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One of the major changes in the education history in the Philippines is the

implementation of the K to 12 Program which aims to provide sufficient time for mastery of

concepts and skills, develop lifelong learners, and prepare graduates for tertiary education,

middle-level skills development, employment, and entrepreneurship (

In the 21st century, the National Science Foundation states that scientific and

technological innovations have become increasingly important as we face the benefits and

challenges of both globalization and a knowledge-based economy. To succeed in this new

formation-based and highly technological society, students need to develop their capabilities in

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics to levels much beyond what was

considered acceptable in the past.

This educational program introduces the fields of STEM to strengthen the system

education in the Philippines to be able to compete globally. In addition to subject-specific

learning, STEM aims to foster inquiring minds, logical reasoning, and collaboration skills.

As DepEd SHS Primer, K to 12 senior high school curriculum was created to give the best

possible tools and career choices after high school and will lead students to employment,

entrepreneurship, higher education, and middle-level skills development.

STEM strand is especially designed for students who will take Science courses like Nursing

and Medicine, Technology related courses like Information Technology, Mathematical courses

like BS Mathematics, and Engineering courses. This study is all about STEM students if they

want to take a course related to their strand, we conducted this to because we want to focus if
all the STEM students will take a course related to their strand and what challenges will the

student face.

This findings also suggest that students may be avoiding challenging careers in STEM not

only because they erroneously believe that inmate intelligence is needed for success in these

fields but also because they erroneously believe that they belong to a group that is likely to

possess the qualities needed for success in these fields.


The government of the Philippines recently implemented RA 10533. It is a new law adding

two (2) more years in high school with specialized subject courses. This new level is referred to

as Senior High School. It is recognized as the last two years of secondary level of education

under the K to 12 programs. This includes Grades 11 and 12 that holds a total of four (4)


Previously, students who finish the fourth year high school level could be accepted into

college level and choose the course program they want to take. With the K to 12 implementation,

instead of going to college, the students still need to undertake two additional years but with

specialized subjects similar to college, such as Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics

(STEM) strand, Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) strand, Humanities and Social

Sciences (HUMSS) strand, and General Academic (GA) strands in line with the possible course

program the student will be taking for the college level.

According to the official website of Department of Education, the two additional years will

equip learners with skills that will better prepare them for the future, whether it is in aspects of

employment, entrepreneurship skills development (Technical Vocational Track) and higher

education (Academic Track).

Among all the Senior High School tracks, the students that belong to the academic track will

mostly enter higher education that’s why they will benefit from the courses and programs being

extracted from college. The following strands lead students to the different branches of courses in

college as a continuation of the subjects they already took. ABM is inclined in courses relating to

Business Administration, HUMSS is in Criminal Justice, Education, Arts and Sciences, and

STEM is in Allied Medicine, Science and Engineering while GAS is inclined in wide areas

of professions. Senior High School serves as the transition stage for student’s decision making for

their lifetime profession.

Upon deciding, there are factors should be considered like the family income, student’s

interest or ability, chosen course and grades. College, also known as higher education serves as

the students training ground for their chosen life course or profession.

In order to make Senior High School effective, they ensure that the programs being offered are

inclined with the curriculum of the Commission of Higher Education (CHED) which is the

government sector that manages the system college and

university education in the Philippines. With the help of K to 12 Senior High School, students

were already exposed in broad subjects that made them be prepared for the college environment

or atmosphere.

Statement of the Problem

This study is aimes to find out the college program to be taken by the Senior High School

STEM students of SVCI aligned to their chosen career in college.

Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents if terms of:

1.1 Age;

1.2 Gender;

1.3 Educational Attainment?

2. What courses will the SHS students take when analyzed as to

a. Science;

b. Technology;

c. Engineering;

d. Mathematics?

3. What are the challenges of the SHS students in taking STEM-related courses?


Ho: There is no significant difference in the STEM students of SVCI towards their


H1: There is a significant difference in the STEM students of SVCI towards their


Ho: There is no significant relationship between Senior High School STEM students and

their courses in college.

H1: There is a significant relationship between Senior High School STEM students and

their courses in college.

Significance of the Study

Students. They will be cognizant if their courses will fit for their chosen strand and it will

help them to prevent shifting of courses.

Teachers. They will be encouraged to be the guide for the student’s path on choosing their

courses by giving activities appropriate to the students to digest if they are in the right strand.

DepEd. It will help them think if the K to 12 program is helpful for the students’ decision

based on their chosen courses.

Researchers. They will determine as to how many students are certain about their chosen

strands for their courses through giving genuine results for future purposes.

Scope and Delimitation

This study will focus on career path for College of Senior High School students under the

STEM strand of SVCI. The researchers will utilize the fifty (50) Senior High School students

taking STEM strand in St. Vincent’s College Incorporated, Padre Ramon St., Estaka, Dipolog

City. The study will use questionnaires to identify if the STEM strand suits to the careers upon

going in college. The result of the study will serve as basis for them to fully aware that the strand

that they have picked in Senior High is suitable to their courses.

Definition of Terms

The following terms have been defined conceptually for the purpose of clarifying their use in

the study

Data Gathering

This study involves collecting information through the detail from questionnaires given to the


Organizing and Interpreting Information

This study presents all the data gathered from the respondents in identifying the field they

need to take for college.


Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills,

values, beliefs, and habits. Educational methods include storytelling, discussion, teaching,

training, and directed research.

Education gives us a knowledge of the world around us and changes it into something better.

It develops in us a perspective of looking at life. It helps us build opinions and have points of

view on things in life.


Course is a unit of teaching that typically lasts one academic term, is led by one or more

instructors (teachers or professors), and has a fixed roster of students. A course is usually an

individual subject. Students may receive a grade and academic credit after completion of the




A curriculum is vertically aligned and coherent when students learn in one lesson, course,

or grade level at a time that progresses to a next lesson, course, or grade level. A vertically-

aligned curriculum is logically-sequence structure that enhances the learning and skills

development of students for higher level work. (Edglossary, 2014)

If we take college course that will aligned in our strand we don’t have to suffer with the

subject because Senior High School curriculum trained us different subject that are related in our

plan career, whereas if we take another course that isn’t related to our strand we student might

suffer because we didn’t undergo the subject and we might take a specialised subject to cope up

with. Senior High prepared us for our college courses in order to be prepared on the courses we

are going to take aligned in STEM courses.

According to Edglossary 2014, Horizontal coherent curriculum is when students are

learning the same lesson in a different course, in the same grade level. Examinations and other

forms of assessment that evaluate learning progress are based on what was thought and on the

learning standards set in a particular course, subject area, or grade level.

Foreign study

Choosing courses for college is one of the hardest decision that every Senior high

school should make. Other students are not yet convenient of the career they're going to

take in College particularly in Saint Vincent's College. There are lots of factors that affect them

from choosing their profession.

According to the study of James Franklin Pendergrass, Master of Science in

Occupational and Adult Education, Oklahoma State University Stillwater, Oklahoma 1997,

academic success in college may be defined in different ways. Having career goals helps provide

direction and focuses your attention on attainable outcomes of the educational process. Knowing

where you're going with your academic program, in terms of clear goals, helps stimulate and

maintain motivation. Motivation has been shown to be a critical component of academic success.

Therefore, clarifying your career goals can result in immediate as well as long-term gain.

The US Department of Education has defined satisfactory academic progress in the Code of

Federal Regulations (CFR) students must demonstrate acceptable grades or complication of work


Previous studies shows that when there is specific educational outcomes, the

curriculum specially design for it will be successful. A study by Porter (n.d.) found out that

students improve their skills after undergoing specific exercises related to the study. Such

improvements can be achieved through active learning exercises that mainly focuses on the

career in lined with their choosen strand.

As well as here in Saint Vincent's College, students in Senior high school must obtain

attainable outcomes for the choosen degree in College. This curriculum helps the students to

identify the best profession that suits to them. This enlighten them more of what courses would

be the best for them as what the United States of America did. This will also improve one's

capability through critical thinking motifs. Senior High School students from this institution will

be more aware and like progressive than the usual students for the past curriculum.

Local study:
Bautista (cited in Phillips, 1968), stated the greatest barrier among students pursuing their own

career and having command over their life is the lack of in depth knowledge of said career. In

addition, Further he stated that elementary education provides a foundation for formal education.

It is when high school where students start to feel tangibly about career preferences. He cited

Castillo (1963) who stressed the redirection and guidance of high school youth because; it is in

that stage where skill, capacities and decisions are developed. The youth should get a thorough

picture of their aspirations and expectations. According to the theory of vocational development

by Supeer (2005), the student should first become aware of the need for a career. So very

graduating students needs a wise choice in decision making. Bautista (1997) stated that at this

stage, a student must take important and vita decision in the selection of a career which will

determine his future success. The need to find out the factors affecting the career choices among

high school students gave the impetus to this study


College program curriculum is an important factor in a student’s learning development. The

structures, standards, and performance indicators of the secondary and tertiary curriculum

influence success in college. The usage of vertically-aligned curriculum is beneficial to the

students, although it needs systematical effort. Specialized pre-college courses gear students with

advanced knowledge and make them excellent in their chosen fields. Other factors such as work

viability, personal interests, and the preference and financial status of the family are also

determined as influential factors to college course preference.

The first characteristics of high quality teaching of STEM is sufficient knowledge

of the subject matter. College STEM involves more abstract, complex theories and concepts

than STEM courses, students are also required to think more deeply and critically and develop

skills of probing, questioning, and integrating information. SHS students are require to know

what career they are going to take in 2 years in SHS. That is why we conducted this study on how
SHS improved and developed their abilities and career, to know their weaknesses and to gain

more knowledge for their career.

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