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Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the learning styles of the Senior High School

students of Central Philippine University, enrolled during this semester of school year

2017- 2018.

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the learning style preferred by the students when taken as a whole and

when categorized according to sex and year level?

2. Is there a significant difference in the preferred learning styles of students when

they are categorize according to sex, and year level?

3. What is the level of academic performance of students when taken as a whole

and when they are categorized according to sex and year level?

4. Is there a significance difference in the level of academic performance of

students when they are categorized according to sex and year level?

5. Is there a significant relationship between preferred learning styles and academic

performance of students?

Hypothesis of the study

1. There is no significant difference in the preferred learning styles of students when they

are categorized according sex, and year level.

2. There is no significant difference in the level of academic performance of students when

they are categorized according to sex and year level.

3. There is no significant relationship between preferred learning styles and academic

performance of students.

Theoretical Framework

This study is anchored on the advocates of learning style models by Claxton &

Murrel in 1978, and Coffieid et al., in 2004 postulates that students learn in different


Taking that as a basic premise leads to the implications that higher education

faculty should not assume that all adult students learn the same way, that a faculty

member own a deposition and or preferences for learning are broad enough to

accommodate the learning needs of most or all the students.

According to McAdams and Pals (2006), it offers a five-principle model if the

whole person then encompasses evolutionary design for human nature, dispositional

traits, characteristics adaption, self-defining life narratives, and culture-social context.

Learning style falls into categories of dispositional traits and characteristics adaption

where there are differences across individual humans but there are groupings of

humans who have common or similar learning style characteristics.

This is the model, based in phenomenological research as well as Kolb’s

experiential learning cycle, that defines learning style as “distinctive” and observable

behaviours that provide clues about the radiation abilities of individual and how their

mind relate to the world, therefore how they learned (Gregorc & Ward, 1977).

Gregorc (1979) also claims that individuals have natural predisposition for

learning along for bipolar, continuous mind qualities that function as mediators as

individuals learn from an act upon their environment.


Paradigm of the study


Sex Preferred Learning Academic

Grade Level Style Performance

Significance of the study

This study will be beneficial to the following:

Instructors. Through the results of this study, they can be able to identify the

learning styles used by the students, and through that they can align their teaching

strategies to be more effective for the learning of their students.

Students. The results of this study will make students aware of the different

learning styles and can have the opportunity to choose what learning style will be

effective in a popular situation.

School Administration. This study can give the school administrator an idea on

the needs of the students regarding their learning styles. Through that, they can provide

facilities or other teaching aids which will be of great help to the students.

Scope and Limitation

This study focused mainly on the Learning styles of Senior High School student

of Central Philippine University.

This study will be conducted at Central Philippine University, Jaro, Iloilo City in

this month of this September, 2017 using the survey approach of conducting research.

Specifically, it utilizes the descriptive survey design. The researcher will provide a

survey questionnaire to the student respondents.

Definition of terms:

To provide clarity and understanding of the study , the following terms are

defined conceptually and operationally:

Learning Style – refers to the range of competing and contested theories that aim

to account for differences in individual’s learning. These theories propose that all people

can be classified according to their style of learning, although the various theories

present differing views on how the styles should be defined and categorized. A common

concept is that individuals differ in how they learn. (Wikipedia, 2017). In this study,

"learning style" refers to prepared weight of learning of students.

Academic Performance – in educational institution, success measured by

academic performance, or how well a student meets standard set out by local

government in the institution itself. (Melissa J. Bell). In this study, “Academic

Performance" refers on how the teachers’ way of teaching the students.


Senior high school – a school attended after Junior high school and usually

consisting of grades 11 to 12. ( In this study, "Senior High School"

refers to the department in which the respondents belong.

Sex – the sum of the structural and functional differences by which the male and

female are distinguished, or the phenomena or behavior dependent on these

differences. Either male or female division of a species, especially as differentiated with

reference to the reproductive functions ( In this study, “sex”

biological identification of students whether they are male or female in the Central

Philippine University senior high school.

Grade level – is a term used to describe the grate level or year of attendance of

someone who is in school. It is also used to describe the term of any type of enrollment.

In this study, "grade level" refers to the grade level of respondents whether grade 11 or

grade 12.

diversification has been a growth in distance education programs and

expansions in the types of learning styles.

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