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Education as the foundation of the Youth

“Education is the most powerful weapon which people can use to change the world” – Nelson


People are responsible for their own development as an individual, people need to suffice their

needs to be able to survive in this world and they could only achieve it if they are well-oriented person in

terms of their education. Education is very significance because it is the tool of every people in their

future, be able to meet the convenient life that they want for themselves and for the next generation.

According to Philippine Statistics Authority (2017) The population of person that are going to

school dropped to 3.6 million in 2017 from 3.8 million a year earlier. Some of the reason why the number

of children and youth decrease is because they determined the OSCY as those in the age of 6-14 are not

receiving formal schooling , and in the range of 15-24 have not completed their secondary education and

not be able to employed. Most common reason why they are not attending school is because of marriage

and family matters 37%, lack of personal interests 24.7%, and high cost of education or financial

concerns 17.9%.

Poverty or lack of financial assistance is one of the identified problem and that’s why there are

laws and programs for scholarships that already approved by the government and aims to help not only

children and youth but also people who wants to pursue their education and dreams. Scholarships are

now open for all students both private and public schools in elementary and secondary level the and for

tertiary level both State Universities and Colleges are also included to the program of the government in

the country. Through these there is no reason for the people to go in school to study and get a degree

because education in this generation is free

Our future depends on the decision that we make and by the help of people around us. Studying

hard and pursuing our dreams can make a big impact in what way of living we have in the future, on what
future we can give to our future generation. Education is important for the better future, for the

development of people and for the future progress of our nation. Good Morning and Thank you for


Stop Chasing Wealth

People are not that contented with what they have in life. Seeking for money, position, profession,

power and property are just what they aspire for. Once you get any of those, do these make you really


Different pictures show unexpected heartfelt scenarios which really happens in reality.

Can you still manage your time? Or you let time to manage you?

Five days of having regular classes from Monday to Friday and sometimes Saturday and Sunday

are eaten your time to do school matters: practice, projects, reports and review either in school, other

classmate’s house or at home.

Family, friends, personal needs for pleasure and relaxation are forgotten and ignored because of

aiming high grades and wanting shine in class.

Doctors and nurses are working 24hrs every day and even there are special occasions they still

need to fulfill their duties no matter what.

Family, friends, personal needs for pleasure and relaxation are forgotten and ignored because of

being devoted and passionate in your professions.

OFWs sacrifice themselves to work abroad without knowing what awaits them just to help their

own family. Reality check, they receive high salary but working far from their own family instead their

own family create longingness where you really belong.

They all want to earn, invest and get richer for their family and for themselves but spending

quality with your family, closest friends and personal needs that money cannot buy are ignored, ne-

glected and forgotten.

It’s okay to be the best person you can be, aspire for more wealth that make you happy because in

the first place you are doing these for your family but taking the path that is meant for you and looking at

your back while you are stepping forward, family and special persons in your life are left behind.

You’re not where you are today without those persons.

Surrender your life to God and let Him directs you to where you are supposed to be.

Stop chasing wealth, if you know, feel, and see that those important persons in your life are

ignored, neglected and forgotten by you.

Spend more quality time with the people who treat you as a treasure and value each moment

together because life happens only once so let us be reminded of the most often used word by mil-

lennials--“Y.O.L.O” You Only Live Once. Good Morning and Thank you for listening!

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