12. Arguments and Gender Differences
13. Non-verbal communication, how much and why is it important?
14. How not to get robbed?
15. Internet crimes should be better regulated by law
16. Television will soon be replaced by the Internet
17. Adverts are misleading and should be forbidden
18. ‘Money makes the world go round’ do you agree?
19. Megacities are the best places to live in
20. Science is worth suffering

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