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Chronology June 1, 1966-August 31, 1966

Source: Middle East Journal, Vol. 20, No. 4 (Autumn, 1966), pp. 495-516
Published by: Middle East Institute
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June 1, 1966-August 31, 1966

General was reportedlydirectedat Faysaland Jordan'sKing

July 29: The Arab Engineers'Associationformed a
1966 committeeto study the possibilityof establishinga
June 1: A Brazilianprivate businessand agricultural unifiedArabpowergrid.
mission left for a 3 week tour of the Middle East July 30: Al-Akhb2r,of Cairo, called for revolutions
aimedat increasingtrade. in Jordanand SaudiArabia.
June 2: UAR pressreportsassertedthat US armswere Aug. 5: Pakistanhas establisheda special department
"pouringinto Saudi Arabia"and some being sent in the ExportPromotionBureauto deal with trade
to Yemeni Royalists. with Arabstates,it was reported.
June 4: Broadcastingleaders in the 4 Maghribstates The summit conference was indefinitely post-
decided to exchangeradio and television programs. poned with the approvalof 8 Arab Leaguemember
June 6: The ConsultativeCommitteeof the Maghrib states.
states met for the firsttime in Tunis. Ministerial representativesof 4 OPEC states,
June 15: UAR PresidentNasir said further coopera- Iran, Libya,SaudiArabiaand Qatar,decidedto ne-
tion with "reactionary"Arab states against Israel gotiate for a revision of the royalty expensing
was futile, and said "we were deceivedin 1964 and agreementconcludedin late 1964.
1965." Aug. 19: The UN, Saudi Arabiaand Kuwaytwill es-
June 16: A US trade and investmentmission will tablish a developmentfund to help the "poorer"
visit Libya, Tunisia and Morocco November 12- Gulf states.
December10, it was announced. Aug. 22: Religious and governmentrepresentatives
June 18: Algerian FLN leaders chargedthat the US cabled appealsto Nasir to commutethe death sen-
was installing "bases of aggression"in Morocco tencesof 7 convictedMuslimBrotherhoodmembers.
and Tunisia which menacedAlgeria's security. Aug. 27: Talks on the disputedcontinentalshelf area
June 22: Newspapersin Beirut, Damascus,Cairoand resumedin Tehran.
Baghdad denounced Saudi Arabian King Faysal,
who is visiting the US. Afghanistan
July 10: Kuwayt, Saudi Arabia and Iran began talks 1966
on definingthe limits of the continentalshelf.
July 13: Iraq assertedthat it had rights in the Gulf June 22: Polish Foreign MinisterAdam Rapackibe-
and should participatein any agreementconcerning gan a 4 day visit. Premier MohammadHashim
the area. Maiwandwalacceptedan invitationto visit Poland.
July 15: The Gulf talks ended without a conclusive June 25: An agreementfor the first railwaylink with
agreement. Pakistanwas signed.
July 25: The UAR formallyaskedfor a postponement July 8: US AID granteda $2m loan to encouragepri-
of the 4th Arabsummitconference. vate enterprise in agricultureand industry. The
July 26: Nasir accused "Arab reactionaries"of trea- agreement provides for supplies of foreign ex-
son to the cause of defeating Israel because "they change and technical assistanceand specifies that
hate us more than they hate Israel." His criticism importedequipmentmust go to privatefirms.

* The quarterlychronologyof the Journalis compiled from a large numberof sources;somewhatmore than
half of the items are drawn from the New York Times; other sources include Mideast Mirror of Beirut,
Middle East Economic Digest of London, Daily Report of Foreign Broadcast Information Service of
Washington,Arab News and Views of New York, bulletins of the United Nations Officeof Public Infor-
mation, United Nations, New York, United Nations Newsletter, Middle East Economic Survey of Beirut,
Economic Intelligence of the Chamber of Commerce of Washington, International Financial News Survey
of the IMF in Washington, Middle East Economist and Financial Service, and Middle East Newsletter of
New York, regularand occasionalbulletinsfrom the offices of press attachesof Middle EasternEmbassies
in Washington, Pakistan Affairs of Washington, Pakistan News Digest of Karachi and The Maghreb Digest
of the School of InternationalRelations,Universityof SouthernCaliforniain Los Angeles.


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July lo: Indian Vice PresidentZakir Husain began a June 17: The Bou Merdes Centertemporarilyclosed.
5 day visit. In June, it was reported,a technical June 18: The Ministry of Religious Affairs installed
and economic assistancemission visited and India a 30 man High Islamic Council "to preserveand
agreedto help build a children'shospital in Kabul promoteIslam in Algeria."
and to send expertsto studythe possibilityof estab- June 19: The FLN launcheda campaignagainstfor-
lishing a textile mill and thermalpower plant. eign spies reportedly"crawlingall over the coun-
July 12: CrownPrinceAhmad Shah began an 11 day try."
visit in the USSR. Boumediennerejectedborderclaims by Morocco
July 29: Economic, trade and cultural agreements and Tunisia, saying the frontiers were not nego-
were signed with the USSR, it was reported. tiable.
A tradeagreementwas signed with Poland. June 20: Boumediennewill pay an officialvisit to the
A delegation is visiting Peking to discuss CPR UAR, it was announced.
aid for the Third DevelopmentPlan. June 21: A special court for economic crimes was
In an extension of the US Food for Peace aid formed.
program, $605,000 worth of wheat, vegetable oil June 24: An economic delegation is in Washington
and dried milk for schools was promised. for talkswith World Bankofficials.
Aug. 6: An agreementwas signed with the CPR for June 26: Boumediennecalled for the long term re-
the constructionof 6 projectswith a $28m loan. placementof foreign teachersby Algerians.
Aug. 19: A total of $790,000 in Food for Peace aid June 27: Technical meetings of the long term Bul-
was grantedto assist in ruraldevelopmentprograms. garian loan agreement,concludedin August 1964,
ended in Algiers.
June 28: Tran Hoai Nam, of the South Vietnamese
Algeria NLF, arrived to take over the Viet Cong mission
in Algiers.
(See also, General,Morocco,SAF, Syria) June 30: The governmentexchangedmessages with
the CPR.
1966 July 3: Union Gene'raledes TravailleursAlgeriens
has lost about 14,000 memberssince 1964, it was
June 1: The governmentnationalizedthe Sacitet Al- disclosed.
gerienne d'Assurances,which had a 39 per cent July 5: Niger's PresidentHamani Diori left Algiers
UAR holding and 61 per cent Algerian. after talks with Boumedienne on a Tunisian/
June 4: Authorities have reportedly dispatched 6 Senegaleseproposalof a Frenchspeakingcommon-
leading left-wing political prisonerswho spent 16 wealth, which the governmentrejects.
days on a hungerstrike at AnnabahHospitalto dif- The remains of Amir 'Abd al-Qddir were re-
ferentprisonsin the country. buried in Algiers in a ceremonyhighlighting the
A directair link with Romewas opened. 3 day celebrationsfor the state's4th anniversary.
June 6: Joseph Palmer, US Assistant Secretaryof July 8: Police are holding 25 unionists for question-
State for African Affairs, arrivedfor a 1 day visit. ing 21/2weeks after the governmentstartedan anti-
June 7: A scientificand technicalcooperationagree- opposition campaign.
ment was signed with Albania. The Franco-AlgerianCooperative Association
The governmentpresenteda flag and funds to (Ascop) allocated $22m for its 1966 budget and
the South Vietnam National Liberation Front program.
(NLF). July 9: The governmentwill build 3 super touristre-
The governmentannouncedagreementin prin-
sorts costing over ?23m along the Mediterranean
ciple with Franceon their oil dispute.
June 10: A decreewas issued for the formationof a
Higher Council of Hydrocarbons,Mines and En- July 11: The governmentwill requirean extra700,000
ergy, it was reported. tons of wheat worth about $50m in the year begin-
June 11: The Organization of Popular Resistance ning in August, it was reported.
(ORP) attacked'Uliud'Umizyin, SecretaryGeneral Ascop has begun its first drilling operationsin
of the AlgerianWorkers'Union (UGTA) for urg- the Sahara.
ing workers to support the governmentin a May July 12: A Soviet agriculturaldelegation arrivedin
Day speech. Oran.
June 13: President Houari (IIawarl) Boumedienne July 13: FLN and union officialsbegandiscussionson
(Bui-Midyan)signed a decreeformallyestablishing the arrest of 36 local and regional union leaders
the NationalBank. over the last 16 days.
June 15: Studentsat the AfricanHydrocarbonsCenter A 3 man scientificdelegationleft for Peking.
at Bou Merdes launcheda strike demandinga spe- July 16: The AlgerianNews Agencyreportedan arms
cial statute and improvedsocial welfare conditions. seizureby police at Blida.
June 16: The governmentannounceda new penal July 19: SharifBilqasim,highest FLN official,left for
code introducingstiff penaltiesfor economiccrimes. talkswith UAR leadersin Cairo.

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July 20: Talks were held with French officials in ment of the warning, the message was relayed to
Algiers on the possibilityof resumingfinancialne- U Thantby the UN peacekeepingforce.
gotiations. June 23: At U Thant'stelephonedrequest,Makarios
July 22: The Coca-Colaplant and Phenix Biere, both agreedto withdrawthe blockade.
French-owned,were closed in Algiers for non- July 4: The UN peacekeepingforce offered a peace
paymentof taxes. plan to settle a disputedarea northeastof Nicosia.
A 12 man Italian delegationrepresenting8 com- July 10: UN Under Secretaryfor SpecialPoliticalAf-
panies arrivedin Algiers. fairs, Ralph J. Bunche, arrived in Nicosia for 2
The Ministryof Agricultureembarkedon a proj- days of talks with governmentand TurkishCypriot
ect to reutilizevineyards,it was reported. officials.
July 28: The governmentsigned an ?18m agreement July 21: U Thant appealedto the SecurityCouncilto
with a Franco-Americanconsortiumfor the con- orderUN Cyprusforcesto occupythe disputedarea
structionof a petrochemicalplant at Arzew. and so render the conditions of the peace plan
Aug. 10: The firstNational Conferenceon Emigration effective.
met in Algiers to discuss the problem of Algerian July 26: The House of Representativespassed a bill
emigrationfor employment. extending its own life and Makarios'tenure for
Aug. 18: The government launched a month-long anotheryear.
campaignto explain its proposalsfor municipaland Aug. 7: In 40 minutesof scatteredfiringaroundLim-
agriculturalreforms. mitis (Turkish Cypriot), a Greek Cypriotnational
Aug. 19: An economic and cultural protocol was guardsmanwas wounded.
signedwith Mauritania.
Aug. 20: War veteranspledged support for Boume-
dienne's economic policies at a conference in
Algiers. Ethiopia
Aug. 24: The Food and AgriculturalOrganization (See also, Somalia)
(FAO) signed an agreementfor the afforestation
and reclamationof 20,000 hectares; it will con-
tribute$7.75m. 1966
Aug. 26: France agreed to supply 80,000 tons of June 9: The UN SpecialCommitteeon Ending Colo-
wheat to the government. nialism concludedits 4 day sessionin Addis Ababa.
Aug. 29: The People's ResistanceOrganizationsaid June 15: US SenatorRobert F. Kennedy arrivedin
15 membersdetainedin September1965 had been Addis Ababa for a 2 day visit during an 11 day
released, but 3 of its leaders were still in prison. Africantour.
June 17: The governmentgranted Esso Exploration
EthiopiaInc. a half interestin the concession-held
Cyprus by Mobil PetroleumInc.
Draft agreementshave been signed for an air
1966 link with India and Pakistan,it was reported.
June 26: Joint ministerial talks with Sudan ended
June 1: The governmentblamedTurkishCypriotsfor with both sides agreeing to respect the present
bombingsin the GreekCypriotarea of Nicosia and frontier.
orderedthe Turkish sector sealed off. The Turks July 16: French President Charles de Gaulle will
deniedthe charge. make a 3 day state visit on August 27, it was an-
June 2: There were 2 bomb blasts in the Greek Cyp- nounced.
riot area of Nicosia, but they causedno injuriesor July 22: EmperorHiila Silassehas receivedan invita-
serious damage. tion to visit Moscow, it was reported.
June 4: PresidentMakariosended the blockadeof the July 29: US AID announceda $21.7m loan for the
Turkishsector. constructionof a hydro-electricpower station on
June 11: UN SecretaryGeneralU Thant said tension the Finchaa River. AID also granted $272,000
was increasingin Cyprusand asked for a 6 month to the Haila Silasse I University for a vocational
extensionof the UN peacekeepingforce beyondthe training scheme and 3 other grants to be adminis-
end of its presentmandateon June 26. Thant said tered by the Economic and Technical Assistance
his personal representative,Carlos A. Bernardes, Board.
had madeno progressin mediationefforts. An eye hospital will be built at Addis Ababaat
June 16: The UN SecurityCouncilunanimouslyvoted a cost of Eth$ 150-200,000.
to extend the UN force's term until December26. The Ministryof Mines will expand its technical
June 20: The governmentreimposedthe blockadeon departmentin order to supply more reliable infor-
the Turkish sector in Nicosia without warning. mationto prospectiveinvestors.
Turkey notified Greece it would take "counter- Aug. 27: Presidentde Gaulle arrivedin Addis Ababa
measures" unless the blockade was immediately and reportedly offered French financing in con-
lifted. After Athens informedthe Cypriotgovern- structinga railwayline.

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Aug. 28: The Emperor decided against signing a July 1: The governmentwill buy 200,000 tons of
treaty of friendshipwith France"for the time be- wheat on the internationalmarket,it was reported.
ing," it was reported. The Planning Council allocated a further Rs
Aug. 29: In a final communique,de Gaulle and the 300m for the machine tools plant being built at
Emperorpledgedcloserties betweenthe 2 countries. Tabriz.
The IranianOil OperatingCompaniesdiscovered
oil 24 miles northeastof Ahwaz.
Iran July 3: Operationof the US/Iranianjoint Cyanamid/
KBC plant in Tehranwas inaugurated.
(See calso,General,Morocco,Turkey)
July 11: PremierAbbas Hoveida announcedhis first
1966 majorCabinetreshuffle.The changeswere:
Abdul RezaAnsari:Interior
June 3: French Foreign Minister Couve de Murville JavadSadir (formerMinisterof Interior):Justice
recently led a delegation to Tehran to discuss the Gholam Reza Nickpay (retaining the Deputy
use of a $60m credit negotiated in 1963, it was Premier portfolio): State
learned. Hushang Ansari: Information
The Ministryof Economygrantedpermitsfor the July 12: RumanianPremierIon GheorgheMaurerar-
establishmentof 5 food processing and packing rivedin Tehranfor tradetalks.
plants involving an investmentof Rs 100m. July 15: A British firm, Ruston and HornsbyLtd. of
A $1m fish-mealfactory will be establishedin Lincoln,won a ?1.6m contractto supply 13 genera-
the south with the cooperationof a Japanesefirm, tors to providepower for 5 towns.
it was reported. StandardTelephonesand Cables of Londonwas
The bill to set up a stock exchangewas ratified. awarded?500,000 worth of contractsto supplycon-
June 6: The High Plan Council allocatedRs 2,785m trol equipmentfor developmentat BandarMashur,
to build and equip 10 internationalairportscapable which will replaceAbadanas the majorrefinedoil
of receivingthe "heaviest"aircraft. productsport.
June 8: The governmentannouncedmarketsfor Na- The governmentdecidedto build a plant to pro-
tional Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) crude oil duce piping requiredfor the proposedsouth Iran/
have been found in Argentina,India and Japan. USSRgas pipeline,it was reported.
June 11: The governmentsigned a draft agreement The Plan Organizationallocated a further Rs
with Pakistan and the Reynolds Company,of the 11.47mfor mineralsurveys.
US, for the constructionof a 20,000 ton aluminum July 20: The World Bank approveda $25m loan to
plant in Dezful. the Industrialand Mining Development Bank of
Shah MulhammadRiza Pahlavi ended an 8 day Iran (IMDBI) to meet foreign exchangecosts of
officialvisit to Yugoslavia. projectsit will financeover the next 2 years.
June 14: Denmarkagreed to invest jointly with the July 22: The Higher Planning Council allocatedan
governmentin a model farm and a cattle breeding additionalRs 762m for the FarahnazDam project,
station. bringingthe total allocationto Rs 2,900m.
June 17: Economicnegotiationswere held with the July 29: TorranceSpecialtyFixtures,of the US, won
CeyloneseMinisterof Commerce. a $10m contractto supply a mill to roll pipe for
Iran Pan American Oil Companydiscovered a the trans-Iraniannaturalgas line, it was reported.
productivefield 12 miles south of the Cyprusfield. Aug. 5: Bank Melli will open a branchin London.
The Plan Organizationapprovedseveralprojects: French companies have won contracts for the
railwayimprovements,establishmentof a geological supply and installation of a television transmitter
centerand the constructionof a cementfactory. and the constructionof a 230,000-voltelectriclink
June 19: A Soviet delegation arrived in Tehran to betweenTehran,Mazandaranand Gorgan.
discuss the iron and steel works to be built near Aug. 8: Rumaniaagreed to supply $40m worth of
Isfahanwith Sovietaid. tractorsand ploughs and to exchangeanother$52m
The Majlis passeda bill transferringthe General worth of goods over the next 5 years.
Departmentof Breadand Cerealsfrom the Ministry Aug. 19: The National Iranian PetrochemicalCor-
of Financeto the Ministryof Industry. poration (NIPC) is to form a joint company-the
June 23: A contractwas signed with a British com- ShaputChemicalCompany-with Allied Chemicals
pany, MirrleesNational, to supply 8 generatorsto of New York to exploit naturalgas reserves.
providepower for Mazandaranand Kashan. As a result of the 1963 creditnegotiations,it was
June 25: A 17 man mission from the TehranCham- agreed a French firm will build the Shah Abbas
ber of Commercearrivedin London for a 12 day Kabir dam on the Ziyandrudriver.
visit during which they will tour Birmingham, A trade mission has begun a tour of Bulgaria,
Liverpooland Manchester. Hungary,Czechoslovakiaand Poland.
June 30: Rail freight rates were cut by as much as Aug. 26: The governmentplaced an order for 5 de-
50 per cent as a move to strengthen the State stroyers, surface to air missiles and patrol boats
Railways. with Britainfor an estimated?22-?36m.

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Aug. 27: NIOC signed a "revolutionary"oil agree- Al-Akhbh, of Baghdad,reportedthat fightingbe-

ment with Entreprise Franfaise des Recherches et tween Kurdsand governmentforces had stoppedin
d'Activitees Petrolieres (ERAP), of France, under the north. Al-Thawrahal-'Arabiyyabsaid that an
which ERAPwill be a contractorto the government "important"Kurdish delegation had arrived in
ratherthan a concessionaireor partner. Baghdadin responseto Bazzaz'sappealfor a settle-
The government agreed to send im doses of ment.
anti-choleravaccine to Syria to help prevent the June 25: A delegation which toured the US and
spread of the disease from Iraq to which vaccine Canadato promotedate sales returnedto Baghdad.
was alreadysent. June 28: President'Abd al-Rahma.n 'Arif will hold an
"important"meeting with PresidentNasir in Cairo
on September1, it was reported.
Iraq June 29: A culturaland scientificcooperationprotocol
was signedwith East Germany.
(See also, Iran, Kuwayt) Bazzaz announceda 12-point peace plan to end
the civil war in the north. BaghdadRadioreported
1966 that 'Arif and Bazzaz had receivedtelegramsfrom
Mustafaal-Barzaniapprovingthe plan.
June 1: A culturalcooperationagreementwas signed Al-Man4r said that an investigationwas being
with the USSR. held to determineresponsibilityfor a seriousfinan-
June 3: The governmenthas receivedfrom the USSR cial loss incurredby the General Organizationof
about ?1.5m worth of equipmentfor 3 vocational Banks 'owing to haste in nationalizingcommercial
trainingcenters. banks."
A ?2,093,270 contractfor consultingengineering June 30: 'Arif, supportedby the armyand presiden-
servicesregardingthe Kirkukirrigationprojectwas tial bodyguard,crushed an abortive coup led by
awarded to Societe Grenobloise d'.tudes Applica- former premier 'Arif 'Abd al-Razzaq. Reportedly,
tions Hydrauliques (SOGREAH) of France. 8 soldiers were killed and 14 wounded. A curfew
June 4: A broadcastingand television cooperation was imposedin Baghdad.
protocolwas signed with the CPR. July 1: Baghdadnewspapersreportedthe coup leaders
June 5: BaghdadRadio reportedthat discussionswith were arrestedin Fallujah,nearthe capital.
Syria concerningthe Euphrateswaters had ended July 3: Bazzazled a delegationto Ankarafor a 7 day
without agreement. visit.
June 6: The trial of 319 alleged conspiratorshad a July 6: A tourist agreementwas signed with Turkey.
hearing before the first state securitycourt before July 8: The World Bank announceda $23m loan for
adjourninguntil next month. a road constructionand maintenanceproject.
June 7: Minister of Defense ShakirMalhmadShuqri
July 15: A ?1,720,000 contractfor building a drain-
said armed forces recently "liberated800 square
age system in Baghdad was awarded to Techno-
kilometresof land from the Kurdish insurgents."
exportstroy,of Bulgaria.
June 8: A Ceylonesetrade delegation arrived for a A sales agreement was signed with the Pye
4 day visit.
June 10: The governmentasked 0. H. Brandi, of Group,of Britain,it was reported.
West Germany,to undertakepreliminarystudies July 16: 'Arif said that a "new progressivecoopera-
for the building of a radio and television station tion" would take place with Algeriathis year.
near Baghdad. West Germanyalso agreedto build July 17: The state securitycourt sentenced'Abd al-
a leather goods manufacturingplant, it was re- Qadir Isma'il al-Bustini to 6 years' "rigorousim-
ported. prisonment"for allegedly participatingin secret
June 11: A CPRcivil aviationdelegationleft Baghdad plans to recreatethe bannedIraqiCommunistParty.
after a 3 day visit. July 18: The Ministryof Cultureand Guidancesus-
June 15: Premier 'Abd al-Rahman al-Bazzaz an- pendedthe newspaperSawt a1-'Arabfor 10 daysfor
nouncedthe governmentwas preparinga new com- reproducinga petition without official permission;
prehensiveplan to settle the Kurdishproblem. the suspensionwas reducedto 3 days.
June 17: Trade talks with India were held in New July 21: The governmentagreedto establishrelations
Delhi, it was reported. at consularlevel with North Korea.
June 18: BaghdadRadioannouncedthat Bazzaz would July 22: The Ministry of Economyapprovedthe es-
visit Turkeyon July 1 and Moscowon July 27. tablishmentof 3 privateindustrialcompanieswhich
A ?28,600 contributionto the UN budget was will producenails and textiles, it was reported.
announced. July 24: The Cabinetruled that ex-armyofficersand
June 20: Decrees were issued reducingthe sentences former governmentofficials who both draw pen-
of 43 people convicted of resisting the February sions and receive oil companysalariesmust choose
1963 revolution. betweenthe 2.
June 21: North Vietnam closed its trade office in An Iraqi-Turkishfriendship associationwill be
Baghdad"for financialreasons." formed,it was announced.

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A law was passed providingthat Soviet citizens Aug. 22: Majid began a 4 day visit to the UAR.
be made exemptfrom paying visa fees. Aug. 28: Talib issued an order desequestratingprop-
Bazzaz returnedfrom a 2 day visit to the UAR erties and funds of 241 persons, which had been
and said that the Iraqi-UARleadershipwould meet impoundedduringhostilitieswith the Kurds.
in September. Aug. 29: The governmentagreed with Syria to ex-
July 27: Bazzaz began a 7 day official visit to the changeambassadors.
USSR. Officialsobjectedto anti-cholerameasuresadopted
July 31: The governmentagreedin principleto allow by a joint Arabconferencein Ammanand predicted
Frenchcapitalto financethe economicdevelopment economic repercussions.
plan throughunconditionalloans. Aug. 31: The governmentaskedthe US to settle out-
Aug. 3: A joint communiqueissued in Baghdadand standing debts resulting from the presenceof US
Moscow said that relations between the countries forces in Iraq duringWorld War II.
would be increasedand tradeexpanded.
Aug. 6: Baghdad Radio announcedthat Bazzaz had
resignedand that Najih .Talibwas askedto form a Israel
new Cabinet. (See also, General,PalestineProblem)
Aug. 8: Bazzaz will undergo medical treatmentin
Genevaand London,it was reported. 1966
Aug. 9: After "intensive contacts" with political June 3: Britainagreedin principleto help financethe
groups, the new Cabinetwas formed:
proposed nuclear seawater desalinationproject, it
Tllib: Premierand actingMinisterof Oil was reported.
Rajab'Abd al-Majid:Deputy Premier,Interior June 5: The US House Foreign Affairs Committee
'AdnanNchThchi:ForeignAffairs approved a $1m grant toward constructionof an
'AbdallAhal-Naqshabandi:Finance additionto HadassahHospital in Jerusalem.
Sh5kirMahm-idShuqri:Defense June 11: The governmentand banks will provide I?
Muslih al-Naqshabandi:Justice 15m working capitalfor the building industry.
'Abd al-Rahmanal-Qaysi:Education June 12: Haifa port workersended a 6 week go-slow
Farid Faty5n:Laborand Social Affairs
strike estimatedto have cost the economy?7m.
Fu';adIHasanGhAII:Health June 17: An agreementfor the exchangeof technical
Durayd Na'matallTh al-DamWIji:Culture and informationon the use of atomicenergywas signed
Guidance with Brazil in May, it was reported.
Isma'il Mustafa:Communications PresidentZalman Shazarleft for state visits to
Ahmad Mahdi al-Dulayji: AgrarianReform and 4 LatinAmericancountries.
actingMinisterof Agriculture PremierLevi Eshkol returnedfrom a tour of 7
MuhammadYa'quibal-Sa'idi:Planning Africanstates.
Qasim 'Abd al-Hamid:Economy June 18: Shazar will visit the US after his Latin
Khalid al-Shawl:Industry Americantour, it was announced.
Da'id Sarsam:Municipalitiesand Works June 19: British ParliamentaryUnder Secretaryto the
Gharbi al-Hajj AImad: Minister of State for Board of Trade,Lord Rhodes,arrivedfor tradedis-
Union Affairs cussions.
AhImadKamal Qadir: Minister of State for De- June 24: The Belco PetroleumCorporationof New
velopmentof the North York has requesteda license for onshoreoil pros-
Aug. 13: Talib announcedthe purposeof his govern- pecting.
ment was to "rally all nationaland patrioticforces The Fish Breeders'Union requestedthe govern-
for joint action." ment to set up a Productionand MarketingCouncil
Aug. 14: P%chThchi denied newspaperallegationsthat to examinethe problemof over-production.
Bazzaz'sgovernmenthad failed, had been in league June 27: US Orthodoxrabbiswill establisha $3m re-
with reaction and imperialism,or had not been searchinstitutein Israel to promote"spiritualrela-
loyal over the Yemen problem. tionships" between religious communitiesof both
The Cabinetdecidedto release civilian detainees countries.
arrestedfollowing the coup. July 4: A memorialto PresidentKennedywas dedi-
Aug. 20: The Health Ministry said authoritieswere catednearJerusalem.
in completecontrol of a choleraoutbreak. Borders July 9: The voluntarypay cut effort to fight inflation
were closed and 24-hourvaccinationfacilities oper- has reportedlyfailed.
ated, with 80 teams working in Baghdad. WHO July 11: The $4.1m HarryS. TrumanCenterfor the
dispatcheddoctorsand vaccinefrom Geneva. Advancementof Peace was inauguratedin Jeru-
Aug. 21: More political prisonerswere released be- salem.
cause of "lackof evidence"againstthem. July 15: Talks with the EuropeanEconomicCommu-
Talib said the Kurdish plan would be upheld nity (EEC) were concluded.
and expressedthe hope for unity with the UAR. The US Departmentof Agriculturehas signed 2

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Food for Peaceagreementsprovidingfor the sale of June 15: A 7 man parliamentary delegationarrivedin
$32m worth of agriculturalproducts. London for an 8 day visit, after which they will
The 20 per cent port surchargeimposedat Haifa visit France,Italy, Holland, Turkeyand Greece.
and Ashdod on May 30 was lifted. June 17: The Amman MetropolitanMunicipalityis
July 17: The General Federationof Laborvoted to purchasingJD 118,000 worth of Finnishequipment
waive increasesin cost-of-livingallowancesdue to for the second stage of the water systemproject.
650,000 employeesunder escalatorclauses in wage June 18: SaudiArabiaagreedto grant an interestfree
agreements. loan of $14m for road construction.
July 22: Telecommunications Excofina,of France,won The Arab League agreed to transfer?1,220,000
the ?6m contractfor the cable link with France. to the Jordan Waters Regional Organization
The Ministry of Finance presentedthe govern- (JWRO) as part of the cost of the Khalid Ibn
ment with a 3 year plan to cut the foreign trade al-Waliddam.
deficit,it was reported. A communications delegationleft for Oslo.
Aug. 3: The Knesset amendedthe passport law to June 19: A 7 man Britishpress delegationarrivedin
curb abuses made possible by the Law of the Amman.
Return. June 20: US AID agreed to provide $6.8m to im-
On a 3 week Europeantour, Foreign Minister prove the telecommunications network.
AbbaEbanbeganan officialvisit to Denmark. June 24: The government approved a plan of a
Aug. 5: An agreementwas signed with Mexico pro- Frenchtourist organization,Cassiopee,to establish
viding for technical cooperation in agriculture, an underwaterfishingcenterat Aqaba.
health, water desalinationand the exploitation of June 25: Zu'bi announcedthe governmentwould ap-
atomicenergy. ply to the US for extra supplies of wheat in view
The Inter-American Development Bank has of this season'spoor crop.
signed an agreementproviding$122,000 to finance June 26: The JWRO signed an agreementwith a
Israeli technicalaid for the rural developmentpro- Dutch and Lebanese/Jordanianconsortiumfor an
grams in 5 Latin American countries, it was re- economic, cultural and social study of a Jordan
ported. valley developmentproject.
A tradeprotocolwas signed with Malagasy. June 27: An agreementwas signed with the Lutheran
US AID granted a $10m loan to meet foreign World Federationregardingits relief programs.
exchangecosts of developmentprojects. July 1: The JordanInvestmentPromotingOfficewas
Aug. 9: Ebanbegana visit to Iceland. establishedwithin the Ministryof Economyto pro-
Aug. 14: A proposalby Eshkolfor a 3 yearfreeze on vide economicinformation.
incomes, prices, taxes and profitsis being debated. July 3: Zu'bi left for Washingtonto resumetalks on
Aug. 16: An Iraqi Air Force pilot defectedand flew financingthe potashproject.
his Soviet-builtMIG-21 to Israel. A ban on "Beatle-typeforeigners"was broadcast,
Aug. 18: Two newspaperssuggestedthe government with any now in Jordan to be immediatelyban-
preventWesternstatesfrom inspectingthe MIG-21. ished. Local beatles, if any, were to be bound by
Aug. 19: The governmentdecidedthat the production bail.
of all passengercars and commercialvehicles up to A 19 man Pakistani trade mission arrived. It
2.5 tons be concentratedin a single company. was later announced trade would increase with
Aug. 30: The new building housing the Knessetwas Pakistan.
inauguratedin Jerusalem. July 16: An extraordinarysession of the National As-
sembly convened to discuss progress in Palestine-
Jordan relatedactivities.
July 17: King IHusayninauguratedthe first stage of a
(See also, General, Palestine Problem, Turkey) city developmentscheme in the Marka suburb of
1966 Amman.
July 19: 1Husaynand PrincessMuna arrivedin Britain
June 3: Ministerof EconomyHatim Zu'bi announced for a 10 day officialvisit.
that KFAED agreed to help finance 3 projects: July 22: AID announceda $1.6m loan to help finance
potash, the GreaterYarmuk River and phosphate a new Bethlehem/Jerusalem road.
fertilizers. July 24: A plan to promote and improve frontline
June 10: The Cabinetapproveda JD lm loan from villages was launched.
the ArabBankto financeconstructionof the IHusayn Aug. 2: Zu'bi announcedthat the entire phosphate
hospital and JD 500,000 for government school outputfor the yearhad been sold.
buildings,it was reported. Aug. 5: Britaingranteda ?800,000 interestfree loan
June 12: A Braziliantrade mission left after a 1 day for the financing of water supply and electricity
visit. projects.
June 13: A Royal decreeannouncedthe changingof Aug. 6: PremierWasfi al-Tall said the government
the name of the Mukhaybahdam to the Khilid Ibn "insisted"on holding the 4th Arab summitconfer-
al-Walid dam. ence as scheduledon September5 in Algiers.

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Aug. 7: The governmentdecidedto assumecontrolof July 10: The Jammuand KashmirNational Confer-
the Palestine archeologicalmuseum operationsin ence party was reborn at a convention of 5,000
Jerusalem,directedfor 18 yearsby an international political workersin Srinigar. The event markedthe
boardof trustees. returnto active politics of BakshiGhulamMoham-
Aug. 9: The governmentagreed to a Belgian/French mad, Chief Minister for 10 years until 1963. In a
consortiumoffer to build an 840 bed hospital in speech,BakshiassailedcurrentChief MinisterGhu-
Ammancosting?2.6m. lam MohammadSadiq.
Aug. 14: Zu'bi announcedthe opening of tradenego- July 12: The 2 accusedmen confessedto being Pakis-
tiationswith Sudan. tani agentsand denouncedPakistan.
Aug. 15: Husayn flew to Moroccofor 2 days of talks July 21: The PakistaniCabinetmeetingin Rawalpindi
on the Arabsummitpostponement. consideredan Indian proposalfor an official level
Aug. 21: West Germanyagreedto presentthe Natu- meeting.
ral Resources Authority with geophysical instru- July 23: In the reply to the Indianproposal,Pakistan
ments used for exploiting oil and water, and will sought confirmationthat each side would be free to
trainJordaniansin their use. raise any outstandingissues, particularlythe Kash-
Aug. 23: The state securitycourt sentenced3 men to mir dispute.
hard labor for 5 years after finding them guilty of Aug. 5: PakistaniPresidentAyub denied Indian alle-
being CommunistParty membersand having held gations that Pakistanwas trainingNaga and Mizo
Partyposts. tribesin guerrillawarfare.
An Iraqi military delegation arrivedin Amman. Aug. 6: Jay PrakashNarain, leader of the Indian
Aug. 24: The Cabinet approved 2 draft economic SarvodayaParty, met with Shaykh Abdullah in a
agreementswith the US for the import of 60,000 Madrasprison.
tons of wheat and flour and 30,000 tons of fodder. Aug. 8: IndianDefenseMinisterY. B. Chavancharged
Aug. 29: The Jordanianpavilion at the Damascus that Pakistanposed a "long-termand grave threat"
InternationalFair was closed in protest against by arming "at a frantic rate" largely with CPR
by Syrianofficialson Jordan."
"tattacks help.
Aug. 30: Prince 1Hasantoured southernregions and
inauguratedseveraldevelopmentand waterprojects. Aug. 9: India warnedthe US of the dangerof supply-
ing Pakistanwith arms. Ayub accusedIndia of in-
creasingher armedforcesat an "alarmingrate."
"ShaykhAbdullahDay" was observedin Pakistan
Kashmir and Kashmir.
Aug. 10: In Karachi,ForeignMinisterSyed Sharifud-
1966 din Pirzada accused India of having expansionist
June 3: An Indianspokesmansaid discussionsthrough designs and that her arms buildup was compelling
diplomaticchannelsregardingthe "baseand level" Pakistan to take "appropriatemeasures in self-
of talks on un-implementedportions of the Tash- defense."
kent agreementwere proceedingwith Pakistan. Aug. 12: Mir Abdul Maqi Baloch, an Opposition
GeneralLuis TassaraGonzalezof Chile was ap- leaderand memberof the West PakistanAssembly,
pointed chief of the UN Military ObserverGroup was arrestedin Karachiunder the Defense of Pak-
in India and Pakistan(UTNMOGIP). istan Rules.
June 16: The USSR dismissed as "baseless"allega- Aug. 21: Pirzada charged that India is instituting
tions that Pakistan has attemptedto move away measuresto integrateKashmirwith her administra-
from the TashkentDeclaration. tive, economic, political and judicial organization
June 19: New Delhi observersviewed the departure in violation of SecurityCouncilresolutions.
of PakistaniForeign Minister ZulfikarAli Bhutto Aug. 23: India denieda Pakistanichargethat she had
as portendingan easing of relationswith Pakistan, moved a full division of troopsto the borderoppo-
it was reported. site the city of Sialkot.
July 1: Pakistani Minister for Home and Kashmir
Affairs Ali Akbar said steps were being taken to
refer the Jammuand Kashmirissue backto the UN
SecurityCouncil. Kuwayt
July India chargedthat Pakistan has nearlydoubled (See also, General,Jordan,Lebanon,Yemen)
its military strength in the Pakistani-heldpart of
Kashmirsince the war last September,and has in- 1966
creasedits armedforces elsewhere.
July 8: UN chief Gonzaleztook over as observerhead June 3: The governmentawardeda ?700,000 contract
in Rawalpindi. to Telefonaktietbolaget L. M. Ericsson, of Sweden,
July 9: In Srinigar,2 men accusedof being Pakistani for the installation of 5 automatictelephone ex-
agents sent to assassinateKashmirileaderswent on changes.
trial. Agreementwas reachedbetweenthe ArabianOil

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Company,of Japan (AOC), and the Kuwait Na- Aug. 4: The governmentagreed to the proposal for
tional Oil Company(KNPC) on the sale of oil to a summitconferencepostponement.
Foreign Minister Shaykh Sab5h al-Ahmad Al
$abahdeniedthat the governmenthad proposedthe Lebanon
creationof a federationof Gulf shaykhdoms,it was (See also, General,Kuwayt,PalestineProblem)
June 5: The Ministry of Electricityand Water an- 1966
nouncedthat distillationplants were being built in
Shuwaikand Shuaiba. June 1: A Braziliantrademission arrived.
A Japanesetrade delegationarrivedfor talks on June 2: Al-Thawrah, of Beirut, called on Arabs to
the establishmentof a steel pipe industry. sabotageUS Middle Easterninterestsin retaliation
June 7: The AmIr, Shaykh$ab5.lhal-SalimAl Sab5h, for the US arms deal with Israel.
ended a 4 day state visit to Iraq during which An Australiantrademission held talks with gov-
agreementwas reachedto form a bordercommittee, ernmentofficials.
and instrumentsof ratificationwere signed for the June 3: Ministerof the InteriorPierreJumayyilheld
economiccooperationagreement. talks with US engineerson financingand executing
projectsin Beirut.
June 11: Premier Shaykh Jabir al-AhmadAl 5ab:h
June 6: Authoritiesbanned23 books alleged to con-
reiteratedthe government'soppositionto "alliances
tain CPR propaganda.
and pacts within the Arab nations."
June 8: Civil aviation talks with Japan opened in
June 24: The Amir ended a 4 day official visit in Beirut.
Lebanon,but remainedin Beirut on a privatevisit. June 13: The Councilof Ministersratifieda plan for
June 25: The National Assemblypasseda bill increas- state and privatesectorparticipationin the market-
ing the capital of the KFAED from ?100m to ing of apples and other agriculturalproduce.
?200m. June 14: Premier 'Abdallahal-Yafi announcedsup-
June 27: An amendednationalitydraft law limiting port for conveningthe 4th Arab summitconference
the grantingof naturalizationpapersto a maximum in Algiers.
of 50 personsannuallywas passed. June 19: An East Germantrade delegationarrivedin
Minister of Commerce and Industry Shaykh Beirut.
'Abdallahal-JabirAl Sab1hled an economicdele- June 20: Middle East Airlines (MEA) reportedan
gation on a tour through Poland, Czechoslovakia, operatingprofitof ?lm for 1965.
Hungary, the USSR, the CPR, Japan, France, June 22: CeyloneseMinisterof Trade and Commerce
Britainand Italy. M. V. P. Peiris arrivedfor a 4 day visit.
July 3: A law was passedprovidingfor the establish- June 24: The Amir of Kuwaytcontributed?59,000 to
ment of a General Board for South Arabian and Lebanesecharities.
ArabianGulf states to coordinateKuwayti partici- June 25: The Public Prosecutorcalled for the death
pation in their development. sentence for 4 men accused of complicityin the
July 4: KFAED agreed to grant Lebanon a $6.7m murderof KamalMuruwwah,editor of al-IHayat.
loan to financethe second stage of the Litani dam. June 27: The AmericanUniversityof Beirut (AUB)
July 8: Jan Thurfajell, of Sweden, was awarded a celebratedits 100th anniversary.
?35m contractto constructhousing for 40,000 peo- July 6: The Kuwayti Amir donated ?35,300 to the
ple, it was reported. militaryacademy.
July 10: 'Abd al-WahhabMuhammadwas appointed July 7: Beirut transportand water workerswent on
Under Secretaryto the Ministryof Financeand Oil. strike for more pay and betterworking conditions.
July 24: The governmentappealedto the UAR to re- July 13: Yafi reportedlyagreed to the strikers'de-
consider its decision not to attend the 4th Arab mandsand the strikeended.
summitconference. Regularair service between Beirut and Moscow
July 26: The governmentdecided to sever relations was initiated.
with Portugal because of its policies toward its July 18: A tradeagreementwith the UAR was ratified.
Africancolonies. July 26: The Chamberof Deputies passeda law lim-
July 29: The US Export-ImportBank and the Chase iting the amountof land owned by a non-Lebanese
ManhattanBank will lend a total of $57.5m to to 50,000 squaremeters,with the purchaserequir-
KNPC to help financethe Shuaibarefinery,it was ing Cabinetapproval.
reported. July 27: In Tripoli, 8 membersof the Arab Nation-
The Ministryof Financeand Oil was reorganized alist Movementarrestedon July 25 were released.
into 2 majordepartmentsof oil and financialaffairs. Aug. 5: The governmentauthorizedthe Wheat Office
Aug. 2: The Ministryof Financeand Oil established to buy wheat from the US, Canadaand Australia.
a committeeto draw up oil policy. Aug. 11: The Cabinetagreedto give all civil servants
Minister of Public Works Khalid al-'Isa al-Salih a bonus of a week's salaryto meet the rise in liv-
arrivedin Washingtonon a 30 day visit to the US. ing costs this year.

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Aug. 18: Minister of Foreign Affairs Philip Taqla July 8: The Ministerof Economyand Trade,Aimad
receivedIraqi ForeignMinisterPachahchifor talks. Suwaydiq,and his assistantundersecretarybegana
Aug. 19: Bankemployeesagreedto end a 4 day strike. 14 day visit to Britain.
Aug. 23: An aviation agreement was signed with July 12: A parliamentarydelegationended a week's
SierraLeone. visit to NationalistChina.
Aug. 31: FormerSyrianPremierSalih al-Bitaralleg- July 14: Contractsfor wideningthe coastalroad link-
edly secretlyenteredLebanonafter escapingfrom a ing Libyawith Tunisia and the UAR were signed.
Damascusprison. July 22: Negotiations on the Costainsroad contract
were terminated.
An Italianfirmwon the ?1.36m contractto build
Libya the new village at Ras Gider.
Esso Libyadiscoveredoil in Concession6.
(See also, General) July 25: The National AgriculturalBankbegangrant-
ing interestfree loans to farmers.
1966 July 29: The governmentwill give extensivefinancial
backing to the Libyan-TunisianCompanyfor the
June 1: The Oil Ministrywarnedthat new measures Developmentof Marine Resources(LIBTUS) be-
may be taken to ensurethat 75 per cent of oil com- cause of the currentmeat shortage and the high
panyposts are held by Libyans. price of fish, it was reported.
June 2: US Assistant Secretaryof State for African Amoseas and Bosco Petroleumhave signed the
Affairs,Joseph Palmer,arrivedfor a 2 day visit. new concessionagreements.
June 3: Costains,of Britain, was reportedlyawarded Aug. 8: The SaharaInsuranceCompanywas formed,
a ?6,390,000 road contract. owned 51 per cent by Libyan interests and 49
June 4: A Finnishtradedelegationarrived. per cent by foreign.
June 10: The Cabinetapproveda plan for a telecom- Aug. 9: The 25th anniversaryof the formationof the
munications link with Italy, the creation of a Sanasiarmywas celebrated.
weights and measuresorganizationunder the Arab Aug. 19: Esso's paymentsto the governmentfor the
League, and 7 developmentprojects: building a past fiscal year amountedto ?57.6m, it was an-
dual-carriageway roadfrom Benghazito BeninaAir- nounced.
port, construction of 291 reservoirs in Fezzan, Aug. 25: The Oil MinistryannouncedPan American
building hospitals at Barce and Zliten, building had struckoil in Concession95.
waterworksat Solluk, importing and erecting ma-
chineryin factoriesin Tripoli, Benghaziand Sebha,
and creatinga new village at Ras Gedir.
June 13: The first stage in introducingtelevision will
be completedin 1968, it was announced. (See also, General)
June 17: Esso Libya made a second gas discoveryin
The Cabinet approved the building of 2 500-
kilowatt radio stations in Tripoli to carry Radio June 3: The Export-ImportBank of Washington
Libya to the Middle East, North Africa and South granted a $1,628,154 loan to help financethe ex-
Europe. Brown Bovery, of Switzerland,won the pansionof power production,it was reported.
contractfor their construction. King H{asaninaugurateda second sugar factory
RedifonLtd., of Britain,won a ?100,000 contract at Beni Mellai.
for the supply of radio equipment. The governmentordered im quintals of wheat
The Ministry of Public Works awardedBrush from Francein additionto suppliesto be delivered
HawkerSiddeley,of Britain,a ?350,000 contractto underthe presentagreement.
supply and erect equipmentat Beida power station. June 2: A trade and paymentsagreementwas signed
Compagnia Italiana Construzione, of Milan, won with the UAR.
the ?1.1m contractfor the Benghazi-Beninaroad June 7: US Assistant Secretaryof State for African
project. Affairs,Joseph Palmer,arrivedfor a 2 day visit.
June 21: A 3 man committeeled by the Ministerof June 8: Two agreementswere signed with Yugoslavia
Petroleumwas set up to draft a law establishinga for participationin oil prospectingand drilling and
LibyanPetroleumOrganization. in the exploitationof potashdeposits.
June 23: A Greekgoodwill mission is visiting, it was June 11: Shah MuhammadRiza Pahlavi arrived in
reported. Rabatfor a 12 day officialvisit.
June 24: Dorran Construction,of Perth, will ship a June 14: Following agreementsconcluded between
?100,000 prefabricatedschool to be set up in the Yugoslaviaand the BureauMarocainde Recherche
Kufra oasis at the end of July, it was reported. et de ParticipationMinieres (BRPM), no moreper-
July 1: A Royaldecreewas issued stipulatingthat the mits for copper, lead, zinc and iron exploitation
navy would increaseits strength. will be issued.

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June 17: A severedroughtis threateningto halve the MahmoodA. HaroonandJamMir GhulamQadir

cerealharvest,it was reported. Khan resignedfrom the West PakistanCabinet.
June 21: Two agreements on trade and technical June 6: A Soviet parliamentary delegationleft Rawal-
cooperationwere concludedwith Iran. pindi at the end of a 10 day visit.
June 24: The Ministryof Industryand Mines signed Earthquake shocks were felt at Rawalpindi,
an agreementwith ProtexitHolding Anstaltfor the Lahore,Peshawarand Sargodha.
constructionof a textile complex including 5 fac-June 7: In Dacca, police opened fire on a violent
tories,it was reported. demonstrationcalled to back demands for an
July 1: It was ruled that all foreignersworking in autonomousEast Pakistanand a greater share of
Moroccomustobtaina contractfromtheiremployers developmentfunds. Eleven people were killed, 95
subjectto annualrenewalon obtaininga visa. injured, and there was widespreaddamageto gov-
Furtherrestrictionson the import of pharmaceu- ernmentbuildings. In Rawalpindi,the Opposition
ticals cameinto force. walked out of the National Assembly when the
July 8: Talks on increasingphosphateexportsare be- Speaker ruled against discussion of the police
ing held in India. shootings.
A Rumanianeconomic delegation has met with June 8: Studentswaving blackflags to condemnpolice
governmentofficials,it was learned. actionparadedin Dacca.
July 15: Agreementswere signed with Interexport,of June 9: A 21 man trade delegationleft for Kuwayt
Yugoslavia, and Centrozap,of Poland, for the ex- on a 1 month tour of possible Middle Eastern
ploitationof carnalliteand sylvinitepotash depositsmarkets.
in the Khemissetarea. Foreign MinisterZulfikarAli Bhutto arrivedon
The governmentannouncedthat 6,000 hectaresof a 3 day officialvisit to Indonesia.
land in the Gharb region would be sold to 501 June 10: Sabotagewas suspectedin an East Pakistani
farmersgroupedin 13 cooperatives. train accidentin which 4 persons were killed and
July 18: A military delegationreturnedafter attend- 67 injured.
ing Algeria'sindependenceanniversarycelebrations.June 12: Bhutto said a resumptionof diplomaticrela-
July 22: The drought,which has cut the harvestby tions with Malaysiawould be consideredafter its
50 per cent, has caused the governmentto nego- disputewith Indonesiawas settled.
tiate with France and Canada for the import of June 15: IDA approveda $13m credit for an educa-
1.4m metric tons of wheat costing about $70m. tion projectin East Pakistan.
Foreign Minister MuhammadSharqawireturned The US announcedit will resumefull economic
from 4 daysof talks in Moscow. aid.
July 31: The Organizationof AfricanUnity (OAU) The governmenthas ordered?180,000 worth of
commissionon the Algerian-Moroccan border dis- agriculturalequipmentfrom a British firm, it was
pute adopted a resolution for conciliation proce- reported.
dure. L'Opinion, of Rabat, chargedthat an "easy June 16: A 4 memberdelegationof Chinese 'Ulam'
solution," avoiding the issues, had been reached. arrivedin Karachion an 11 dayvisit.
The governmentand Algeriaacceptedthe resolution. June 18: PresidentAyub Khan assumedthe Foreign
Aug. 12: The US agreed to supply 100,000 tons of Affairs portfolio as Bhutto left for "medicaltreat-
wheat and 4,000 tons of raw cotton, to be financed ment." Ayub discounted suggestions of policy
by long termloans. changes.
Aug. 19: BRPMsigned an agreementwith Industrial- June 20: Franceagreedto increaseits textile imports
export, of Rumania,for the exploitationof oil and from the government.
mineralresources. June 21: East PakistanWAPDA awardeda Rs 5.75m
The governmentgrantedFranceapprovalfor the contractfor the supply of electricalequipmentto a
establishmentof a Renaultcar assemblyplant. Yugoslavianfirm.
June 23: The CPR agreedto providemachinery,for-
eign exchangeand technicalassistancefor the estab-
Pakistan lishment of an engineeringcomplex in West Pak-
(See also, Afghanistan,General,Iran, Jordan, istan.
Kashmir,PalestineProblem,SaudiArabia) Britain granted an interest free ?5.8m loan to
financeelectrificationof a railwayin West Pakistan.
1966 June 25: A military delegationleft for defense talks
June 1: The governmentsigned an annual agreement in Moscow,the firstof its kind.
for culturaland scientificexchangeswith the CPR. June 27: US AID agreedto a $6m loan to the West
June 3: The USSR agreedto supply Rs 70m worth of Pakistan WAPDA for the developmentof water
equipmentto the GhorasalThermalPower Station and powerresources.
in East Pakistan. June 28: CPRPremierChou En-Laiarrivedin Rawal-
June 4: A Japaneseagriculturaldelegationarrivedin pindi on a 2 day visit.
Karachion a 6 day visit. AID authorizeda $70m commodityloan.

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June 29: The CzechoslovakianMinister for Foreign Pakistan,as suggestedby US Ambassadorto India
Tradearrivedfor tradediscussions. ChesterBowles.
July 3: The governmentreportedlyis seeking $580m Aug. 22: IDA signed a $lm credit intended exclu-
in aid from the Aid to PakistanConsortium. sively for engineering services connected with a
July 7: A trade protocol was signed with Rumania. roadproject.
A 7 man AustralianParliamentary delegationar-
rived in Karachifor a goodwill visit.
July 8: Therewas a large demonstration in Lahorepro- PalestineProblem
testing intensifiedUS bombingsof North Vietnam. (See also, General)
Bhutto will cease to be a Cabinet member on
September1, it was announced. 1966
July 9: More war protest demonstrationsoccurredin June 5: An armedclash occurredon the Syrian-Israeli
border;Israel complainedto the MAC.
July 10: US Secretaryof AgricultureOrville L. Free- June 6: PLO head Ahmad al-Shuqayriasked Wajih
man arrivedin Karachifor a 2 day visit. al-Madani, commanderin chief of the liberation
July 12: Finance Minister MohammedShoaib will army in Syria, to place his forces under orders of
leave the CabinetAugust 25 to returnto his post the Syrianarmy.
as IBRD advisor. He will be replacedby Nabi M. June 7: GeneralOdd Bull, chief UN truce observer,
Uqaili. arrivedin Damascusfor talks.
July 13: The trade protocolwith Czechoslovakiawas Rulerof Qatar,ShaykhAhmadIbn 'All al-Thami,
extendedfor 6 months. madea specialcontributionof $10,000 to UNRWA.
July 16: Turkey'sPresidentCevdet Sunay will visit ShuqayriattackedKing IHusayn,of Jordan,say-
October7, it was announced. ing IHusaynhad refused to meet him and Jordan
July 20: Attorney General Syed SharifuddinPirzada had only carriedout "an almost insignificantpart"
was appointedForeignMinister,succeedingBhutto. of its PLO commitments.
July 22: The IndustrialCredit and InvestmentCor- June 9: Shuqayrisaid PLO Army memberswould go
poration sanctionedforeign currencyloans of Rs to Vietnam"to fight alongsidethe Vietcongin their
63.4m for establishmentof 5 jute mills in East struggleagainstAmericanimperialism."
Pakistan. June 11: US SenatorEdwardKennedywill visit Leba-
An economic agreement aimed at eliminating non to study refugee conditionslater this year, it
double taxationand avoiding fraud in importreve- was announced.
nues was signedwith France.
June 12: Kennedy has begun an investigation of
July 25: Uqaili becamea Cabinetmemberas Minister UNRWA food rations,it was disclosed.
Without Portfolio until he assumes the Finance June 13: UN observersbegan inspection of the 47
portfolio. mile borderbetweenSyriaand Israel.
July 27: CommerceMinisterGhulamFaruquearrived Jordanianofficials pledged a reorganizationof
in Peking on a 4 day visit to the CPR.
the relief rolls.
July 28: The East PakistanWAPDA signed a contract June 14: Husayn said cooperatingwith the PLO "in
with an Italian firm for the supply of 3 gas turbine
its presentform"was impossible.
units and a mobile gas turbine set worth Rs 30m.
June 19: Shuqayrisaid the PLO had askedPalestinian
A 4 man US medicalteam ended a 10 day visit.
membersof the JordanianCabinetto resign imme-
July 31: Japan announceda loan of about $30m to
diately. The "Voice of Palestine" broadcaston
the government. AmmanRadio was also cancelled,and HIusaynwas
Aug. 1: Quetta, Loralai and Barkhanregions were askedto approvethe conscriptionof all Palestinians
rockedby an earthquakewhich killed 2 people and living in Jordaninto the PLOArmy.
causedextensivepropertydamage. Israel jailed 3 youths convictedof spying for the
Aug. 2: The CPR agreed to supply the government UAR.
with 100,000 tons of rice. June 20: The PLO office in Beirut claimedthat sev-
Aug. 7: The governmentagreed with India on air eral Palestinianswere bannedfrom enteringJordan
routes and accompanyingnavigationalfacilities. on June 19.
Aug. 8: West Germany'sChancellorLudwig Erhard expressed their "condemnation"of Shuqayri's
will visit India and Pakistanin November,it was moves.
announced. Jordaniandelegationsto the Cabinetand Premier
Aug. 11: An agreement was signed under which June22: Lebanesesoldierskilled an unidentifiedarmed
Swedenwill providefacilities for the establishment man and wounded another in a clash near the
of a telecommunications project. Israeli border.
Aug. 12: An agreementfor a $756,000 British loan Saudi Arabiacontributed$297,777 to UNRWA.
was signed. June 24: Jordanruled that Palestiniansliving abroad
Aug. 20: The governmentrejectedentry into an anti- could receive entry visas without prior approval
CPRallianceformedby India,Japan,Indonesiaand from the Ministryof Interior.

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June 28: Israeli "peacepilot" Abie Nathan ended a Aug. 17: The UN told Syria and Israel that salvage
3 day peace marchfrom Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.His proceduresin the Sea of Galilee must be agreed
6 supporterswere joined by a "cheering,chanting upon before UN observerswere sent to the scene.
crowd of thousands"in Jerusalem. Aug. 21: Israeli PremierLevi Eshkolwarnedthat any
June 29: The Jordan-PLOfeud occupied most of a Syrian"provocation"would be met with "effective"
3 day conferencein Cairo of personal representa- countermeasures.
tives of Arab heads of state; a plea for Husayn's Aug. 24: Syria told the SecurityCouncil she would
cooperationwith the PLO was made. Shuqayrisub- pursuea policy of "legitimateself-defense."
mitted 10 demandsto Jordan. Aug. 25: The advisorycommissionof UNRWA met
July 4: Jordanwill ask the 4th Arab summit confer- in Beirut.
ence "to draw up a clear cut plan for the Palestine Syria reportedthe recoveryof its downed MIG-
entity." 17 and pilot from the Sea of Galilee. A UN source
July 11: Pakistan made a special contributionof said agreementwas reachedon the salvagingof an
?3,744 to UNRWA. Israeli patrol boat, also damagedin the August 15
July 13: An Israeli was killed and 3 injured in 2 clash.
mine explosions near the Syrian border, it was Aug. 27: Israel displayedthe wing and undercarriage
reported. of a Syrian MIG-17 shot down in the Sea of
July 14: Israeli aircraftattackedan antiaircraftposi- Galilee battle to discreditSyrianclaims of recovery.
tion and engineeringequipment8 miles inside Syria Israel complainedto the SecurityCouncil about
"as a reprisal for Arab incursions." Differing Syria'salleged policy of incitementin the Middle
claims were made as to casualtiesand the number East.
of planes shot down. Odd Bull appealedto both Aug. 30: There was widespreadArab criticismof the
sides to observethe ceasefire. inauguralopening of Israel'snew Knessetbuilding
July 15: Shuqayriannouncedthe formationof a new in Jerusalem,including an Arab League complaint
PLO executive committeeconsisting of: Sa'id al- to the UN.
'Azzah,IbrahimAbi Sittah,Jamalal-Suirani,Raja'i
Sahyiin, Namr al-Masri, 'Abd al-Fattah Yiinis,
Shafiq al-Huit,Almad al-Sa'di, Usamah al-Naqib, Persian Gulf
Ahmad Sidqi al-Dajaniand Darwish al-Abyad.
July 16: The ArabLeagueCouncildeclared"full sup- (See also, General,PalestineProblem)
port" for Syria,following the Israeli air raid.
July 17: Syrianplanes buzzedtheir borderwith Israel 1966
but stayedover their own territory.
July 19: Israel askedthe UNEF to intercedewith the June 2: Britain agreed to give Bahrayn?lm for the
UAR after the alleged abductionof an Israeli trac- use of military facilities and an annual grant of
tor driver. ?500,000, startingin July 1968.
July 20: Syriaaskedthe UN SecurityCouncilto meet June 3: AshrafLutfi, OPECSecretaryGeneral,visited
on the Israeli attack; the "urgent" request was the Ruler of Abu Dhabi, Shaykh ShakhbiitIbn
granted. Sultan.
NationalistChinacontributed$5,000 to UNRWA June 6: Dubai Petroleum,a subsidiaryof the US-
in additionto $5,000 donatedearlierthis year. owned ContinentalOil Company (Conco), struck
July 21: The Israeli tractordriverwas returned. commercialoil in the offshorearea of Dubai.
The Holy See contributed$2,500 to UNRWA. June 10: Shaykh Shakhbiuthas retained Nadim al-
July 25: The SecurityCouncil opened debate on the Pachahchi,former Iraqi Minister of Economyand
Syrian-Israeliclash. oil advisor to Libya, to advise on the granting of
A grenade explosion injured an Israeli woman new oil concessions,it was reported.
nearthe Syrianborder. June 16: Qatar, Dubai, Sharjah,'Ajman, Umm al-
July 27: Odd Bull gave the Council reports on the Qaywayn,Ras al-Khaymahand Fujayrahhave de-
investigationof Syrianand Israeli charges. cided to convertfrom the Gulf rupee to the Saudi
Aug. 3: The Council rejecteda resolutionto censure riyal as a result of the June 5 devaluationof the
Israel,sayingit was "one-sided." Indian rupee. Abu Dhabi will adopt the Bahrayn
Aug. 8: UN officials arrangedthe exchange of 4 dinar, and the Sultanateof Muscat and Oman is
Israelisfor 6 Syrians. undecided.
Aug. 15: A 3 hour air battle betweenSyriaand Israel June 29: Britain agreed to pay Sharjah?100,000 an-
was fought near the Sea of Galilee. Charges of nually for the rent of land and servicesto establish
blame were traded in complaints to UNTSO as a military base. Payments were due to begin
Odd Bull appealedto both sides for a ceasefire. August 1.
Aug. 16: Syria said it would abandondiplomacyat July 1: Conco announceda second commercialstrike
the UN in favor of direct military response to in its offshoreDubai area.
Israeli "aggression."Odd Bull again appealedfor July 8: Aiton and Company,of Britain, will supply
strictobservanceof the ceasefire. its 4th multi-stageflash evaporatorunit, having a

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50,000 gallon a day output of drinkingwater, to pointment of GhIzL Sultan as Director General,
Das Island. MineralResources.
July 15: The Ruler of Dubai, Shaykh Rashid Ibn June 15: Faysalleft for a 5 day officialvisit to Spain.
Sa'id al-Maqtiim,with British consent, approved June 16: A 4 man oil delegationarrivedin Kuwayt
the feasibility study for a deep water harborand for talks on the NeutralZone offshoreboundary.
financeis being sought for the ?7m project. June 17: A large coppermine was reportedlydiscov-
Akhbairal-Kuwayt reported that Qatar will be ered on the Yemeniborder.
declaredan independentstate within the next year, The Ministry of Petroleumand Mineral Affairs
it was learned. renewed an agreementwith a French geological
Aug. 6: ShaykhShakhbiitwas deposedby membersof team.
his family and his place taken by his brother Pont-d-Mousson,of France,won a $2.150m con-
ShaykhZayd Ibn Sultan. There were no incidents tract for the supply of about 8,000 tons of piping
following the ousting. for improvementsto the water distributionsystem
Aug. 7: ShaykhShakhbfitwas grantedtemporaryasy- in Riyadh,it was reported.
lum in Bahrayn.Air serviceswith Abu Dhabi were June 18: A Pakistani business mission arrived in
suspendedfor 1 day. Dhahranon a 2 week visit.
Aug. 9: ShaykhZayd pledgedto undertakelarge scale A Royal decree was published imposing control
developmentprojects. on banksto regulatetheir operationsand safeguard
Aug. 15: A formerBritishLaborminister,Christopher the rights of shareholdersand depositorsunderthe
Mayhew, attackedBritish defense spending in the supervision of the Ministry of Finance and the
Gulf states. MonetaryOrganization.
Aug. 19: Fujayrahgranted Bomin BochumerMine- A decreewas issued bringingall banksunderthe
raldgessellschaft,of Germany,a statewide,including controlof a centralauthority.
territorialwaters,oil concession,it was reported. June 20: Faysal left Spain for a 10 day visit to the
Aug. 29: A new Britishfinancialadvisor,Mr. Thomp- US.
son, has arrivedin Abu Dhabi. June 21: Faysal was received by PresidentJohnson
and guest of honor at a banquet given by the
SaudiArabia June 24: Faysalmet with U Thantand oil officialsin
New York.
(See also, General,Kuwayt,UAR, Yemen) The governmentdecidedto raise its annual con-
tribution to the UN technical aid programfrom
1966 $50,000 to $300,000.
June 1: The UAR protestedthe alleged arrest of 6 June 26: The Ministryof Trade and Industryestab-
Egyptiansworkingin SaudiArabia. lished an official protest bureau to preserve the
June 3: The Ministry of Agriculture placed a rights of tradersdealing in checks and promissory
?100,000 order for agricultural equipment with notes.
Massey-Ferguson of Britain. June 27: A nation-widegeological survey is being
June 7: The governmentdecided to join the Inter- conducted,it was announced.
GovernmentalMaritimeConsultativeOrganization. Wazir Ali, head of the visiting Pakistanitrade
The Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Re- delegation, said Pakistanwould build 2 merchant
sources allocated SR 36m for the carbon black ships to ply Pakistaniand Saudi ports and build
project. "PakistanHomes"in Jiddahand Dammam.
The Minister of Commerceand Industry left June 30: Faysalleft New York for a privatevisit to
Madridfor Copenhagen. Geneva.
June 8: The Ministryof Communicationsawardeda July 2: Faysal returnedto Jiddah.
SR 37m contract to the Safa Companyfor road July 14: The Ministryof Petroleumand MineralRe-
construction. sources notified all ministriesthat all communica-
King Faysaldenied his Islamiccall was aimedat tion with oil companiesmust be done through it.
PresidentNasir and said the governmentand the July 20: Petrominconcludeda $30m agreementwith
UAR were brothers. Allied Chemicals,of the US, to establisha petro-
June 9: A 5 year contractwas signed with Wakuti to chemicalcomplex.
operate the Faysal Pilot ResettlementProject at July 25: The governmentand Kuwaytexchangedin-
Haradh. strumentsof ratificationon the agreementto parti-
June 10: The UN office in Saudi Arabiawill become tion the Neutral Zone, originally signed in Tayif
a regional UJNofficefor the entire ArabianPenin- on July 6.
sula, it was reported. The Ministryof Defense and Aviation createda
June 13: A Riyadh spokesmansaid that reportsthat DirectorateGeneralof Meteorology.
licenses of 7 newspapershad been cancelled and July 26: Faysal received a Spanishindustrialdelega-
their propertyconfiscatedwere false. tion seeking oil exploitationrights in the offshore
June 14: The Council of Ministersapprovedthe ap- area.

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July 29: Petromin will establish a glass industry, dispute. Sudan offered increasedtraining facilities
probablyin Riyadh,it was reported. for Somalia.
Aug. 1: The governmentannouncedits oppositionto July 7: Minister of Planning Ahmad Isma'il 'Abdi
the UAR proposalto postpone the 4th Arab sum- began a week's visit in Saudi Arabia; reportedly,
mit conferenceand said that if the meetingdid not the governmentwas granteda loan.
take place, it would freeze its financial commit- Aug. 2: 'Uthmanarrivedfor a week's officialvisit in
mentsto "summit-inspired bodies." SaudiArabiaand announcedhis government'sread-
Aug. 5: The government offered Spain concession iness to mediate a settlement of inter-Arabdif-
areasin the centralregion and offshoreareasin the ferences.
Red Sea, it was reported. Aug. 3: 'Uthmanreiteratedhis call for Islamic soli-
Aug. 9: The Council of Ministers decided to attach darityand a summitconference.
the personnel of ARAMCO-builtschools to the Aug. 27: In Mogadisha, French, US and Ethiopian
Ministryof Education. embassieswere placedunderheavyguardfollowing
Aug. 10: The Council of Ministers authorizedthe anti-Frenchdemonstrationsduringa visit by French
signing of a SR 92,000 contractwith Penkol, of Presidentde Gaulle to FrenchSomaliland.
Britain, for Riyadhgas transmissionline feasibility
Aug. 11: A draft labor arrangementwith Sudanwas
initialed. South ArabianFederation
Aug. 19: Dammamwas chosen as the site of the pro-
jectedPetromin/AlliedChemicalssulphurplant. 1966
Aug. 22: The Council of Ministersruled that no new June 1: San't' Radio reportedthat the formationof a
appointmentsor promotionsbe made or projects nationalassemblyand a.governmentin exile by the
startedduring the last 2 months of any fiscal year. Front for the Liberationof OccupiedSouth Yemen
A 50 memberyouth delegationleft on a visit to (FLOSY) had been delayed. 'Abd al-Qawi
strengthenfriendlyties with Tunisia. Maqawi, secretarygeneral of FLOSY, reportedly
The governmentsaid it would adhereto its finan- left for talks in Cairo prior to a tour of North
cial commitmentsto the ArabLeague. African statesand the CPR.
Aug. 23: An agreementwas signed with Tunisia for June 5: Tribesmenattackeda British garrisonon the
closer cultural,scientific,economicand commercial Aden-Dhalaroad and wounded 1 soldier.
relations. June 6: Meetings continuedin Londonbetween Fed-
Aug. 24: The Ministry of Agriculture and Water eral ministersand Britishofficials.
signed a $2.9m agreement with SOGREAH, of Pan-AmericanOil Companyannouncedit would
France, for a study of water and agriculturalre- discontinue oil exploration projects in Mahara,
sourcesin the Red Sea area. Qu'ayti and Kathirl Sultanatessince no oil was
Aug. 28: Faysalwill visit Morocco,Guinea,Mali and found in commercialquantitiesand furtherdrilling
Tunisiafollowing a visit to Turkey. was financiallyunfeasible.
Aug. 29: Faysal arrivedin Ankarato begin a 7 day June 7: Tribesmenin Lahaj killed an Arab customs
state visit. officer and 2 Federal guardsmen,and wounded 2
others.In anotherincidentin Lahaj,tribesmenfired
Somalia upon Britishsoldiers,wounding 1.
InteriorMinister Sharif Husayn Ibn AImad al-
1966 Habill and his son, the Ruler of Bayhan, left to
join the Londontalks.
June 20: A trade delegationended a 4 day visit to June 8: A British engineer was shot dead in the
Pakistan. Crater district of Aden after a grenade exploded
June 21: Kenya severed all trade relations with the killing 1 Arab and injuring 17 others. Police de-
government,allegedly because of Somali Radio's tained 14 personsafter screeningseveral 100.
"recentlyincreasedpropagandaagainst Kenya." Maqawi said in Algiers that Algeria had prom-
June 27: President'Adan 'Abdallah 'Uthman refused ised materialand moral aid to FLOSY.
to acceptthe resignationof Premier'Abd al-Razzaq June 9: Britain will pay ?12,617,121 towards the
IIAjjiHusayn and his governmentafter Parliament 1966-67 budget,it was announced.
rejected 2 government-sponsoredbills. 'Uthman June 12: ForeignMinister Muihammad Farid said in
urgedH{usaynto seek a vote of confidence. London he would ask the US to underwritethe
July 2: The 6th independenceanniversarywas cele- securityof South Arabiaafter its independence.
brated with a parade displaying Soviet military An Arab soldier was killed and 3 woundedin a
equipment. fight with dissidenttribesmenin Dhala.
July 3: SudanesePremierMuhammadAhmadMahjuib A grenadeexplosion injureda British soldier in
said Somaliahad acceptedhis offer to mediatewith the Shyakh'Uthmandistrict.
Kenya on borderdifferences. The governmentalso June 13: Britain announcedit would give ?5.5m in
agreed to hold talks with Ethiopiaon their border militaryaid plus annualextra aid until 1971.

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A house belonging to Maqawi'scousin exploded July 25: A man who shot dead an Arab agricultural
in Crater,killing a man and injuring 2 other per- assistantwill standtrial on a murdercharge.
sons. Authorities discovered large quantities of July 27: FLOSYclaimedresponsibilityfor the July 25
armsand munitionsin the house. killing, and said the victim had been a "stooge"on
The US said no requestfor a securityguarantee its list of "traitors."
had been received. July 28: In a clash with dissident tribesmennear
Dissidents attackeda British campin Dhala. Radfan, 1 British soldier was killed and 2 injured.
June 15: The UN Committeeon Colonialism,meet- July 29: British commanderof the HadhramiBedouin
ing in Cairo,passeda resolutionurgingU Thantto Legion,J. W. G. Pat Gray,was fatally shot and his
appoint a special mission to study the Aden situa- wife criticallyinjured.
tion after membersdenouncedthe British defense An Aden State Industrial Development Board
agreement. was establishedto encouragehome industriesand
June 20: U Thant said he was taking immediatesteps the sale of local handicrafts,it was reported.
to implementthe resolution. Aug. 3: An orderwas imposed banningBritish serv-
June 21: A dusk to dawn curfew was imposed in icemenfrom all backstreetsof the Crescentdistrict
Aden after nightly grenade attacks on British after an officer was killed and another wounded
patrols. there on July 24.
June 22: Since the beginning of June, 8 people were Aug. 4: The UN SecurityCouncilwas summonedinto
killed and 32 injured in "terrorist"incidents in an urgent session to consider a British complaint
Aden, it was reported. that UAR planes from Yemen had strafed a town
At the closing session of the colonialism com- in Bayhan,17 miles from the Yemen border. The
mittee in Cairo, Algerian Foreign Minister 'Abd UAR deniedthe charge.
al-'Aziz Bouteflika(Bui-Tafliqah)deploredBritain's Aug. 6: The UAR rejecteda formalBritish note con-
boycottof the meeting. cerningthe allegedair attack.
July 5: A bus carrying British servicemenescaped A suspectedterroristexplosioncut 2 oil pipelines
from a terroristambushin Aden. linking the British Petroleum (BP) refinerywith
July 7: In Beirut, talks begun in April between 5 Aden harbor.
Federalministersand 4 oppositionleadersresumed. Aug. 7: In Fadhli Sultanate17 men were killed and
July 10: FLOSYannouncedthat it had a comprehen- 22 woundedin a tribalclash.
sive list of personscooperatingwith Britishauthori- Aug. 8: In the Mansurahdistrict of Aden, 2 Arabs
ties and would use stringentdisciplinarymeasures were killed and 1 injuredin a local fight.
againstthem. FLOSY claimed credit for the murder of Pat
July 13: Participantsin the Beirut meeting issued a Gray.
statementasking Arab states to help "a unifiedand Aug. 11: There are now 19 Aden representativesin
independentSouth Arabianrepublic to be formed the FederalCouncilwith the remaining2 to be ap-
and to become an active member of the Arab pointedin the next few days, it was reported.
Leagueand the United Nations." It voiced concern Aug. 16: The UN agreed on a consensusstatement
over Britain's"ambiguous"attitudeconcerningthe asking U Thant "to continue his good offices"in
UN resolutions. attemptingto settle the dispute. A draft resolution
Securityforces announcedthe seizureof the big- proposingthe sending of a UN investigatingteam
gest single haul of terroristexplosivesever captured to the area had been rejected by the UAR and
in Aden. Yemen. Britain acceptedthe consensus.
Commander of the Aden Brigade, Brigadier Aug. 19: Ahmad 'Abd al-RahmanBassindwah,re-
R. C. P. Jefferies, said June was the worst-ever cently appointedto the FederalCouncil,was mur-
month for terroristactivity with 36 reportedinci- deredin Aden.
dents; 31 were reported for the first 13 days of Aug. 20: High CommissionerSir RichardTurnbull
July. said that mercenaries,trained, paid and directed
July 17: The South ArabianLeague (SAL) refuseda from outside the SAF, were responsiblefor Bas-
governmentinvitation to attend a multi-partycon- sindwah'sdeath.
ference on implementing the UN resolutions, Aug. 22: The governmentclosed the border,banned
scheduled for August 1, on the grounds that all trade with Yemen, and orderedthe immediate
Britain had not called a conferencenor declared deportationof 100 Yemenis living in the SAF.
her intentionsregardingthe resolutions. Aug. 23: Aden councillorsurgedTurnbullto form an
July 19: The Cabinetindefinitelypostponedthe con- "AdenGovernmentof Loyal Adeni Citizens."
ferencebecauseof otherrefusalsto attendincluding Aug. 25: The FederalCouncil unanimouslyvoted to
the statesof Qu'aytiand Kathiri. establish a public safety committee,originallypro-
July 21: An escort shot dead a man seen running posed by Bassindwah. The Council recommended
away after an attemptto blow up a car carryingthe that the governmentbe given more responsibility
brotherof the Sultanof Lahaj. for Aden securitymeasures.
July 24: A grenadethrown at British patrols injured Aug. 28: A grenadeexplosionfatallywoundeda Brit-
4 Arabs. ish soldierin the Craterdistrict.

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Aug. 31: An Arab was killed and a British soldier Husayn al-Hindi (National Unionist): Local
wounded by a grenadein the Crescentarea. Government
Ma'munSinada (National Unionist): Justice
AhmadDirayj: (Umma): Laborand Cooperatives
'Izz al-din al-Sayyid(National Unionist): Indus-
Sudan try and Minerals
Varvis Yak (Independent):Irrigation
(See also, Ethiopia,Jordan) Arop Ayour (Independent):Works
Mu!hammad Ahmad al-Mardi (National Union-
1966 ist): (will later receivea portfolio)
June 3: The Export-ImportBank of Washingtonan- MuhammadHilu Muisa (National Unionist):
nounceda $307,500 loan to purchaseUS machinery MinisterWithoutPortfolio
and equipmentneeded in the constructionof a cot- Aug. 5: The Ministry of Commerceannounced a
ton gin to be built at Khashmal-Ghirbah. temporaryban on nonessentialimports.
Minister of Commerce, Industry, Supply and Aug. 8: A 5 memberdelegation arrivedin Pakistan
Cooperation,MuihammadAhmad al-Mardihas or- for a 4 day visit.
dered the formation of a special committee to Aug. lo: In a policy speech, Mahdi announcedelec-
supervise the establishmentof public companies tions would be held in the south following the
controllingcertaincommodityimports. rainy season, ending in October. He pledged his
A Yugoslav trade delegation arrived for talks utmost effort to end the 11 year old rebellion and
after which 3 agreements,covering trade, a ?4m promised to implementthe resolutions of the 12
loan and technicalcooperation,will be signed. man committee set up to find a solution to the
June 10: UN SecretaryGeneralU Thant appointeda southernproblem.Mahdi stressedadherenceto the
Sudanese,'Umar 'Adil, as his personalrepresenta- UN, Arab Leagueand the Organizationof African
tive at the Cairo meeting of the UN Special Com- Unity (OAU), and said a national commission
mittee on EndingColonialism. would be formed to draft a permanentconstitution
June 27: PremierMuhammadA'hmadMahljfb'sgov- and promotethe decentralizationof administration.
ernment defeated a censure motion tabled by the
oppositionparties accusingthe governmentof fail-
ure and corruption. Maihfjbdenied allegations of SyrianArab Republic
an economiccrisis and said that the rebellionin the
south was "completelycrushed." (See also, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon,Turkey,UAR)
July 3: Mah.juib ended a 3 day visit to Somalia.
July 4: InteriorMinisterAhmadal-Mahdiannounced 1966
the governmenthad uncovereda separatistmove- June 3: The governmentbannedthe export of wheat
ment in the western provinces of Darfur and and barley in view of the harvest expected this
Kordofan and had arrested about 20 persons. year.
Newspapers urged the governmentto crush the June 4: A Ba'thi delegation left for Belgradeto at-
movementbefore it developedfurther. tend the 6th congress of the Yugoslav Socialist
July 8: Agreementwas reached in trade talks with Alliance.
Ceylon. A UAR journalistdelegationarrivedfor the first
July 25: The ConstituentAssembly voted a censure visit of its kind since the 1963 coup.
motion againstMaiijuab forcinghim to resign. The higher committeefor popular defense an-
July 27: The ConstituentAssembly elected Saddiq nounced the opening of centersto arm volunteers
al-Mahdi,presidentof the Umma Party,to the post from various organizationsand give them weapon
of Premierby a vote of 138 to 29. training.
A tradeagreementwas signed with the CPR. June 7: Oil workers of the Oil TransportWorkers
Aug. 4: Mahdi announcedthe formationof his coali- Trade Union threatenedto cut the oil flow across
tion Cabinet: Syrian territory and take "more violent steps . . . in
Mahdi:Premier,Information the event of imperialism picking a fight with
Ibrahim al-Mufti (National Unionist): Deputy Syria."
Premier,Foreign June 9: The Cabinetauthorizeda Si 2m loan to the
Hamza Mirghani:Financeand Economics(Inde- Ministryof Communications to settle commitments
pendent) from the Euphrates,northernal-Kabirand Orontes
Hasan 'Awadallah (National Unionist incum- riverprojects.
bent): Education The Cabinetapproveda decreeratifyingthe trade
Nasr al-din al-Sayyid(National Unionist incum- and paymentsagreementwith the UAR.
bent): Communications June 11: A Braziliantradedelegationended its visit.
Ahmad Bukhari (Umma incumbent):Health Tuma 'Awdatallih, former central minister of
'Abdallah 'Abd al-Ra1hm5n Najdallih (Umma): housing and public servicesduring the union with
Interiorand Defense Egypt,was stabbedto deathin Cairo.His bodywas

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flown to Damascus and a Syrian student was Diplomaticrelationsat embassylevel were estab-
chargedwith the murder. lished with North Vietnamand North Korea.
June 12: The government signed agreementswith July 24: A North Koreandelegationleft aftera 3 day
Bulgaria covering: long term trade, economicand visit.
technical cooperation,tourism cooperation,an ex- July 28: The Ba'th national leadershipaccusedIraqi
ecutive program for the cultural agreement of Premier 'Abd al-RahmAnal-Bazziz of "separatism
1966-67, and the formation of a joint committee and defeatism"because of his announcedKurdish
for economicand technicalcooperation. peaceplan.
June 14: Deputy Premier and Foreign Minister Aug. 1: A 15 man IndonesianIslamic delegationar-
IbrahimMakhiusendeda visit to the UAR, stressing rived in Damascusfor a 6 day visit.
in a joint communiquethe promotionof relations. Aug. 5: Talks on the exploitationof phosphatede-
June 16: PremierYuisufZu'ayyinaccused"petroleum posits are being held with Poland and Rumania,it
monopolies and oil companies" of "supporting was reported.
reactionaries." A consignmentof 26,000 tons of US wheat has
June 18: Three men convictedof spying for Israel in arrivedat Latakia.
1960 and 1962 were publiclyhanged in Damascus. The Ministry of AgrarianReform and Agricul-
June 21: Minister of Social Affairs and Labor ture formeda committeeto draw up a new agricul-
MuhammadRabahal-Tawil returnedfrom a week's turalprogram.
officialvisit to Bulgaria. Aug. 9: A tobacco-sellingdelegationleft for the UAR
June 22: Mahkiisled a delegationon a 6 day visit to and Bulgaria.
Yugoslavia. Aug. 13: A 4 man trade delegationleft for a 45 day
June 26: The governmentsevered all economicand tour of Sudan, Libya, Tanzania, Somalia and
traderelationswith Rhodesia. Eritrea.
June 28: An agreementwas signedwith the USSRfor Aug. 14: The Cabinetgave controlof the SyrianArab
the constructionof oil reservoirtanks at a cost of Airlines companyto the Ministryof Defense.
about$1.6m. Aug. 15: About 200 studentsin Damascusprotested
"the Imamof Oman'scooperationand alliancewith
July 4: After political talks in Damascus,the govern- Saudi Arabianreaction."
ment and Algeria issued a joint communiquevoic- Aug. 18: The governmentagreedto the openingof an
ing oppositionto "the policy of suspiciousalliances East Germanculturalcenterin Damascus.
and reactionary,imperialistactivities in the area." Aug. 21: The border with Iraq was closed and air
Stepswere takento reactivateair servicewith the traffic suspended to guard against the spread of
UAR. cholera.
July 5: The Ministryof Informationlifted a ban on Aug. 22: Agriculturaltalks were held with Lebanon.
UAR newspapersand magazines. Aug. 24: The Si 80m contractfor the constructionof
The Ministry of Economy decided to appoint the Latakia-Aleppo railwaywas awardedto Techno-
commercialattachesat embassiesin Italy, Czecho- Impex of Bulgaria.
slovakia,Libya,Somaliaand SaudiArabiato stimu- Aug. 25: The 13th Damascus International Fair
late tradewith these countries. opened.
July 8: Rumaniawill supply 350 agriculturaltractors, Aug. 27: The governmentsigned agreementswith
it was reported. Hungary covering trade and payments, and eco-
July 9: Severalmembersof the UN SecurityCouncil nomic, technical and scientific cooperation; the
were informedof the Arab League'snominationof agreementsinclude a ?5m loan from Hungary.
Syria to a Council seat which will become vacant A cultural agreement was signed with North
once Jordan'stermexpires. Korea.
July lo: A UAR delegationled by Foreign Minister Aug. 28: Zu'ayyin announcedthat the government
Mahmiud Riyadh arrived for 2 day talks in wanted larger shares of royalties from the Iraq
Damascus. PetroleumCompanyand had asked for immediate
Three convictedspies for Israel were executedin negotiationson the matter.
July 12: The governmentcancelleda ?20m oil pipe-
line contractwith Costain and Press and Stewart Tunisia
and Lloyds, and awardedit to SNAM Projetti of (See also, General,Libya,Saudi Arabia)
July 17: The governmentsigned a civil aviationagree- 1966
mentwith Yugoslavia. June 1: Victory Day, markingthe returnof President
July 18: A civil aviation agreementwas signed with Habib Bourguiba (B-d-Raqibah)from exile, was
Czechoslovakia. celebrated. Under an amnestygrantedto 132 per-
July 19: Beirut newspapersreportedthe arrestof at sons, former trade union leader Habib 'Ashiirwas
least 150 people of right wing or conservativelean- freed from prison.
ings in Syria. June 3: A joint Yugoslav-Tunisiancompanywill be

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set up to deal with bilateraleconomiccooperation South Vietnam, Nguyen Huu Co, arrived for a
and investmentactivities,it was reported. 2 day visit and talks with Bourguiba.
June 4: The Maghrib'sfirst steel works, capable of Aug. 15: The General Union of Tunisian Students
producing 100,000 tons annually,was inaugurated called for the nationalizationof foreign banks and
at Menzel-Bourguiba. buildings.
June 5: Director of the Socialist Destour Party, Aug. 23: A cooperationagreementwas signed with
MuhammadSayy4i, left for Belgradeto attend the SaudiArabia.
congressof the Yugoslav SocialistAlliance.
June 10: The pipeline linking the al-Bormaoil fields Turkey
with the port of La Skhirrawas opened.
June 13: Under Secretaryfor Finance and Develop- (See also, Cyprus, Iraq)
ment, 'Abd al-Razzaqal-Rasa',arrivedin Jiddahon
a mission aimed at "strengtheningbrotherlyties" 1966
and developing technical, cultural and economic June 5: The Justice Party (JP) won 35 seats in the
cooperation. elections for 52 new Senatorsin 23 of 67 prov-
June 14: An economic cooperationagreement was inces. RepublicanPeople's Party (RPP) won 13
signed with Spain. seats, and 4 other parties 1 seat each.
June 17: West Germanyagreed to a DM 40m loan June 15: The Radio Teletype (RTT) installations
for agriculturalprojects and the economic infra- were openedat Golbasi,it was reported.
structure,it was learned. June 16: An economic delegation is visiting Saudi
The governmentis holding aviation talks with Arabia.
Austria. June 19: A major portion of the CENTO highway
June 18: Canadawill open a permanentdiplomatic betweenTurkeyand Iranwas completedand turned
mission at embassylevel in Tunis, also accredited over to the 2 governments.
to Libya. June 24: The World Bank approveda $10m loan to
June 24: A Pakistani trade mission held talks in a privately owned developmentfinance company,
Tunis for the firsttime. Turkiye Sinai Kalkinma Bankasi A. S. (TSKB) and
The SocietetTunisienned'Etat de l'Electriciteet an IDA credit of $15m to the governmentto be
du Gaz (STEG) will form a joint companywith re-lentto TSKB.
Officine ElettrotechnicheColombini of Milan for June 25: Constructionbegan on the Yozgat brewery.
the constructionof an electricalequipmentfactory June 26: Hurriyetreporteda governmentdecision to
at Menzel-Bourguiba. requisitionland and propertyof Syriansubjectsliv-
June 27: France agreed to purchase loom litres of ing in Turkeyin retaliationagainstthe confiscation
wine for 60m francs. of Turkish-ownedland in Syria.
July 1: The Council of Ministers has drafted plans June 29: An agreement for a ?3m British loan
for the construction of a large chemical plant, pledgedat the Consortiummeetingin Februarywas
called MaghrebianChemicalIndustries,specializing signed in Ankara.
in the production of nitrogenous fertilizers at June 30: The Ankaracementworkswere inaugurated.
Gabes. July 1: The TurkishPetroleumCorporationwill drill
July 6: Bourguibaleft for a 16 day tour of Holland, test wells in the Bakukarea,it was reported.
Belgium, Luxembourgand West Germany. July 7: The IFC will invest $1.37m in loan and share
July 14: The first shipmentof oil left the country. capital in Sentetik Iplik Fabrikalar: A. S.
July 18: Bourguibaarrivedin Bonn for a 4 day visit. After 16 years of troop contributionto the UN
July 19: Bourguibarenewedhis call for a settlement Commandin Korea, a 260 man unit returnedto
to the Arab-Israeliconflictat a luncheonand press Turkey.
conference. July 10: West German Foreign Minister Gerhard
July 29: The governmentawardedan Austriancom- Schroederarrivedin Ankarafor a 3 day visit.
pany, Alpine, a 65m schillings contractto construct July 12: An earthquakedestroyedover 1,000 houses
plant in the steel mill at Menzel-Bourguiba. in 50 villages of eastern Turkey; 14 people were
Aug. 5: The RumanianVice Minister of Foreign July 20: The National Assembly passed an amnesty
Trade, Valentin Steriopol, arrived in Tunis for bill affecting former members of the Menderes
tradetalks. regime and thousandsof commoncriminals.
Aug. 9: A West Germanbankingmission began talks July 22: The Turkish Petroleum Organization
in Tunis on a proposed?2.820m loan for the con- (TPAO) reportedlyreceivedpermissionto proceed
structionof 3 dams. with constructionof a new refineryat Izmir,it was
Kuwayti Deputy Minister of Education,Ya'qub learned.
Ghanim,arrivedfor a 3 day visit. July 28: A trade agreementwas signed with Jordan
Aug. 13: ForeignMinisterHabib Bourguiba,Jr., left in Amman.
for Tehran with a personalmessage for the Shah. July 29: A Rumaniantrade delegationheadedby the
Aug. 14: Deputy Premier and Defense Minister of Premierand Foreign Minister ended a 6 day visit.

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The EuropeanInvestmentBank (EIB) signed a partite conferenceincluding the UAR, India and
$59.2m creditagreement. Yugoslavia.
The Mineral ResearchInstitute (MTA) report- June 5: The governmentwill take steps to increase
edly struckoil in the Darendedistrict. tradewith Switzerland,it was reported.
US AID authorized a $3.6m loan toward the June 7: Japanoffereda E? 20m loan for the construc-
family planningprogram. tion of an undergroundrailwayin Cairo.
Aug. 1: Italian Foreign Minister Amintore Fanfani June 8: A trade and paymentsagreementwas signed
visited Ankarafor talks on economicand political with Syria.
relations,it was reported. June 10: SyrianDeputy Premierand ForeignMinister
Aug. 5: AID approveda $28.1m loan to financeengi- IbrThimMakhiis arrived for political discussions.
neering services and equipmentfor the expansion Al-Ahramreportedthat the USSR agreed to ex-
of coal and lignite production.AID also confirmed tend a $165m credit to financeprojectsin the Sec-
a $15m loan for roadmaintenance. ond DevelopmentPlan.
Aug. 15: The following items were reported: June 12: Cairo newspapersreported the arrival at
A 15 man parliamentarydelegationare on a 14 Suez of about 500 personsallegedly expelled from
day visit to the USSR. SaudiArabia.
A Turkish-Mexican parliamentary friendship June 15: President Jamal 'Abd al-Nasir attacked
group was formedin Ankara. "Arab reaction"and hinted withdrawalfrom the
A cultural relations protocol was signed with forthcomingsummitconferences.
Albania. June 19: Al-Ahram reportedthat trade negotiations
Minister of CommunicationsSeyfi Ozturk an- will begin with the European Common Market
nouncedIskenderunwill becomea free port. countries.
Aug. 16: BulgarianForeignMinisterIvan Bashevar- June 20: The governmentand Iraq are studyingways
rived for 2 days of talks on borderproblems,water to increasetradefrom its presenttotal of ?5m.
disputes, trade, tourism and the position of the June 21: A communicationsprotocolwas signed with
Turkishminorityin Bulgaria. East Germany.
Aug. 19: Over 500 personsdied in earthquakesin the June 22: About 250,000 schoolchildrenand 8,000
eastern provinces. The town of Varto in Mus youths were recruitedto help fight the spread of
Provincewas leveled. the cotton leaf worm which threatensthis season's
Aug. 20: New tremorsstruckthe Erzurumarea. The cottoncrop.
quake death toll is now estimatedat 2,300 persons. June 24: N;asirsigned the draftlaw for the compensa-
Turkish and US military facilities participatedin tion of the Shell Oil Company nationalized in
aid activities. Communicationswere totally dis- March1964.
rupted. June 25: The 1966-67 budget allocated ?5,095,000
A tradeagreementwas signed with Finland. for the ArabUnifiedCommand.
Aug. 22: The governmentwarned of the danger of June 28: The Suez Canal Authoritywill raise transit
cholerain the earthquakestrickenareas. dues by 1 per cent from the beginningof July.
Aug. 23: Seismicshockscontinuedfor the 4th day in June 29: The CeyloneseMinisterof Trade and Com-
the earthquakezone. merce, M. V. P. Peiris, arrivedin Cairo for trade
Aug. 26: Greece joined other countries in sending talks.
relief supplies. June 30: Al-Ahrim reported that former Congo
(Leopoldville) leader Antoine Gizenga had ar-
rived in Cairo and held meetingswith government
United Arab Republic officials.
July 1: Belgium agreed in principleto supply credits
(See also, General,Lebanon,Morocco,Yemen) worth $30m for developmentprojects.
July 2: Two membersof the National Assemblywere
1966 found guilty of evading agrarianreform laws and
June 1: The government"strongly"protestedthe ar- have had their property seized; they will resign
rest of some Egyptiansworking in Saudi Arabia, from or lose their membershipin the Assembly.
al-Abhrm reported. North Korean Vice PresidentKang Ryan Wuk
June 3: The UN Technical Aid Special Fund ap- left Cairoaftera week'svisit.
proved a $1.45m loan to provide laboratoryequip- July 5: The governmentofficiallyrequestedinforma-
ment for the National Institute of Standardization. tion concerningnationalsdetainedin Saudi Arabia.
Spain will contribute$loom worth of credit fa- July 8. IndianPremierIndiraGandhiarrivedin Cairo
cilities for the SecondDevelopmentPlan, it was re- for 2 days of discussionson Vietnam.
ported. An industrial delegationis on a 2 weeks' A trade agreementwas signed with Guinea pro-
visit in Spain to discuss industrial and technical viding for the import of bauxite, palm oil, canned
cooperation. pineapple, coffee and other products in exchange
June 4: Indian Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, for Egyptian textiles, dry batteries and manufac-
Dinesh Singh, arrivedin Cairo for talks on a tri- turedarticles.

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July 9: The Ford Foundationgranted $488,000 for Aug. 6: Naiir denied allegationsthat the government
the birthcontrolprogram. had offerednaval base facilities to the USSR.
July 11: Al-Akhbarsaid that the UAR was producing Authoritiesin Alexandriaannounceda develop-
groundto air missiles capableof avoidingdetection ment programto establishthe Middle East'sbiggest
on radarscreens,and that Egyptianscientificknowl- paper productionindustry.
edge matchedthat of experts in the US and USSR. Deputy Premier for EconomicAffairs 'Abd al-
The Arab Lawyers'Federationaskedthe Foreign Mun'im al-Qaysui warned that legislation enforc-
Ministryto interveneto enable a delegationto de- ing compulsorysaving would be issued unless vol-
fend detainedEgyptianand othernationalsin Saudi untarysavingwas adoptedby the people.
Arabia. A tradeagreementwas signed with Niger.
July 12: The managerand 8 employeesof a storage Aug. 7: Five Soviet naval ships arrivedin Alexandria,
companywere chargedwith stealinga train load of returninga UTARnaval visit to Sevastopolin July.
wheat worth about Ei 38,000. Aug. 9: The governmentexchangedwith Kuwaytin-
July 15: Under the Second Development Plan, E? strumentsof ratificationof an agreementsigned in
159m was allocatedfor 40 industrialchemicalproj- Marchto encourageinvestmentand transferof capi-
ects, it was reported. tal betweenboth countries.
July 16: Eight members of the banned Muslim Aug. 10: Ndair appointedformerdeputy premierfor
Brotherhoodwere chargedwith planningto assassi- industry'Aziz Sidql as his advisor for production
nate Nasir during a visit to Suez in March. Before affairs.
the SupremeStateSecurityCourt,48 people pleaded Aug. 15: An economicdelegation left for India for
not guilty to charges of attemptingto revive the discussionson the recent devaluationof the rupee.
Muslim Brotherhoodand conspiringto assassinate Roseal-Yasif reportedthat the governmentwould
top governmentofficials. try to importas much wheat as possiblefrom coun-
Security officials are investigating the theft of tries unlikely to exert any political pressurein re-
170 tons of steel which disappearedbetween Port turn, as Greeceand Mexico.
Said and Cairo. Aug. 17: Deputy Premierfor Culture,National Guid-
July 18: A compensationagreementregardingprop- ance and Tourism 'Abd al-QadirHatim left for a
erty expropriatedafter the Suez crisis was signed 2 weeks'visit to East Germany.
with France. Aug. 19: A contractwas signed for the importof 12
Al-Ahram reportedthe governmentwould import rice mills from East Germany,it was reported.
from the USSR over 4 years about E? 63,490,000 Aug. 20: The State SecurityCourt pronouncednews-
worth of goods and raw materialsusually imported paper editor Mustafaal-Amin guilty of spying for
from the West. the US CentralIntelligenceAgency (CIA) and sen-
July 20: The governmentsigned an agreementwith tencedhim to life imprisonmentat hardlabor. The
ENI, of Italy, on the basis for future cooperation. Courtfound 12 other defendantsguilty of conspir-
July 22: Nasir announcedthe UAR would not attend ing to overthrowNasir.
the fourth Arab summitconferencedue to be held Aug. 21: The Courtsentenced7 Muslim Brotherhood
in Algiers on September5 and called for an indefi- leadersto deathby hanging.
nite postponementof the meeting. He also said An economicand agriculturaldelegationleft for
the US was delaying food aid because of policy a tour of East Germany,Bulgariaand Rumania.
conflicts. Aug. 22: The Courtconvictedand sentenced49 more
The MaritimeOrganizationcontracted2 Japanese members of the Muslim Brotherhoodto prison,
firms to build 2 oil tankersat a cost of $4m each. bringing the total of persons sentencedin the last
July 23: The governmentbanned Hiwar, of Beirut, 2 daysto 92.
accusingit of being "a C.I.A. organ." The governmentissued a permit allowing 2 de-
The 14th anniversaryof the overthrowof King stroyersof the US Sixth Fleet to visit Port Said in
Fariiqwas celebrated. September.
July 25: Minister of EconomyLabib Shuqayrled an Aug. 23: Al-Ahrim said the Second Development
economicdelegationon a 2 weeks' visit to Greece, Plan would proceedas planneddespite alleged for-
Bulgariaand Hungary. eign economicpressure.
July 28: The government announced plans for a Greecesold the government100,000 tons of soft
$126.5m expansionof the Suez Canal. wheat, it was announced.
Aug. 2: Italy agreed to a $41m loan for industrial Aug. 24: A presidentialdecreewas issued statingthat
projectsand agriculture. Shell Oil and British Petroleum (BP) will share
Aug. 4: The US announcedcuts in wheat sales to E? loim in compensationto be paid over 8 years
Cairo. with paymentguaranteedby the CentralBank.
Aug. 5: Trade agreementswere concludedwith Mali A decreeannouncedthat narcoticssmugglersand
and Somalia,it was reported. pedlarswould face the death penalty.
A 3 year health cooperation agreement was Aug. 28: A law was promulgatedprovidingthat for-
signed with East Germany. eign capitalinvestedin Port Said'sfree zone would

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be exempt from UAR laws of nationalizationand July 20: The Kuwayti Foreign Minister arrived in
joint stock companies. Jiddahto continuemediationefforts.
Aug. 29: The death sentencewas commutedto hard July 28: Al-Akhbar,of Cairo, published alleged de-
laborfor life for 4 of the 7 convictedMuslimBroth- tails of the Kuwaytiproposalson Yemen.
ers; the other 3 were hanged. July 29: A 4 man economicdelegationwent to Rome
The price of rice doubled. earlierin the monthto discussthe signing of a ?5m
creditarrangement. The possiblepurchaseof Italian
automobilesand the establishmentof a tomatocan-
Yemen ning factory were also discussed,it was reported.
Import duties were reduced on wool products,
(See also, General,SAF)
cottons, diesel oil, film equipment,electricalappli-
1966 ancesand buses.
July 30: The Kuwayti Foreign Minister announced
June 2: Kuwaytannouncedit would continueits me- that UAR and Saudi representativeswould soon
diation effortsbetweenthe UAR and SaudiArabia. meet in Kuwayt to discuss new proposals for a
June 3: Al-Ahrdm,of Cairo, accusedthe US CIA of Yemeni solution.
aiding the Royalists against the Republic. CIA San't' Radio announcedthat elections would be
denied the charges. held to form a 101 member consultativecouncil.
June 7: A correspondentclaimed that papers found Preceding this report, 'Amri held a meeting in
on the body of a formerRoyalistminister,recently San'a' with RepublicanCouncil members,Cabinet
killed by Republicanforces, disclosed a plan to ministers,religiousleaders,armyofficersand others.
place the entire Arab peninsulaunderKing Faysal. Aug. 8: The ForeignMinistrycabledthe Yemeni UN
In Beirut, Royalist InformationMinister Hashim delegation complaining of an alleged British air
Ibn Hashim refuted the story and said the victim intrusionover Qatarah.
had been killed 27 monthsago. Aug. 10: San't' Radio said British air violationshad
June 14: KuwaytiForeign MinisterShaykh Sab5iial- occurredover Sant'W, Ta'izz, Beida and Qatabah.
Ahmad Al Sablb returnedto Kuwaytafter visiting Aug. 11: Reportedly,'Amri led 2 Republicanarmy
officialsin the UAR and Saudi Arabia. units in an unsuccessfulbid to take control of the
June 28: President 'Abdallahal-Sallal suffered frac- airport and radio. The attemptwas foiled by the
tured ribs in a trafficaccidentin Alexandria. UAR Ambassador,A;hmadShuqri, who arrived
June 29: Aden Radio reported that PremierHasan with superior forces. Radio stations and airports
al-'Amri had been shot and was criticallyill in a were reportedlyplaced underEgyptianguard.
Cairo hospital following 2 weeks when his where- Aug. 12: Sallal arrived in San't' after a 9 months'
abouts were unknown. The report said that stay in the UAR, and returned to his residence,
'AbdallahJizaylan,head of the RepublicanIntelli- guardedby Egyptiantanks.Shaykhsand triballead-
gence Service,whom 'Amri met 2 weeks ago, was ers reportedly cabled President Nasir protesting
underhouse arrestin Cairo. againstthe "occupation"of San't' and the behavior
June 30: In Cairo,'Amrideniedhe had been shot and of UAR troopson Sallal'sarrival.
said he was visiting the UAR. Aug. 14: Severalministerscalled on Sallal, it was re-
July 2: Fierce fighting erupted between some 2,500 ported. Sallil had been greeted on arrivalonly by
Rassasi tribesmen and Republican troops in the the chief of the UAR forces,Hasan Tal'at.
south, reportedlybecauseof Rassasi dissatisfaction Aug. 17: Sallal received'Amriand they later drove in
with governmentpolicies in the area. an open car to armyheadquarters where they jointly
July 5: Rassasiforces reportedlycapturedan airstrip addressedservicemenand tribal chiefs, pledging to
near Beida which they planted with explosives to "standas one" in supportof the revolution.
preventUAR aircraftfrom landing. Talks between UAR and Saudi representatives
Sant'dRadio chargedthat British troops had at- beganin Kuwayt.
tackedterritoryin the battle area. In Aden, British Aug. 19: A draft solution based on the Kuwaytipro-
troop involvementwas denied. posals was reached. Officials returnedto inform
July 6: Republicansunconditionallysurrenderedthe their governmentsof the tentativeagreement.
Beida garrisonto the tribesmen,it was reported. Aug. 20: A Royalist statementasked the world to
July 18: The Foreign Ministry issued a statement backtheir call for self-determination.
holding Britain responsible for any disturbance Aug. 23: MeccaRadio reportedthat SaudiArabiahad
along the border. British Royal Air Force planes sent its reply to the draftagreementto Kuwayt.
were accusedof penetratingYemeni air space over Aug. 30: There were reported shortages of fuel,
Maabakon July 11, and troopswere allegedlyseen wheat and other productsresulting from the trade
gatheringin the area. ban with the SAF.

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