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Proof of the Pythagorean Theorem

Directions: The goal of this assignment is to prove the Pythagorean Theorem using similar triangles. First, watch
this video to learn a little bit more about the theorem: Then, you will use the
following video as a guide for this assignment:

You will use the attached graphic organizer to break apart the proof of the Pythagorean Theorem into several
steps. Write your steps on the left hand side and draw supporting figures on the right hand side. Number your
steps and make sure to use your own words. There is no correct amount of steps. You only have to make sure the
order of your steps make logical sense and that no important pieces of the proof are missing. Work only with
your partner. Your final product should be a neat graphic organizer you can use to teach the proof of the
Pythagorean Theorem to somebody outside this class.

Steps Supporting Figure

Steel Begin with right

triangle aABC B

A a

Step 2 construct a


from KC to IIB Let e

AD D DB e and CD f

Now ALAD B ACBD are d f

also right triangles A l

step 3 AADC IACB

by Angle Angle a

4LAD 4CAB same angle b

4CDAE4CDB both are t L

A a


By ratios of similar triangles C

E da a

By cross multi lying H t


a2 cd d

step 4 AACB Hebb


by Angle Angle a

4ABC 4CBD same angle b

4ACB 4 CDB both are

rightangled A L

By ratios of similar triangles

4 5 x

By cross multiplying b e

b2 ce FD

steel Since a2 cd b2 ce

a2 cd

b2 ce

a2tb2 cdtce

This means a2tb2 c dte

In step 2 late c

so a2tb2 c dte is the

same as a2tb2 c a2tb2

whruhrs the ythagoreon


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