The Meaning of The Temperance Major Arcana Tarot Card in Readings

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The Meaning of the Temperance

Major Arcana Tarot Card in Readings

The Tarot Temperance card meaning in a nutshell:

Moderation in all
is ultimate persistence.

Patience - time passes.
   The image of the Temperance Tarot card is one of stillness.
The simple explanation of Temperance is moderation, but
there's nothing simple about it. This quality is regarded as the
finest of all in just about every philosophy and religion of the
world, all through time. Living modestly, with patience and
contemplation, brings life into balance. That is what

       The oldest and most consistent philosophy of temperance

is that of Taoism, as described by Lao Tzu around 2,500 years
ago. He called it wu-wei, non-action, and insisted that the
universe always returns to perfect balance if left alone. So,
don't rock the boat.

       But Lao Tzu was far from alone in praising moderation.
Jesus was quite firm about it, stating that only those who are
able to refrain from greed and excess can find the way to
Heaven. Buddha was even more extreme about it, saying that
one must resist every temptation, every engagement in the
worldly, in order to escape the treadmill that is life.

       Actually, everywhere we go to find ancient wisdom

about how to live our lives, the message is the same.
Temperance. That's what the Tarot card tells.

       The most famous symbol of what the

Tarot Temperance card speaks of is yin and
yang, the Chinese circle of polarities, where
black and white embrace into a whole. In
traditional Chinese cosmology, these two
fundamental forces and the dynamics between them were
what made the whole universe emerge.

       Let's look at the picture on the Temperance Tarot card.

The splendid angel pours water between cups. That's the
ultimate image of balance. As Lao Tzu pointed out: Water
always floats to the lowest place, thereby creating and
keeping balance through modesty. To emphasize this
fundamental lesson to be learned from water, the Tarot's
angel of Temperance stands with one foot in it, and the other
on land.

       Also the triangle on the angel's chest, each of its three
sides the same size, speaks of balance on a divine level.

       Moderation leads to balance, but it's a delicate thing to

reach and to sustain. We can see this on the refined
concentration of the Tarot Temperance angel and the risk of
water spilling from the cups. Patience is needed. So is
extreme sensitivity.

       You need to tread lightly, speak softly, and refrain from
using any force - no matter how tempting it is to push
forward when you approach the goal.

Saint Francis meditating. Panting by El Greco, c. 1595. El Greco

also made other versions of this motif, which seems to have brought
him solace. The meditation of this Medieval friar was quite different
from Eastern techniques that we now know of, but still gave him
peace of mind through his faith in Christ. Therefore, his eyes are on
the crucifix.

The Temperance Card as a Person

If the Tarot Temperance card refers to a person, it's someone
with the quality of temperance - the ability to patiently await
the solution and never try to rush it. You may get impatient,
even frustrated, but trust his or her tempo and try to slow
down to it.

The Temperance Card as an Event

If the Temperance card indicates an event, which is mostly
the case, it proposes extreme caution, because the final
outcome is not what first appears. If you have the patience to
wait, your reward will be sweet and lasting. If you don't, then
you are not likely to accomplish much at all. You might even
make a bigger mess than what you faced in the beginning.
The card can also simply imply that you have a time of
inactivity ahead, where nothing much happens.

The Temperance Card as You

If the Tarot Temperance card position in the divination
spread refers to you, it means you have ceased to act and
learned patience - for the thing at hand or for good. Time will
tell. It can also mean that you find yourself unable to act,
although you feel the need. Something holds you back. It
may be irritating, but still it can be a good thing. Haste
should be avoided in most cases.
Temperance According to A. E.
The Meaning of the Temperance Tarot Card in
Here is what the occultist Arthur Edward Waite, co-creator
of the Rider-Waite Tarot deck, had to say about the
Temperance Major Arcana card in divination.

The Temperance Tarot Card

14. Temperance. The winged figure of a female - who, in
opposition to all doctrine concerning the hierarchy of angels,
is usually allocated to this order of ministering spirits - is
pouring liquid from one pitcher to another.
       In his last work on the Tarot, Dr. Papus abandons the
traditional form and depicts a woman wearing an Egyptian
head-dress. The first thing which seems clear on the surface is
that the entire symbol has no especial connexion with
Temperance, and the fact that this designation has always
obtained for the card offers a very obvious instance of a
meaning behind meaning, which is the title in chief to
consideration in respect of the Tarot as a whole.

Inner Symbolism of the Tarot Temperance Card

A winged angel, with the sign of the sun upon his forehead
and on his breast the square and triangle of the septenary. I
speak of him in the masculine sense, but the figure is neither
male nor female. It is held to be pouring the essences of life
from chalice to chalice. It has one foot upon the earth and one
upon waters, thus illustrating the nature of the essences.
       A direct path goes up to certain heights on the verge of
the horizon, and above there is a great light, through which a
crown is seen vaguely. Hereof is some part of the Secret of
Eternal Life, as it is possible to man in his incarnation. All the
conventional emblems are renounced herein.
       So also are the conventional meanings, which refer to
changes in the seasons, perpetual movement of life and even
the combination of ideas. It is, moreover, untrue to say that
the figure symbolizes the genius of the sun, though it is the
analogy of solar light, realized in the third part of our human

       It is called Temperance fantastically, because, when the

rule of it obtains in our consciousness, it tempers, combines
and harmonises the psychic and material natures. Under that
rule we know in our rational part something of whence we
came and whither we are going.

Divinatory Meaning of the Tarot Temperance Card

Economy, moderation, frugality, management,

Reversed: Things connected with churches, religions, sects,

the priesthood, sometimes even the priest who will marry the
Querent; also disunion, unfortunate combinations, competing

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