Essay About Photography Evolution

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Jenyfer Jimenez Gomez


The most important of any culture or state is the history, now our beautiful country
Colombia has one history thanks for the photography. The commercialization of the photography
was not only in Europa; that had this new device in France in 1841, it was parallel in the word, in
Colombia after few months it arrived. Otherwise the photography began to change the culture in
many ways, in the politician, the economy, the religion, the education and so on. How we are
going to read, this new way to show the world, became in a necessary device in the families.

The photography was born before the XIX century, but the first camera was born in France
in 1839 by Louis Daguerre, who invented the Draguerotipo, many people think that it arrived later
to Colombia, but the reality was that it was parallel in the word and this device began to spread
around the world, and many people helped him to develop it until the camera that we know
nowadays. It was different because the necessity for many branches to show the reality in only
one image was stronger than many commercial and economics benefits. One example of this was
a family picture of my grandmother many years ago, they were poor and they don´t have enough
money to buy expensive devices, but a camera was affordable for them. And if you saw your
relatives’ pictures or photography you will share this statement.

The photography in Colombia changed the perspective of how the people saw the things.
Now they have the tool to show the reality of the world. It helps to develop in many branches like
the education, the Politian, the technology and many more. Many photographers began to focus
in specific topics, like the war photographer. In Colombia we can know the beauty of the
landscapes and how they process the coffee; thanks to the photography.

In summary the most important device that we can take to reproduce the history in any
family, country, process and so on; is the photography, thank to it we now have this beauty and
amazing tradition and culture not only in our country, it goes beyond, like in our families, our
partners, our work. And more nowadays that we have this Pandemic.
Jenyfer Jimenez Gomez

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