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Conditional Sentences Type 3.


 It is used for hypothetical past situations.

 It can also be used to express regret or to criticise.
 It is composed of two parts: If Clause + Result Clause.

 The structure is:

 If + Past Perfect, Subject + Would/Could/Might + Have + Past participle

 If I had studied for the exam, I would have passed it!


• The referee was incompetent and we lost the match.

If the referee hadn’t been so incompetent, we wouldn’t have lost

the match.

• Jeremy ate two entire pizzas, so he had a stomachache the

next day.

If Jeremy hadn’t eaten two entire pizzas, he wouldn’t have had a

stomachache the next day.

• Grandpa Mike didn’t see the end of the movie because he fell

Grandpa Mike would have seen the end of the movie if he hadn’t
fallen asleep.
Now it’s your turn!

 Kelly didn’t invite me so I didn’t go to her party.

If Kelly had invited me, I would have gone to her party.
 George lied to his girlfriend so she broke up with him.
If George hadn’t lied to his girlfriend, she wouldn’t have
broken up with him.

 We were worried because our daughter left the house at midnight.

We wouldn’t have been worried if our daughter hadn’t left

the house at midnight.
 I didn’t know this job was so stressful! I regret accepting it!

If I had known that this job was so stressful, I wouldn’t have

accepted it!

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