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Using a Mind Map in a Summary Assignment

For this assignment you will work in teams to create a summary of the video 21st Century
Enlightenment. by Matthew Taylor. The Word document you prepare will be illustrated with a
"mind map".

1. Your summary will consist of not more than 10 points.

2. Write each point in a single, complete sentences.
3. Number each point sequentially.
4. Use APA style for "in-text citations" including video timecodes to indicate the source
of all direct quotations. For example, within the first minute of the video you will find the
phrase "cultural psychotherapy" (Taylor, 2010, 00:43). Note the parentheses and use of
commas for the in-text citation.
5. At the bottom of your page create a list of References in APA style. (For GP1 you will
only have one reference; for GP2 you will have several.)
6. Use the summary you have created as input for the mind map. Number the points on the
mind map corresponding to your summary.
7. Only one member from each team needs to hand in a group assignment: a copy of the
presentation will automatically appear under each of your names and you will all receive
the grade and instructor comments.

There is a great deal of information in this video; try to focus on that which is most relevant for
business and business ethics. Remember, this is not an exercise in "fact collecting"; your
summary should tell a story that is both compelling and useful to the reader.

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Taylor, M. (2010, September 8). RSA Animate—21st Century Enlightenment.

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