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Since becoming a pre-service teacher, I consider that it is imperative for all educators to
continuously asses and review their individual practice and preparation for them to be able to
progress not only for their role as an educator however additionally to develop a positive
and resilient atmosphere in order for their student’s education to advance and be effective.

I reflect upon challenges and areas in which I believe I could improve on through the
examination of my past practical experiences. These areas in which comprise of
communication proficiencies with students, teaching approaches and interacting with
students on the autism spectrum.

In relation to my communication with students, this is an imperative part of teaching in which

I desire to further improve and appreciate. Although my professional involvement is limited to
only one practical experience, I was made aware through my own reflections that I required
confidence in the way I communicate with students and in what way to professionally
construct a relation built on mutual respect and consideration regarding my position as their
teacher. AITSL Professional Standard 3.5.1 is most suitably linked to the focus area (AITSL,
2017). I deem this focus area to be an essential part of my personal and professional
progression as an educator, in order to have the confidence in myself conjoint with my
practice to successfully educate students and assist their leaning to their completest

Furthermore, an area that I believe needs additional attention in order to grow as an

educator in the field is emerging a broader variety of teaching approaches and skills. In
hindsight, through my practicum experience I was drawn to only a limited amount of these
strategies that worked for majority of the class but was not effective for a minority. Currently
as I am reflecting, I feel it is particularly important for teachers to investigate, gain knowledge
and apply a greater variety of approaches in their classroom as it can assist the teacher and
students in multiple situations. Having an effective assortment of strategies can provision
teachers in appreciating how students acquire information, deciding what support and
requirements each student has and further, using this research to choose approaches based
on what suits each student and the overall class. This focus point is associated seamlessly
with the AITSL Professional Standard 1.2.1 and 2.1.1 (AITSL, 2017).

My practicum school I previously attended had a high range of students on the autism
spectrum. This obligated me to become familiar with and assist those student’s behaviours
and learning in which I believe I can gain a more comprehensive understanding. Reflecting
on my own practicum experience, I struggled immensely with these particular students as I
had to combat their emotional and behavioural issues, hence there is a need for me to assist
these students for them to not feel excluded or incapable of learning. This is directly aligned
with AITSL Professional Standard 1.6.1 (AITSL, 2017). In today’s society, there is an
increasing number of students on the autism spectrum, according to the Australian Bureau
of Statistics, an estimated 83,700 school aged children live with autism, the majority 61%
attending regular schooling (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2019). There is a push for
educators to research and implement management strategies that enhance healthier
relationships between students and the overall school community.

In hindsight, reflecting on my professional experience and my current emotions, developing

on these areas that require additional focus and improvement are important to me as I
believe they are factors that play an imperative role in teachers practice. Lacking this
valuable knowledge and skill can obstruct one’s aptitude when educating students and
assisting them through their education.

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GOAL 1: Successful management and communication in the classroom

Implementing strategies within the classroom through dense research and personal
development to assist students through my growth as a teacher to generate effective
communication with students, thenceforth practicing this communication to progress my
classroom management skills. Through this area of development, the chief objective is to
heighten my self-confidence when communicating with my students and to construct a
classroom based on the foundations of mutual respect among the all-inclusive classroom
environment founded by communication between students and myself as a professional
teacher. This focus area is aligned with the AITSL Professional standard 3.5.1 (AITSL,
2017). The strategies put forward predominantly focus on assisting beginning and pre-
serviced educators into their role as teachers.

Strategy 1: Professional Learning Podcast Sessions

The Journal of Professional Learning is an arrangement of academic instruction offered by a
professional organisation, through podcasts established by the NSW Teachers Federation.
Obtaining information from a more knowledgeable source will enhance aspects of practice
through implementing new strategies (Killen, 2016). The Journal of Professional Learning
will enhance the quality of my teaching through an online means, with the function of
targeting future teachers like myself to learn from recurring podcasts focusing on different
areas each episode including preparing teachers for their role in the profession along with
understanding the responsibilities that are involved. This online resource will be valuable to
my practice as it will assist me in understanding my role, overcoming challenges involved
and proficient communication and management skills (NSW Teachers Federation, 2019).
These podcasts will additionally support me as they are created by experienced
professionals that generate professional conversations around practical and vital aspects of
teaching in which networking is created. The podcasts are accessible at any time for
members through streaming services, making it easier to continually listen and examine the
information being provided.

Strategy 2: Gaining Knowledge Through a Mentor

Mentors can be simply defined as wise, experienced advisers. Mentors are no doubt the
most paramount resource a pre-serviced teacher can obtain as they are obtaining guidance
and knowledge from an experienced individual in the field. Hence, this idea is supported by
the department of education and training as stated, a mentor’s purpose is to extend their
comprehension and widespread involvements as a professional educator to help support
teachers in their career (Department of Education and Training, 2016). Taking advantage of
this constructive approach will allow me to both witness and examine my consultant’s
classroom atmosphere, strategies that are put in place, their communication approach along
with valuing what was effective towards me practicing this information that will be
incorporated in my own classroom environment. Further, this strategy will develop my
confidence and overall professional growth conjoint with extending my students by providing
them with a chance to learn through implementation of innovative skills, approaches and
communication methods within the class environment (Department of Education and
Training, 2016).

Strategy 3: Mentor Conversing and Assessment

One of many important strategies when developing professional practice is depended on the
process of assessment and conversation amongst a mentor in the profession. A tool used to
support my practice involves self-assessment through the AITSL webpage (AITSL, 2017).
This involves assessing yourself against the teacher standards, allowing you to set goals
and plan your professional development path. By undergoing a set of questions, it will allow
me to gain valuable insights into my teaching practice and be provided with personalised,

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evidence-based feedback. Moreover, there are a variety of ways in which I would use to
encourage my development of which include maintaining an account based on effective
strategies, regular self-reflections and my progression on improving these approaches.
Further, trusting my mentor to analyse and evaluate the approaches applied in the
classroom environment. I will allocate an appropriate amount of time to reflect with the
consultant regarding the approaches I am embedding and gain their professional insight to
see where I can make improvements to enhance the classroom environment alongside my
development as a professional. This strategy proposed is rather advantageous to myself as
assessment and criticism of my practice allows me to improve in areas conjoint with
assisting me to further my educational involvements that I will produce for the students
though the mentor’s guidance.

Network: Teachers Federation NSW

The New South Wales Teachers Federation is a union which covers public schools and
teachers. Apart from looking after an array of concerns on behalf of teachers, the union is
devoted to strengthening and support teachers practise through a variety of methods. The
services they offer include training, courses, seminars, media and news and overall
professional development aimed at future teachers (NSW Teachers Federation, 2019).
These provided resources for members of the teacher’s federation enable one to engage
with information that will help progress my practice and create networks amongst
professionals and other co-workers. Accessing this information through means of podcasts,
seminars and conferences allows me to vigorously partake in encouraging to further assist
myself and my students to learn in a more resourcefully and professional style. This network
allows teachers to not only gain extensive knowledge regarding their practice but to also
become familiar with standards that’s adhere to the AITSL Professional Standards.

GOAL 2: Improve communication with students on the autism spectrum

Advance and cultivate skills that will support me as a teacher to progress the social
interaction among students on the autism spectrum. Amongst this objective, I endeavour to
expand my understanding of the distinctive behaviours that students with autism possess
and apply management approaches that foster enhanced social interaction regarding both
the student and school body. The following strategies drawn will be applied to further my
professional practice.

Strategy 1: Observing A Support Centre

Self-evaluating is the focus of this strategy as it is vital to reflect on one’s own teaching and
its success to uncover ways of improving (Kane, Sandretto, & Heath, 2004, p. 299). St
Joseph’s Primary School Enfield has a support structure where inclusive education is
provided for students with diverse learning needs such as autism in which specialists and
team members collaborate to create the best environment and knowledge to help these
students. Through the visits, I will be taking notes of strategies the teachers use for the
autistic students in classroom surroundings. Moreover, through observing the teacher’s all-
inclusive roles I will learn strategies related to management that will allow me to incorporate
these skills in a social environment where autistic children are present. I expect that these
weekly visits for one term will allow me to reflect and alter my practice when encountering
challenging behaviours and situations among students with autism.

Strategy 2: Training and Support from An Expert

This approach focuses on using the knowledge and extensive experience from an expert in
the field of teaching through one-on-one training sessions. This expert will provide me with
professional and effective advice on what I can do to further my development as a teacher.
Vygotsky’s theory supports this though his theme of ‘The More Knowledgeable Person’
which refers to anyone who has a higher ability than the learner, and believes this person

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brings their broad experiences and knowledge to help the learner (Vygotsky, 1978).  Over
the course of the two school terms I will meet with the teacher every second week to gain
advice, support and feedback regarding social incorporation strategies I have included in my
classroom. Every session that follows will focus on a reflection of how these students have
reacted to this approach and afterward adjusting my strategies to continuously develop
interaction with students on the autism spectrum.

Strategy 3: ASPECT Workshop

ASPECT Australia’s ‘Learn Positive Behaviour Support Workshop’ is a support system for
teachers and carers that aims to teach positive behaviour principles and practical strategies
for managing challenging situations (ASPECT Australia, 2017). During this six hour
workshop, I will work alongside the positive behaviour team to identify specific student social
behaviours using PBS resources (ASPECT Australia, 2017). Further, during the session I
will have areas explained in detail regarding what challenging behaviour teaches, why it
occurs and a guide to supporting these individuals on the autism spectrum through
strategies in a ‘positive behaviour support plan’ (ASPECT Australia, 2017). Skinners theory
seen through positive behaviour support suggests developing a plan reduces challenging
and anti-social behaviour and provides students with skills to manage their behavioural
problems (Skinner, 2019). The workshop will conclude with an opportunity for networking
with experts in order to reflect and gain insight from these professionals with more than fifty
years in the field (ASPECT Australia, 2017. Hence, gaining this understanding of positive
behaviour support and through networking, I will be able to measure my success aligned
with my goals by adjusting the support plan appropriately.

Network: Autism CRC

The Autism CRC webpage entails an abundance of information concerning latest’s events,
news, ‘Autism CRC’ program and media updates (Autism CRC, 2020). These programs that
the organisation holds aim to have parents, teachers, and health professionals work together
to support successful outcomes through networking (Autism CRC, 2020). Further, the
Autism CRC website dedicates a ‘news’ section that provides the latest news and media
regarding autism and individual’s perspectives who are on the spectrum (Autism CRC,
2020). This organisation will enable me to network with individuals in the field along with
persons on the autism spectrum who will support me and provide strategies that make
socialising more pleasant. This network platform will generate an improved comprehension
of the behaviour autistic students present and gain a range of approaches that I can modify
to attend to the needs of my own classroom.


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Ashman, A. (2018). Education for Inclusion and Diversity. (6th Ed.). Frenchs Forest, NSW:
Pearson Australia.
Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2019). Summary of Findings: Autism in Australia. Retrieved

Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership. (2017). National professional

standards for teachers. Melbourne, Vic.: AITSL. Retrieved from:

Autism CRC. (2020). Our Programs. Retrieved from


Skinner: Theory, Behaviourism And Operant Conditioning. (2019). Psychologypedia.

Retrieved from

Department of Education and Training. (2016). A Reflective Guide to Mentoring and being a
teacher-mentor. Melbourne, Vic. Retrieved from:

Kane, Ruth, Susan Sandretto, and Chris Heath. 2004. “An investigation into excellent tertiary
teaching: Emphasising reflective practice.” Higher Education 283-310. Accessed 47.

Killen, R. (2016). Effective Teaching Strategies: Lessons from Research and Practice (7th
ed.). Melbourne, Vic: Cengage.

New South Wales Teachers Federation. (2019). Future Teacher Conference. Sydney: NSW
Teachers Federation. Retrieved from:

Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in society: The development of higher psychological processes.

Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 

S00210483 Claudia Youssef

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