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Reported Speech
 We have already seen how it works in affirmative and negative sentences:

 Direct Speech: Jorge: “I work in a factory.”

 Reported Speech: Jorge said that he worked in a factory.

 Direct Speech: James to Andrea: “I didn’t see the film.”

 Reported Speech: James told Andrea that he hadn’t seen the film.
But… what about
in the case of
1) Wh- Questions

 Wh- question words are: when, where, why, what, how, etc…

 Look at this example:

 Direct Speech -> Robert to Karen: “Where do you study English?”

 Reported Speech -> Robert asked Karen where she studied English.

 Notice that we have made 2 changes:

1. Present Simple to Past Simple
 Remember, the present becomes the past, the past becomes past perfect, etc.
2. Interrogative form to Positive form
 In other words, you have to use the structure: Subject + Verb + Complement
Wh- Questions
 What about here:
 Direct speech -> Thomas to Fernando: “When is your birthday?”
 Reported speech -> Thomas asked Fernando when his birthday was.

 Direct speech -> The teacher to me: “Why are you late?”
 Reported speech -> The teacher asked me why I was late.

 Direct speech -> Gonzalo to Laura: “What did you watch at the cinema?”
 Reported speech -> Gonzalo asked Laura what she had watched at the cinema.

 Direct speech -> Hellen to Jerry: “Where can I buy a laptop?”

 Reported speech -> Hellen asked Jerry where she could buy a laptop.
2) Yes / No Questions

 What happens if there isn’t a question word (who, where, why, etc.)?
 Very simple! We use if instead of the question word! (we can also use whether)

 For example:
 Direct Speech -> Robert to Karen: “Do you study English?”

 Reported Speech -> Robert asked Karen if she studied English.

 Notice that we have made 2 changes:

1. Present Simple to Past Simple
 Remember, the present becomes the past, the past becomes past perfect, etc.
2. Interrogative form to Positive form
 In other words, you have to use the structure: Subject + Verb + Complement
Yes / No Questions
 What about here:
 Direct speech -> Isabel to Marianne: “Did you visit our grandparents yesterday?”
 Indirect speech -> Isabel asked Marianne if she had visited their grandparents the
day before.

 Direct speech -> The gym instructor to me: “Are you tired?”
 Indirect speech -> The gym instructor asked me if I was tired.

 Direct speech -> Bruno to Jessica: “Will you marry me?”

 Indirect speech -> Bruno asked Jessica if she would marry him.

 Direct speech -> David: “Is there an elevator in this hospital?”

 Indirect speech -> David asked if there was an elevator in that hospital.

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