Templates For Businessplan-For-Tourism

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Business Plan for Tourism


1. General.......................................................................................................3
Short History................................................................................................3
Company Info...............................................................................................3
2. Business Description.....................................................................................4
Industry Analysis..........................................................................................4
Business Goals..............................................................................................4
Project Objectives.........................................................................................4
Future Developments.....................................................................................4
Value Proposition..........................................................................................4
The Brand Proposition....................................................................................4
Business Model.............................................................................................4
3. Market Analysis............................................................................................5
Industry Analysis..........................................................................................5
Targets and Growth.......................................................................................5
1. Local Market.....................................................................................................5
2. Your market.....................................................................................................5
3. Your Target Market............................................................................................5
4. Target Market Research......................................................................................6
5. B2B Market – Selling your project through an Incoming Agent or a Wholesaler...........6
Competitive Analysis......................................................................................7
Competitive Positioning..........................................................................................7
Barriers to enter the market:..................................................................................7
Name the barriers which may make it difficult to enter your project or your product into
the market...........................................................................................................7
Competitive advantage:.........................................................................................7
SWOT Analyses.............................................................................................7
McDonald’s Hamburgers (Example)..........................................................................7
Pricing strategy.............................................................................................8
Demand Forecast and Evolution of Market........................................................8
4. Product.......................................................................................................9
Product Outline.............................................................................................9
What kind of products are you selling?.............................................................9
1. A................................................................................................................9
2. B................................................................................................................9
3. C................................................................................................................9
4. D................................................................................................................9
5. E................................................................................................................9
6. F................................................................................................................9
5. Marketing..................................................................................................10
Affiliation Marketing.....................................................................................10
Direct marketing.........................................................................................10
B2C Sales..........................................................................................................10
Selling your project or product to consumers...........................................................10
B2B sales...........................................................................................................10

Page 1 5/20/20xx
6. Planning & Implementation..........................................................................11
7. Financials..................................................................................................12
Assumptions & Limitations............................................................................12
Projected P & L............................................................................................12
PROJECTED P&L STARTUP....................................................................................14
PROJECTED P&L FIRST YEAR OF OPERATION...........................................................15
PROJECTED P&L FOR 5 YEAR PERIOD.....................................................................17
Projected Cash flow.....................................................................................19
PROJECTED CASHFLOW START-UP.........................................................................19
PROJECTED CASHFLOW FIRST YEAR OF OPERATION................................................20
8. Investment Request....................................................................................22
Contact Information.....................................................................................22
About Our Business.....................................................................................22
What is your project/company's unique value proposition?........................................22
Description of your product or service....................................................................22
Who are your target customers?............................................................................22
Describe your primary and secondary target market.................................................22
Business info......................................................................................................22
About your Finances............................................................................................23
1. General

Short History

Write a short history of the project and how it has developed

Company Info

The business location

Describe the location in connection with other points of interest
Physical business address

Management Bios
Name the people responsible for the management of the project. Give an outline of
their responsibilities. Such as:

 General Manager
 Product Development and Business & Sales Manager
 Financial officer
 Marketing manager
 Webmaster
 Customer service
2. Business Description

Industry Analysis
Study the tourism industry in your area. Get numbers, figures and statistics.


Try to explain in one sentence what you want to achieve and how you think to achieve it.

Think of a slogan that you can use to encourage your co-workers to reach your goal.

Business Goals
Describe your goals in detail and in several points

Project Objectives
Describe the objectives to achieve your goals in detail and in several points

Future Developments
Describe what your futures plans are to further develop your project.

Value Proposition
Describe why your project is important, why is it different or of more value then other projects
in your area.

The Brand Proposition

How to establish your project as a ‘brand’ with instant recognition. A ‘must see’ project.
Establish who you want to attract with your project.

Business Model
Describe your business model: privately owned, cooperative, government owned
3. Market Analysis

Industry Analysis
What are the main tourist attractions in your area? Where do tourists come from, how long do
they stay, what do they want to see. Do they come in groups or as individual travelers?

Targets and Growth

1. Local Market
The potential of the market is the total number of people who visit your area per year. Find
out the growth over the last few years and the expected growth over the next few years.
Make a difference in visitors from national origin and international origin.

2. Your market
The potential of your market is the total number of people who visit your destination per year.
Find out the growth over the last few years and the expected growth over the next few years.
Make a difference in visitors from national origin and international origin.
Show these figures in graphs and tables.

3. Your Target Market

Primary Target Market

 Age group
 Household index
 Socio Economic Group
 Spending patterns
 Coming from: National: what province or city – International: what country

This will establish on which group you needs to focus your marketing efforts. You can now
make a judgment, founded on the basis of these facts that you should concentrate your efforts
on which group of tourists. Example graph:
Secondary Target Market

 Age group
 Household index
 Socio Economic Group
 Spending patterns
 Coming from: National: what province or city – International: what country

Identify your secondary market.

4. Target Market Research

It is important to try and do some market research to establish your primary and secondary
market. You can do a little survey with all the people that visit your destination over a period
of time.

Age of Respondents


As the example chart above will show the age of most of the respondents that fall mostly into
your primary and secondary target group. A good result can be reached by questioning
passengers at the airport or the harbor while waiting for their departure.

Other questions can be:

 How did you hear about our destination
 Where did you book your visit to our destination
 What is the purpose of your visit
 Where did you stay: hotel, family, self catering
 Where is your home
 In what socio-economic class do you belong
 How many people in your family
 How do you rate your visit to our destination
 Etc.

5. B2B Market – Selling your project through an Incoming Agent or a Wholesaler

Study the perspectives of selling through an agent who will do your marketing for you, but will
take a substantial share of your profits for themselves.
Competitive Analysis
Direct competitors in your area are locations that offer more or less the same product.
Indirect competitors are destinations that offer a different kind of product or a package
including a similar product, but may target the same group of clients. Also similar products but
in a different location may be categorized as indirect competitors.
Competitive Positioning:
With the help of your SWOT analysis you can establish if your position in the marketplace is
unique in your area. Try to find something that makes your product different from direct
Barriers to enter the market:
Name the barriers which may make it difficult to enter your destination or your product into
the market.
Competitive advantage:
Name your advantages which may make it less difficult for your destination or
product to enter the market as compared to your competitors.

SWOT Analyses
SWOT analyses are a very important part of your marketing plan. Name at least 5 competitors
(direct and indirect) and study the difference between them and your destination or product.

McDonald’s Hamburgers (Example)

123 Main Street
Country (Map)
Phone: 781-444-1113
Fax: 781-444-1146

McDonalds sells hamburgers all over the world.
Major Strengths
 1. McDonalds was the first to sell hamburgers and is a first mover
 2. McDonalds sells Coca Cola
 3. Is open all year round, every day and 24 hours a day
 4. Has a very strong brand image
 5. Makes more hamburgers then any other company.
Major Weaknesses
Is seen as the representative of American commerce and therefore always a target in anti-
America feelings. Is fast food and seen as not healthy.

Biggest Opportunities
1. You make better and healthier food
Biggest Threats
1. McDonalds starts to sell healthier food

Addition to SWOT analysis:

Give your thoughts on how you think your products can survive a competitor like McDonalds.

Pricing strategy
To establish the correct price for your product you have to answer the following questions:
1. What is the cost price of your product; include marketing, advertising, wear & tear,
staff, utilities, mail, website, administration, etc.
2. Make a best case scenario
3. Make a worst case scenario
4. Add your profit margin.
5. If you decided to market your product through a wholesaler or incoming agent, add
their commissions
6. Compare your product price with that of your competitors for a similar product (refer
to your SWOT analysis). If you are too high, you will have to cut your expenses
7. Set your sales price, preferably for 5 years in advance.

Demand Forecast and Evolution of Market

Use your forecast (see Targets & Growth) to evaluate the pricing of your product in the future.
You must avoid having to raise the price by more then 5% per year.
4. Product

Product Outline
Give a general description of your product.

What kind of products are you selling?

1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. E
6. F
5. Marketing

Affiliation Marketing
 Try to find a company or tourist project that you may be able to partner with in order
to optimize marketing efforts.
 Representation in other countries, tourist office.
 Press trips

 Marketing through internet.
 Banner and sponsored link campaigns

Direct marketing
 Contacting the client directly.
 Travel markets and consumer shows – piggy back with local tourist organizations


B2C Sales
Selling your destination or product to consumers
- Brochures in local hotels and other tourist spots
- Shows and consumer fairs
- Include tours at local tourist information
- Press trips for consumer publications
- Offer special all inclusive packages
- Collect email addresses of visitors to contact with special offers in the future

B2B sales
Selling your project or product to wholesalers, incoming agents, hotels, tour companies
- Local businesses: contact directly
- Shows and trade fairs
- Sales Presentations
- Press trips
- Keep sales contacts and b2b mailing lists updated
6. Planning & Implementation

Make a roll out plan for your project, making sure that you have all finances secured before
you go to the next stage of your project. See attached example.
7. Financials

Assumptions & Limitations

This paragraph outlines the most important assumptions used in the profit & loss and cash
flow projections. These assumptions must ensure a very conservative, but realistic budget.
The following paragraphs will outline major assumptions; more details should be given after
presenting the budgets themselves.

Currency & Exchange Rates

All budgets should be presented in a global currency if working internationally or in a local
currency if working nationally. Keep exchange rates in mind if applicable.
Taxation and Insurance
Make sure you are up to date with all tax related issues and insurances. Include all taxes and
insurances in your financials.

Time span
Rolling projections are made for 5 years. The period is being refreshed every 6 months; the
figures are reviewed and adjusted where applicable. Allow inflation to be a factor in the

Operational and Financial Cost

The costs are divided into operation and financial costs. Only interest paid on loans and
interest received on liquidity should be taken into account for financial cost. Repayments and
receipts of loans are not included in the p&l, only in cash flow planning. Loan interest should
be set at a conservative annual rate.

Projected P & L
The following paragraphs will detail the profit & loss for pre-start up, the first 12 months of
operation and a 5 year overview.

Pre-start up
The costs associated with the pre-start up period can be divided into 2 different categories.
First of all there are the costs associated with creating the company and developing the tools
“start-up cost”. Secondly there are costs associated with preparing the actual start of the
project. These costs include the set-up of office and initial marketing. No revenues can be
expected during this period.

First Year of operation

 Visitors
The numbers of unique visitors are based on the target audience and are dependent on the
marketing budget. Number of visitors is expected to increase during the course of the 12
month period.
 General Office
As the company becomes operational, expenses such as staff, communication, travel and
office supplies will be incurred.
 Marketing & Sales
A marketing & sales budget has been included to facilitate the efforts described earlier in this
business plan. Variations in the sales budget are due to the fact that you may want to attend
major tourism exhibitions. This will require a stand to be build and promotional material to be
 Admin
Back office, accountant and legal support will be required. This may be calculated as outside
 Revenues
Revenue projections are based on the potential visitors spending, entrance fees, etc.
 Results
Calculate using the above figures a future operational break even point.

Five Year forecast

Project a five year forecast. Calculate when you have compensated all losses and when you
will become truly profitable.

Your cash flow should be based on your investments. Calculate when repayment of loans will
be feasible and when full repayment of loan will be completed.

Projected P&L Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun- Jul- TOTA
05 05 05 05 05 05 05 L

Start-Up cost
company setup 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.000 1,000
legal 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,500 2,500
capital raising 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
technical development 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 14,000
consultants 0 0 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 5,000 8,000
management fees 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 35,000
TOTAL 7,000 7,000 7,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 15,500 60,500

General Office
telecommunication 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,000 1,000
office supplies & stationary 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,000 2,000
ICT infrastructure 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
- pc's / network / laptops 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,300 4,300
- software licenses 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,352 3,352
insurance 0 0 0 0 0 0 500 500
brand development 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,000 5,000
travel 0 0 0 0 0 0 500 500
office rent 0 0 0 0 0 0 300 300
bank / cc cost 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 16,952 16,952

Marketing & Sales

Marketing 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,000 1,000
TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,000 1,000

TOTAL COST 7,000 7,000 7,000 8,000 8,000 13,000 44,963 94,963
TOTAL REVENUE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL OPERATIONAL RESULT -7,000 -7,000 -7,000 -8,000 -8,000 -13,000 -44,963 -94,963

FINANCIAL INCOME 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
INTEREST ON LOANS 0 -29 -58 -88 -122 -155 -210 -663

TOTAL RESULT EBT - - - - - - - -

7,0 7,0 7,0 8,0 8,1 13,1 45,1 95,6
00 29 58 88 22 55 74 26

Projected P&L Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec- Jan-

05 05 05 05 05 06

Visitors 50,000 100,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 180,000

Visitors / daily 1,613 3,333 5,806 6,000 5,806 5,806

General Office
telecommunication 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000
office supplies & stationary 50 50 50 50 150 100
ICT infrastructure 0 0 0 0 0 0
- pc's / network / laptops 0 0 0 0 1,000 260
- software licenses 0 0 0 0 0 0
insurance 0 0 0 0 0 0
brand development 50 50 50 50 50 100
travel 500 500 500 500 500 500
office rent 300 300 300 300 300 300
bank / cc cost 113 218 311 406 466 1,937
TOTAL 2,013 2,118 2,211 2,306 3,466 4,197

Marketing & Sales

Marketing 80,000 50,000 20,000 10,000 10,000 10,000
Sales 500 500 10,000 2,500 500 2,500
TOTAL 80,500 50,500 30,000 12,500 10,500 12,500

Consultants 4,300 4,300 4,300 4,300 4,300 1,720
Legal Fees 100 100 100 100 100 100
Accountant 200 200 200 200 200 200
TOTAL 4,600 4,600 4,600 4,600 4,600 2,020

Management 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,688
Marketing 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sales 0 0 0 0 3,500 3,588
Administration 0 0 0 0 0 513
TOTAL 9,420 9,420 9,420 9,420 12,920 13,756

Entrance fees 2,000 4,450 6,020 8,270 9,520 50,840
Overnight and catering 21 72 170 212 254 318
Sales 1,212 1,721 2,696 3,119 3,543 4,182

TOTAL COST 105,075 70,031 49,917 32,773 35,684 41,808
TOTAL REVENUE 3,233 6,243 8,885 11,601 13,318 55,340


101,8 63,7 41,0 21,1 22,3 32
42 88 32 72 66

FINANCIAL INCOME 593 416 302 227 184 141

INTEREST ON LOANS -1,877 -1,877 -1,877 -1,877 -1,877 -1,877

TOTAL RESULT EBT - - - - - 11,7

103,1 65,2 42,6 22,8 24,0 96
26 49 07 22 59

Projected P&L YR 2005 YR 2006 YR 2007 YR 2008 YR 2009 YR 2010 TOTAL

Visitors 705,000 3,318,00 10,564,80 12,446,28 13,690,90 15,059,99 55,784,9

0 0 0 8 9 87
Visitors / daily 3,917 9,090 28,945 34,099 37,509 41,260 33,963

Start-Up cost
company setup 1,000 0 0 0 0 0 1,000
legal 2,500 0 0 0 0 0 2,500
technical development 14,000 0 0 0 0 0 14,000
consultants 8,000 0 0 0 0 0 8,000
management fees 35,000 0 0 0 0 0 35,000
TOTAL 60,500 0 0 0 0 0 60,500

General Office
telecommunication 6,000 22,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 268,000
office supplies & 2,3 7,3 9,5 120,0 120,0 120,0 379,150
50 00 00 00 00 00 0
stationary ICT
- pc's / network / laptops 5,300 4,720 10,800 13,800 13,800 13,800 62,220
- software licenses 3,352 0 0 0 0 0 3,352
insurance 500 0 0 0 0 0 500
brand development 5,250 2,200 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 31,450
travel 3,000 11,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 134,000
office rent 1,800 6,600 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 80,400
bank / cc cost 1,515 35,203 157,742 223,032 228,685 234,854 881,031
TOTAL 29,067 89,023 292,042 470,832 476,485 482,654 1,840,10

Marketing & Sales

Marketing 171,000 1,170,00 2,595,000 1,920,000 1,920,000 1,920,000 9,696,00
0 0
Sales 14,000 9,500 0 0 0 0 23,500
TOTAL 185,000 1,179,50 2,595,00 1,920,00 1,920,00 1,920,00 9,719,50
0 0 0 0 0 0

Consultants 21,500 20,640 20,640 20,640 20,640 20,640 124,700
Legal Fees 500 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 6,500
Accountant 1,000 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 13,000
TOTAL 23,000 24,240 24,240 24,240 24,240 24,240 144,200

Management 37,500 117,875 220,631 226,147 231,801 237,596 1,071,55
Marketing 0 0 0 90,997 93,272 95,604 279,873
Sales 3,500 78,925 220,631 226,147 231,801 237,596 998,600
Administration 0 11,275 31,519 32,307 33,114 33,942 142,157
TOTAL 50,600 251,371 593,813 699,656 717,147 735,076 3,047,66
Entrance fees 30,260 900,844 4,010,698 5,791,398 5,925,818 6,073,680 22,732,6
Overnights and Catering 729 8,451 44,019 51,723 54,185 56,768 215,875
Sales 12,291 96,510 452,188 529,234 553,848 579,679 2,223,75

TOTAL COST 327,944 1,754,6 4,290,04 4,363,19 4,816,50 5,284,20 20,836,5

41 7 9 3 7 41
TOTAL REVENUE 43,280 1,005,8 4,506,90 6,372,35 6,533,85 6,710,12 25,172,3
05 5 6 1 7 24

TOTAL OPERATIONAL RESULT - - 216,8 2,009,1 1,717,3 1,425,9 4,305,5

284,6 748,8 58 57 48 19 33
63 36

FINANCIAL INCOME 1,721 13,822 6,342 17,785 27,056 55,698 122,425

INTEREST ON LOANS -10,047 -63,773 -116,898 -77,523 -8,773 -23 -277,035

TOTAL RESULT EBT - - 106,3 1,949,4 1,735,6 1,481,5 4,120,6

353,4 798,7 02 20 31 95 73
89 86
Projected Cash flow

Generally speaking, all projected cost are included in the month wherein cost is being
incurred, this applies to both profit & loss and cash flow. Supplier credit is therefore not taken
into account.
If costs can be directly related to number of visitors, an optimistic scenario of visitors is used
to obtain cost forecast. Revenues are calculated using realistic scenarios.


Projected Cash flow Jan-05 Feb-05 Mar-05 Apr-05 May-05 Jun-05 Jul-05

Start-Up Expenses 7,000 7,000 7,000 8,000 8,000 8,00 15,5

0 00

General Office 0 0 0 0 0 0 16,9


Technical 0 0 0 0 0 5,00 11,5

0 11

TOTAL EXPENSES 7,000 7,000 7,000 8,000 8,000 13,00 43,963

TOTAL RECEIPTS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

CASH FLOW - - - - - - -
7,000 7,000 7,000 8,000 8,000 13,000 43,9

LOAN INTEREST 0 29 58 88 122 155 210

LOAN REPAYMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

LOANS 7,000 7,029 7,058 8,088 8,122 13,15 400,00

5 0
EFFECTIVE LOAN 7,000 14,02 21,0 29,17 37,297 50,45 450,45
9 87 5 2 2

EFFECTIVE NET CASHFLOW 0 0 0 0 0 0 355,8



14,000 21,000 29,000 37,000 50,000 93,963
AVAILABLE FUNDS 0 0 0 0 0 0 355,82

Projected Cash flow Aug-05 Sep-05 Oct-05 Nov-05 Dec-05 Jan-06

General Office 2,013 2,118 2,211 2,306 3,466 4,1


Technical 8,542 3,392 3,686 3,947 4,198 9,3


Marketing & Sales 80,50 50,50 30,00 12,50 10,50 12,5

0 0 0 0 0 00

Admin 4,600 4,600 4,600 4,600 4,600 2,0


Staff 9,420 9,420 9,420 9,42 12,92 13,7

0 0 56

TOTAL EXPENSES 105,075 70,031 49,917 32,773 35,684 41,80

TOTAL RECEIPTS 0 3,233 6,243 8,885 11,601 13,31

CASH FLOW - - - - - -
105,07 66,798 43,67 23,888 24,082 28,4
5 4 90

LOAN INTEREST 1,877 1,877 1,877 1,877 1,877 1,877

INTEREST ON LIQUIDITY 593 416 302 227 184 141
LOAN REPAYMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0

LOANS 0 0 0 0 0 0
EFFECTIVE LOAN 450,452 450,45 450,45 450,45 450,45 450,45
2 2 2 2 2


106,35 68,259 45,24 25,538 25,775 30,2
9 9 26


199,039 265,83 309,51 333,39 357,48 385,97
7 1 9 1 1
AVAILABLE FUNDS 249,467 181,2 135,9 110,4 84,646 54,420
08 59 21

Projected Cash flow YR 2005 YR 2006 YR 2007 YR 2008 YR 2009 YR 2010

Start-Up Expenses / Pre Launch 60,500 0 0 0 0 0

General Office 29,06 89,02 292,04 470,83 476,48 482,6

7 3 2 2 5 54

Technical 40,277 210,507 784,952 1,248,471 1,678,631


Marketing & Sales 184,00 1,179,5 2,595,000 1,920,000 1,920,000

0 00 1,920,000

Admin 23,00 24,24 24,24 24,24 24,24 24,2

0 0 0 0 0 40

Staff 50,60 251,37 593,81 699,65 717,14 735,0

0 1 3 6 7 76

TOTAL EXPENSES 387,44 1,754,6 4,290,047 4,363,199 4,816,503

4 41 5,284,207
TOTAL RECEIPTS 29,962 874,681 4,141,166 6,347,837 6,520,026

CASH FLOW -357,481-879,960-148,882 1,984,638 1,703,523 1,410,826

LOAN INTEREST 10,047 63,773 116,898 77,523 8,773 23

INTEREST ON LIQUIDITY 1,721 13,822 6,342 17,785 27,056 55,69
LOAN REPAYMENT 0 50,000 300,000 1,200,0 900,00 0
00 0

LOANS 450,45 2,000,0 0 0 0 0

2 00
EFFECTIVE LOAN 450,45 2,400,4 2,100,4 900,452 452 452
2 52 52

EFFECTIVE CASHFLOW 84,6 1,020,0 - 724,90 821,806

46 89 559,43 0 1,466,501

ROLLING FORWARD OPERATIONAL CASHFLOW -357,481 -1,237,441 -1,386,323 598,315 2,301,838

AVAILABLE FUNDS 84,646 1,104,735 545,298 1,270,198 2,092,005
8. One Page Investment Request

Contact Information
Company Name:

Web Address:




Postal Code

Your Name



About Our Business

What is your project/company's unique value proposition?

What are your project/company's key differentiators?

Description of your product or service.

What is your target market, and how does your product/service meet the needs of
this market?


Who are your target customers?

Describe your primary and secondary target market

Business info

Founded in ?
Total number of employees today:
Target number of employees in 6 months:
Development status of your product:
First product or service delivery date:

About your Finances

Revenue YTD:
Target break-even date:
Total capital investment to date:
Characteristics of the current investment you are seeking:
We expect this to last to:
Current burn rate ($ spent/month):

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