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New City, New Experiences- English IV

Answers from Ashley Pérez Blanco
How long has Jenna been in Seattle? 3 months.
Where did she live before? U.K.
How long has the experience been nice? Since the first day.
Who has been Jenna’s good friend in Seattle? Polly.
How have Jenna and her friend get along? Since they meet.
How long does Jenna feel she has known her new friend? For years.
How long haven’t she heard about football? For a long time.
How long have her books been in her bag?Since Friday.

Well, I have been in Barranquilla for almost a year and a half. It is hard to believe
that this happened. I was so excited to live in a new city but nervous because I will
miss my family. Despite that it has not been good since the first day, it is now. I
had the opportunity to meet a friend- one important is Yurlinys. She has supported
me and helps me to do a lot of things.

I introduce her to another friend since then we have been together.

This place is great to meet a lot of people who like the same things I do, but almost
all of the time, I miss my dog. I have not seen them for two months.

Ok. I have to stop. I have to do homework on Business English. My books have

been there waiting for almost a week.

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