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Exercise and Fluid

Kamille Ward, Jackie Frank, Emma Haley
❖ “It is the position of the American College of Sports Medicine that adequate fluid replacement helps maintain hydration
and, therefore, promotes the health, safety, and optimal physical performance of individuals participating in regular
physical activity.”
➢ States the importance of hydrating when physically active
➢ Recommends a customized fluid replacement programs due to the variability of individuals
■ Sweat rates
■ Intensity of exercise
■ Diet
➢ At the end of an exercise, the position states the main goal is to replace any fluid electrolyte deficit
➢ The speed of an individual's rehydration that is needed will determine if an intense replacement program is needed.
❖ “When assessing an individual’s hydration status, there is no one TBW that
represents euhydration”
➢ Euhydration - normal level of hydration
❖ Assessing individuals hydration status
➢ Hydration biomarker should be…
■ Sensitive
■ Accurate
■ Practical
➢ Body weight measurements
■ First morning measurement after voiding
■ 3 morning values can create a baseline value
❖ Prehydrate with beverages several hours before the exercise
➢ This allows fluid absorption and allows urine output to return towards normal levels
❖ Consuming beverages with sodium or salted snacks can help stimulate thirst
and retain needed fluids.
❖ If you are not rehydrating well after a workout / exercise, you should
participate in a intensive electrolyte replacement program.
➢ This includes sports drinks
■ Gatorade
■ Powerade
■ Pedialyte
Why We Disagree
❖ Although we may not disagree with this position stand, some people may
disagree because they may believe that water breaks during exercise are not
❖ People also may not like to hydrate during practices because they feel the
water sitting in their stomach or they may feel heavier.
❖ Some people may also hyper hydrate before exercise, which may lead to
cramping while exercising.
➢ This could also potentially lead to water intoxication.
Why We Agree
❖ We agree with this position because as athletes we frequently exercise and
know what it's like to have to keep rehydrating during a practice or an intense
➢ During practices we get frequent water breaks especially when the heat level outside is high,
this keeps us going as well as balances out water intake and output from sweat.
➢ We know that on game days we have to keep our electrolyte balance at a normal rate, so
athletic trainers will help us out by recommending fluids that have electrolytes in them to make
sure we are balanced before, during, and after our games.
➢ Diet is also an important part of an athletes performance, which relates to this article because
a diet with a lot of good foods for hydration is what we need to perform.
● Shephard, R.j. “American College of Sports Medicine Position Stand: Exercise and Fluid Replacement.” Yearbook of Sports
Medicine, vol. 2007, 2007, pp. 254–255., doi:10.1016/s0162-0908(08)70206-x.

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