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Natalie K

Assignment 3
Part 1
Elijah is a 13-year-old male in the 8th grade. After careful observation inside and outside the classroom, he has shown
signs of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Luciano (2016) explains that ASD is visible through deficits in social
communication/ interaction across multiple situations where repetitive behaviours, interests or activities are seen. In the
classroom Elijah is very quiet however, he has a keen interest in drumming. Elijah’s excitement for practical lessons gets
distracted by his behaviour when he rushes and pushes past other students when lining up for the instrument storeroom.
This lack of interactive social engagement with peers/teachers continues to indicate ASD (Bauminger-Zviely et al., 2013).
ASD behaviour is nearly five times more common in boys than girls (Luciano, 2016) and the range of symptoms
surrounding social, intellectual, and communication skills varies widely from one person to the next (Tanguay & Lohr,
2016). Elijah is at class level for all KLA’s except for sport and PE which he finds challenging and does not enjoy.
However, his symptoms are showing qualities of ASD but are not diagnosed. Elijah’s visual impairment has been identified
but still requires further testing. Sensory abnormalities are among the most common features observed in ASD (Stewart
et al., 2016). Pairing the visual impairment and ASD symptoms require help to be necessary. With this information
to help Elijah to fit into the inclusive classroom, certain measures such as creating a Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
Framework is necessary.

This framework begins by exploring multiple means of representation, in the classroom there should be an opportunity for
multimodal learning through auditory and visual means (Hall et al., 2015). …..

Another Aspect of UDL is catering to alternate ways of action and expression. Goal setting at the beginning of
the lesson is necessary, also implementing student choice will allow for different ways of showing their
knowledge individually. …

The last UDL aspect is creating lessons that engage students by involving student’s individual interests, what they
will find challenging and motivating in the classroom. Students who are not engaged in the classroom will result in no
learning (Capp, 2016). ...


Multiple means of Representation
Multiple means of Action and Expression
Multiple means of Engagement

Lesson Plan 1
Syllabus: Focus on Pitch and Duration as a class, all Stage: Stage 4 Topic: Introduction to Film Music
concepts of music for research task

Outcomes Assessment Students learn about Students learn to

Syllabus: Formative Assessment: - Aurally exploring music of various - Listen to and analyse a
4.5- notates compositions using non-traditional notation Participation in class styles, periods and genres range of repertoire
4.8- demonstrates an understanding of musical concepts discussions, participation - Responding to and discussing the - Identify how concepts of
through aural identification and discussion of the features in group work, showing varying repertoire used in class and music have been used and
of a range of repertoire. understanding through in the world of music manipulated in a range of
Life Skills: discussions. - Notating compositions using non- repertoire.
L.S.6- experiments in representing and recording musical traditional notation - Explore forms of musical
sounds - Understand how people value and notation
L.S.7- experiences music from a variety of social, cultural appreciate music in a film music - Recognise the role of music
and historical contexts setting in film music

Time Teaching and Learning Actions

5 min  Settle students into the classroom.
 Mark the roll.
 Success criteria and learning intention explained.
 Some students will be given personalised schedules with timestamps for the students to follow and stay on task, it also will be on the
board for all students written on the whiteboard. (This allows all students to stay on task while other students like Elijah receive
personalised schedules that suit their own needs).
10 mins  Welcome students, class discussion/brainstorm on topic of film music. (eg. Popular film scores, types of film, music for film)

Natalie K

 Students will watch a youtube video titled “The Power of Music in Film”.
 Explain briefly the importance of music in film. Audio/Visual explanation. (Students can discuss the topic and watch a video for extra
20 mins  Students in pairs or individually (teacher will pair Elijah with gifted student) will be researching the use of music in film from the
1930’s and the impact on film music. Students will use ICT to present their findings. Students will be given a definition list of common
terms they will come across when researching. (This allows students to have some background knowledge on the topic, where they
can focus on the task)
 Students can choose to present a power point with speech, create an imovie to play, or a speech without visuals. (This choice allows
students to choose their individual strength of the way they share their knowledge)
 Students will answer questions such as when did film music originate, why did it happen, who started this, and what effect this has on
watching? Students will use the concepts of music. (Elijah should be given a break in between this as it is a large task, because of this
break he will not be able to provide as much information as other students.)
20 mins  Class will watch the film clip of Moana’s “We Know the Way” without music, then again with music. Students will note down any
differences. Class will discuss the impact of film music with relation to student’s research in terms of this song in particular
 Students will watch the video about Singstar and how it works
time_continue=118&v=JLjh2cpqj9U&feature=emb_title (to visually represent what is expected of the next activity (Audio and Visual
representation of what is expected of students in the next task) (By having these two different modes of learning student can focus
on which way of understanding works best for them)
 Students will be asked to go into groups. Students will graphically notate the pitch and duration of the main melodic line heard. Each
group will have a different part- Intro, Verse 1, Chorus, Verse 2, Chorus, Outro. Each group will share and explain. (Students can
choose their groups, where Elijah will be asked to be in a group with at least one student in particular that can help him, students can
also choose which member of the group that will speak in front of the class)
5 mins  Students will pack up and wait to be dismissed.

Learning Outcome Method of measurement and recording

4.5 Students will participate in activities that require them to graphically notate

4.8 Students will be researching based on the concepts of music. Students participate in class discussions at various points in the lesson.

L.S.6 Students are graphically notating in groups the pitch and duration to the focus song.

L.S.7 When researching students can listen to the change of film music over the decades.

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