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1. Licentiate in medicine a degree completed by Rizal in Madrid,which entitled him to practice


2. Escuela de Bellas Artes de San Fernando the school where Rizal took lessons in painting and
sculpture in Madrid.

3. Lodge Solidaridad the Masonic lodge where Rizal became a Grand Mason.

4. A La Señorita a poem written by Rizal expressed his admiration for Consuelo.

5. Juan Atayde the moving spirit of the Circulo Hispano - Filipino.

Activity #1

1. What made Rizal joined masonry in Spain?

Dr. Jose Rizal was fascinated with the manner by which Spanish masons in Madrid
discussed political issues fearlessly. He was overwhelmed by their progressive ideas on
government, politics, and religion. Thus, he joined the Masonry for two probable reasons;
the abuses committed by the friars against the Filipinos, and the possible assistance the
masons can extend him in his struggle against Spanish tyranny and oppression.


What were the major ideas of Rizal stress in the What was the real purpose of Rizal’s voyage to
speech entitled Brindis? Spain?

The patriarchal era of the Philippines is passing To make a name for himself in the realm of

Filipino youth as sacred hope of the homeland. To observe and study European society

Appeal for equality and brotherhood To prepare himself for the task of liberating his
countrymen from Spanish tyranny.

Opened the eyes of his countrymen to the abuses To seek assistance.

of Spain

Political Appeal To find a way to unite all his countrymen.


1. Explain the impact of Rizal’s political observations in Europe and how it helped to set free our

country ill-rotten system.

It was in our hero’s mind that somehow the political status of our country back then was a
two-faced institution. That is why he travelled around Europe to find ways to start his reform
against the Spanish was never an easy task for any patriot back in the day. He
studied in the arts and academics in the foreign countries to gain trust and loyalty of some foreign
personalities. He also managed to learn that the people of their community was free to judge their
government as long as they perform it peacefully. Rizal learned that sometimes it does not need a
sword to fight against strong enemies instead a strong willed mind to write the truth of his beloved
country. Rizal exhibited this acts by writing articles in La Solidaridad as Laong Laan and Dimas
Alang. Furthermore, he also published novels that gave his fellow countrymen the chance to widen
their understanding on what has become of their mother land. Even though Rizal was a capable
fighter he used his intelligence to achieve the reform he longed to witness. Not using violence is
sometimes the best way to change one’s perspective.

2. Create an essay on Rizal’s idea that love of country is the most heroic and sublime of all human
The act of loving ones county is called patriotism. Patriotism is a feeling of love for one’s
own country just like our national hero. It is a desire to serve it in all  conditions. A patriotic
person always likes his country and nation more than any other.

Patriotism is a great force. It brings the people of a country closer. It makes them have
common aims. It makes them feel that they have to live and die together. True patriotism makes
the armed forces of a country do their duty with great effort. It is because of patriotism that the
soldiers are ready to die for their country. In fact, patriotic people defend the country, from
external and internal enemies. It makes them ready to fight however strong, the enemies may be.
Patriotic people do not like activities harmful to the nation or the country. Thus, they do not like
bribery, corruption, and dishonest trading.

The best example of one of the very first patriots in our country was none other than Dr.
Jose Rizal. What greater honor than to love and serve our country. Moreover, if you love your
country you will work hard to fight for his respect and dignity. Patriotism can make us not only
united and strong, but also advanced. We all should be patriotic in our feelings and thoughts,
aims and actions everywhere all the time. However, we should not think that we are superior to
all other nations or countries in the spirit of patriotism. Loving ones country is something to
behold.if this is not the way that a hero thinks then I don’t know what is.

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