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IEEE Recommended Practice for

Shipboard Electrical Installations—

Systems Engineering

IEEE Industry Applications Society

Sponsored by the
Petroleum & Chemical Industry Committee

3 Park Avenue IEEE Std 45.3™-2015
New York, NY 10016-5997

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Authorized licensed use limited to: Florida Atlantic University. Downloaded on August 11,2015 at 20:43:05 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
IEEE Std 45.3™-2015

IEEE Recommended Practice for

Shipboard Electrical Installations—
Systems Engineering


Petroleum & Chemical Industry Committee

of the
IEEE Industry Applications Society

Approved 11 June 2015

IEEE-SA Standards Board

Authorized licensed use limited to: Florida Atlantic University. Downloaded on August 11,2015 at 20:43:05 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Abstract: Recommendations for systems engineering, design, and integration of electrical power
systems at the total ship level from concept design through the establishment of the design
baseline prior to detail design are provided in this document.

Recommendations for ac power systems, dc power systems, emergency power systems, shore
power, quality of service, power quality and harmonics, electric propulsion and maneuvering
systems, motors and drives, thrusters, and steering systems onboard ships are established by
this document. These recommendations reflect the present-day technologies, engineering
methods, and engineering practices. This document is intended to be used in conjunction with the
IEEE 45™ series of documents.

Keywords: baselines, concept of operations, IEEE 45.3™, radial design, systems engineering,
zonal design

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5997, USA

Copyright © 2015 by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

All rights reserved. Published 27 July 2015. Printed in the United States of America.

IEEE is a registered trademark in the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, owned by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers, Incorporated.

National Electrical Code and NEC are both registered trademarks of the National Fire Protection Association. Inc.

PDF: ISBN 978-0-7381-9724-1 STD20230

Print: ISBN 978-0-7381-9725-8 STDPD20230

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At the time this IEEE recommended practice was completed, the Electrical Installations on Shipboards
Working Group had the following membership:

Dwight Alexander, Chair

Norbert Doerry, Vice Chair

John Amy Akhter Hossain Donald Schmucker

Dushan Boroyevich Moni Islam Cali Schoder
Terry Ericsen Boris Jacobson Zareh Soghomanian
Omar Farique Yuri Khersonsky Michael Steurer
Lyndsay Garrett Steven Ly Joseph Sullivan
Herb Ginn Mike Roa Albert Tucker
Nari Hingorani Fred Wang

The following members of the individual balloting committee voted on this recommended practice.
Balloters may have voted for approval, disapproval, or abstention.

William Ackerman Donald Dunn William McBride

John Amy Keith Flowers John Merando
Tirloch Bhat J. Travis Griffith Daleep Mohla
Thomas Bishop Randall Groves Dennis Neitzel
Bill Brown Chris Heron Michael Newman
Carl Bush Lee Herron Richard Paes
William Bush Werner Hoelzl Sergio Panetta
William Byrd Shahid Jamil Joseph Piff
Paul Cardinal Ben C. Johnson Iulian Profir
Weijen Chen Piotr Karocki Vincent Saporita
Keith Chow Yuri Khersonsky Robert Seitz
Davide de Luca Robert Konnik Nikunj Shah
Norbert Doerry Michael Lauxman Michael Steurer
Gary Donner George Cristian Lazaroiu Kenneth White
Neal Dowling Steven Liggio James Wolfe
Arturo Maldonado

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When the IEEE-SA Standards Board approved this recommended practice on 11 June 2015, it had the
following membership:

John D. Kulick, Chair

Jon Walter Rosdahl, Vice Chair
Richard H. Hulett, Past Chair
Konstantinos Karachalios, Secretary

Masayuki Ariyoshi Joseph L. Koepfinger* Stephen J. Shellhammer

Ted Burse David J. Law Adrian P. Stephens
Stephen Dukes Hung Ling Yatin Trivedi
Jean-Philippe Faure Andrew Myles Phillip Winston
J. Travis Griffith T. W. Olsen Don Wright
Gary Hoffman Glenn Parsons Yu Yuan
Michael Janezic Ronald C. Petersen Daidi Zhong
Annette D. Reilly

*Member Emeritus

Catherine Berger
IEEE-SA Content Production and Management

Lisa Perry
IEEE-SA Technical Program Operations

Special recognition is given to Paul Bishop,

the former chair and founder of IEEE P45.3 who actively participated in the working group
until his untimely death in December 2014.

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This introduction is not part of IEEE Std 45.3™-2015, IEEE Recommended Practice for Shipboard Electrical
Installations—Systems Engineering.

The IEEE 45™ Series comprises nine recommended practices addressing electrical installations on ships
and marine platforms. IEEE Std 45.3 provides the recommended practice for electrical power systems
integration and is intended for use with the IEEE 45 series of documents. The topics covered in this
document should be considered from the beginning of the project and throughout the design and
construction processes and thereby should facilitate the integration of electrical power systems at the
shipyard level. Adherence to the IEEE 45.3™ electrical power systems integration process provides an
effective set of integration requirements and identifies key issues and recommended solutions or options.

Previous editions of IEEE Std 45 were developed as single documents addressing all areas. On 9 June
2005, a project authorization request (PAR) for the revision of IEEE Std 45-2002 was approved, and the
revision of IEEE Std 45 as a single document began. It soon became apparent that attempting to cover all
issues in a single document would produce a very large document that would be difficult to ballot due to
the wide range of issues needing to be addressed. In September 2008 it was decided that the revision of
IEEE Std 45 should be developed as a base document with separate documents addressing specific areas.

On 10 December 2008, separate PARs were approved for seven recommended practices. Additional PARs
were approved on 11 September 2009 for switchboards and 9 December 2009 for cable systems, and the
total number of standards in the IEEE Std 45 Series increased to nine:

 IEEE Std 45™, IEEE Recommended Practice for Electrical Installations on Shipboard [B20] a, b
 IEEE P45.1™, Draft Recommended Practice for Electrical Installations on Shipboard—Detailed
Design [B11]
 IEEE Std 45.2™, IEEE Recommended Practice for Electrical Installations on Shipboard—Controls
and Automation [B21]
 IEEE Std 45.3™, IEEE Recommended Practice for Shipboard Electrical Installations—Systems
Engineering (this document)
 IEEE P45.4™, Draft Recommended Practice for Electrical Installations on Shipboard—Marine
Sectors and Mission Systems [B12]
 IEEE Std 45.5™, IEEE Recommended Practice for Electrical Installations on Shipboard—Safety
Considerations [B22]
 IEEE P45.6™, Draft Recommended Practice for Electrical Installations on Shipboard—Electrical
Testing [B13]
 IEEE Std 45.7™, IEEE Recommended Practice for Electrical Installations on Shipboard—
AC Switchboards [B23]
 IEEE P45.8™, Draft Recommended Practice for Electrical Installations on Shipboard—Cable
Systems [B14]

Several other IEEE standards have been developed to support the IEEE 45 Series:

 IEEE Std 1580™-2010, IEEE Recommended Practice for Marine Cable for Use on Shipboard and
Fixed or Floating Platforms [B31]
 IEEE P1580.1™, Draft Recommended Practice for Insulated Bus Pipe for Use on Shipboard and
Fixed or Floating Platforms [B15]
 IEEE Std 1662™-2008, IEEE Guide for the Design and Application of Power Electronics in
Electrical Power Systems on Ships [B32]

Numbers in brackets correspond to the numbers in the bibliography in Annex F.
The IEEE standards or produced referred to in this introduction are trademarks of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers, Inc.

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 IEEE Std 1709™-2010, IEEE Recommended Practice for 1 kV to 35 kV Medium-Voltage DC
Power Systems on Ships [B33]
 IEEE Std 1826™-2012, IEEE Standard for Power Electronics Open System Interfaces in Zonal
Electrical Distribution Systems Rated Above 100 kW c
 IEC/ISO/IEEE 80005-1, Edition 1.0 2012-07, International Standard for Utility connections in
port—Part 1: High Voltage Shore Connection (HVSC) Systems—General requirements [B10]

This document provides the recommended practice for integration of electrical power systems aboard ship.

Information on normative references can be found in Clause 2.

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1. Overview .................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Scope ................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Purpose ................................................................................................................................................ 2
1.4 The IEEE 45 series of documents ........................................................................................................ 2
1.5 Relationship between IEEE Std 45.3 and IEEE P45.1 [B11] .............................................................. 3

2. Normative references.................................................................................................................................. 3

3. Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations .................................................................................................. 4

3.1 Definitions ........................................................................................................................................... 4
3.2 Acronyms and abbreviations ............................................................................................................... 6

4. Systems engineering ................................................................................................................................... 6

4.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 6
4.2 Engineering phases .............................................................................................................................. 7
4.3 Interface control document (ICD)........................................................................................................ 9
4.4 Risk management .............................................................................................................................. 10
4.5 Software engineering ......................................................................................................................... 10
4.6 Network engineering ......................................................................................................................... 10
4.7 Human engineering............................................................................................................................ 11
4.8 Design for safety ................................................................................................................................ 11

5. Engineering baselines ............................................................................................................................... 11

5.1 General .............................................................................................................................................. 11
5.2 Concept baseline ................................................................................................................................ 12
5.3 Preliminary baseline .......................................................................................................................... 12
5.4 Design baseline .................................................................................................................................. 13
5.5 Product baseline ................................................................................................................................. 14

6. Power system elements............................................................................................................................. 14

6.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 14
6.2 Power generation ............................................................................................................................... 14
6.3 Power distribution.............................................................................................................................. 15
6.4 Power conversion .............................................................................................................................. 16
6.5 Energy storage ................................................................................................................................... 16
6.6 Electrical power system supervisory control ..................................................................................... 16
6.7 Loads ................................................................................................................................................. 17

7. Power system architectures ...................................................................................................................... 18

7.1 Radial architecture ............................................................................................................................. 18
7.2 Zonal architecture .............................................................................................................................. 18
7.3 Hybrid architectures .......................................................................................................................... 19

8. Electrical power system protection ........................................................................................................... 20

8.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 20
8.2 General .............................................................................................................................................. 20
8.3 Electrical power system protection design ........................................................................................ 21

9. Key electrical power system design inputs ............................................................................................... 22

9.1 Margin ............................................................................................................................................... 22
9.2 Service life allowance ........................................................................................................................ 22

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9.3 List of loads ....................................................................................................................................... 22
9.4 Quality of service (QoS) .................................................................................................................... 23

10. Information assurance (IA) ..................................................................................................................... 23

10.1 General ............................................................................................................................................ 23
10.2 IA security standards ....................................................................................................................... 24

11. Electrical power system concept of operations (EPS-CONOPS) ........................................................... 24

12. Systems studies, analysis, and reports .................................................................................................... 24

12.1 General ............................................................................................................................................ 24
12.2 Electric load analysis ....................................................................................................................... 25
12.3 Load-flow analysis .......................................................................................................................... 25
12.4 Transient analysis ............................................................................................................................ 25
12.5 Short-circuit/fault-current analysis .................................................................................................. 25
12.6 Harmonic/frequency analysis .......................................................................................................... 25
12.7 Stability analysis .............................................................................................................................. 26
12.8 Failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA) .................................................................................... 26
12.9 Electromagnetic interference (EMI) analysis .................................................................................. 26
12.10 Thermal analysis ............................................................................................................................ 26
12.11 Electrical power system data for the life-cycle cost analysis ......................................................... 26
12.12 Electrical power system data for the signature analysis................................................................. 27
12.13 Safe return to port/survivability analysis report ............................................................................. 27
12.14 Electrical power system one-line diagram ..................................................................................... 27
12.15 Future power growth assessment ................................................................................................... 27
12.16 Protection system design report ..................................................................................................... 27
12.17 Grounding system design report .................................................................................................... 27
12.18 Electrical power system corrosion control report .......................................................................... 27
12.19 Electrical power system equipment section of the ship’s weight report ........................................ 27
12.20 Auxiliary system requirements derived from the electrical power system .................................... 28
12.21 Electrical power system section of the master equipment list ....................................................... 28
12.22 Electrical power system input to machinery and ship arrangements ............................................. 28
12.23 Electrical power system input to endurance fuel calculations ....................................................... 28
12.24 Incident energy analysis ................................................................................................................ 28

13. Modeling and simulation (M&S) ........................................................................................................... 28

14. Communications architectures and protocols ......................................................................................... 29

14.1 Communication architectures .......................................................................................................... 29
14.2 Communications protocols .............................................................................................................. 29

15. Quality of service (QoS) ......................................................................................................................... 30

15.1 General ............................................................................................................................................ 30
15.2 Service interruption ......................................................................................................................... 30
15.3 Reconfiguration time (t1) ................................................................................................................ 30
15.4 Generator start time (t2)................................................................................................................... 31
15.5 Mean time between service interruptions (MTBSI) ........................................................................ 31
15.6 QoS categories ................................................................................................................................. 31

16. Grounding (earthing) .............................................................................................................................. 32

16.1 General ............................................................................................................................................ 32
16.2 Power system grounding.................................................................................................................. 32
16.3 Point of system grounding ............................................................................................................... 33
16.4 Equipment grounding ...................................................................................................................... 34
16.5 Ground plates on nonmetallic ships ................................................................................................. 34
16.6 Lightning protection grounding ....................................................................................................... 34

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16.7 Stray current protection ................................................................................................................... 34

17. Shipboard electrical power system design .............................................................................................. 35

17.1 General ............................................................................................................................................ 35
17.2 Open architecture ............................................................................................................................. 35
17.3 Aggregation of loads ....................................................................................................................... 35
17.4 Power generation and energy storage capacities.............................................................................. 36
17.5 Power conversion and transformer ratings ...................................................................................... 37
17.6 Switchgear and cable ratings ........................................................................................................... 38

18. Reliability, maintainability, availability, and dependability ................................................................... 38

19. System testing and acceptance ............................................................................................................... 38

Annex A (normative) Dependability ............................................................................................................ 39

A.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................... 39
A.2 Attributes .......................................................................................................................................... 39
A.3 Threats .............................................................................................................................................. 39
A.4 Means................................................................................................................................................ 40

Annex B (normative) Design baseline .......................................................................................................... 42

B.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 42
B.2 Contents ............................................................................................................................................ 42
B.3 Excluded data .................................................................................................................................... 45

Annex C (informative) Electrical power system concept of operations (EPS-CONOPS) ............................ 46

C.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 46
C.2 Nominal operations ........................................................................................................................... 46
C.3 Restorative operations ....................................................................................................................... 48

Annex D (normative) EPS-CONOPS outline ............................................................................................... 53

D.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 53
D.2 General.............................................................................................................................................. 53
D.3 EPS-CONOPS content...................................................................................................................... 54
D.4 EPS-CONOPS maintenance ............................................................................................................. 55

Annex E (informative) Shipboard electrical installation characteristics....................................................... 56

E.1 Practical considerations ..................................................................................................................... 56
E.2 Characteristics ................................................................................................................................... 56
E.3 Implications ....................................................................................................................................... 56

Annex F (informative) Bibliography ............................................................................................................ 58

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IEEE Recommended Practice for
Shipboard Electrical Installations—
Systems Engineering

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1. Overview

1.1 Introduction

IEEE Std 45™ [B20] has grown due to new technology and methods. As a result, the document has been
divided into a base document (IEEE Std 45) and eight sub-documents, IEEE P45.1™ [B11] through
IEEE P45.8™ [B14], several of which have been formally published. This document addresses the
recommended practice for systems engineering and integration of shipboard electrical power systems
installations. 1

1.2 Scope

This document provides recommendations for systems engineering, design, and integration of electrical
power systems at the total ship level from concept design through the establishment of the design baseline
prior to detail design.

Recommendations for ac power systems, dc power systems, emergency power systems, shore power,
quality of service (QoS), power quality and harmonics, electric propulsion and maneuvering systems,
motors and drives, thrusters, and steering systems onboard ships are established by this document. These

Numbers in brackets correspond to the numbers in the bibliography in Annex F.

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IEEE Std 45.3-2015
IEEE Recommended Practice for Shipboard Electrical Installations—Systems Engineering

recommendations reflect present-day technologies, engineering methods, and engineering practices. This
document is intended to be used in conjunction with the IEEE 45™ series of documents.

1.3 Purpose

IEEE Std 45.3™ provides a consensus of recommended practices for systems engineering and integration
of electrical power systems as applied specifically to ships, shipboard systems, and equipment.
IEEE Std 45.3 applies primarily to the design of moderately and highly complex vessels. Designers of less
complex vessels should selectively apply these recommended practices to address specific systems
engineering challenges.

1.4 The IEEE 45 series of documents

The IEEE 45 series of documents and their relationships are shown in Figure 1. IEEE Std 45.3 is a
recommended practice addressing the systems engineering of electrical power systems on ships and marine
platforms. Electrical power systems integration should be considered from the project beginning and
throughout the design and construction processes. Adherence to the IEEE 45.3™ electrical power systems
integration recommended practice provides an effective set of integration requirements and identifies key
issues and recommended solutions or options.

IEEE 45 – Recommended Practice for Electrical Installations on Shipboard

(IEEE 45 Series Base Document)

IEEE 45.3 – Systems Engineering Design Baseline

IEEE 45.4 – Marine Sectors and Functions

IEEE 45.1 – Design Product Baseline

IEEE 45.2 – Controls & Automation

IEEE 45.5 – Safety Considerations
IEEE 45.6 – Electrical Testing
IEEE 45.7 – AC Switchboards
IEEE 45.8 – Cable Systems

Figure 1 —IEEE 45 Series

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IEEE Std 45.3-2015
IEEE Recommended Practice for Shipboard Electrical Installations—Systems Engineering

1.5 Relationship between IEEE Std 45.3 and IEEE P45.1 [B11]

During the development of the IEEE 45 Series, there was much discussion on the focus of IEEE 45.3 and
the difference between IEEE P45.1 and IEEE Std 45.3. To clarify the differences, the following definitions
(quoted from the IEEE Standards Dictionary Online) are provided:

 design baseline: The output of the baseline design phase (equivalent to the preliminary baseline of
“detailed design” defined below).
 detailed design: “The process of refining and expanding the preliminary design of a system or
component to the extent that the design is sufficiently complete to be implemented.”
 product baseline: “The initial approved technical documentation . . . defining a configuration item
during the production, operation, maintenance, and logistic support of its life cycle.” See also 3.1.
 systems engineering: “An interdisciplinary collaborative approach to derive, evolve, and verify a
life-cycle balanced system solution that satisfies customer expectations and meets public
 system life cycle: “The period of time that begins when a system is conceived and ends when the
system is no longer available for use.” See also 3.1.

Figure 2 shows the design process from concept design to product baseline and the relationship between
IEEE P45.1 [B11] and IEEE Std 45.3. This document (IEEE Std 45.3) discusses requirements for all phases
of system integration with an emphasis on the phases leading up to the completion of the design baseline.

IEEE 45.3
Concept Design IEEE 45.3 – Systems
Engineering focuses on Concept
Concept Baseline Design through Baseline Design

Preliminary Design
Preliminary Baseline
Baseline Design
Design Baseline

IEEE 45.1 – Detailed Design IEEE 45.1 Product Design

addresses Product Design using
the Design Baseline requirements Product Baseline

Figure 2 —Relationship between IEEE Std 45.3 and IEEE P45.1 [B11]

IEEE Std 45.3 puts heavy emphasis on concept design, preliminary design, and baseline design of
integrated electrical power systems to prepare the design baseline for detailed design. IEEE P45.1 [B11]
describes the process of refining and expanding the design baseline of an electrical power system to the
extent that the product design baseline is sufficiently complete to be implemented (built and tested).

2. Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document (i.e., they must
be understood and used, so each referenced document is cited in text and its relationship to this document is
explained). For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of
the referenced document (including any amendments or corrigenda) applies.

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IEEE Std 45.3-2015
IEEE Recommended Practice for Shipboard Electrical Installations—Systems Engineering

DDS 310-1 Rev 1, Design Data Sheet: Electric Power Load Analysis (EPLA) for Surface Ships. 2

IEC 61850 Series, Communication networks and systems in substation. 3

IEEE Std 1815™-2012, IEEE Standard for Electric Power Systems Communications—Distributed
Network Protocol (DNP3). 4, 5

IEEE Std 1826™-2012, IEEE Standard for Power Electronics Open System Interfaces in Zonal Electrical
Distribution Systems Rated Above 100 kW.

ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207-2008, Standard for Systems and Software Engineering—Software Life Cycle
Processes. 6

3. Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations

3.1 Definitions

For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. The IEEE Standards
Dictionary Online should be consulted for terms not defined in this clause. 7

baseline: A technical data package defining a configuration item during the design, production, operation,
maintenance, and logistic support of its life cycle.

blackout: Aboard ship, a power outage (also power cut or power failure) of electrical power to an entire
ship. A blackout may be characterized as either a dark ship or a dead ship. Dark ship is when there is no
power generation online, but energy storage is available for control system and startup. Dead ship is when
there is no generation online and all the energy storage is depleted.

dependability: A measure of a system’s availability, reliability, and maintenance support. This may also
encompass mechanisms designed to increase and maintain the dependability of a system. (IEC 60050-191

electrical interface: An interface with the primary purpose of transferring electrical power to or from the
interface. An electrical interface is described by voltage, number of phases, frequency, connected power,
grounding method, quality of service (QoS) requirement, and power quality standard.

electrical power system concept of operations (EPS-CONOPS): A document describing the expected
manner in which the power system will be configured and operated for normal and emergency operating

electrical power systems integration: The process of ensuring that all electrical components operate or
perform as a system. Through each phase of the design process, the iterative application of systems
engineering achieves an improvement of performance greater than the sum of the components.

DDS 310-1 is available from the Department of the Navy, Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, DC 20376-5124.
IEC publication are available from the International Electrotechnical Commission (
The IEEE standards or produced referred to in this standard are trademarks of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,
IEEE publications are available from The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (
ISO/IEC/IEEE publications are available from The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (
IEEE Standards Dictionary Online subscription is available at

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Shipboard Electrical Installations—Systems Engineering

functional interface: An interface that describes the expected behavior of the component in response to
stimulus experienced at the other interfaces. A functional interface is generally specified in the form of a
performance specification or dynamic model.

galvanic isolation: (A) A method of electrical isolation where neither the signal nor the common of the
output of the isolator is dc coupled to the signal or common of the input of the isolator, except for low-level
leakage associated with non-ideal components. (B) A principle of isolating functional sections of electrical
power systems, thus preventing the movement of charge-carrying particles from one section to another, i.e.,
no direct current flows between the sections. Energy or information can still be exchanged between the
sections by other means, e.g., by capacitance, induction, or electromagnetic waves or by optical, acoustic,
or mechanical means.

Galvanic isolation is used in situations where two or more electric circuits must communicate, but their
grounds may be at different potentials. It is an effective method of breaking ground loops by preventing
unwanted current from flowing between two units sharing a ground conductor. Galvanic isolation can also
be used for safety.

generator start time (t2): The maximum time to bring the slowest power generation module online.

information security: The process of protecting information and information systems from unauthorized
access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, perusal, inspection, recording, or destruction.

integrated electric ship or platform: A ship or platform characterized by the transfer of the
preponderance of energy by electrical power, under the control of a supervisory controller connected to one
or more other ship or platform system supervisory controllers and where the electrical power system is
designed to allow for sharing sources of power among the loads.

master equipment list: A list of shipboard equipment to the level detailed in the ship’s weight report.

mechanical interface: An interface that describes the physical interaction of a component with external
components or structure. Mechanical interfaces include dimensions, weight, foundation interfaces, and
position of physical connections to other systems.

monitoring and control interface: An interface with the primary purpose of communicating information
or commands to or from the interface. A monitoring and control interface is usually described in the form
of a layered model, such as the OSI Basic Reference Model described in ISO/IEC 7498-1 [B37].

open architecture: The confluence of business and technical practices yielding modular, interoperable
systems that adhere to open standards with published interfaces. Open architecture can deliver increased
capabilities in a shorter time at reduced cost. Key open architecture principles include the following:

 Modular design and design disclosure

 Reusable application software
 Life-cycle affordability
 Defined interfaces
 Process for creating a system design while maximizing re-use of existing modules and software

privacy: The ability of an individual or group to seclude themselves or information about themselves and
thereby reveal themselves selectively.

product baseline: A technical data package describing the complete design in sufficient detail to enable
creating work instructions, ordering material and equipment, and scheduling work.

reconfiguration time (t1): The maximum time to reconfigure the distribution system without bringing on
additional generation capacity.

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Shipboard Electrical Installations—Systems Engineering

systems list: A total ship-level document listing all systems to be installed. In early design phases, systems
may be shown generically.

technical data package: A technical description of an item adequate for supporting an acquisition strategy,
production, engineering, and logistics support. The description defines the required design configuration or
performance requirements and procedures required to ensure adequacy of item performance. It consists of
applicable technical data such as models, drawings, associated lists, specifications, standards, patterns,
performance requirements, quality assurance provisions, software documentation, and packaging details.

threat protection: The process of keeping someone or something safe from a source of danger.

3.2 Acronyms and abbreviations

ABT automatic bus transfer

CONOPS concept of operations
DDS design data sheet
DNP3 Distributed Network Protocol
EMI electromagnetic interference
EPS-CONOPS electrical power system concept of operations
FMEA failure modes and effects analysis
FMECA failure modes, effects, and criticality analysis
IA information assurance
ICD interface control document
IPS integrated power system
M&S modeling and simulation
MTBSI mean time between service interruptions
PDSS propulsion derived ship service
PSID power system interface device
QoS quality of service
RAM reliability, availability, and maintainability
RM&A reliability, maintainability, and availability
SOLAS safety of life at sea
ZEDS zonal electrical distribution system

4. Systems engineering

4.1 Introduction

Electrical power systems engineering is the development of an electrical power system concept of
operations (EPS-CONOPS), with margin policy and provisions for future changes, to meet the owner’s

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Shipboard Electrical Installations—Systems Engineering

needs including normal operation, emergency operation, critical systems, appropriate regulatory
requirements, and implementation of a design that meets the owner’s requirements.

Electrical power systems engineering may include the following elements:

 Engineering baseline development

 Power system architecture development
 Power system element selection and specification
 Electrical power system protection and reconfiguration design
 Interface control
 Information assurance (IA)
 System analysis, studies, and reports
 Modeling and simulation (M&S)
 Communications architectures and protocol selection
 QoS implementation
 Grounding system design
 Design for reliability and maintainability
 System testing and acceptance

4.2 Engineering phases

4.2.1 General

Engineering involves activities throughout the life cycle of a product. Most often, engineers tend to think of
activities necessary to design and develop a product. In reality, the process begins with identification of the
initial concept and proceeds through product design and fabrication. Every system goes through a design
process, typically composed of multiple engineering phases. Figure 3 shows the recommended engineering
phases and their relationships. Notionally, the engineering phases should be conducted in series.

Each engineering phase should be concluded by the establishment of a baseline approved by the vessel
design team and the owner. This baseline then becomes a configuration item for the project.

Concept Design
Concept Baseline

Preliminary Design
Preliminary Baseline

Baseline Design
Design Baseline

Product Design

Product Baseline
Long-lead Construction
Procurement and Fit-out

Figure 3 —Engineering phases and baselines

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Shipboard Electrical Installations—Systems Engineering

4.2.2 Concept design

Concept design is the beginning of the design process. The top-level concepts should be defined during this
phase of design. All concepts and requirements should be very general with broad notions of what the
outcome will be. The approach should also be generalized. Hardware and software components should be
defined in a broad spectrum. The design may have many undefined elements that will be identified later in
the process. The concept baseline is the design product from the concept design. The top-level requirements
should be established during concept design.

During the concept design phase, different concepts are investigated, and trade studies are conducted on
each concept before a final concept is selected. Models and prototypes may be constructed to conduct these
trade studies in conjunction with simulations and analytic analyses. Concept verification should be
performed as specified in the Table 2 of IEEE Std 1826-2012. 8

During concept design, an EPS-CONOPS should be initiated as a statement of the required electrical power
system behaviors based on the vessel’s expected use. For details see Clause 12 and Annex D.

4.2.3 Preliminary design

Preliminary design is the second phase in the design process and should build on the concept baseline from
the previous design level. The design level finalizes the system requirements, develops the systems
architectures, and trades off multiple system and component candidate design solutions. All major
equipment are selected and arranged. System analysis is conducted to ensure all requirements are met and
to optimize the design. The design and selection of minor equipment may be deferred to later stages if the
risk of system rework is minimal. The preliminary baseline is the design product from the preliminary
design phase.

4.2.4 Baseline design

Baseline design is the third phase in the design process and should build on the preliminary baseline from
the previous design level. At this point in the design, the system and subsystem interconnections should be
identified. Most of the design issues should be addressed, and the designers should have specific
knowledge of the outcome. The design may still have a few holes and undefined elements, but most of the
design should be complete. The design should be analyzed to ensure all requirements are met. The risk of
significant system design rework should be minimized. The design baseline is the design product from the
baseline design phase.

4.2.5 Product design

Product design is the final phase in the design process and should build on the design baseline from the
baseline design phase. The long-lead items will have been specified and procurements initiated during
baseline design. All remaining electrical power system components should be specified, design issue
questions should be answered, and no undefined elements should be left in the design. Some additional
equipment/material will be procured during this phase to support the construction schedule. The product
baseline is the design product from the product design phase.

Information on normative references can be found in Clause 2.

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Shipboard Electrical Installations—Systems Engineering

4.2.6 Other activities Construction and fit-out

During construction and fit-out (Figure 3), all remaining equipment and material are procured, and work
packages are developed for the construction trades. Test plans are developed and implemented. Engineering
changes are evaluated as needed when discrepancies or construction problems arise. When engineering
changes are authorized, they are incorporated into the product baseline and associated vendor specifications
and work packages. Long-lead items

To meet production schedules, the procurement of material designated as long-lead items may as an option
be initiated prior to the establishment of the design baseline. Sufficient engineering must be accomplished
to develop specifications for these long-lead items with an acceptable level of risk that the specifications
and long-lead item procurement contract will require modification due to changes in the design baseline.

4.3 Interface control document (ICD)

4.3.1 General

ICDs are ship-level documents prepared as part of preliminary design and updated as necessary in later
stages of design. ICDs should identify functional, electrical power, monitoring and control, and mechanical
interfaces for all major equipment or assemblies. ICDs should be configuration controlled. Requirements
for interfaces should be consistent with owner requirements, classification or statutory rules, and equipment
installation and operation parameters.

4.3.2 Functional interfaces

Functional interfaces should describe the required behavior of the equipment as observed at the electrical
power, monitoring and control, and mechanical interfaces in response to initiating events such as changes
in interface parameters, changes in internal states, or receipt of monitoring and control system messages.
Generally this behavior should have an associated required response time with respect to the initiating

4.3.3 Electrical power interfaces

Electrical power interface standards typically contain two aspects. The first is a description of the nominal
power interface, i.e., the system characteristics. This is usually defined to be at the input to the load. This
first aspect of the interface standard is largely something that is the responsibility of the system designer to
provide. The second aspect is a set of load constraints. The reasoning behind these load constraints is that if
all loads connected to an interface subscribe to the constraints, then the system characteristics will fall
within their nominal tolerances. This second aspect of the interface standard is largely something that is the
responsibility of the equipment designer.

Electrical power interfaces should be specified in terms of nominal voltage, nominal frequency (for ac
systems), number of phases, maximum current, grounding method, and physical connection. Power quality

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Shipboard Electrical Installations—Systems Engineering

requirements should be specified by reference to existing standards. Loads should be capable of operating
over wider tolerance ranges than the tolerances range of the sources.

4.3.4 Monitoring and control interfaces

Monitoring and control interfaces should be defined for all levels of data communication. The physical,
data link, network, transport, session, and presentation layer requirements are generally specified by
reference to existing standards. The application layer protocols may be specified by reference to existing
standards or may be detailed in the ICD.

4.3.5 Mechanical interfaces

Mechanical interface descriptions sufficient to integrate power system equipment with other systems
should be provided. Examples include cooling water/cooling air interfaces (cooling medium characteristics,
flow rates, max/min temperatures, flange locations), firefighting/damage control system interfaces,
mounting details including fastener locations, rotating shaft couplings, allowable structure-borne vibrations,
mechanical shock loads, allowable excursions, and noise.

4.3.6 Maintenance interfaces

Maintenance interfaces should be provided sufficient to ensure equipment reliability, availability, and
maintainability (RAM) requirements and QoS requirements are met. This includes ensuring equipment
maintenance envelopes are kept clear or are easily accessible.

4.4 Risk management

An effective risk management system should be implemented to ensure risks are identified as early as
practical and risk mitigation plans are developed and executed to mitigate both cost and technical risks.
Risk management should be in accordance with ISO 31000 [B36] or similar.

4.5 Software engineering

Software engineering should be conducted in accordance with ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207-2008 or a similar

national or international standard.

4.6 Network engineering

4.6.1 System control and monitoring networks

System control and monitoring networks shall stand physically alone and isolated from all other networks.
Where appropriate, certain system control and monitoring subnets may be similarly isolated.

Physical and logical network redundancy is strongly recommended.

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Shipboard Electrical Installations—Systems Engineering

4.6.2 Other networks

Ship’s communications, entertainment, and other networks shall have no direct interface with system
control and monitoring.

4.7 Human engineering

Design of shipboard electrical power systems should include human engineering in accordance with either
MIL-STD-1472G [B43] or ASTM F1166-07 [B2].

4.8 Design for safety

The electrical power system equipment should be designed with personnel and equipment safety in mind.
IEEE Std 45.5™ [B22] should be reviewed and followed.

5. Engineering baselines

5.1 General

5.1.1 Baseline overview

An engineering baseline is a set of parameters used for comparison or control of a product’s characteristics.
Baselines form the basis for the next phase of design. Items defined in the baseline should not be changed
without significant examination of the consequences as the change may require modifications throughout
the ship design. Baselines may include various forms of engineering, guidance, and acquisition
documentation. Engineering baselines are formal definitions of configurations, normally expressed in
technical data packages, and subject to configuration management.

Electrical power system engineering baselines should be maintained through all engineering phases.

Baselines form the basis for configuration management. While the baseline description will vary in each
stage of the system life cycle, all baselines serve the same principal purpose in guiding the design and
development process. In systems engineering, therefore, baselines serve as way points that guide the design
so that, at any point in the design, designers need not look all the way back to the start point (most probably
the user need statement), but rather need only look back to the last confirmed baseline.

In systems engineering, there are normally considered to be four major baselines in a system life cycle: the
concept baseline at the end of concept design, the preliminary baseline at the end of preliminary design, the
design baseline at the end of baseline design, and the product baseline at the end of product design (i.e.,
detailed design and construction).

5.1.2 Baseline establishment

Baselines are agreements between an owner and a provider that define a desired item. Baselines should be
established by an agreement between the designer and the owner. This may include signatures on a set of
baseline drawings or other documentation of agreement.

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Shipboard Electrical Installations—Systems Engineering

5.1.3 Baseline content

Baseline content should vary with the item desired and the phase of the project. Early in the project, little
may be known beyond conceptual ideas and preliminary studies. As the design progresses, more detail
becomes available, and the design requirements should become firmer.

5.2 Concept baseline

A concept baseline is an agreement between an owner and a builder that should define the desired product
in sufficient detail to allow proceeding with the preliminary design phase. The electrical power system
concept baseline should be established at the conclusion of concept design.

The concept baseline should include the following elements:

 Cover sheet
 Drawing tree/document index
 Electrical power system top-level requirements
 Initial EPS-CONOPS
 Systems list

The concept baseline may also include the following additional elements:

 Cost estimates
 Potential long-lead electrical procurement requirements
 QoS considerations
 Studies and other reference documents
 Bibliography

5.3 Preliminary baseline

A preliminary baseline is an agreement between an owner and a builder that defines the desired product in
sufficient detail to allow proceeding with the baseline design phase.

The electrical power system preliminary baseline should be established at the conclusion of preliminary

The preliminary baseline should include the following elements:

a) Cover sheet
b) Drawing tree/document index
c) Electrical power system top-level requirements
d) Preliminary electrical power system specification
e) Revised EPS-CONOPS
f) QoS analysis
g) Revised power system design (single line diagram)
h) Revised primary power system parameters
i) Preliminary electrical power system control design
j) Revised systems list
k) Preliminary master equipment list
l) Preliminary interface requirements list
m) Preliminary electric load analysis

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Shipboard Electrical Installations—Systems Engineering

n) Preliminary assessment of electrical power system-related corrosion issues with proposed control
o) Preliminary reliability, maintainability, and availability (RM&A) analysis
p) Preliminary failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA)
q) Preliminary models list
r) Preliminary simulation results
s) Revised cost estimates
t) Long-lead electrical procurements requirements (as required)
u) Trade studies and other reference documents
v) Bibliography

5.4 Design baseline

A design baseline is an agreement between an owner and a builder that defines the desired product in
sufficient detail to allow proceeding with the product design phase. Annex B establishes the requirements
for the design baseline.

The electrical power system design baseline should be established at the conclusion of baseline design and
maintained using configuration management throughout product design.

The design baseline should consist of the following elements:

a) Cover sheet
b) Drawing index
c) Drawing tree/document index
d) Electrical power system top-level requirements
e) Systems list
f) Power system design (single line diagram)
g) Primary power system parameters
i) Electrical power system control design
j) Master equipment list
k) Interface control document (ICD)
l) Computer software
m) Electric load analysis
n) RM&A analysis
o) QoS analysis
p) Electrical power system corrosion control description
q) Failure modes, effects, and criticality analysis (FMECA)
r) Models list
s) Simulation results
t) Cost considerations
u) Electrical power system specification
v) Long-lead electrical procurements
w) Studies and other reference documents
x) Testing and acceptance criteria
y) Bibliography

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Shipboard Electrical Installations—Systems Engineering

5.5 Product baseline

As described in IEEE P45.1 [B11], the electrical power system product baseline should be established as
part of the total ship product baseline at the conclusion of product design. Specific requirements are
described in IEEE P45.1.

6. Power system elements

6.1 Introduction

A power system in general can be decomposed into up to six different types of elements based on
functionality: power generation, power distribution, power conversion, energy storage, electrical power
system supervisory control, and loads. These elements are described in this clause. The equipment
implementing each element may include power electronics to convert and condition the electrical power.
Guidance for the design and application of power electronics in electrical power systems on ships is
provided in IEEE Std 1662™-2008 [B32]. Characteristics of a shipboard electrical power system are
described in Annex E.

6.2 Power generation

Power generation consists of equipment that converts an energy source (such as fuel) into electrical power
for use by loads via one or more power distribution systems. Power generation equipment exchanges
control and information signals with the electrical power system supervisory control and may interface with
other distributed systems such as a seawater system, steam generation system, fuel service system, intakes,
and exhaust.

Power generation equipment using rotating electrical generator sets generally includes a steam turbine, gas
turbine, or a diesel engine prime mover; a generator; possibly power electronics; auxiliary support
submodules; and module controls. Other possible power generation technologies include rotating
generators directly connected to the propulsion train, direct conversion (e.g., solar cells, fuel cells), and
wind-driven turbines.

Power generation equipment should regulate its output voltage and frequency (for ac systems).
Additionally, if multiple generator sets are intended to operate in parallel, provisions should be made for
the stable sharing or apportioning of real power and reactive power (for ac systems). For ac systems, real
power sharing is generally implemented through frequency droop or other signals between paralleled units’
speed governors. For ac systems, reactive power sharing is generally implemented through voltage droop or
other signals between paralleled units’ voltage regulators. For dc systems, real power sharing is generally
implemented through voltage droop or other signals between paralleled units’ voltage regulators. If power
generation equipment and/or the output of power conversion equipment of different types or ratings is
intended to operate in parallel, the dynamic performance of the power system should be verified for stable
operation and adherence to transient power quality requirements.

The design of the fault current capability of power generation equipment should be coordinated with the
fault protection equipment in the distribution system. The differing fault current characteristics of rotating
machines and power electronics should be considered when designing the protection system.

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Shipboard Electrical Installations—Systems Engineering

6.3 Power distribution

6.3.1 General

Power distribution systems transfer electrical power between other power system elements. It also provides
fault current protection as well as implements different power system architectures. Power distribution
systems typically consist of cables, switchgear, load centers, power panels, load monitoring equipment, and
fault protection equipment. Power distribution equipment communicates with the electrical power system
supervisory control and may communicate with other distributed systems. Power distribution may include
power electronics and distribution transformers to directly provide the type and quality of power required
by specific loads or a small grouping of loads.

A power system may have one or several power distribution systems, each with its own bus of potentially
different voltage and power type. A bus of one type should be galvanically isolated from buses of all other
types. Historically, mechanical drive ships have had one power distribution system that distributed 450–
480 V, three-phase, 50–60 Hz power. More recently, large ships and those with electric propulsion have
employed a medium-voltage ac power distribution system interconnected via transformers with a low-
voltage (450 V to 480 V) ac power distribution system. A ship employing a zonal distribution system may
have a single medium-voltage power distribution system feeding multiple zones via power conversion
equipment (e.g., transformers, solid-state power converters); each zone has its own zonal power distribution

Switchgear consists of the equipment, such as electrical disconnect switches, fuses, and circuit breakers,
used to control power to, protect, and isolate electrical equipment. Recommendations for ac switchgear
are provided by IEEE Std 45.7™ [B23]. Recommendations for cable systems are provided in
IEEE P45.8 [B14].

Requirements for connecting to shore utility power are provided by IEC/ISO/IEEE 80005-1 [B10].

6.3.2 Primary bus

A primary bus is a term reserved for a medium-voltage ac or dc bus and applies only to vessels with a
medium-voltage bus. Standard voltages and associated power quality are provided by IEC 60038 [B6]
(does not provide power quality requirements), IEEE Std 1709™-2010 [B33], IEEE Std 1826-2012,
IEC/ISO/IEEE 80005-1 [B10], and MIL-STD-1399-680 [B42]. A primary bus may be implemented as
multiple busses for redundancy, criticality, or safety. A primary bus usually is only directly connected to a
few large loads; the majority of the loads are powered from other buses that connect to the primary bus via
power conversion equipment (e.g., transformers, solid-state power converters).

In selecting the voltage for the primary bus, consideration should be given to using the standard voltages in
IEC/ISO/IEEE 80005-1 [B10] to simplify connections to shore utility power while in port.

6.3.3 Distribution bus

A distribution bus provides power to loads throughout a ship or a zone. Multiple distribution busses may be
utilized as necessary for the vessel design. Distribution busses typically support voltages between 400 V
and 1000 V. Standard voltages and associated power quality are provided by IEC 60038 [B6] (does not
provide power quality requirements), IEEE Std 1826-2012, and MIL-STD-1399-300 [B41].

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Shipboard Electrical Installations—Systems Engineering

6.3.4 Secondary low-voltage bus

A secondary low-voltage bus provides low voltage directly to equipment, appliances, or appliance outlets.
Standard voltages and associated power quality are provided by IEC 60038 [B6], IEEE Std 1826-2012, and
MIL-STD-1399-300 [B41].

6.3.5 Special bus

A special bus provides power for unique purposes such as medical use, control system power, special
control, or propulsion.

6.4 Power conversion

Power conversion equipment converts electrical power from the type and quality required by one power
distribution system to the type and quality required by another power distribution system. Power
conversion equipment technologies include power electronics, transformers, and rotating motor-generator
sets. (Note that power electronics and transformers are not unique to power conversion equipment and may
be part of other power system elements.) Power conversion equipment exchanges control and information
signals with the electrical power system supervisory control. Power conversion equipment may interface
with other distributed systems such as a cooling water system and ventilation systems.

The simultaneous paralleling of the primaries and the secondaries of two or more transformers is not
recommended unless provisions are provided to limit circulating currents. These circulating currents must
be included in load flow analyses and in calculating the required current ratings of switchgear and cables.

6.5 Energy storage

An energy storage element stores electrical energy received from a distribution system that later may be
used to provide power back to the distribution system or to a dedicated load. Energy storage is typically
employed to achieve QoS requirements but may also fulfill power quality and other system requirements,
including high energy loads with unique power profiles. An energy storage element should protect the
distribution system to which it connects from faults internal to the energy storage element. Additional
requirements for energy storage are provided by IEEE Std 1826-2012.

6.6 Electrical power system supervisory control

6.6.1 General

An electrical power system supervisory control monitors, controls, reconfigures, protects, and coordinates
the operation of an integrated electrical power system. The supervisory control may be centralized or
distributed. Recommendations for the overall machinery control system, including the electrical power
system supervisory control, are provided in IEEE Std 45.2™ [B21].

Typical electrical power system supervisory control functions could include the following processes:

 Remote monitoring and control of electrical power system equipment

 Resource planning and system configuration to support the EPS-CONOPS
 Mission priority load shedding

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Shipboard Electrical Installations—Systems Engineering

 Coordination of fault detection, fault isolation, and reconfiguration

 Optimization of QoS and QoS load shedding
 Interfacing with the overall machinery control system
 Perfomance analysis, parameter trending, and logging

Additionally, the electrical power system supervisory control design should facilitate the following

 Maintenance support (such as special modes, electrical isolation, and tag-outs)

 Training

The electrical power system supervisory control software may reside in hardware contained in other power
system elements or may reside in an external distributed computer system. The software should interact
with the human operators through a human-computer interface. Incorporating this human-computer
interface as part of a shipwide monitoring and control system is recommended.

6.6.2 Power system interface device (PSID)

A PSID is equipment that communicates control and monitoring signals with the integrated electrical
power system supervisory controller to monitor and control individual loads, in accordance with the
EPS-CONOPS. A PSID may also provide custom power to a specific load. PSIDs may be part of the power
system or may be part of an external system. A PSID should be used for equipment that requires a
connection to the machinery control system but does not have the inherent ability to make such a

6.7 Loads

6.7.1 General

Loads may simultaneously be part of multiple systems and may therefore communicate with multiple
supervisory controllers for different systems. For example, cargo cooling systems may communicate with
the chill-water system, electrical power system, etc. For the electrical power system, loads are categorized
by their ability to directly communicate with the power system control.

6.7.2 Uncontrolled load

Uncontrolled loads interface only to the power system for electrical power and do not communicate directly
with the power system control. An uncontrolled load may communicate indirectly with the power system
control via a PSID. Unless a simple load can be commanded to shut down via a PSID, an uncontrolled load
is typically shed by switching off the power feed to the load without prior notification.

6.7.3 Controlled load

Controlled loads interface to the power system control through a control interface. Controlled loads may
have the capability to have their operational state changed by the power system control. For example, the
power system control may command a controlled load to reduce load or switch off instead of simply
switching off the power. Controlled loads may also communicate with other system supervisory controllers.

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6.7.4 Large loads

Any single load that may require more than 20% of the online power generation capacity supplying that
load in any operating condition is considered a large load. A propulsion motor and associated drive is a
good example of a large load. For power systems incorporating large loads, the dynamic performance of
the power system should be verified for stable operation and adherence to transient power quality

7. Power system architectures

7.1 Radial architecture

A radial architecture is implemented by interconnecting switchboards with distribution cabling and then
powering loads and load centers/power panels feeding multiple smaller loads via feeder cables from the
switchboards. Generators and energy storage typically connect to switchboards. Emergency loads are
normally provided power from an emergency switchboard. Mission-critical loads are connected to multiple
load centers (typically geographically dispersed) via manual bus transfer or automatic bus transfer (ABT)
devices. Figure 4 is an example of a radial architecture. Additional example architectures for specific
marine sectors are provided in IEEE P45.4™ [B12].

Machinery Room #3 Machinery Room #2 Machinery Room #1

Switchboard Interconnect (Ring Bus)

Nr. 3 Generator


SWBD SWBD Vital Loads

Nr. 1 Generator SWBD
Nr. 2 Generator

Non-Vital Loads


ABT Vital Loads

Feeder Cable

Non-Vital Loads


Figure 4 —Notional radial distribution architecture

7.2 Zonal architecture

A zonal architecture is implemented by dividing the ship into multiple zones, designing a zonal electrical
distribution system (ZEDS) for each zone, and integrating the zones with a primary bus/interzonal
distribution bus, power generation, and possibly energy storage as shown in Figure 5. Note that power
system equipment that is not part of the ZEDS may reside within the boundaries of the zone. Likewise, not
all loads (electric propulsion, for example) within the geographic boundaries of the zone are necessarily
part of the zone.

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Zone #5 Zone #4 Zone #3 Zone #2 Zone #1

Bus Tie Bus Tie

Non-Vital Non-Vital
Loads Loads

Non-Vital Non-Vital Non-Vital

Loads Loads Loads

Nr. 3 Generator Nr. 2 Generator Nr. 2 Generator

Engine Vital Engine Engine Vital

Loads Loads



Non-Vital Non-Vital Non-Vital

Loads Loads Loads

Non-Vital Non-Vital

Bus Tie Bus Tie

Figure 5 —Notional zonal electrical power system architecture

For a ship, a zone is typically a longitudinal section of the ship with boundaries at water-tight bulkheads.
The number of zones within a ship is a function of the complexity of the ship, its missions, and
survivability requirements. A naval warship, for example, would typically have between four and seven

A ZEDS consists of power system elements serving a group of loads and is part of a larger power system.
ZEDS plus the loads it serves comprise a zone. A ZEDS has a limited number of power and control
interfaces with the larger encompassing system and has the property that faults within the zone do not
propagate outside the zonal boundaries. Furthermore, a design objective of ZEDS and the larger system
containing the ZEDS is that loads served by the ZEDS are provided with the type of power, quality of
power, and QoS specified by a customer-supplier agreement. Loads served by the ZEDS receive power
only via the ZEDS. The power systems elements composing a ZEDS include power conversion equipment,
controls, switchgear, cabling, and optionally energy storage and generation.

If specified by the customer, a ZEDS isolated from the rest of the power system may be required to operate
either for a limited time or on a continuous basis. In either case, the ZEDS will have energy storage and/or
Requirements for a power electronics-based ZEDS are provided by IEEE Std 1826-2012.
Additional example architectures for specific marine sectors are provided in IEEE P45.4 [B12].

7.3 Hybrid architectures

Special circumstances can result in hybrid power system architectures that do not cleanly fit the definition
of either a radial or zonal architecture. If employing a hybrid architecture, analysis is required to verify the
system will operate in a satisfactory and stable manner under all operating conditions, achieve QoS and
power quality requirements, and meet all other customer requirements.

An example of a hybrid architecture would be power generation and large loads in a ring-bus configuration
connected to a ZEDS supplying all other loads.

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Shipboard Electrical Installations—Systems Engineering

8. Electrical power system protection

8.1 Overview

Electrical power system protection is an electrical power system function for detecting faults, localizing
faults, isolating faults, and reconfiguring the system to restore power to the maximum number of loads.
Goals of electrical power system protection include meeting QoS objectives, maintaining crew safety, and
preventing cascading damage to power system equipment and load equipment. The electrical power system
protection is typically implemented through the integrated response of the electrical power system
supervisory controller and the electrical power system components.

8.2 General

8.2.1 Fault detection and classification

An integrated electrical power system should detect and classify electrical faults or failures.

Faults should be classified as one of the following:

 Overcurrent
 Ground
 Line to line
 Internal equipment
 Loss of phase
 Other

8.2.2 Fault localization

Once a fault is detected, the power system should identify the fault’s location and the power system
component or load that has failed.

8.2.3 Fault isolation

Once a fault has been localized, fault isolation should disconnect the failed power system component or
load from the remaining nonfaulted power system. Cost considerations normally result in situations where a
power system can disconnect a failed component only by also disconnecting undamaged equipment and
loads. The power system should be designed to segregate loads sufficiently to ensure that the QoS
requirements for undamaged loads are met. Note that in special cases, such as when continued operation is
desired in an ungrounded system with a single line-to-ground fault, fault isolation may be delayed at the
discretion of the operator. One such special case could be in medical spaces where loss of power could
result in death of a patient.

In systems critical to the safety of the vessel (e.g., steering gear), consideration should be given to the
impacts of isolating equipment from the power supply versus potential equipment damage with respect to
the overall safety of the vessel.

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Shipboard Electrical Installations—Systems Engineering

8.2.4 System reconfiguration

Once a fault has been isolated, the electrical power system should be designed to reconfigure if necessary
to ensure QoS requirements are met.

8.3 Electrical power system protection design

8.3.1 General

The general requirements for shipboard electrical power system protection design should comply with
IEC 60092-202 [B8] and should employ the IEC Fail-to-Safe principle: “any failure should result in a safe
situation, e.g., by a single fault in a circuit the faulty circuit is disconnected to be voltage free or without

Power electronics should be designed to achieve the protection requirements of IEEE Std 1662-2008 [B32].

Careful consideration must be given to short-circuit protection and to the selection of the various protective
devices to ensure proper interrupting capacity and coordination regardless of their location in the vessel.

The overcurrent protective devices should provide high-speed clearance of low-impedance faults for ac
systems and low resistance faults for dc systems so that fault currents of large magnitude will cause
minimum damage to the system and equipment and minimize hazards. The overcurrent protective devices
should also protect electric apparatus and circuits from damage under fault conditions through the
coordination of the electrical and thermal characteristics of the circuit or apparatus and the tripping
characteristics of the protective devices.

To achieve these basic objectives, each protective device should have an interrupting rating not less than
the maximum short-circuit current available at the point at which the device is installed. Selective tripping
should be provided between generator, bus tie, bus feeder, and feeder protective devices. In circuits
supplying vital services, selective tripping should also be provided between feeder and branch circuit
protective devices. A short circuit on a circuit that is vital to the propulsion, control, or safety of the vessel
should be cleared only by the protective device that is closest to the point of the short circuit. A short circuit
on a circuit that is not vital to the propulsion, control, or safety of the vessel should not trip equipment that
is vital.

Protective devices should not be used beyond their interrupting capacity.

The maximum available short-circuit current should be determined from the aggregate contribution of all
generators that can be simultaneously operated in parallel and the maximum number of motors that will be
in operation and contribute to the short-circuit current.

When determining selective coordination characteristics, the designer must examine the impacts of multiple
source and load configurations to ensure that the coordination requirements are met under all normal
operating conditions.

8.3.2 Conductors

Overcurrent protection by fuses or circuit breakers should be provided for all ungrounded conductors.
Fuses should not, and circuit breaker overcurrent trips need not, be provided for the neutral conductor of a
three-wire grounded system, but provision should be made for feeder disconnect including the neutral.

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Shipboard Electrical Installations—Systems Engineering

The purpose of overcurrent protection for conductors is to open the electric circuit if the current reaches a
value that will cause an excessive or dangerous temperature in the conductor or conductor insulation. A
grounded conductor is protected from overcurrent if a protective device of a suitable rating or setting is in
each ungrounded conductor of the same circuit.

8.3.3 Motor branch circuits

For motor branch circuits, overcurrent protection can be provided by fuses or circuit breakers.

The protective devices should be designed to allow current to pass during the normal accelerating period of
motors according to the conditions corresponding to normal use. When the time-current characteristics of
the overload protective device of a motor are not adequate for the starting period of the motor, the overload
protective device may be rendered inoperative during the accelerating period provided that the protection
against short circuit remains operative and that the suppression of the overload protection is only

For continuous-duty motors, protective devices should have time-current characteristics that ensure reliable
thermal protection of the motors for overload conditions.

9. Key electrical power system design inputs

9.1 Margin

Margin is a factor applied to increase the load estimate to account for estimation uncertainty (the difference
between the actual load and the load estimate). In earlier stages of design, margins are typically higher than
in later stages of design. Any margin remaining at ship delivery is converted into service life allowance at

Margin for electric propulsion is typically applied to the mechanical power rating of the propulsion motor
to account for uncertainty in the estimated speed-power curve. Unless there is significant uncertainty with
respect to motor or drive efficiency, a separate electrical margin is generally not applied to the electric
propulsion motor or drive.

9.2 Service life allowance

Extra capacity should be as specified by the customer to accommodate future growth in loads due to ship

9.3 List of loads

9.3.1 General

A list of loads tabulates equipment items and their estimated connected load. As the ship’s electrical plant
one-line diagram and the general/machinery arrangements are developed, the list of loads also groups the
loads according to their connectivity to load centers/switchboards. The list of loads should incorporate all

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Shipboard Electrical Installations—Systems Engineering

electric loads provided power by the shipboard power distribution system. The master equipment list is one
source of information for developing the list of loads.

9.3.2 Required information

The following information should be supplied to the system designers about planned electrical equipment
installations to incorporate into the list of loads:

a) Connected load, power factor, and operating loads

b) Characterization of load current drawn, including transient load dynamics and load current
c) Current inrush at initial input power application
d) Load impedance as a function of frequency
e) Capacitance to ground
f) Description of how power electronics equipment behaves when input power is outside of interface
standards tolerances

System designers must provide information about how the loads are intended to be used in each operational

9.4 Quality of service (QoS)

The customer should specify the required mean time between service interruptions (MTBSI) for the power
system depending on the criticality of a service interruption. An MTBSI of between 10 000 h and 30 000 h
is anticipated to provide acceptable performance for many ships. Estimates for reconfiguration time (t1)
and generator start time (t2) should be made based on the set of equipment under consideration for the
power system design. Estimates for t1 and t2 should be refined as the design matures.

10. Information assurance (IA)

10.1 General

Information assurance (IA) is a set of measures that protect and defend information and information
systems by ensuring their availability, integrity, authentication, confidentiality, and nonrepudiation. This
includes providing for restoration of information systems by incorporating protection, detection, and
reaction capabilities. IA addresses privacy, information security, and threat protection for information

IA is the practice of assuring information and managing risks related to the use, processing, storage, and
transmission of information or data and the systems and processes used for those purposes. While focused
dominantly on information in digital form, the full range of IA encompasses not only digital but also analog
or physical form. IA as a field has grown from the practice of information security, which in turn grew out
of practices and procedures of computer security.

The terms privacy, information security, computer security, cybersecurity, and information assurance are
frequently used interchangeably. These fields are interrelated often and share the common goals of
protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information; however, subtle differences exist
between them.

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Shipboard Electrical Installations—Systems Engineering

These differences lie primarily in the approach to the subject, the methodologies used, and the areas of
concentration. Information security is concerned with the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data
regardless of the form the data may take: electronic, print, or other forms. Computer security can focus on
ensuring the availability and correct operation of a computer system without concern for the information
stored or processed by the computer. IA focuses on the reasons for assurance that information is protected,
and is thus reasoning about information security. Cybersecurity focuses on the measures taken to protect
computer/control system against unauthorized access or attack.

The design of electrical power systems should incorporate IA as encompassing all of the interrelated
security disciplines mentioned above.

10.2 IA security standards

Information, computer, Internet, automation, controls, and infrastructure standards are quickly evolving
to match the threat technologies. The following standards address the concerns that shipboard electrical
power systems must consider: DODI 8500.01E [B5], IEEE Std C37.240™ [B19], ISA/IEC 62443 [B35],
ISO/IEC 27001 [B38], NERC CIP series of standards [B44], NIST 800-100 [B47]. These standards should
be reviewed and implemented where appropriate.

11. Electrical power system concept of operations (EPS-CONOPS)

An EPS-CONOPS should be prepared as a statement of the required behaviors of the electrical power
system based on the expected use of the vessel and should be prepared for each new design.

The EPS-CONOPS should include scenarios that all ships and marine platforms encounter as well as
scenarios unique to the particular vessel’s marine sector. Common scenarios include in port, normal transit,
anchored, and recovery from casualty. Sector-unique scenarios include container offload and onload,
underway lightering of petroleum, combat, and humanitarian relief.

The EPS-CONOPS should articulate power system attributes that should be optimized for each of the
expected scenarios. Typical attributes should include QoS, energy efficiency, safety, emissions, and safety
of life at sea (SOLAS) to meet the vessel’s functional and business needs. It should also include margin
policy and provisions for future changes and should foster a design that meets or exceeds the requirements
and expectations for the vessel. The EPS-CONOPS should address the human systems interface; an
important aspect is the interaction between humans and the electrical power system equipment.

See Annex C and Annex D for more details about writing an EPS-CONOPS.

12. Systems studies, analysis, and reports

12.1 General

Subclauses 12.2 through 12.24 detail the systems studies, analysis, and reports recommended for the design
of shipboard electrical power systems.

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Shipboard Electrical Installations—Systems Engineering

12.2 Electric load analysis

Electric load analysis should be conducted in accordance with DDS 310-1 or IEEE P45.1 [B11]. If load
factor analysis is employed for nonmilitary applications, load factors from IEEE P45.1 should be employed
in lieu of the load factors provided in DDS 310-1.

12.3 Load-flow analysis

Steady-state voltage budgets, current ratings of distribution cables and switchboard busses, and power
allocation and management all require suitable simulation tools with models that do not require a lot of
dynamic and transient behavior detail. What is required is an accounting of all the various loads under the
various operating conditions. Once this accounting is done and a projected growth in the system is allowed,
a number of simulation tools, including Excel, can help in finalizing voltage budgets and power

12.4 Transient analysis

Faults, motor starts, switching transients, and reliability all require detailed models and simulation tools
that are capable of solving large numbers of ordinary differential equations in time domain. Behaviors such
as synchronous machine subtransients, which are dependent on rotor and stator winding dynamics, as well
as inrush currents, which are dependent on saturation, should be considered; and the simulation tool should
be able to include these dynamics. For most systems, present-day simulation tools can offer a large library
of component models. Therefore, the simulation engineer does not have to develop a component model; all
the engineer needs to do is interconnect the system. However, in many instances, a new component may
require a new model that does not exist in the available library. In these instances, the simulation tool
should be capable of providing environments that allow both text-based models to be developed and
circuit-based or control-block-based models.

12.5 Short-circuit/fault-current analysis

Short-circuit/fault-current analysis should be conducted to ensure switchgear can be procured that can
interrupt the anticipated fault current and properly coordinate with other protection devices.
IEEE Std 399™ [B25] provides recommended practices for short-circuit analysis and protective

12.6 Harmonic/frequency analysis

Power quality, in terms of current, voltage, and torque, is essential in the development of a power system.
The simulation tool selected must model switching events, such as a silicon controlled rectifier or insulated
gate bipolar transistor turn-on/turn-off as well as diode reverse-recovery, to provide accurate harmonic
analysis. IEEE Std 519™ [B26], IEEE Std 399 [B25], and ABS Guidance Notes on Control of Harmonics
in Electrical Power Systems [B1] provide guidance for conducting harmonic/frequency analysis. Note that
the characteristics of shipboard electrical installations differ from terrestrial power systems and must be
accounted for in the techniques used for harmonic/frequency analysis.

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Shipboard Electrical Installations—Systems Engineering

12.7 Stability analysis

Synchronism stability and voltage stability can be analyzed using extensive time-domain simulations, and a
simulation tool that can perform transient analysis should be able to perform stability analysis as well. In
transient stability studies, the models used for the synchronous machines should take IEEE Std 1110™
[B28] as a guide. However, in the case of voltage stability, a specific stability requirement may be needed
in some systems. If this requirement is in terms of frequency-domain characteristics such as input and
output impedances of the machines and power electronics on board, then the simulation tool must be
capable of frequency-domain analysis. The tools must include features such as ac small signal analysis and
provide Bode and Nyquist plots.

12.8 Failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA)

A failure analysis methodology is used during design to postulate every failure mode and the corresponding
effects or consequences. Generally, the analysis is to begin by selecting the lowest level of interest (part,
circuit, or module level). The various failure modes that can occur for each item at this level are identified
and enumerated. The effect for each failure mode, taken singly and in turn, is to be interpreted as a failure
mode for the next higher functional level. Successive interpretations will result in the identification of the
effect at the highest function level, or the final consequence. A tabular format is normally used to record
the results of such a study. FMEA should be certified and acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction.

SAE ARP5580 [B48] provides recommended practices for FMEA.

FMEA may be extended to a failure modes, effects, and criticality analysis (FMECA) by assigning a
probability to each failure mode and the severity of the consequence of the failure mode.

12.9 Electromagnetic interference (EMI) analysis

For conducted emissions, EMI analysis requires simulation tools used for harmonic analysis and transient
analysis combined. Transient analysis tools are usually capable of capturing the repeated switching events
that are essential for EMI analysis, and harmonic analysis is essential for determining spectrum plots. For
radiated emission, other tools that are based on finite element analysis and can capture the geometry
involved are more suitable. Guidance for limits is provided by MIL-STD-461 [B40] and the IEC 61000
Series [B9].

12.10 Thermal analysis

In thermal analysis, a combination of both electrical and mechanical simulation tools are required. The
steady-state results in terms of current, voltage, and power dissipation for both normal and overload
conditions are calculated from the electrical simulation tools and then fed into mechanical simulation tools
that can model heat exchangers, pipes, flow, pressure, and so forth.

12.11 Electrical power system data for the life-cycle cost analysis

Electrical power system data for the total ship life-cycle cost analysis should be prepared as required by the

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Shipboard Electrical Installations—Systems Engineering

12.12 Electrical power system data for the signature analysis

Electrical power system data for the total ship signature analysis should be prepared as required by the
customer. Signature analysis is conducted as needed to satisfy customer requirements for signatures such as
thermal, visual, acoustic, radar, and/or magnetic.

12.13 Safe return to port/survivability analysis report

A report detailing the electric plant design’s ability to achieve safe return to port and survivability
requirements as specified by the customer should be prepared.

12.14 Electrical power system one-line diagram

An electrical power system one-line diagram should be prepared depicting the power system components
and their interconnection.

12.15 Future power growth assessment

If required by the customer, an assessment of future power growth and the ability of the ship’s electrical
power system design to accommodate the projected growth shall be prepared and documented in a report.

12.16 Protection system design report

The design of the electrical power system protection system should be documented in a protection system
design report.

12.17 Grounding system design report

The design of the grounding system should be documented in a grounding system design report.

12.18 Electrical power system corrosion control report

Potential stray current sources, other electrical power system-related causes of corrosion, and the corrosion
control measures incorporated in the design should be documented in an electrical power system corrosion
control report.

12.19 Electrical power system equipment section of the ship’s weight report

Data for the electrical power system equipment section of the ship’s weight report should be prepared.

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Shipboard Electrical Installations—Systems Engineering

12.20 Auxiliary system requirements derived from the electrical power system

Requirements for auxiliary systems derived from the electrical power system design should be developed
and documented.

12.21 Electrical power system section of the master equipment list

Data for the electrical power system section of the total ship master equipment list should be prepared.

12.22 Electrical power system input to machinery and ship arrangements

Data for the shipboard arrangement of electrical power system equipment should be prepared.

12.23 Electrical power system input to endurance fuel calculations

Data required for calculating fuel consumption for the purpose of sizing fuel tanks shall be prepared.
DDS 200-1 [B3] provides guidance for endurance fuel calculations.

12.24 Incident energy analysis

An incident energy analysis should be provided to document the available arc-flash incident energy at all
locations in the system where the short-circuit current is calculated. See 12.5.

13. Modeling and simulation (M&S)

M&S plays a key role throughout all aspects of systems integration and should be used extensively
throughout all phases of the design. Many of the analyses detailed in Clause 13 depend on M&S. The M&S
toolkit should contain a spectrum of models from simple behavioral to complex dynamic physical response.
The level of model detail and its fidelity should be commensurate with the design phase and vessel

Starting with the concept design phase, simple behavioral models should explore feasibility relative to
requirements. As the design progresses, the level of detail and fidelity should increase and should serve as
an engineering record of expected vessel and electrical power system performance as part of the
appropriate baseline. It is important to retain information to support the decisions made during earlier
stages of the design.

No one model or one simulation environment can satisfy all the design challenges of power systems. It is
essential that this recognition be made throughout the M&S effort. A multitude of M&S tools are available
to the power engineer, but none of them can claim to address all the design issues that the engineer faces.
The goal of the simulation engineer should be to constantly seek and combine the best tools with the best
training and expertise to fully satisfy a given design requirement. Any serious M&S effort should be
requirement driven, i.e., the M&S tool selection, as well as any model development, should be made based
on the actual requirements that the system design needs to satisfy.

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Shipboard Electrical Installations—Systems Engineering

14. Communications architectures and protocols

14.1 Communication architectures

The IEC 61850 series of standards defines layered communication architecture for power system
automation, focused on managing intelligent systems connected with the power system. IEC 61850 as an
advanced automation standard is designed to work in distributed computing environments that include
those operating in “real time” where the information exchanges must occur within tightly defined time
frames, including less than 4 ms, tens of milliseconds, seconds, and longer.

The IEC 61850 communication architecture consists of multiple standards that define abstract semantic
object models of classes (representing hierarchical information models) and syntactic services, such that
these object models are independent of specific protocol stacks, implementations, and operating systems.
The IEC 61850 architecture also includes standards that define the mapping of these abstract object models
and services to actual protocol stacks, such as the Manufacturing Message Specification (MMS), Generic
Object Oriented Substation Events (GOOSE) messaging, web services (being updated), and (as a work in
progress) Distributed Network Protocol (DNP3). Additional IEC 61850 technical reports provide
guidelines and descriptions on design, implementation, and testing of systems that use the IEC 61850
modeling and mapping standards.

IEC 61850 has developed abstract information models for managing electrical ancillary services, such as
var management, autonomous volt-var control, autonomous frequency control, dynamic reactive current
support, and energy storage management. These information models provide a standardized method for
implementing the results of the M&S applications.

In any implementation, the selected IEC 61850 abstract information models and corresponding services can
then be mapped to protocols, such as IEEE Std 1815-2012 and web services.

14.2 Communications protocols

14.2.1 Distributed Network Protocol (DNP3)

The use of a complete communications protocol such as DNP3 (see IEEE Std 1815-2012) is recommended.
A Level 2 implementation (DNP3-L-2) should be used as a minimum. For most applications, a Level 3
implementation (DNP3-L-3) is recommended. The electrical power system supervisory controller should
be the DNP3 master station.

Outstations should implement a protocol Level 1 through Level 4 appropriate to their function but should
not implement a level higher than the master station.

14.2.2 Direct electrical power systems communications

Point-to-point direct communications for highest speed control applications may include from a specific
layer in one device to a similar layer in another device. These devices may use non-DNP3 protocols
tailored to their functions; however, the use of DNP3 is recommended.

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Shipboard Electrical Installations—Systems Engineering

14.2.3 User equipment—electrical power system communications Power management

In cases where the operation of loads can negatively impact the ability of the power system to maintain
power quality and QoS, control interfaces between the load and power system should be established to
enable the power system to maintain power quality and QoS. Load management

In cases where load shedding by electrically disconnecting power to loads can cause damage or result in
significant time to restore load functionality, consideration should be given to establishing control
interfaces enabling the power system to command loads to shut down or reduce power within a specific
period of time.

15. Quality of service (QoS)

15.1 General

QoS is a metric of power system reliability. It is calculated as an MTBSI. The calculation of QoS metrics
does not take into account survivability events such as battle damage, collisions, fires, or flooding. QoS
does take into account equipment failures and normal system operation transients.

Loads should be categorized into four QoS categories: uninterruptible, short-term interrupt, long-term
interrupt, and exempt.

15.2 Service interruption

A service interruption is any interruption in service or any power quality degradation outside of acceptable
parameters for a period of time that results in situations where the ship cannot meet its operational
requirements. The duration of service interruption is measured relative to two system-dependent times:
reconfiguration time (t1) and generator start time (t2).

System times are system-dependent quantities that can have a major impact on cost and should therefore be
selected very carefully and include mission functionality. The system designer needs to specify t1and t2.

15.3 Reconfiguration time (t1)

Reconfiguration time (t1) is established by the time delays in the system protection coordination. For
systems with traditional switchgear, historic values of 0.5 s, 1 s, 2 s, or 3 s should be used. For the new
designs with fast power electronics, t1 of 0.0001 s, 0.001 s, 0.01 s, 0.05 s, 0.1 s, or 0.2 s should be used.

Reconfiguration time should be specified and included as part of the EPS-CONOPS.

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Shipboard Electrical Installations—Systems Engineering

15.4 Generator start time (t2)

Generator start time (t2) is defined as the maximum time to bring the slowest power generation module
online. Note that t2 is typically on the order of 1 min to 5 min.

15.5 Mean time between service interruptions (MTBSI)

Different operating conditions of the ship may have different requirements for MTBSI. These different
operating conditions are generally defined, and the MTBSI calculated, over an operating cycle or
alternately a design reference mission. Associated with each operating condition is a machinery CONOPS
that details the expected policies for redundancy, rolling reserve, etc., needed to achieve the customer-
specified MTBSI.

MTBSI should be specified and included as part of the EPS-CONOPS.

15.6 QoS categories

15.6.1 Uninterruptible load

Loads that cannot tolerate service interruptions greater than t1 are categorized as uninterruptible loads.

The power system should be designed to give these loads the minimum achievable service interruption with
a reliability in excess of the customer-specified MTBSI.

15.6.2 Short-term interrupt load

Loads that can tolerate service interruptions of t1 but cannot tolerate service interruptions of t2 are
categorized as short-term interrupt loads.

The power system should be designed to limit service interruptions to these loads to less than t1. Service
interruptions greater than t1 should not occur on average more frequently than the customer-specified

15.6.3 Long-term interrupt loads

Loads that can tolerate service interruptions of t2 are categorized as long-term interrupt.

With the exception of exempt loads, the power system should be designed to limit service interruptions to
these loads to less than t2. Service interruptions greater than t2 to long-term interrupt loads (except exempt
loads) should not occur on average more frequently than the customer-specified MTBSI.

15.6.4 Exempt loads

Exempt loads are a special case of long-term interrupt loads for which redundancy is not required in sizing
the capacity of the generating plant.

For example, in integrated power system (IPS) configurations where propulsion and ship service power are
provided by the same set of power generation modules and prime movers, sufficient redundancy in

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Shipboard Electrical Installations—Systems Engineering

generation is not provided to enable the ship to achieve its maximum speed with any one generator out of
service. Some portion of the propulsion power for IPS ships may be designated as exempt load. The
installed generation capacity of the ship must be capable of supporting all categories of load for every
operating condition with all generators online and must support all loads except the exempt load with one
power generation module out of service.

The concept of the exempt load is used only in sizing the installed generation capacity of the ship. In
operation of the power system, exempt load is treated as long-term interrupt load.

16. Grounding (earthing)

16.1 General

The design baseline should establish the type of grounding for various parts of the ship’s power system.
The baseline design of shipboard power system grounding should generally follow the guidance of
IEEE Std 142™ [B24] and, for power electronic equipment specifically, IEEE Std 1100™ [B27]. All
definitions from those references apply. While those two references are comprehensive with respect to
terrestrial/industrial power systems, this clause focuses on specific, additional aspects regarding shipboard

16.2 Power system grounding

The major challenge in shipboard power system grounding is to strike a balance between maximizing the
QoS to the loads, minimizing hull current flow, and minimizing damage from arc faults and transient
overvoltage, while ensuring safety of personnel.

No one simple answer exists to the problem of grounding. Each of a number of possible solutions to a
grounding problem has at least one feature that is outstanding, but which is obtained at some sacrifice of
other features that may be equally worthy. Thus, the selection of the class and means of grounding is often
a compromise between somewhat conflicting solutions.

From all the various grounding methods described in IEEE Std 142, the following three are relevant for
shipboard systems:

 High-resistance grounded
 Solidly grounded
 Ungrounded

Four major classes of circuits can be distinguished for which different grounding methods may be applied.
While any of the three relevant grounding methods may be used for each of the classes of circuits, the
following methods are recommended:

 Medium-voltage primary busses should be high-resistance grounded.

 Primary low-voltage busses and distribution busses should be either high-resistance grounded or
 Secondary low-voltage busses should be solidly grounded.
 Special circuits such as hospital outlets may require special grounding treatment.

In practice, combinations of up to all three grounding methods may coexist in separately derived systems.
Per definition, separately derived systems demonstrate galvanic isolation between them.

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Shipboard Electrical Installations—Systems Engineering

Figure 6 illustrates the recommended grounding scheme for an integrated shipboard power system (50 Hz
or 60 Hz ac or dc). As indicated in Figure 6, it is important to provide the required grounding means at each
separately derived system (see definition in IEEE Std 142).

High-resistance grounded and ungrounded systems should provide a means for detecting and locating
ground faults. [See ground detector indicator (GDI) in Figure 6.]



Primary Bus Other Primary


G: Motor
G M: Generator H
H High Resistance
R Ground
Distribution Bus Other Distribution
Variable Frequency Loads

Ground Detector M GDI

Indicator Distribution

Other Secondary
LV Loads
Secondary LV Bus

Secondary LV

Figure 6 —System grounding

16.3 Point of system grounding

System grounding should be accomplished at the transformer wye secondary or generator neutral. If a
transformer wye secondary is unavailable in an ac system, grounding transformers should be used.

If separately derived systems can be merged into one (e.g., by means of reconfiguration via circuit
switches), the system designer must ensure that the combined system again fulfills the necessary
requirements for the desired grounding method.

Special attention should be paid to grounding solutions that can introduce corrosion damage to other
components of the ship, especially to structural components that are made of stray-current-sensitive
materials such as aluminum, stainless steel, carbon fiber, high-performance steel, galvanized steel, and
coating systems. Grounding systems should not allow surface leakage at connection or interface points that
can lead to the failures of the grounding systems or their attachment points.

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Shipboard Electrical Installations—Systems Engineering

16.4 Equipment grounding

Equipment grounding should follow the guidelines established in IEEE Std 142 or IEEE Std 3003.2™
[B34]. Requirements for equipment grounding are found in article 250, chapter VI, of the National
Electrical Code® (NEC®) (NFPA 70) [B45] or other appropriate standard.

The design and physical arrangement of equipment should be closely examined for potential current
leakage problems that could create stray electrical currents. These can include, but are not be limited to,
wet surface short circuits across isolation insulators, antenna connection points, metal electrical equipment
containment cabinets, and interface points.

16.5 Ground plates on nonmetallic ships

On nonmetallic hull ships, ground plate(s), installed to provide an earth ground connection via contact with
sea water, should be installed to establish ground potential. The ground plate(s) should be installed at the
lowest point of the structural hull, as close as possible to the vertical of the mast. A through bolt should be
brazed to each ground plate to provide a connection point for installation of the cable grounding system
ground plane. When the ship is removed from the water, an appropriate ground should be established and

16.6 Lightning protection grounding

Lightning protection should follow the guidelines given in NFPA 780 (chapter 10, “Protection for
Watercraft”) [B46], IEEE P45.1 [B11], or other appropriate standard.

16.7 Stray current protection

The ship design should prevent or control corrosion caused by stray electrical currents entering through the
hull from the sea. In particular the ship design should account for stray electrical currents, while in port,
due to the grounding systems of the shore power system and other ships.

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Shipboard Electrical Installations—Systems Engineering

17. Shipboard electrical power system design

17.1 General

The function of a shipboard electrical power system is to provide the user loads with electrical power. To
fulfill this function, the electrical power system must generate electrical power, distribute electrical power
from the point of generation to the user load, convert electrical power when the type of power to be
provided to the user load is different from the type of power generated and distributed, and control
electrical power. System designers of shipboard electrical power systems should seek to meet the required
performance levels using the most cost-effective set of equipment.

17.2 Open architecture

IEEE Std 1826-2012 identifies open system interfaces for high-power electronics equipment used in zonal
electrical distribution systems rated above 100 kW. Interfaces are grouped into key and non-key interfaces
and are based on technological maturity, accepted practices, and allowances for future technology
insertions. IEEE Std 1826-2012 defines how openness of system should be verified and validated through
rigorous assessment mechanism, interface control management, and proactive conformance testing to
enable plug-and-play operability independently of components origin. It also formulates specific interface
requirements for open zonal electrical distribution systems on ships and platforms.

17.3 Aggregation of loads

On ships, loads aggregate in a number of ways. First, loads aggregate on the basis of the functional, or
mission, equipment that they support; for example, power amplifiers, signal processing equipment, cooling
equipment and maintenance support equipment all must be located proximate to the mission system that
they support. Hence, loads aggregate along functional, or mission, lines. Second, loads aggregate on the
basis of a ship’s compartment division design. This is a natural aggregation. Loads can always be
aggregated on the basis of physical proximity; it makes engineering sense to do so. This aggregation is
emphasized in naval combatants or passenger ships where strict watertight compartment divisions are a
fundamental design requirement. Third, loads now aggregate on the basis of the type of power they require.

Sound engineering reasons exist for grouping loads, here implying limits on the extent of each group.
Cables chosen to supply the group may be limited, by choice, to a certain size to enhance producibility
during ship construction. This would limit the size of a group on the basis of the current drawn by the
group. Circuit breakers employed to protect equipment and cable runs may be limited, on the basis of
physical capacity, in the amount of steady-state current they can pass. Once again, this would limit the size
of a group on the basis of the current drawn by the group. Power converters, chosen to supply a particular
type of electrical power to a group, are limited by the characteristics of the semiconductor switches
employed in their design. This would limit the size of a group on the basis of either the power or current
drawn by the group.

The system designers of modern shipboard electrical power systems work within a very constrained design
space, especially if a number of electrical power interfaces are offered. This discussion of the various
constraints on the size of groups of user loads is meant to point out an important process. Ultimately, all of
the groups of user loads are aggregated at the output of the generators, supplied by the type of electrical
power produced by the generators. Between the input connection of a specific user load and the generator
output may lay a number of intermediate power interfaces. Design choices and available technologies and
other influences strongly affect a recursive grouping of the loads and, hence, the electrical power system
equipment that must be installed in the ship.

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Shipboard Electrical Installations—Systems Engineering

17.4 Power generation and energy storage capacities

17.4.1 General requirements

The efficiency and power rating of the generator sets (as installed) shall take into consideration the impact
of pressure losses in the intakes and exhaust. The data on efficiency and power rating provided by
manufacturers for standard conditions must be adjusted to reflect the shipboard environment in which the
equipment will be operated.

An emergency generation system shall have the capacity to serve all emergency loads as defined in the
emergency ship operating condition.

For any ship operating condition, 95% of the total power generation capacity of all online generator sets
and energy storage minus 95% of the rating of the largest online generator set must be greater than the sum
of the online uninterruptible and short-term interruptible loads. For zonal architectures, if the power from
energy storage or a generator set can serve only in-zone loads, than any energy storage or generator set
power capacity in excess of the sum of that zone’s uninterruptible and short-term interruptible load should
not be counted in the total power generation capacity. The 95% factor is an allowance for variation in load
due to equipment cycling on and off.

17.4.2 Nonintegrated ship service power and propulsion power systems

In designs where the majority of the ship’s propulsion power is not provided via the electrical power
system, the loss of use of the generating unit with the highest power rating for any reason (e.g., failure,
maintenance) shall not impact the ability of the electrical power generation plant to supply maximum end-
of-service-life ship service electric load for any ship operating condition with the remaining generators at
95% rated power. 9 The one generator down is an allowance for generator unreliability and time to repair.
The 95% factor is an allowance for variation in load due to equipment cycling on and off.

17.4.3 Integrated power systems (IPSs)

IPSs are systems where the majority of propulsion power and ship service power are supplied from a
common electrical power generating plant. The power generating plant shall be designed to provide the
maximum margined electric load with service life allowance (including design propulsion load) for any
ship operating condition at the design rating of the generating plant. The loss of use of the generating unit
with the highest power rating for any reason (e.g., failure, maintenance) shall not impact the ability of the
electrical power generation plant to provide the maximum of the margined electric load with service life
allowance (including design propulsion load) less exempt load for any ship operating condition. Unless
otherwise specified, propulsion load above the minimum of that required to achieve one half of the design
speed or 7 kn is exempt load. When paralleled, each generator shall maintain paralleled loading within
± 5% of its rated portion of the operating load. The generator sets shall be designed for a 110% continuous
overload rating.

Additionally, at least one of the two following criteria shall be met:

a) The IPS control system shall prevent overloading of the generators. When sufficient power is being
provided to the propulsion motor(s), the IPS control system shall have the ability to prevent
overloading of the generators by managing the power provided to the propulsion motor(s).

This requirement is often called the “N+1” rule.

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Shipboard Electrical Installations—Systems Engineering

b) The power generating plant shall be designed to provide the maximum margined electric load with
service life allowance (including design propulsion load) at 95% of the design rating of the
generating plant.

17.4.4 Special cases

In a hybrid electric drive, an electric auxiliary propulsion motor augments a mechanical drive system. If a
hybrid electric drive is installed essentially for fuel economy and is not required to achieve the ship’s
design maximum speed, the customer should specify whether the hybrid electric drive load is considered
for establishing generator or energy storage module power capacity.

A propulsion derived ship service (PDSS) consists of an electrical generator connected to the drive shaft of
a mechanical drive system. (It may also include power electronics to convert the power produced by the
generator to the frequency and voltage of the power distribution system.) If a PDSS is installed, its capacity
may be included in the total generating capacity of the ship if the electrical power generation capacity is
independent of the propulsion power at all times.

A bidirectional hybrid electric drive system performs both functions (auxiliary propulsion) and PDSS with
a single set of equipment. The electric machine mechanically attached to the propulsion system acts as
either a motor or a generator depending on operating mode. A power converter acts as either a motor drive
or inverter synthesizing distribution bus voltage and frequency depending on the operating mode. In this
arrangement, the power capacity and power draw should be included in the electric load analysis as
appropriate for the operational conditions. The EPS-CONOPS should detail the intended operating mode
for each operating condition.

Some ships with large maneuvering thrusters may have operational conditions where the propulsion loads
are mostly electric and a significant fraction of the electric load. For these operational conditions, the
criteria of 17.4.3 apply.

17.5 Power conversion and transformer ratings

Power conversion equipment and transformers should have a power rating sufficient to satisfy the worst-
case anticipated load including margin and service life allowance. If the power conversion equipment is
modular and extra capacity can be easily added at a later date, then the power conversion equipment and
associated cabling should be designed to incorporate sufficient capacity to satisfy the worst-case anticipated
load including margin and service life allowance, but need provide only sufficient modules at delivery to
satisfy the worst-case anticipated load without service life allowance.

Single-phase transformers are normally rated in kilovolt-amperes (megavolt-amperes) by multiplying the

open-circuit voltage of the secondary by the full-load current even though these two conditions do not
happen at the same time. Hence the actual amount of kilovolt-amperes delivered by the transformer has to
take into account the regulation of the transformer. Similarly, three-phase transformers are normally rated
in kilovolt-amperes (megavolt-amperes) by multiplying the open-circuit line-to-line voltage by the full-load
current and the square root of 3.

The calculation of the worst-case anticipated load should account for the impact of cycling loads.
Additionally, the ability of the power conversion and transformers to provide in-rush current to load
equipment and to provide adequate, but not too much, fault current to enable proper coordination of circuit
breakers must be evaluated.

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Shipboard Electrical Installations—Systems Engineering

17.6 Switchgear and cable ratings

Switchgear and cables should have a current rating sufficient to satisfy the worst-case anticipated load
including margin and service life allowance. The worst-case load is determined from the electric load
analysis and the load flow analysis. Switchgear interrupting ratings are based on maximum short-circuit
current. Coordination of loading and system thermal limitations must also be considered. Refer to
IEEE Std 45 [B20] (Clause 7 and Clause 8) for recommended practices for shipboard electrical
installations. See also IEEE Std C37.20.1™ [B16], IEEE Std C37.20.2™ [B17], IEEE Std C37.20.3™
[B18], IEEE Std 1580™-2010 [B31], article 110 of the NEC (NFPA 70) [B45], and UL 347 [B49] for other
recommended practices and requirements for electrical installations.

18. Reliability, maintainability, availability, and dependability

Considerable guidance exists for designing reliable and maintainable systems. For example, “The DoD
Guide for Achieving Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability” [B4] provides guidance on
understanding and documenting user needs and constraints, designing and redesigning for reliability,
availability, and maintainability (RAM), producing reliable and maintainable systems, and monitoring field
experience and sustaining RAM performance. IEEE Std 1413™ [B30] provides a standard framework for
reliability prediction of hardware. IEEE Std 1332™ [B29] describes a standard reliability program for the
development and production of electronic systems and equipment. MIL-HDBK-189 [B39] describes
reliability growth techniques that enable planning, evaluating, and controlling the reliability of a system
during its development stage.

Dependability is a measure of a system’s availability, reliability, and maintenance support. Dependability

focuses on three elements:

 Attributes: Ways to assess the dependability of a system

 Threats: Things that can affect the dependability of a system
 Means: Ways to increase a system’s dependability

Dependability may be used as a metric of systems design.

See Annex A for a further discussion on dependability.

19. System testing and acceptance

Electrical power systems should be tested in accordance with IEEE P45.6™ [B13].

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Shipboard Electrical Installations—Systems Engineering

Annex A



A.1 Overview

Dependability is a measure of a system’s availability, reliability, and maintenance support. This may also
encompass mechanisms designed to increase and maintain the dependability of a system. Dependability
may be used as a metric of systems design.

Dependability focuses on three elements:

 Attributes: Ways to assess the dependability of a system
 Threats: Things that can affect the dependability of a system
 Means: Ways to increase a system’s dependability

A.2 Attributes

A system design should incorporate

 Availability: Readiness for correct service
 Reliability: Continuity of correct service
 Safety: Absence of catastrophic consequences on the user(s) and the environment
 Integrity: Absence of improper system alteration
 Maintainability: Ability for a process to undergo modifications and repairs

and combine these attributes with the concepts of threats and failures to create dependability.

A.3 Threats

A.3.1 General

Threats are things that can affect a system and cause a drop in dependability. Three main terms must be
clearly understood:

 Fault: A fault (which is usually referred to as a software bug for historic reasons) is a defect in a
system. The presence of a fault in a system may or may not lead to a failure. For instance, although
a system may contain a fault, its input and state conditions may never cause this fault to be
executed so that an error occurs; thus the fault never exhibits as a failure. In hardware designs, a
fault is manifested as a discrepancy between the design of a system and its intended behavior.
 Error: An error is a discrepancy between the intended behavior of a system and its actual behavior
inside the system boundary. Errors occur at runtime when some part of the system enters an
unexpected state due to the activation of a fault. Since errors are generated from invalid states, they
are hard to observe without special mechanisms, such as debuggers or debug output to logs. In
hardware design, an error can be manifested, for example, as mechanical stresses larger than
designed, but low enough to preclude failure.

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Shipboard Electrical Installations—Systems Engineering

 Failure: A failure is an instance in time when a system displays behavior that is contrary to its
specification. An error may not necessarily cause a failure; for instance, an exception may be
thrown by a system, but it may be caught and handled using fault tolerance techniques so the
overall operation of the system will conform to the specification. In hardware design, a failure can
be manifested, for example, as a violation of an interface or performance requirement or by
equipment breaking.

A.3.2 Fault-error-failure chain

It is important to note that failures are recorded at the system boundary. They are basically errors that have
propagated to the system boundary and have become observable. Faults, errors, and failures operate
according to a mechanism. This mechanism is sometimes known as a fault-error-failure chain. As a general
rule, a fault, when activated, can lead to an error (which is an invalid state), and the invalid state generated
by an error may lead to another error or a failure (which is an observable deviation from the specified
behavior at the system boundary).

Once a fault is activated, an error is created. An error may act in the same way as a fault in that it can create
further error conditions; therefore, an error may propagate multiple times within a system boundary without
causing an observable failure. If an error propagates outside the system boundary, a failure is said to occur.
A failure is basically the point at which it can be said that a service is failing to meet its specification. Since
the output data from one service may be fed into another, a failure in one service may propagate into
another service as a fault so a chain can be formed as follows: fault leading to error leading to failure
leading to error, etc.

A.4 Means

A.4.1 General

Dependability means are intended to reduce the number of failures presented to the user of a system.
Failures are traditionally recorded over time, and it is useful to understand how their frequency is measured
so that the effectiveness of means can be assessed.

Since the mechanism of a fault-error-failure chain is understood, it is possible to construct means to break
these chains and thereby increase the dependability of a system. The following four means have been
identified so far:
 Prevention
 Removal
 Forecasting
 Tolerance

A.4.2 Fault prevention

Fault prevention deals with preventing faults from being incorporated into a system. This can be
accomplished by use of development methodologies and good implementation techniques.

A.4.3 Fault removal

Fault removal can be subdivided into two subcategories: removal during development and removal during
use. Removal during development requires verification so that faults can be detected and removed before a
system is put into production. Once systems have been put into production, a system is needed to record
failures and remove them via a maintenance cycle.

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Shipboard Electrical Installations—Systems Engineering

A.4.4 Fault forecasting

Fault forecasting predicts likely faults so that they can be removed or their effects can be circumvented.

A.4.5 Fault tolerance

Fault tolerance deals with putting mechanisms in place that will allow a system to still deliver the required
service in the presence of faults, although that service may be at a degraded level.

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Shipboard Electrical Installations—Systems Engineering

Annex B


Design baseline

B.1 Overview

The design baseline should consist of the items listed in this annex, or a subset thereof, as appropriate to the
vessel design. The items in the following subclauses should be presented as engineering drawings and
reports. Each document should identify the scope of the document, the context of the information, and
references to other documents as necessary.

B.2 Contents

B.2.1 Cover sheet

The cover sheet may be a rendering, outboard profile, or similar drawing and serves as the first sheet in the
drawings. The cover sheet is optional.

B.2.2 Drawing index

The drawing index should provide the names and drawing numbers categorized or grouped in a useable and
logical fashion.

B.2.3 Drawing tree/document index

The drawing tree or document index should show a top-down breakdown of the drawings for the electrical
power system. This may be a multi-drawing or multi-sheet set and should identify all electrical power
system and related drawings down to the system or subsystem level. It should not list all electrical drawings
but rather should serve as a guide to other more detailed drawings.

Intersystem and ship interfaces should be identified. Sufficient information should be shown to clearly
identify all electrical interfaces among systems, subsystems, and equipment.

B.2.4 Electrical power system top-level requirements

This drawing should identify top-level requirements for the electrical power system. It may be as simple as
a single sheet drawing or may be a multi-page document.

B.2.5 Systems list

The systems list should be a list of systems to be installed. In early design phases, systems may be shown
generically. The design baseline should include all systems by name and identifying number. Systems to be
provided by the builder should be clearly indicated and identified during detailed design.

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Shipboard Electrical Installations—Systems Engineering

B.2.6 Power system design (single line diagram)

A power system single line diagram describing the power system design should be included as a drawing.

B.2.7 Primary power system parameters

A summary of the primary power system parameter should be included.


The EPS-CONOPS as described in Annex C should be included.

B.2.9 Electrical power system control design

The electrical power system control design should be presented as a report.

B.2.10 Master equipment list

The master equipment list should be developed as early as possible and verified during each design phase.

B.2.11 Interface control document (ICD)

The ICD should be started no later than early during preliminary design. The design baseline should show
interfaces for all required equipment. ICD details may be deferred for items to be identified during product

B.2.12 Computer software

Software identification should include a database design description, interface design description, software
design description, and software version description. For each of these elements, the following should be
provided: document name, document number, version, date, and description. The master media have the
following characteristics: distribution media format, operating system, and a unique drawing part number
identifying the specific distribution media.

B.2.13 Electric load analysis 10

The initial electric load analysis should be done during concept design. Load analyses should be updated as
part of each subsequent design phase.

B.2.14 RM&A analysis

Reliability, maintainability, and availability analysis should be presented as a report.

If dependability is used, a dependability report combining electric load analysis (B.2.13), RM&A analysis (B.2.14), and FMECA
(B.2.17) should be provided in lieu of separate items.

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B.2.15 QoS analysis

QoS analysis should be presented as a report.

B.2.16 Electrical power system corrosion control description

A description of the implementation of corrosion control in the electrical power system design should be
presented as a report.

B.2.17 Failure modes, effects, and criticality analysis (FMECA)

FMECA should be presented as a report.

B.2.18 Models list

All models used should be identified on the drawings. Software models should include a database design
description, interface design description, software design description, and software version description. For
each of these elements, the following should be provided: document name, document number, version,
date, and description. The master media have the following characteristics: distribution media format,
operating system, and a unique drawing part number identifying the specific distribution media.

B.2.19 Simulation results

Simulation results should presented as reports.

B.2.20 Cost considerations

Cost considerations should be presented as reports.

B.2.21 Electrical power system specification

The electrical power system specification used for procurement and the basis for product design should be
presented or referenced.

B.2.22 Long-lead electrical procurements

Long-lead procurement items should be identified.

B.2.23 Studies and other reference documents

Studies and other reference documents should be presented as reports.

B.2.24 Testing and acceptance criteria

Testing and acceptance criteria should be presented as a report.

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Shipboard Electrical Installations—Systems Engineering

B.2.25 Bibliography

A bibliography is optional. If provided, the bibliography should be presented as a report.

B.3 Excluded data

Certain data may be excluded due to proprietary or other reasons. It is strongly recommended that a data
list be prepared that identifies any and all documents in this category. The excluded data list should be
retained by the owner but not included as part of the generally distributed design baseline.

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Shipboard Electrical Installations—Systems Engineering

Annex C


Electrical power system concept of operations (EPS-CONOPS)

C.1 Overview

An EPS-CONOPS is a statement of the required behaviors of the electrical power system based on the
expected use of the ship and should be prepared for each new design. The EPS-CONOPS is important
because it forms the basis for the following aspects of the electrical power system:

 Designing electrical power system controls and software.

 Determining the performance requirements for all of the electrical power system equipment.
 Establishing the required redundancy.
 Establishing the appropriate level of electrical power system autonomy and the nature of the
desired human-system interaction.

The EPS-CONOPS depends on and enables the ship’s CONOPS, which hence must be known. The
EPS-CONOPS distinguishes between nominal operations, which occur when all equipment is operating
within limits, and restorative operations, which occur when an equipment failure or a damage scenario has
occurred and not all of the equipment is operating within limits.

C.2 Nominal operations

C.2.1 General

Nominal operations are how the electrical power system is intended to operate, absent equipment or
software failures or damage. EPS-CONOPS describe which electrical power system equipment fulfills
which function and with what desired level of performance. The EPS-CONOPS description of the nominal
condition must be consistent with the nominal electrical power system interface standards and
specifications, the required performance that yields the desired ship-level mission capability or
profitability, and ultimately the ship’s CONOPS.

C.2.2 Ship’s functions and missions

The description, the EPS-CONOPS, must be consistent with the ship’s CONOPS and the previously
discussed electric load analysis, with respect to the characterization of mission conditions (shore, anchor,
restricted maneuverability/berthing, cargo onload/offload, cruise, battle, functional) and relevant ambient
environmental conditions (arctic and/or tropical). For each mission condition envisioned for the ship, the
EPS-CONOPS describes which equipment is required and the operational configuration of that equipment;
this has been called the plant lineups. Where more than one possible set of equipment or configuration are
available, EPS-CONOPS identifies all of the alternatives and the attributes to consider in choosing one over

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Shipboard Electrical Installations—Systems Engineering

C.2.3 Optimizations

The EPS-CONOPS should describe, for each of the mission conditions, what constitutes optimal
performance. The aspect of performance being optimized is a design driver, not just for specific equipment,
but also for controls and software. A ship at anchor may optimize fuel efficiency, emissions reduction, or a
rapid transition to underway operations. A ship in restricted maneuverability/berthing condition is likely to
optimize redundancy and the ensuring of safe navigation. A ship conducting cargo onload/offload may
want to minimize time pierside and hence optimize loading/unloading rate. Most ships in a cruise condition
will want to optimize fuel efficiency.

For more complex ship designs, more than one aspect of performance may be optimized simultaneously.
The foregoing example of a ship at anchor may optimize fuel efficiency, emissions reduction, AND a rapid
transition to underway operations. The approach to achieving a multi-attribute optimization would be to
develop a “performance index,” which is a function of the attributes to be optimized, perhaps a weighted
sum; the system control would then optimize the performance index.

The EPS-CONOPS, in addition to specifying different optimizations for different ship conditions, also
describes the constraints to be applied in concert with the optimizations. For example, a specific QoS may
be specified regardless of the ship condition; whether engaged in single-engine operation to optimize fuel
efficiency or conducting onload/offload, the same minimum QoS must be realized. Other such constraints
may be operational redundancy, rapid reconfiguration, and so on.

C.2.4 Transitions

Nominal operations are the steady-state design conditions for the ship’s electrical power system. Typically,
ships regularly shift from condition to condition as they go about their business. Starting from anchor, a
ship may transition to restricted maneuverability/berthing, weigh anchor, get underway, transition to cruise
for an extended period, transition back to restricted maneuverability/berthing, moor, and then, finally,
transition to cargo onload/offload. These transitions are predictable and deliberate. Hence, the
EPS-CONOPS should describe, in appropriate detail, the nature of these regular transitions including the
preparations required and steps in executing.

An important portion of the EPS-CONOPS describes how the electrical power system will recover, step by
step, from a dark-ship scenario with all equipment available. This description indicates what emergency
power sources are present, which loads are energized and in which order, and when the electrical power
system has returned to nominal, autonomous operation. The data within the electric load analysis and
characterizations of the specific load equipment may include various requirements to reenergize for load
equipment, including reclosure time requirements. The EPS-CONOPS describing transition from a dark-
ship scenario with all equipment available to nominal operation must include such considerations.

C.2.5 Power management

Power management is a subset of the functions that must be performed to control the electrical power
system. During nominal operations, power management functions ensure that online power generation is
sufficient for the present load and consistent with the intended electrical power system optimization(s).
Power management can be implemented in various ways. At a minimum, power management must possess
the means to determine the present electric load, determine the present online power capacity, compare the
two, and execute transitions in the electrical power system if required by the comparison in accordance
with the intended power system optimization(s).

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Shipboard Electrical Installations—Systems Engineering

C.2.6 Degree of autonomy

Systems are designed to behave autonomously for two major reasons. First, the required behavior is beyond
that which humans are able perform. Second, the required behavior is more readily performed by the
system than by humans. In some applications, the degree of autonomy is heavily influenced by the manning
strategy; reduced manning will generally require a higher degree of autonomy. For the EPS-CONOPS,
nominal operations are amenable to electrical power systems with high levels of autonomy for the second
reason. Being the steady-state design conditions of the ship, nominal operations benefit from closed-loop
controls and optimizations. In addition, the predictable and deliberate nature of the transitions between
nominal operating conditions facilitates automating these steps, perhaps being only initiated by humans.

C.2.7 Agent-based systems

Consideration of why autonomy is necessary indicates which implementation alternatives are most
appropriate. Depending on the nature of the desired performance optimizations, a decentralized approach to
autonomy may be most appropriate; this would be the case if survivability/recoverability were to be
optimized. A centralized approach to autonomy may be most appropriate; this would be the case if overall
ship energy efficiency were to be optimized. In a situation where multiple performances are to be
optimized, potentially in conflicting ways, an agent-based/intelligent-agent approach may be effective in
negotiating performance between optimizations.

C.3 Restorative operations

C.3.1 General

Nominal operations are how the electrical power system is intended to operate, absent equipment or
software failures or damage. In contrast, restorative operations occur because of a perturbation and are
focused on returning the electrical power system to a nominal condition. The EPS-CONOPS describes how
the electrical power system attempts to return to nominal. The nature of the perturbation to nominal
operation affects the nature of the restorative operation. One type of perturbation is a failure of a particular
piece of equipment; this type of failure is the basis for designing for a required QoS. The failure is largely a
random event involving a single piece of equipment. A second type of perturbation is a scenario where a
damage event has occurred, such as collision, grounding, or weapon effect. This type of perturbation
typically possesses multiple, near-simultaneous, geographically correlated instances of equipment damage,
not just to the electrical power system but also the control system and other systems present. The damaged
condition is a situation where just about every damage attribute is stochastically imposed.

For both types of perturbation, the EPS-CONOPS indicates criteria for the transition from restorative
operations to nominal operations.

C.3.2 Equipment failure

Upon the failure of a piece of equipment, largely a random event, the EPS-CONOPS describes the strategy
for ensuring the QoS that is to be implemented in the electrical power system design. Given the intractably
large number of conceivable equipment failures, the strategy articulated by the EPS-CONOPS is
necessarily high level. Also, given the response times that are usually required to ensure QoS, the strategy
typically must be autonomously implemented. One possible approach to this may be to implement a QoS
power management element in the electrical power system controller. The QoS power management
element would, upon the detection of an equipment failure, implement reconfiguration actions and possibly
resort to QoS load shedding, that is, shedding the longest-term interrupt loads available for the duration of

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Shipboard Electrical Installations—Systems Engineering

the reconfiguration actions. If the reconfiguration were not achievable within the interrupt time frame, then
resorting to a mission-priority load shedding is recommended.

Load shedding in this context is one possible action that power management may execute; the context of
restorative operations due to equipment failure is different from that of nominal operations. In nominal
operations, power generating capacity is usually adjusted to balance load and supply. In restorative
operations, power management functions still strive to ensure that online power generation is sufficient for
the present load; however, the emphasis on achieving the intended nominal system optimization(s)
becomes secondary to achieving the required QoS. Load equipment may be adjusted (shed) to balance load
and supply. With any interruption in power that triggers restorative operations, uninterruptible loads
immediately shift to their alternate source. If power is not restored within reconfiguration time (t1), then
QoS power management would shed long-term interrupt loads. If power is not restored within generator
start time (t2), then power management would shift from a QoS emphasis to a mission-priority emphasis
and would shed low mission-priority loads.

Traditionally, load shedding has been based only on mission priority. Loads were categorized into nonvital,
semi-vital, and vital loads. When a load center detected an under-frequency on the bus, an indicator that
load is greater than the generation capacity, then the first-stage load-shed breaker would trip and deenergize
all the nonvital loads. If this is not sufficient for the frequency to recover, then the second-stage load-shed
breaker would trip and deenergize the semi-vital loads. If there still was not sufficient generation, then
typically the generator would trip offline on under-frequency. The automatic bus transfer (ABT) for each
vital load would sense the loss of power and switch to the alternate power source. The logic presumes
that the alternate power source has sufficient generation capacity to handle the load added by the ABTs.
Figure C.1 depicts a representative method for implementing this load-shedding strategy in a load center.

Load Second Stage First Stage

Center Load Shed Load Shed
Breaker Breaker Breaker

Vital Semi-vital Non-vital

Loads Loads Loads

Figure C.1—Traditional load-shedding implementation in a load center

NOTE—Circuit breakers with a “C” imply a circuit breaker that is controlled by load-shed control system logic. Other
circuit breakers trip on over-current or manually. 11

The traditional load-shed strategy does not take into account the tolerance of the loads to a power
interruption. Priority for providing power is solely determined by the importance of the load to the ship’s
mission. Furthermore, loads requiring uninterruptible power must provide their own uninterruptible power

Power distribution products are now on the market that can implement the control-centric topology
depicted in Figure C.2. In this topology, all of the breakers can be commanded to open and close by the
machinery control system. Uninterruptible loads can be provided with an alternate source of power within
the load center as shown, or via an ABT or uninterruptible power supply “downstream” of the load center.
With the level of controllability shown in Figure C.2, load shedding can initially be based on QoS
considerations. As depicted in Figure C.3, power would normally be expected to be restored to all loads

Notes in text, table, and figures are given for information only and do not contain requirements needed to implement the
recommended practice.

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Shipboard Electrical Installations—Systems Engineering

within t2 of the loss of a generator. A service interruption would occur only if multiple failures happened at
the same time or if a single-point-of-failure device fails. As shown in Figure C.4, only when the machinery
control system determines that sufficient generation cannot be brought online within t2, does the load-shed
strategy shift to one based on mission priority. Table C.1 summarizes the power management time scales.
Some loads that are retained in QoS are shed to restore power to other higher mission priority loads.

Table C.1—Power management time scales

Time Action
Before t1 Isolate the fault.
t1 Reconfigure to supply short-term interrupt loads.
t1 to t2 Start additional generator.
t2 Transition from QoS to mission-priority power management (load shedding).

Switchboard /
To Energy Storage



Figure C.2—Control centric load center topology for implementing QoS and mission
priority load shedding

Generator Generator Generator

Set C Set C Set B
(Standby) (Standby) (Offline)

Generator Generator Generator

Set B QOS Set B Set C
Long Shed Long (Online)
(Online) (Offline)
Term Loads Term
Interrupt Interrupt

Short Generator Short Generator Short Generator


Term Set A Term Set A Term Set A

Interrupt (Online) Interrupt (Online) Interrupt (Online)
Un-interruptible Un-interruptible Un-interruptible

Load Supply Load Supply Load Supply

Initial Configuration QOS Shedding Service Restored

Figure C.3—QoS load shedding and restoration of power

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Shipboard Electrical Installations—Systems Engineering

Generator Generator Generator

Set B Set B Set B
(Offline) (Offline) (Offline)

Generator Generator Mission Generator

Set C QOS Set C Priority Set C
Long Shed (Offline)
(Online) (Offline) Shed
Term Loads Loads
Short Generator Short Generator Term Generator

Term Set A Term Set A Set A
Interrupt (Online) Interrupt (Online) Short (Online)
Un-interruptible Un-interruptible

Load Supply Load Supply Load Supply

Initial Configuration QOS Shedding Mission Priority Load Shed

Figure C.4—Shift to mission priority load-shed strategy

In some cases, it may be advantageous and less expensive to implement QoS by modifying the traditional
load center implementation as shown in Figure C.5. In this example, loads have only one of two mission
priorities: low and high. All uninterruptible loads are presumed to be high priority. With any interruption in
power, uninterruptible loads immediately shift to their alternate source, either via an ABT or an alternate
source in the load center. If power is not restored almost immediately, then the high-priority long-term
interrupt loads and the low-priority long-term interrupt loads are shed. If power is not restored within t2,
then the low-priority short-term interrupt loads are shed, and the high-priority long-term interrupt loads are
restored. While this implementation is less flexible than the implementation shown in Figure C.2, it may be
adequate for some classes of ships.
Switchboard /
Energy Storage


High Priority Low Priority High Priority High Priority High Priority
Long Term Long Term Short Term Short Term Un-
Interrupt Interrupt Interrupt Interrupt interruptable
Loads Loads Loads Loads Loads

Figure C.5—Traditional load center implementation modified for QoS

One potential improvement to Figure C.2 is incorporating a robust communications link between the power
management software in the machinery control system and the individual loads. With this link, loads could
be commanded to minimize power consumption while still staying in a standby mode (or shutdown in an
orderly fashion). This could avoid potential equipment failures or improper operation due to a “hard
shutdown” of load equipment. The loads may also be able to restore their functionality much more quickly
once commanded to exit the standby state. This feature could enable substituting a simple breaker for the
controlled breaker depicted in Figure C.2 for each load and may result in the recategorization of a load
from an uninterruptible to a short-term interruptible load or from a short-term interruptible load to a long-
term interruptible load. The lack of appropriately adopted open standards for this control and
communication link is the principal obstacle to implementing this improvement.

Ultimately, the EPS-CONOPS articulates which behavior is required for restorative operations.

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Shipboard Electrical Installations—Systems Engineering

C.3.3 Damaged condition

Where a damage event has occurred (such as collision, grounding, or weapon effect), multiple, near-
simultaneous, geographically correlated instances of equipment damage, not just to the electrical power
system but also the control system and other systems, may be present. The EPS-CONOPS for this scenario
describes the strategy for restoring the electrical power system to operation, also called recoverability. The
number and extent of damage scenarios are even larger and more intractable than for the equipment failures
discussed in C.3.2. Hence, the EPS-CONOPS recoverability strategy is also high level. The possible
presence of physical damage to electrical power system equipment argues strongly against autonomously
restoring electrical power to the portions of the system that had lost power in the course of the damage
event. On the other hand, autonomous recovery of equipment necessary for restoration of power, SOLAS,
and damage control will speed the process of restoration of power and possibly reduce the incidence of
further, additional damage. The EPS-CONOPS recoverability strategy indicates how a potentially damaged
electrical power system will recover, step by step, from a dark-ship scenario, corresponding to the
description for the undamaged recovery from a dark-ship scenario.

The EPS-CONOPS recoverability strategy must necessarily be consistent with the ship’s damage control
plans and strategies.

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Shipboard Electrical Installations—Systems Engineering

Annex D


EPS-CONOPS outline

D.1 Introduction

The level of detail included within the EPS-CONOPS is expected to increase as the design of the shipboard
electrical power system proceeds. Furthermore, as the shipboard electrical power system design progresses
through the engineering baselines, the EPS-CONOPS will evolve; the challenge is for its evolution to guide
the electrical power system design while simultaneously being consistent with the electrical power system
design. This is the challenge of synthesis and integration.

This annex provides guidance for the content of an EPS-CONOPS. It is intended to be somewhat general so
it can be useful for concept baselines, preliminary baselines, and so on. This example is indicative of
existing EPS-CONOPS of electrical power system designs of ships in operation, ships being constructed,
and ships being designed.

D.2 General

D.2.1 Purpose

The purpose of an EPS-CONOPS is to provide a top-level discussion of the systems in the ship that must be
supplied from the electrical power system, how the ship and those systems are to be operated, and the other
shipboard systems that are required to support such operations.

The EPS-CONOPS is intended to accomplish the following:

 Describe electric plant lineups.

 Reflect insight gained from electrical power system design trade-off studies.
 Rationalize load factors/load models for use in the electric load analysis.
 Serve as shipboard power system input to other ship design analyses.

D.2.2 Approach

Appropriate to the engineering baseline, perform the following steps:

 Identify operating (readiness) conditions, e.g., cruise, onload/offload, battle, restricted

 Map the operating (readiness) conditions to events in a nominal operating scenario that includes
required speed ranges and mission/payload system equipment lineups/operation.
 Provide rationale for adjusting the electric load analysis in light of the foregoing.
 Ensure that the eletric power system design baseline and the EPS-CONOPS are consistent.

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Shipboard Electrical Installations—Systems Engineering

D.3 EPS-CONOPS content

D.3.1 Operating (readiness) conditions

Define the operating (readiness) conditions for the ship. Examples include cruise, onload/offload, battle,
restricted maneuverability. Identify the major mission/payload systems required to support each operating

D.3.2 Operational scenarios

Define one or more reference operational scenarios consisting of a timeline of operating conditions and
associated speed-time profiles.

D.3.3 Ship speed and electric load estimates

Provide a summary of the electric load analysis. For ships employing electric propulsion, provide a table
for determining the propulsion electric load for a given speed.

D.3.4 Mission/Payload system information

Provide pertinent details on the mission/payload systems with respect to electric load analysis. Detail
relationships among loads, required levels of redundancy, correlation of loads, etc., with respect to the
operating conditions.

D.3.5 Electric load information

Provide any pertinent information on loads that require special consideration for the electric plant lineup or
operation. List any loads that are not expected to meet load power interface requirements and the mitigation
efforts that have been implemented in the power system to accommodate the load power interface

Provide any special details or assumptions needed to estimate or model loads for the electric load analysis.

D.3.6 Electrical power system machinery lineups

List the standard electrical power system machinery lineups, including the prime movers and power
conversion equipment that are online, distribution system circuit breaker/switch configurations, and
algorithms for sharing power among the prime movers and power conversion equipment. Detail the ability
of the operator to implement nonstandard machinery lineups. Identify any restrictions on nonstandard
machinery lineups.

D.3.7 Speed, ship service load, and lineup curves

Specify for each operational condition and range of speed the appropriate standard (or, if required,
nonstandard) electric machinery lineups. Indicate any changes to the electric machinery lineups required by
specific operating modes of loads.

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Shipboard Electrical Installations—Systems Engineering

D.3.8 Electrical power system/ship system trade studies

Provide a summary of key insights gained from electrical power system and ship system trade studies with
respect to operating the electric plant or estimating loads.

D.3.9 EPS-CONOPS input to electrical power system/ship system trade studies

Detail inputs required by other electrical power system and/or ship system trade studies.

D.4 EPS-CONOPS maintenance

The content and configuration of the EPS-CONOPS should be managed and updated to reflect the evolving
design, operational conditions, and operational scenarios.

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Shipboard Electrical Installations—Systems Engineering

Annex E


Shipboard electrical installation characteristics

E.1 Practical considerations

Shipboard electrical power systems are different from land-based electrical power systems. A shipboard
electrical power system possesses several important unique characteristics. First, cable runs are essentially
limited by the length of the ship. Transmission line dynamics do not typically play a significant role.
Second, the physical proximity and electrical proximity of components mean that control information is
passed very rapidly between parts of the system. Third, the constraints and design practices relevant to
shipboard electrical power systems conspire to limit generating capacity and rotational inertia. In contrast,
commercial electrical power systems typically have thousands of generators that all contribute to capacity
and inertia. With the inherent limited generating capacity and rotational inertia onboard a ship, the
characteristic of having single loads that are a significant fraction of the system generating capacity is
added to the already complex nature of shipboard electrical power systems.

The characteristics of terrestrial microgrids (or “islanded” power systems) are analogous to those of
shipboard electrical power systems.

E.2 Characteristics

Shipboard electrical power systems are characterized as follows:

 Generation has low rotational inertia relative to loads.

 Fast controls maintain frequency.
 Shipboard prime movers typically are faster than utilities’ prime movers relative to dynamic times
of interest.
 Loads are large and dynamic relative to generation.
 Generators typically share loads in proportion to rating.
 Very fast load-sharing information is provided to all generators.
 Power electronic switching loads have a large influence on system behavior.
 Transmission lines impacting dynamic performance are not nearly as significant as for utilities.
 Power systems are generally either ungrounded or high-resistance grounded.
 Line-to-ground capacitance can be significant.

E.3 Implications

Implications of shipboard electrical power characteristics are as follows:

 Typical electrical power system models are not usually appropriate for analyzing shipboard
 Higher-order models are necessary both for generators and loads. For example, “swing” equation
assumptions are not met.
 Some of the mathematical expediencies used in usual electrical power system analyses cannot be
used with shipboard electrical power systems. “Infinite” buses and “slack” buses do not have

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Shipboard Electrical Installations—Systems Engineering

manifestations in shipboard electrical power systems. “Constant voltage,” “constant frequency,”

and “constant power” simplifications are normally invalid.
 Shipboard electrical power systems are very tightly coupled both electrically and mechanically.
 Faults must be modelled consistently with the characteristics of shipboard electrical power systems.
 Related to the issue of limited generating capacity and rotational inertia is the fact that shipboard
electrical power system prime movers are smaller than commercial electrical power system prime
movers. The smaller prime movers have time constants that are much closer to the generators’
electrical time constants than is the case in commercial systems. Time scale separation in
commercial electrical power systems is well established and yields quite acceptable results. Time
scales of shipboard electrical power systems are not so easily separated; mechanical and electrical
dynamics are very strongly coupled.
 The small size, lack of inertia, tight coupling, and electrical proximity of shipboard electrical power
systems require fast frequency and voltage controls. During parallel operation, load-sharing
information is provided to all on-line generators very rapidly. Generator loads are usually not
scheduled; rather, loads are shared in proportion to the generators’ ratings. Traditional load flow
formulations have little meaning. Further, the primary and secondary levels of control found in
commercial systems are not present as such in shipboard electrical power systems.
 Loads onboard ships can be large, dynamic, and rapidly applied. Given the lack of inertia and
despite the fast controls, there are large excursions in voltage levels and frequency compared to
commercial electrical power systems. Additionally, while the ship service power system and
emergency power system attempt to ensure that power is available to “vital” loads, in contemporary
systems there are power interruptions during the switching to alternate sources and during the
period of time it takes to start up prime movers, particularly the emergency generator (if installed).
Constant voltage level, constant frequency, and constant power injection assumptions cannot be
made for dynamic analyses.
 For some ships, a large portion of the load may be in the form of variable speed drives and other
power electronic converters that behave as constant power loads, potentially impacting stability and
potentially injecting current harmonics into the power system.

This characterization of shipboard electrical power systems is much abbreviated and points out the
significant differences between shipboard electrical power systems and commercial electrical power
systems. The differences stem from different functions with different concomitant optimizations. The
differences are driven, at the very least, by the disparate scales of the two types of power system.

Copyright © 2015 IEEE. All rights reserved.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Florida Atlantic University. Downloaded on August 11,2015 at 20:43:05 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
IEEE Std 45.3-2015
IEEE Recommended Practice for Shipboard Electrical Installations—Systems Engineering

Annex F



Bibliographical references are resources that provide additional or helpful material but do not need to be
understood or used to implement this standard. Reference to these resources is made for informational use

[B1] ABS Guidance Notes on Control of Harmonics in Electrical Power Systems, American Bureau of
Shipping, May 2006,
[B2] ASTM F1166-07, Standard Practice for Human Engineering Design for Marine Systems,
Equipment, and Facilities, 1 Jan, 2007. 12
[B3] DDS 200-1, Calculation of Surface Ship Endurance Fuel Requirements,
[B4] “The DoD Guide for Achieving Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability,”
[B5] DODI 8500.01E, Cybersecurity,
[B6] IEC 60038, IEC Standard Voltages. 13
[B7] IEC 60050-191 Amendment 2, International Electrotechnical Vocabulary. Chapter 191:
Dependability and quality of service.
[B8] IEC 60092-202, Electrical installations in ships — Part 202: System design — Protection.
[B9] IEC 61000 Series, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC).
[B10] IEC/ISO/IEEE 80005-1, Edition 1.0 2012-07, International Standard for Utility Connections in
Port—Part 1: High Voltage Shore Connection (HVSC) Systems—General requirements.
[B11] IEEE P45.1™ (Draft 1.0, June 2015), Draft Recommended Practice for Electrical Installations on
Shipboard—Detailed Design. 14, 15, 16
[B12] IEEE P45.4™ (Draft 0.0, June 2015), Draft Recommended Practice for Electrical Installations on
Shipboard—Marine Sectors and Mission Systems.
[B13] IEEE P45.6™ (Draft 0.0, June 2015), Draft Recommended Practice for Electrical Installations on
Shipboard—Electrical Testing.
[B14] IEEE P45.8™ (Draft 5, April 2015), Draft Recommended Practice for Electrical Installations on
Shipboard—Cable Systems.
[B15] IEEE P1580.1™ (Draft 0.1.1, January 2015), Draft Recommended Practice for Insulated Bus Pipe
for Use on Shipboard and Fixed or Floating Platforms.
[B16] IEEE Std C37.20.1™, IEEE Standard for Metal-Enclosed Low-Voltage Power Circuit Breaker

ASTM publications are available from ASTM International (
IEC publications are available from the International Electrotechnical Commission (
Numbers preceded by P are IEEE-authorized standards projects that were not approved by the IEEE-SA Standards Board at the time
this publication went to press. For information about obtaining drafts, contact the IEEE.
The IEEE standards or produced referred to in this annex are trademarks of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,
IEEE publications are available from The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (

Copyright © 2015 IEEE. All rights reserved.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Florida Atlantic University. Downloaded on August 11,2015 at 20:43:05 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
IEEE Std 45.3-2015
IEEE Recommended Practice for Shipboard Electrical Installations—Systems Engineering

[B17] IEEE Std C37.20.2™, IEEE Standard for Metal-Clad Switchgear.

[B18] IEEE Std C37.20.3™, IEEE Standard for Metal-Enclosed Interrupter Switchgear (1 kV–38 kV).
[B19] IEEE Std C37.240™, IEEE Standard Cybersecurity Requirements for Substation Automation,
Protection, and Control Systems.
[B20] IEEE Std 45™, IEEE Recommended Practice for Electrical Installations on Shipboard.
[B21] IEEE Std 45.2™, IEEE Recommended Practice for Electrical Installations on Shipboard—Controls
and Automation.
[B22] IEEE Std 45.5™, IEEE Recommended Practice for Electrical Installations on Shipboard—Safety
[B23] IEEE Std 45.7™, IEEE Recommended Practice for Electrical Installations on Shipboard—
[B24] IEEE Std 142™, IEEE Recommended Practice for Grounding of Industrial and Commercial Power
Systems (IEEE Green Book™).
[B25] IEEE Std 399™, IEEE Recommended Practice for Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
Analysis (IEEE Brown Book™).
[B26] IEEE Std 519™, IEEE Recommended Practice and Requirements for Harmonic Control in Electric
Power Systems.
[B27] IEEE Std 1100™, IEEE Recommended Practice for Powering and Grounding Electronic Equipment
(IEEE Emerald Book™).
[B28] IEEE Std 1110™, IEEE Guide for Synchronous Generator Modeling Practices and Applications in
Power System Stability Analyses.
[B29] IEEE Std 1332™, IEEE Standard Reliability Program for the Development and Production of
Electronic Products.
[B30] IEEE Std 1413™, IEEE Standard Framework for Reliability Prediction of Hardware.
[B31] IEEE Std 1580™-2010, IEEE Recommended Practice for Marine Cable for Use on Shipboard and
Fixed or Floating Platforms.
[B32] IEEE Std 1662™-2008, IEEE Guide for the Design and Application of Power Electronics in
Electrical Power Systems on Ships.
[B33] IEEE Std 1709™-2010, IEEE Recommended Practice for 1 kV to 35 kV Medium-Voltage DC
Power Systems on Ships.
[B34] IEEE Std 3003.2™, IEEE Recommended Practice for Equipment Grounding and Bonding in
Industrial and Commercial Power Systems.
[B35] ISA/IEC 62443, Industrial Automation and Control Systems (IACS) Security. 17
[B36] ISO 31000, Risk management—Principles and guidelines. 18
[B37] ISO/IEC 7498-1, Information technology—Open Systems Interconnection—Basic Reference Model:
The Basic Model.
[B38] ISO/IEC 27001, Information technology—Security techniques—Information security management
systems — Requirements.
[B39] MIL-HDBK-189, Department of Defense Handbook Reliability Growth Management. 19

ISA/IEC publications are available from the International Society of Automation ( and from the International
Electrotechnical Commission (
ISO publications are available from the International Organization for Standardization (
Military specifications, standards, and handbooks are available at

Copyright © 2015 IEEE. All rights reserved.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Florida Atlantic University. Downloaded on August 11,2015 at 20:43:05 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
IEEE Std 45.3-2015
IEEE Recommended Practice for Shipboard Electrical Installations—Systems Engineering

[B40] MIL-STD-461, Department of Defense Interface Standard Requirements for the control of
electromagnetic interference characteristics of subsystems and equipment.
[B41] MIL-STD-1399-300, Department of Defense Interface Standard for Shipboard Systems:
Section 300, Electric Power, Alternating Current.
[B42] MIL-STD-1399-680, Department of Defense Interface Standard: Section 680, High Voltage Electric
Power, Alternating Current.
[B43] MIL-STD-1472G, Department of Defense Design Criteria Standard: Human Engineering, 11 Jan.
[B44] NERC Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) series of standards. 20
[B45] NFPA 70, National Electrical Code® (NEC®). 21, 22
[B46] NFPA 780, Installation of Lightning Protection Systems.
[B47] NIST Special Publication 800-100, Information Security Handbook: A Guide for Managers;
Recommendations of the National Institute of Standards and Technology,
[B48] SAE ARP5580, Recommended Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) Practices for Non-
Automobile Applications. 23
[B49] UL 347, Medium-Voltage AC Contactors, Controllers, and Control Centers. 24

NERC standards are available from the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (
National Electrical Code and NEC are both registered trademarks of the National Fire Protection Association. Inc.
NFPA publications are available from the National Fire Protection Agency ( Copies of the NEC area also
available from IEEE (
SAE publications are available from SAE International (
UL publications are available from Underwriters’ Laboratories (

Copyright © 2015 IEEE. All rights reserved.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Florida Atlantic University. Downloaded on August 11,2015 at 20:43:05 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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