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At what age do When do Italian Do you enjoy

When can
Italian children pupils start school life?
Italian pupils
go to primary secondary
leave school?
school? school? Why / Why not?

What is a How many Do you work

How long are
typical day in students are hard at school
your lessons at
your school there in your most of the
like? class? time?

At school, what At school, what What is the

What are three
subject are you subject are you subject you like
positive things
good at? terrible at? most?
about your
Why? Why? Why?

Have you got In your family,

How many any brothers or who do you
people are Do you all live sisters? If yes, spend most of
there in your together? are they older your time with?
family? or younger than
you? Why?

In your family, Can you

who is the describe a What do you do What is your
person you family you know in your free favourite
most admire? well (not your time? hobby?
Why? own family)?

Can you play a

What hobbies
What hobbies musical What kind of
are popular with
are popular with instrument? music do you
older people? like?
If so, what?

Do you practice
What is your What kind of What was the
any sports in
favourite films do you last film you
your free time?
group? like? saw?
If so, what?

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