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Submitted English Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Veteran
Bangun Nusantara University as Partial Fulfil of the Recuirement of Getting Graduate Degree

Written by
COVER .........................................................................................................................
A. Background of study ................................................................................................
B. Limitation of problem ................................................................................................. 4
C. Problem Statements ..........................................................................................................
D. Objective of The study ........................................................................................................
E. Benefit of The Study ............................................................................................................
A. The Scope of Morphology .............................................................................................
B. Word-Formation process ...................................................................................
1. coinage.....................................................................................................................................
2. Borrowing.................................................................................................
3. Compounding...........................................................................................
4. Blending...............................................................................................
5. Clipping..................................................................................................
6. Back Formation...........................................................................
7. Conversion...............................................................................................................
8. Acronym.............................................................................................................
9. Derivation..........................................................................................
C. Compound Word
1. Definition of Copompound word....................................................
2. Forms of Compound Word..........................................................
3. Types of Compound Word.........................................................
4. Formation of Compound Word.....................................................
5. Meaning of Compound Word............................................
D. Tree Diagram .................................................................................. 20
E. Population ......................................................................... 20
F. Previous Study.................................................................................. 21
A. Research Design........................................................................................
B. Data and Data Source.......................................................................
C. Techniqu of Collecting Data............................................................................
D. Instruments of The Research........................................................
E. Technique of Analyzing Data.............................................
F. Validity.............................................................................
this chapter are the researcher presentent the background of the study, limitaton of the
study, problem statements, objectives of the study, and benefit of the study
A. Background of the study
word is important elements in a language. Every time we use many words in
conversation or comunication. we use with each other by words in interact and communicate.
We can to share our idea, story, knowledge, opinion and experience to others. With words we
give and get information .

the meaning of words in spoken and written language based on the context. In spoken
language, words are usually use in direct interaction such as conversation in daily life, it can
be found in media
Words have dynamic characteristic because words change costantly. Words in every
language develop over the time and the number of them are incrseases. Because of this
development, new words are needs every language wheter it is compounded, otherwise
formed. It is because new words are needs for new things to make them spesific and easy to
be distinguished from others.

There are more than one way how words are formed. The methods to create new
words. For example, compounding, derivation or affixation, borrowing, blending and
acronym. we call them as word as word -formation processes in In term of morphology.
Compounding is types of word -formation proces in english. Compounding is the
word-formation process of ombining two words or more to create a new word. Compound
word in English have many variants, including compound nouns, compound verbs,
compound adjectives, and others.
Compound noun is a noun that is formed from two or more words. It is a type of
compound word have function to designate a person or thing. this invented almost daily is
very common and new combinations. Compound noun also has a meaning that is different
from its word compiler.
In Desiree’s Baby book, there are many word-formation processes that researcher can
foud . such is compounding process.”Desiree’s Baby” is an short story written by kate
Chopin. the Short story tells about rasism in american. Compound nouns are the most widely
found, for example:
1) Minibus (Desiree’ Baby: 4) this compound noun words is formed from word mini and bus,
it can be explained with tree diagram below:
Mini (Adj) bus(N)
In compounding process it belongs to endocebtric compound because the meaning is
in the word itself. Bus is a head word. Minibus means a kind of bus. The formation of this
word is adjective + noun. The meaning of this word is a bus that has small shape. So, minibus
has transparent meaning. 2) Butterflies (Desiree’s Baby: 2), this word is formed from word
butter and flies. It can be explained:
Butter(N) Flies(V)
Based on tree diagram above, this word belongs to exocentric compound because it
does not have head word and the meaning is not in the word itself. The formation of this
word is noun+verb. The meaning of this word is a type of insect with a slender body and
broad colorful wings. So, the word butterflies have opaque meaning because the meaning
cannot be predicated from the word butter and flies.
Based on the explanation above, the researcher decided to analyze about compound nouns
sees from the types, formations and meanings of them. Therefore, the researcher want to
conduct a research entitled “AN ANALYSIS OF COMPOUND NOUNS THAT FOUND
B. Limitation of the study
In this research, the researcher only analyzed the sentences which contain compound
nouns that found in an “Desiree’s Baby by Kate Chopin.
C. problem Statements
Based on background of the research, the researcher found out some quetions, they
1. What types of compound nouns that can be found in”Desiree’s Baby short story by Kate
2. What are the kinds of formations of compound nouns found in “Desiree’s Baby short story
by Kate Chopin?
3. What are the meanings of compound nouns foundin “Desiree’s Baby short story by Kate
D. Objectives of the study
Based on the problem statements above, the objectives of the study are:
1. To identify the types of compound nouns in “Desiree’s Baby short story.
2. To find out the kind of formationof compound nouns found in “Desiree’s Baby short story.
3. To describe the meaning of compound nouns in” Desiree’s Baby short story.
E. Benefits of the study
The researcher hopes this researcher can bring benefits to readers. The benefits are:
1. Theoretical benefits
a. the research can be develop the scientific knowledge of the scope of morphology,
especially about word-formation process and compound noun.
b .the research can be useful to give information for everyone about word-formation process
in english, especially about compound nouns found in”i am malala”book.
2. practical benefits
The research is expected to be able to give some advantages for the researcher, the reader and
other researcher.
a. for the researcher
the benefit is understanding about compound nouns found in”i am malala”book.
b. for the redears
the researcher hope can give clear explanation about analysis of word formation especially
for compound nouns in “Desiree’s Baby short story.
c. for other researchers
the researcher hopes can help other researchers that analyze about word- formation especially
for compound noun.

This chapter about underlying. It is explanation about the scope of morphology, word-
formation, compound words,tree diagram.
a. the scope of morphology
morphology is branches of linguistics study on the formation of words in the
languagae. According to Booij (2005:7) morphology or the study of internal structure of
words, and the systematic form-meaning correspondence between word.
The definition of morphology in booij similar and mcCarthy (2002:16) states that
morphology is the area of grammar concerned with structure of word and with relationship
between words involving the morphems that compose them.
Based on the defininition above, it can be conluded tha morphology is the study of the
internal structure of word and their elements and process of how new words are created in the
Word as the main part of morphology, because morphology is the study of words
forms. Delahunty and garvey (2010: 58) state that word are composed of morphemes. Lieber
(2009:3) laso defines that word as one or more morphem es that can stand alone in a
language. Those means Word is composed by morphemes that can stand alone in language.
From three definition above, it can be summarized that word is minimum free form in
linguistic and composed by morphemes tat can stand alone in a language .
Delahunty and gravey (2010: 77-78) satate that words can be grouped into word
classes of parts of speech according to the part they play in a sentence. Traditional grammars
of english and other western european languages usually recognize eight main word classes,
they are: nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverb, preposition, pronouns, articles, and conjunctions.
There is also a word that has a grammatical function but does not fit into the main
parts of speech. It is called particle. Particle is a word that does not change its form through
According to stageberg (1981: 116-118) Englis wordcan be classified on the basis of
the kinds and combination of morphemes of which they are composed. Teh are classified in
to three maiin class, they are:
a. simple word
simpe word consist os a single free morphemes. It is the basic form word whit nothing
added to it . sample word can be nouns, verbs, adjective, adverbs, conjuction, pronouns,
articles, and preposition.
For example: nut (noun), run (verb), long (adjective), now (adverb), or (conjunction), him
(pronoun), the (article), at( preposition)
b. complex word
complex word is word made up of two or more morphemes. It may consist of a base and one
or more affixes (prefixed and suffixes).
For example:
- Taller (tak+ er) – inconceivable (in+conceive + able)
- Readable (read +able) -unhappiness (un + happy + ness),
- Books(book+s) -bloodedness(blood+ed+ness)
c. Compound word
Compound word contains two or more free morphemes that are combined to create a
separate meaning.
For example: green house, handsome, happy-go-licky, etc.
Morphem is an important element in a word. Based on meyer (2009:7) morphem is the
smallest unit of meanin in language. Whereas the complete definition of morpheme come
frim booij (2005:8) states that morpheme is the minimal linguistic unit with lexical or a
grammar meaning. It has the same definition with delahunty ang gravey (2010:122) say that
morpheme is the smallest unit part of aword that has grammatical function or meaning.
According to the definition above, the researcher can be conclude that morphemes is
the smallest unit part in a language that still has meaning orgrammatical function.
Morphomes can be calssified inti kinds of morphemes according to yule (1993:60).
They are:
a. free morphemes
free morphemes are morphemes that can stand by themselves as single words, for
example tour, girl, school, gun, etc. Free mprphemes cangenerally be identified as the set of
separate english word forms such as basic nouns, adjectives, verbs, etc.
b. bound morphemes
Bound morphemes are morphemes that cannot normally stand alone and typically
attached to free morphemes. For example, -ist, re-, ly,-ed,-s, etc.these forms are described as
affixed. Bound mrphemes are needed by free morphemes to create the word meaningful.
B. word- formation process
According to plag(2002:17) the study of word-formation can be defined as the study
of ways in wich new complex words are built on basis of other words or morphemes. It
means that word-formation is specially creates words with the certain processes.
Based on yule (1993: 52-55) , there are many kinds of word-formation process, they are:
1. coniage is the way of creating new word with refering to the most typical sources which
are invented to the trade names for certain commercial products. Then, it becomes the general
terms used in society.
For example : a. Pespodent (brand of a tooth paste)
b. rinso (brand of detergent)
c. honda (actually comes from turkish)
2. borrowing
Borrowing is a proess of creating word with the taking over of words from other language.
The english language has adopted a vast number of loan-words from other language.
For example : a. Alcohol(actually comes from arabic)
b. yogurt(actually comes from turkish)
Compound is a process of creating new word with joining of two more or more separate
words to produce a single form. Compounding is combination of some lexical categories such
as noun, verb, adjective or preposition in purpose of constructing a larger unit of word.
For example: a. Text(N)+ book(N)- textbook(compound noun)
b. sun(N)+ burn (V)- sunburn (compound noun)

Blending is a process combining of two separated forms to produce a single new term.
Typically blending process is accomplished by taking only the begining of one word and
joining it to be the end of other word.
For example: a. Brunch9from words breakfast and lunch)
b. infotaiment (from word information and entertainment)
5. Clipping
Cliping is a process of reducing some elements in a word which occurs when a word of more
than one syllable is reduced to ashorter form.
For example: a. Lab(comes from word laboratory)
b. prof(comes from word profesor)
6. backformation
Backformation is a proces that reduce a word of one type because a word of another type.
Typically a word of one type (usually a noun) is reduced to from another word of a different
type(usually a verb).
For example: a. edit(V) actually comes from word editor(N)
b. opt(V) actually comes from word option(N)
7. Conversion
Conversion is a process of changing the funtion of words, as for example whwn a noun
comes to be used as a verb (without any reduction).
For example: a. dirty (adj) becomes to dirty(V)
b. buutter(N) beomes buttered(V)
8. Acronym
Acronym is aprocess of creating new words with forming from the initial letters of a set of
other words. Typically, acronyms are pronounced as new single words.
For example : a. DM (actually comes from direct message)
b. TMI (actually comes from words too much information)
c.VC(actually comes from video call)
9. Derivation
Derivation is a process of creating a new word that accomplished by means of a large number
of affixes of english language which are not usually given sparate listings in dictionaries.
There are two type of affixes in derivation, they are:
a. prefixes
prefixes are affixes form that are added to the end of a word.
For example: un-,mis-,pre-,in-,re-,dis-,etc.
b. suffixes
suffixes are infixes form that are added to the end of a word.
For example:-ness, -less, -ish, -ful, etc.
C. Compound word
1. Definition of conpoun word
There are some definitions about compound word. The dfinition are from mccarty,
plag and delahunty and garvey.
Mc carthy (2002) in cahyanty (2016:60) states that compound words are words
formed by cobining roots, and the must smaller of category of phrasal words(items that have
the internal structure of phrases but function syntactically as words). For example, there is
phrase compound in compound nouns formation.
There is also similiar definition of compound word according to plag (2002:173) states that a
cmpound word is a word that consists of two elements, the first of wihch is root or a word.
The complex definition of compound word based on delahunty and garvey(2010: 132)
compound words contain two or more words (or more accurately, two or more roots, all, one,
or none of which may be bound; for example, blueberry with two free morphemes, and
astronout with two bound morphemes). It means that compound worsd not only contain word
itself but it also morphemes.
Based on teh definition above, it can be concluded that compound word is
combination of two or more words that contain root, morphrm or phare to create a new form
and meaning.
2. forms of compound word
According to the theory from delahuntly and gravey(2010: 132) the forms of
compound word are:
a.closed compound
closesd compound is a compound word that written as asingle word.
For exmaple: backpack, waterfall, breakfast, etc.
b. hyphenated compound
hyphenated compound is a compound that connected by a hyphen.
For example: head-scarves, son-in-law, make-up, etc.
c. open compound
open compound is a compound word written as sparated word, it hs a space between teh word
but it read together.
For example: black shepp, white house, cold war, etc.
3. types of compound word
Based on delahunty and garvey(2010:135) there are types of compound of
compound words based on different semantic relation between the compound and its head,
they are:
a. endocentric compound
endosentric compound is a compound represents a subtype of whatever the head represents
because its semantic head inside the compound. The meaning of endocentric compound can
be seen from part of the word.
For example:
1) handbag, bag is the head of the word. The compound word handbag as compared with bag
is a modified, expanded version of bag with its range of usage restricted. The word handbag
basically has the same semantic context as the noun bag. This compound also retains the
primary syntactic feature of bag. Since both are nouns. So, the word handbag can be
understood as kind of bag.

2) high school, school is the head of the word. The compound word high school as compared
with school is a modified, expanded version of school with its range of usage restrctred. The
compound word high school has the same syntatic feature with the word school as a noun.
So, the word high school can be understood as kind of school.
b. exocentric compound
exocentric compound is a compound that names a subtype, but the type is not represented by
the head in the compound because its semantic head is outside the compound. It means that
exocentric compound cannot be seen from part of the word and it creates new meaning.
For example:
1) blutooth, the meaning of blutooth is not kind of tooth or a blue color but it means a
wiereless technology for exchanging data over short distances that used in electronic device.
2) loudmouth, the meaning of loudmouth is not kind of loud or mouth but the meaning is a
person that possesses a loud mouth or who talks too much and who says unpleasent or stupid
C. coordinative compound
Coordinative compound is also called copulative compound. Coordinative compound is a
compound in which both elements are heads, each contributes equally to the meaning of
whole and neither subordinate to other. Both elements are on an aqual footing and they can
be paraphrased with”and”. Coordinative compound is rare to find in English.
For example:
1) bitter-sweet, both of them are head and on an aqual footing because none
subordinates the other, the meaning of the word is bitter and sweet.
2) the mind-body problem, mind and boidy are head and neither subordinates to the
other, the meaning is the mind and body problem.
4. Formation of compound word
There are number of ways to classify compound words, the most accesssible of which
is to classify jthem according to the formation of part of speech of the compound and then
sub-classify them according to the part of speech of its constituent.
According to Bauer (1983) found in Delahunty and Garvey(2010: 134) classified the
formations of compound word as follows:
a. Compound Noun
Compound noun contains two or more words that join together to make single noun.
Compound noun is a type of compound word that is used to designate a person, place or
thing. The formations of compound nouns are:
1) Noun+ noun : bath towel, boy-friend, ice cream
2) Verb+ noun: breakfast, pickpoket
3) Noun+verb: nosebleed, sunshine
4) verb+verb: make-belive
5) Adjective+Noun: fast-food, deep structure
6) particle+noun: in-crowdm, down-town
7) adverb+noun: now generation
8) verb+ particle :cop-out, drop-out
9) phrase compounds: son-in-law
b. Compound verb
comppound verb is a verb that is made up of mltiple words. The formations of compound
verb are:
1) Noun+verb : sky dive
2) Adjective+verb: fine-tune
3) particle verb: overbook
4) Adjective+noun: brown-bag
C. Compound Adjective
Compound adjective is formed when twoor more adjective are joined together to modify the
same noun. The formations of compound adjective are:
1) Noun+adjective : card-carrying, childproof
2) verb+adjective: fail safe
3) adjective+adjective :open-ended
4) Adverb+adjective: cross- modal
5) particle+adjective: over-qualifed
6) noun+noun : coffe-table
7) verb+noun: roll-neck
8) Adjective+noun : red-brick, blue-collar
9) particle+ noun : in-depth
10) verb+verb : go-go, make -believe
11) adj/adv+ verb : higj-rise
12) verb+ particle: see- through, tow-away
d. Compound adverb
compound adverb is formed by an adverb being paired with a noun, adjective or verb. The
examples of compound adverb are:
- Iptightly
- Cross-modally
e. Neo-classical Compound
Neo-classical compound is a compound word composed from combining forms( which act as
affixes or stems)derived from classical latin or ancient greek roots. The example of neo-
classical compound are: astronaut, hydro -electric
5. Meaning of compound word
A word may have different meaning depends on the sentence or context in which it is used.
Every compound contains word which are arbitrary and opaque, without any connection
betweensound and sense and others which are at least to some degree motivated and
According to ullman (1962) found in palmer (1981:39) the meaning of compound
word can be classified into two, they are:
a. Transparent Compound
transparent compound is the meaning of the compound word that can be predicted from the
each constituent of word.

b. opaque Compound

D. Tree Diagram
Tree Diagram is used to represent the hierarchial organization of word.the tree
diagram also show syntatic structure of word analysis. The word itself is not a simple
sequence of morpheme but it has internal structere ( fromkin, rodman and Hyams, 2011: 53).
It means that diagram is used to analyze the word structure.
Where Yule (1993: 84-85) states tahat ways of describing the structure of the
sentence that (basically) concentrad on the linier squens of constituent. It is of course possible
to show the same squence as in more explicit way hierarchically organized called tree
diagrams is used to show the structure of the word that formed by its constutuents.
Below are example of tree diagram in compound word:
a. high school b. Textbook
high(adj) school(N) text(N) book(N)

E. “Desiree’s Baby”
“Desiree’s Baby” is an short story by Kate Chopin published in her collection A night
in acadie in 1897. A widely acclamimed, frequently anthologized story, it is set in
antebellum new orleans and deals with slavery, the southren social system, creole culture, and
the ambiguity of racial identity.
In cjapter , the researcher can explane about researcher design , data and data source,
technique of collecting data, instrument of the research ,technique of analysis data, and
A. Research Method
In this hresearch, the researcher used qualitative method anddescriptive method to
study the compound nouns that found in “desiree’s baby “ short story. So the researcher is
classified as discriptive qualitative research.
Moeleong(2010:6) states that qualitative research is a research that has purpose to
understand the phenomenon about everything that is undergroune by the research subject
like behavior, motivation, action through descriptive way in the words and language in
natural special contextand untilizing natural method.
The researcher used descriptive method because the object of the research is a short
story entitle “desiree’s and the data that can be collected is words not numbers.
B. Data and Data Source
In this research, the researcher found out the data from sentence that contain of compound
noun in “desiree’s baby” short story by kate chopin . the data source are taken from the
various sorces, and this researcher uses two sources of data , they are:

C. Instrument of the Research

According sugiyono (2014: 305) the researcher is the key instrument. It means that be
researcher is human researcher. Based the expplanation , it can be concluded that the main
instrument of this research is the researcher herself and prepare the orther instrument to
support of collecting data.
D. Technique of Analyzing Data
The technique of analyzing data is the most important step in this research because it
is use to solve problem of the research . the data collece become useless if the researcher do
not analyze the data. After getting the data completely from the data source, the data are
According to miles and huberman (1984) in sugiyono says that there arefour activities
in technique of analyzing data, they are data collection, data reduction, data display, and

E. validity
Validity of data is important thing in the research. The research determines the validity of data by
using triangulation. Trianggualation refers to a techniqu to chek the validity of data by using other
methods . triangulation is useful to enchance confidence in the enusing findings which is taken by

According denzim in moleong(2010:330) distinguishes four forms of trianggulations, they are

1. Data Trinangulation

2.investigator triangulation

3.theory Triangulation

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