Pre Cambridge 1 ELS Paper 2

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Striving for AT

P.A (English P: II) Name: __________________

Grade: 6’O Date: ________/_______/ 2020
Total Marks: /25 Sign of Invigilator: _________

Section A
Reading for Idea /3
Your body has a very special system that protects you from illness and disease. It’s called the
immune system and it knows when there is something inside your body that should not be there.
All the cells in your body have a way to tell the immune system, “I belong here. I’m not going to
do any harm.” And so the immune system leaves those cells alone. Think about the cells in your
body wearing name tags that say “self”. Anything with a “self” name tag is a good guy. But
things like bacteria, viruses, and parasites wear name tags that say “nonself”. When the immune
system sees a “nonself” name tag, it jumps into action and attacks those foreign invaders. Any
foreign substance in your body that makes the immune system attack it, is called an antigen.
These antigen invaders can be pollen from the air, a virus, or certain types of bacteria. You have
your own little army of cells inside you, always fighting to keep you healthy. And you can be a
part of that army too! By getting plenty of sleep at night and eating nutritious foods, you’ll help
keep your immune system strong and ready to fight.
a. What is antigen? /1
b. What does immune system do? /1
c. What can you do to keep your immune system strong? /1

b. Reading for Meaning /5

Have you ever walked through a cloud of gnats on a hot summer day, only to have them
follow you? No matter how you swat at them, or even if you run, they won’t leave you alone.
If so, then you have something in common with an atom. Atoms are the building blocks of
molecules, which when combined, make up everything. From the smallest one-celled
amoeba, to every person who has ever lived, to the largest and brightest stars in the sky,
atoms are everywhere. The Greek word atomos, which means uncuttable. Technically we
can’t see individual atoms, since there are no microscopes powerful enough. Since
technology improves all the time, it may not be long before we can actually see a whole atom
through a special microscope. Even though scientists cannot see atoms with microscopes,
they have developed ways to detect them and learn about them. Atoms are made up of three
basic parts; protons, neutrons, and electrons. There is a core, or nucleus, and an electron
cloud. The nucleus is made up of positively charged protons and neutral neutrons. The
nucleus is held closely together by electromagnetic force. All of the elements known to man
so far can be found on the periodic table. The study of atoms and tiny particles that are even
smaller is called quantum mechanics. Scientists still have much to learn about atoms. Maybe
you will enter the study of quantum mechanics and find a brand new element.
a. What are atoms? /1
b. What does the word A'tomos mean in ancient Greece? /1
c. What is quantum mechanics? /1

Choose an appropriate meaning /2

1. Amoeba
a. Unit b. cell c. shape
2. Technically
a. Straight b. expertly c. universally
3. Powerful
a. Weak b. Strong c. fragile
4. Core
a. Chapter b. Center c. unimportant

Section B (Grammar)
Q: 2 /4
Change the voice /2
1. Were we not eating food?
2. Alan was teaching geography
3. Boys were playing cricket
4. He was being helped by many people
Make passive sentences using prompts below /2
1. Offer/ gift
2. Police/ witness
Q: 3 write three adjective used to describe the following noun /3
1. Dog ____________ _____________ _____________
2. Weather ____________ _____________ _____________
3. Work ____________ _____________ _____________
4. Game ____________ _____________ _____________
5. Voice ____________ _____________ _____________
6. clouds ____________ _____________ _____________

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