Data Privacy Act-Technology in Nursing Practice

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Data privacy act-technology in nursing practice

1. In less than 200 words, what happen in the short video TAGGED?

The video visualizes clearly how those involved people muddle through the
situation. On the first scene someone took Chloe’s photo with Ben without her noticing
and publicly posted by Kate with her two friends in her blog. For Kate, the intention of
posting the photo was for the word “FUN” which depriving the privacy of Chloe and Ben.
The post was spreading throughout the whole school which gave Chloe strange
judgement from others. After the photo spread the boyfriend of Chloe whose name was
Jack attacked Ben at the school yard, another scenario which someone took video of the
fight and posted it on a very popular site, and it spread online. When Kate saw the video,
she planned to post it on her blog, she even thought of it as a fun scene. On the day of
Thursday Raz decided to correct their wrong act from the beginning and talked it out with
Kate and Emma but it ended up worst when Kate blackmailed Raz using her photos at
the party of Jack where we was drunk and totally wasted. Raz started to avoid the other
girls and ended up talking with Jack about everything they did about the public posted
photo. On the second scene it turns out the wrongdoing of Kate backfired to her when
Jack posted her photo half-naked showing of her tattoo. In her case she gave him the
photo but still the same as the first scenario it takes away her privacy. Kate started to be
bullied in their school after spreading the photos and decide to transfer school, she
received judgements from students because of the previous issue of her having
unpermitted post photo online.

2. Who was involved?

Chloe, Ben, Jack, Emma, Raz, Kate and the people who shared to post.

3. How were they involved?

The mentioned names that are involved were committed the wrong act of data
privacy of one’s life. Each of them has different role and received different traits of the
situation. They were involved in cyberbullying, police involvement since Jack posted the
photo of Kate half-naked and filming the fight.

4. At which point, did each character have the opportunity to stop the incident continuing?

From themselves, they must have told the truth and refraining from sharing the
post to everyone. Since the beginning they can stop from what they tend to do. it is what
we call “think before you click”, if it occurs to them earlier maybe none of those events
may happen or can get out of their control.

5. What was the emotional effect on the involvement of each character?

They may feel trauma, anxiety, conscious, confused, depression and having low
self-esteem from the result of the situation they were in. Like what always happens when
a person encountered a traumatic situation such as bullying that could lead to death in
some person. 1/5 of all bullying happens in social media since we are in a high
technology era, enormous majority reportedly happens in school for about 19.2% where
it occurred in social media. Not only in social media, even text messages with 11%,
meanwhile 6.8% being bullied in non-social media websites.

6. How did their involvement change the opinion of those around them, about them?

The image of those victim and suspects will be fairly judge by the people around
them. Since they made wrong acts, for example when Kate blackmailed Raz about her
photos to be exposed and made a statement about how will her family reacted if it will be
exposed across their hometown as Raz being a good daughter to her mother without
knowing her own daughter’s unexpected doing as a high school student.

7. Whose privacy was violated because of another’s action in TAGGED?

Chloe, Raz and Kate’s privacy was being violated under the Republic Act 10173
– Data Privacy Act of 2012 that means to protects individuals from unauthorized
processing of personal information that is private, not publicly available and identifiable,
where the identity of the individual is apparent either through direct attribution or when
put together with other available information and Republic Act No. 9995 this act is
defining and penalizing the crime of photo and video. As of the situation of Jack and Ben
they recklessly had fight outside an open field and in a public property which means in a
court’s view it is not a reasonable thing that being done openly is considered as private.
When Kate posted about Chloe’s photo with a caption of not the fact about the true story
behind the photo, she already committed crime, since she has 2 accomplice they also
participated on the crime. Talking about Raz situation where she was blackmailed by
Kate, she also committed another crime under Section 10 of the Libel law (Act. No.277)
where blackmail is restricted form in which it is punished by a fine of not exceeding 1
thousand dollars or by imprisonment for not exceeding six months or both. In Jack and
Ben’s situation the privacy may not be because unreasonably made a fight in public.
When Jack posted Kate’s photo, he may able to face the crime which could lead him to
jail if Kate sue Jack.

8. Describe in not less than 200 words each situation that has been presented

In the 1st scenario it portrays about how irresponsible the nurse on administering
medication which may lead to negligence of the nurse. The nurse didn’t even bother to
double check the medication because of her knowing that all the encoded data on the
patients chart in the system are right. She even stated to the guardian and patient to see
if there will be any reaction from the medication if the patient is really allergic. The 2 nd
scenario the nurse is doing her daily rounds without paying attention to the patient she
didn’t even great the patient properly, it didn’t bother her to glance for a second just to
make sure that the patient is doing fine while assessing her pain scale which may
include to the objective cue from the patient in charting. 3 rd scenario upon giving the
medication the nurse did not do the protocol on giving medication like double check the
name of the patient and introducing the medication to the patient. She didn’t even bother
to look on the patient if she take the medication seriously and properly it another form of
negligence of a nurse. With 4th scenario the act of exposing the patient’s privacy, the two
medical practitioners should be accountable by discussing patient’s private matters with
other people. And the 5th scenario which is a negligence of the nurse for leaving the
computer online and being easily accessed by anyone who’s quite literate with a

9. After describing each scenario, discuss what went wrong for each situation. Discuss
what error was committed, describe the error and discuss the cause of such error.

In the first scenario the nurse was unable to perform her duty well, she even
insisted that the medication encoded on the system is accurate because it is already
encrypt on the system. She didn’t even bother to check it twice if it is right just to make
sure nothing will happen to the patient. She forgot the principles of dispensing
medication by not determining the legible and appropriate patient before administering
medication. 2nd scenario the nurse is assessing the patient without clearly checking the
patient’s state throughout her assessment of pain, she was not paying proper attention
to the patient which may lead to error that can cause harm to the patient providing critical
information. The 3rd scenario where the nurse forgot the rights of administering
medication: right medication, right client, right dose, right time, right route, right reason
and right documentation. It may be similar to the first scenario where the nurse insisted
the medication to her patient without checking right medication. On the 4 th scenario
which the two medical practitioners disclosed someone’s personal information in front of
unauthorized personnel. With this act they are violating data privacy act of 2012 and
breach the principle of fidelity by damaging the provider-patient relationship. Fidelity,
beneficence, and non-maleficence are all principles that orient reporting and disclosure
policies. 5th scenario when worst comes to worst where the non-authorized person
accessed the computer because of the negligence of the nurse by leaving the computer
exposed to the client. And can cause damage to other patients by exposing the

10. After comprehensively discussing each scenario being investigated, discuss what should
be done to rectify the errors noted.

Firstly, in administering medications make sure to follow the principles of

dispensing medication which means we should follow the rights of administering
medication to prevent errors in the future. When assessing a patient make sure to lend
your eyes, ears and attention to the patient you are assessing, in avoidance of critical
errors in the near future. And lastly, be responsible and always bear in mind about what
you oath before entering the medical profession which there are many consequences
awaits upon committing any negligence as a health care provider.

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