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Sample RR

Thesis: 1/1
Evidence: 2/4
Complexity 0/1

The Thesis is very much there, although the evidence and explanation is lacking.

Sample TT
Thesis: 1/1
Evidence: 2/4
Complexity: 0/1

Evidence was present, but very lacking. The development of the author’s idea was very disjointed and
arguably very bad. Whoever taught his person language should be fired.

Sample B
Thesis: 0/1
Evidence: 1/4
Complexity: 0/1
The thesis was exactly worthless, and the fact that is is a thesis is probably untrue. The evidence is
presents, but unelaborated, as well as any other concepts

Sample EE
Thesis: 0/1
Evidence: 2/4
Complexity: 0/1
The Essay fails to provide any thesis, and has average evidence, but no recognizable complexity.

Sample U
Thesis: 1/1
Evidence: 3/4
Complexity: 1/1
Well written thesis, as well as present evidence and elaboration. This essay is also fairly complex

Sample C
Thesis: 1/1
Evidence: 2/4
Complexity: 1/1
Well written thesis, as well as subpar, but present, evidence and elaboration. The author shows fair
amount of complexity.

Sample GG
Thesis: 1/1
Evidence: 3/4
Complexity: 1/1
The thesis thoroughly depicts the contents of the essay, of which contains fair evidence, and well as

Sample P
Thesis: 1/1
Evidence: 2/4
Complexity: 0/1
Present and well addressed thesis, but subpar evidence and complexity.

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