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Fruits and Vegetables Spanish definition

1. Kale Col/Col Rizado

2. Leeks Puerro
3. Arugula Rúcula
4. Green beans Judías
5. Zucchini Calabacín
6. Sweet Potato Boniato
7. Green onion Cebollín
8. Celery Apio
9. Beets Remolacha
10. Radish Rábano
11. Basil Albahaca
12. Mint Hierbabuena/Menta
13. Parsley Perejil
14. Broccoli Rabe Bimi (sold at Mercadona!)
15. Oranges (for juicing) Naranjas- Zumo
16. Oranges (for snack) Naranjas- Postre
17. Watermelon Sandía
18. Peach Melocotón
19. Raspberries Frambuesas
20. Blackberries Moras
21. Ginger Jengibre
22. Pomegranate Granada
23. Plum Ciruela
24. Fig Higo
25. Raisins Pasas

Nuts Nueces/Frutos secos

26. Hazelnuts Avellanas
27. Peanuts Cacahuates/Maní
28. Chestnuts Castañas

Dairy/Non Dairy/Eggs Lacteos/Sin Lacteos/Huevos **Eggs & Dairy/Non dairy Milk aren't in the refrigerators!**
29. Heavy Cream Nata para cocinar
30. Confectionery Cream Nata para montar
31. Cheese Queso
32. Butter Mantequilla
33. Skim milk Leche desnatada
34. Part skim milk Leche semi-desnatada
35. Whole Milk Leche entera
36. Coconut milk Leche de coco
37. Oat milk Leche de avena/Bebida de Avena
38. Almond milk Leche de almendras
39. Lactose free milk Leche sin lactosa
40. Soy Milk Leche/Bebida de Soja
41. Rice milk Leche/Bebida de Arroz
42. Eggs Huevos
43. Ricotta cheese Requesón
44. Goat cheese Queso de cabra

Pantry Items/Jarred Items/Canned Items

45. Sunflower oil Aceite de girasol
46. Tomato sauce Tomate frito
47. Crushed tomato Tomate triturado
48. EVOO Aceite de oliva virgen extra
49. Artichokes Alcachofas
50. Beans Alubias
51. Chard Acelga
52. Whole grain pasta Pasta integral
53. Lentils Lentejas. **The smaller lentils are called "lentejas pardina"**
54. Breadcrumbs Pan rallado

Spices/Seasonings Especias
55. Provencal herbs Provenzales
56. Red pepper flakes Guindilla **They come in whole from what I seen, I haven't seen them crushed but I buy the whole ones and cut them**
57. Sweet Paprika Pimentón dulce
58. Smoked Paprika Pimentón ahumado
59. Chicken bouillon cubes Pastillas de pollo **Avecrem brand is good! I personally don't like Eroski's brand :(
60. Veggie bouillon cubes Pastillas de vegetal
61. Beef bouillon cubes Pastillas de carne
62. Saffron Azafrán
63. Sea salt Sal de Mar
64. Regular sugar Azúcar
65. Confectioner's sugar Azúcar glass
66. Turbinado sugar Azúcar moreno
67. Saccharin Sacarina

Meat/Seafood/Lunch meat Carne/Mariscos/Lonchas

Lonchas de carne
68. Chicken tenders Solomillos de pollo
69. Chicken cutlets Pechugas finas de pollo
70. Ground chicken Carne de pollo picada
71. Whole chicken Pollo entero
72. Ground beef Carne picada
73. Brasciole (thin sliced beef cutlets) Ternera para plancha
74. Pork chops Chuleta de cerdo
75. Burger meat (pork & beef) Carne picada (cerdo & vacuno)
76. Octopus Pulpo
77. Tuna Atún
78. Mahi Mahi Dorado
79. Clams Almejas
80. Mussels Mejillones
81. Crab meat Surimi/Carne de cangrejo
82. Pork tenderloin Lomo de cerdo
83. Cod fish Bacalao
84. Baby eels Angulas/Gulas
85. Anchovies Anchoas
86. Shrimp Gambas
87. Hake fish Merluza
88. Trout Trucha
89. Bass Lubina
90. Ground Turkey Carne picada de Pavo
91. Turkey breast Pechuga de pavo
92. Turkey ham Jamón de pavo
93. York ham Jamón york
94. Pepperoni Pepperoni **In my go-to store, I haven't found pepperoni, so I buy sliced chorizo and add oregano whenever I'm making pizza!**
95. Bacon Bacon/Beicon
96. Cooked ham Jamón cocido
97. Cured shoulder ham Lacón
98. Turkey bacon Bacon de Pavo

Miscellaneous Misc
99. Pre-made pizza dough Masa de pizza
100. Puff pastry sheet Masa de hojaldre
101. Whipped topping Nata para montar **You can usually find this near the ice cream section**
102. Bleach Lejía
102. Fabric softener Suavizador de ropa
103. Laundry detergent Detergente
104. Hair spray Laca
105. Air freshener Ambientador
106. Napkins Servilletas
107. Paper towels Papel de cocina
108. Toilet paper Papel higiénico
109. Menstrual pads Compresas **Usually near the baby section**
110. Hand sanitizer Gel hidralcohólico
111. Face mask Mascarilla

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