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Lesley Walden

FRIT 7236
KA Stage 1
Multiple Choice Assessment

Assessment Link

Grade: 1st Grade

Subject: Reading

Objective 1 (Cognitive Domain)

SMART Learning Objective: When presented with single syllable words, the student will

identify the initial and final sounds with 90% accuracy.

Level: 5B - Evaluating Conceptual Knowledge

1. Look at the picture below. Choose the letter that you hear at the beginning of the word. (hat)

a. f

b. h

c. p

2. Look at the pictures below. Choose the picture that begins with the letter r. (picture posted
in actual assessment rather than word)

a. (rainbow)

b. (cat)

c. (sun)
Objective 2 (Cognitive Domain)

SMART Learning Objective: ​ When given a sentence, the student will use context clues to

determine the meaning of the new word with 90% accuracy.

3. Choose the word to complete the sentence. I put on my helmet before riding my

a. Trash (picture included in actual document)

b. House (picture included in actual document)

c. Bike (picture included in actual document)

Level: 4B - Analyzing Conceptual Knowledge

Assessment Plan

Reliability is the consistency of a test, students being able to have the same results regardless
of the administration (Bookhart & Nitko, 2015). To ensure that these items are reliable, students
will be given the same questions at a later time/day to identify if the answers change. This will
determine if the concept was truly mastered.

Validity is how well an assessment measures what it is intended to measure (Bookhart & Nitko,
2015). To ensure the validity of the assessment, multiple master teachers would take the
assessment and provide feedback. Similar assessments will be examined and compared to the
current assessment.

Differentiation is providing various levels of the same content to ensure that all students have an
equal chance of learning. To ensure the assessment is differentiated to meet the needs of all
learners, I have provided pictures and words for each question/answer. The assessment could
be read aloud as another form of differentiation.
Improving Student Learning
Student learning can be improved through analyzing the data of formative assessments given
throughout the lessons. Assessing, providing students with immediate constructive feedback,
reteaching, and differentiated small group lessons based on data from assessments will allow
for improved student learning.

Improving Future Assessments

There is always room for adjustments and improvements when it comes to assessments.
Consistently reviewing the validity and reliability of assessments will show where improvements
need to be made. Keeping in contact with parents and students regarding the assessments will
help raise awareness of the changes that need to be made in order for the assessment to
continue to be valid and reliable.

Short Answer/Essay Assessment

Grade: 1st Grade
Subject: Reading

Objective 1 (Cognitive Domain)

SMART Learning Objective: When presented with single syllable words, the student will

identify the initial and final sounds with 90% accuracy.

Objectives Level/Type Short Answer Questions

Objective 1 (Cognitive Applying factual knowledge List 3 words that have the
Domain) same beginning sound as the
SMART Learning Objective: word ​pig​?
When presented with single
syllable words, the student
will identify the initial and
final sounds with 90%

Objective 1 (Cognitive Understanding conceptual List 3 words that end with

Domain) knowledge -op.
SMART Learning Objective:
When presented with single
syllable words, the student
will identify the initial and
final sounds with 90%

Objective 2 (Cognitive Understanding conceptual What word could replace the

Domain) knowledge underlined word in the
SMART Learning Objective: following sentence and why
When given a sentence, the would it be a good choice?
student will use context clues
to determine the meaning of The ​happy​ girl opened her
the new word with 90% favorite birthday present.

Objectives Level/Type Essay Questions

Objective 1 (Cognitive Applying conceptual Tom says the words ​pig​ and
Domain) knowledge rig​ rhyme. Sara says ​pig​ and
SMART Learning Objective: pit​ rhyme. Who is correct in
When presented with single their thinking and why?
syllable words, the student
will identify the initial and
final sounds with 90%

Objective 2 (Cognitive Analyzing conceptual Using the clues from the

Domain) Knowledge sentence, determine the
SMART Learning Objective: meaning of the underlined
When given a sentence, the word. Write your meaning
student will use context clues and explain what clues you
to determine the meaning of used to determine it.
the new word with 90%
accuracy. The monkey hung from the
teeka​ while he ate his banana
and watched the visitors at
the zoo.

Objective 2 (Cognitive Analyzing conceptual Lucy is very adroit on the

Domain) Knowledge balance beam, but Connie is
SMART Learning Objective: rather clumsy.
When given a sentence, the
student will use context clues Explain the difference
to determine the meaning of between the 2 girls on the
the new word with 90% balance beam.
Assessment Plan

Improving Item Reliability

Reliability is the consistency of a test, students being able to have the same results regardless
of the administration (Bookhart & Nitko, 2015).
One way of assuring the assessment is reliable is to review the questions and expectations for
each question. Setting an example question to model would be a great way to make sure all
students are familiar and comfortable with the format given. ​If a participant is new to the user
interface or the question types, then they may not show their true competence due to the
unfamiliarity. (Kleeman, 2018) Along with modeling, providing an exemplar, would also
improve the reliability of the assessment.

Improving Item Validity

Validity is how well an assessment measures what it is intended to measure (Bookhart & Nitko,
2015). To improve item validity, I will involve subject matter experts in the reviewing process
of each question. ​It might sound obvious, but the more you involve SMEs in your assessment
development, the more content validity you are likely to get. (Kleeman, 2017)

Differentiation of Instruction
To ensure that each of my students are provided the same opportunity for successful learning, I
will provide modified assessments with larger font and more simplified questioning. I will also
assure that each student is provided with the assistive technology tools needed when typing. If
needed, a small group will be created for students who need the questions read aloud.

Improving Student Learning

At the completion of the assessment, data will be collected and analyzed. Based on the
assessment data, small groups will be created to remediate or accelerate student learning on the
content of the assessment. These small groups will not only increase student learning, but it will
build the confidence necessary to aid in the increase in student learning.

Improving Future Assessments

The data provided from the assessment will show whether certain questions deemed unreliable.
As these unreliable questions appear, adjustments and improvements will need to be made to the
assessment. Conferencing with students will also provide feedback as to ways to improve the

Higher Order Thinking Assessment

Grade: 1st Grade

Subject: Social Studies

Objectives Level and Type HOT questions

Smart learning objective​: Analyze Factual Knowledge How are Ruby Bridges and
When presented with two Martin Luther King, Jr.
historical figures, students will similar? List 4 ways they are
be able to compare and similar. Give one detail about
contrast their lives with 90% each of your reasons.

Smart learning objective​: Analyzing Conceptual If Martin Luther King, Jr. were
When given a historical Knowledge alive today, what do you think
figure, students will be able to he would say about the
describe how everyday life of changes our world has
the historical figures is similar made? Give reasons to
to and/or different from support your answer.
everyday life in the present,
with 90% accuracy.

Smart learning objective​: Evaluating Conceptual You made $15 babysitting

Students will explain that Knowledge your little brother. Do you
people earn income by save your money for the $25
working and that they must game you have been really
make choices about how wanting, or do you spend it
much to save and spend, with on something else? Explain
90% accuracy. your reasoning.

Assessment Plan
Improving Item Reliability
Reliability is the consistency of a test, students being able to have the same results regardless
of the administration (Bookhart & Nitko, 2015). To improve the reliability of the assessment,
each question will be read aloud and discussed prior to the students completion of the work
independently. This will ensure that the students understand the task at hand. Another
improvement would be to aid students in restating the question when responding. This will help
students remain on topic when answering. Modeling an example question and providing an
exemplar will help with the improvement of reliability.

Improving Item Validity

Validity is how well an assessment measures what it is intended to measure (Bookhart & Nitko,
2015). To ensure the validity of the assessment, multiple master teachers would take the
assessment and provide feedback. Similar assessments will be examined and compared to the
current assessment.

Differentiation of Instruction
Differentiation is providing various levels of the same content to ensure that all students have an
equal chance of learning. To ensure that each of my students are provided the same
opportunity for successful learning, I will provide modified assessments with larger font and
more simplified questioning. I will also assure that each student is provided with the assistive
technology tools needed when typing. If needed, a small group will be created for students who
need the questions read aloud.

Improving Student Learning

Improving student learning will come following the assessment, as data is collected. Once data
is collected and reviewed, ability groups will be created from remediation/acceleration. The
assessment will be reviewed to check for confusion or misconception. Assessing, providing
students with immediate constructive feedback, reteaching, and differentiated small group
lessons based on data from assessments will allow for improved student learning.

Improving Future Assessments

Adjustments and improvements will be made to the assessment as the data shows any
misconceptions or errors. Conferencing/communicating with students and parents will provide
feedback to any adjustments or improvements that need to be made to the assessment.

Performance Task Assessment

Grade: 1st Grade

Subject: Science and Social Studies

Performance Task 1
Smart learning objective​:
When given a historical figure, students will be able to describe how everyday life of the
historical figures is similar to and/or different from everyday life in the present, with 90%

Level and Type​: Analyze Factual Knowledge

Performance Assessment:
Using information gathered on self-chosen historical figure, students will create a Thinglink. The
Thinglink must answer the who, what, when, where, why, how components. Videos, images,
and written information must be included. At the completion of the project, students will review
one another’s Thinklinks and share information learned from classmates creation.

Performance Task 2
Smart learning objective​:
Students will explain that people earn income by working and that they must make choices
about how much to save and spend, with 90% accuracy.

Level and Type: ​Applying Conceptual Knowledge

Performance Assessment:​ Students will use catalogs and ads to “shop” for a full outfit for
school. With a given amount of money to spend, students will decide how to budget their
money. Students will create a poster or google presentation sharing the items purchased (using
pictures) and the amount of money spent and/or saved. Students will compare their
spendings/savings with classmates and create a class graph.

Performance Task 3
Smart learning objective: ​Students will describe and classify different objects according to
their physical properties, with 90% accuracy.

Level and Type: ​Apply and Evaluate Conceptual Knowledge

Performance Assessment: ​Students will observe physical properties of objects given and
record observations in the chart below. Students will, then, answer questions pertaining to their
Assessment Plan
Improving Item Reliability
Reliability is the consistency of a test, students being able to have the same results regardless of
the administration (Bookhart & Nitko, 2015). ​When introducing the unit, I will provide examples
and exemplars for each expectation. This will assure that the expectations are consistent
before the task begins. I will also build background knowledge prior to the unit.

Improving Item Validity

Validity is how well an assessment measures what it is intended to measure (Bookhart & Nitko,
2015). Clear rubrics that are closely aligned with the science/social studies standards and
objectives will be provided and reviewed during the delivery or the unit. These rubrics will help
to ensure consistency, give specific feedback to students, and allow teachers to any areas of
weakness in the unit. To ensure the rubric is clear and reliable, I will have multiple first grade
teachers review it while grading some unit assessments.
To ensure the validity of the assessment, multiple master teachers would take the assessment
and provide feedback. Similar assessments will be examined and compared to the current

Differentiation of Instruction
Differentiation is providing various levels of the same content to ensure that all students have an
equal chance of learning. To ensure that each of my students are provided the same
opportunity for successful learning, I will provide each student with any individualized
modifications or accommodations necessary for them to succeed in this task. Speech to text
and text to speech extensions will be added to each chromebook as an option to use. If
needed, a preset

Improving Student Learning

At the completion of the assessment, data will be collected and analyzed. Based on the
assessment data, small groups will be created to remediate or accelerate student learning on the
content of the assessment. These small groups will not only increase student learning, but it will
build the confidence necessary to aid in the increase in student learning.

Improving Future Assessments

The data provided from the assessment will show whether certain questions deemed unreliable.
As these unreliable questions appear, adjustments and improvements will need to be made to the
assessment. Conferencing with students will also provide feedback as to ways to improve the


Brookhart, S.M., & Nitko, A. J. (2015). ​Educational assessment of students.​ New Jersey:

Kleeman, J. (2018, June 21). Six tips to increase reliability in competent tests and exams.
from ​

Kleeman, J. (2017, August 9). Six tips to increase validity in competent tests and exams.

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