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Music to my ears ♪

In pairs, answer the following questions:

1. What kind of music do you like? What kind of music do you dislike?

2. What kind of equipment (gadgets, devices) do you use for listening to


3. Do you prefer to listen to music in English or Spanish? Also, besides those

two, do you listen to songs in another language?

4. What activities do you do while listening to music?

5. Have you ever bought an original (not pirate!) CD album or single? Talk
about it.

6. Can you play any musical instruments? Which ones?

 If not, which musical instrument would you like to learn to play?

7. Is listening to music better than watching TV? Why / Why not?

8. Are you a good singer? Do you ever sing at a karaoke, at parties or while
taking a shower?

9. Have you ever been to a concert? Talk about it.

 If not, which concert would you like to attend?

10. Should Music be a mandatory subject at school? Why / Why not?

11. Why do people listen to music?

12. Think of one of your favourite songs. Why do you like it? When did you
listen to it for the first time? Who sings it?

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