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Researching is an essential skill related to problem-

solving.,i need to be able to identify the cause of the

issue and understand it fully
The first step to solving any problem to analyze the
my analytical skills will help me understand problems
and effectively develop solutions. I might also need
analytical skills during research to help distinguish
between effective and ineffective solutions.
Analytical skills refer to the ability to collect and analyze
information, problem-solve, and make decisions

one time I feel uncomfortable feeling with someone

came to work with me , but I ignored this feeling
temporarily .
he was young boy 20 to 25 years old, he was came
to working in cash , in first week, I find him
speaking at him self too much, and his eyes always
red, he tried many times to go restroom, and every
time I enter the restroom behind him I smell a good
peurfume or spray I don’t know but it’s a different
smell , sometimes when I watching him in camera I
found him talking to him self, then at the end of his
speech he was cried, sometimes I found him set like
a prisoner to take a rest, but he was so polite with the
customer, he had good way to connect with the
customer and make them happy.
I was confused from this guy many weeks and I kept
watching him many weeks. every day and I asked
myself if he was adecit, how he was good speaker
with the customer all time, or if he was upnormal or
have a kind of shock in his head, how he become a
wise man when he want,
I took a fired decisions many times ago about him,
everyday when I’m going to the work I talk to my
self ( this guy is a wrong person , you have to fire
him before any trouble happens, before remorse. but
my critical thinking always make me patient for my
decisions, and let me thinking positively
I tried to talk with him many times to try to figure
out what’s going on with him, but he told me I have
some troubles with my girl friend , and my mind
push me to figure out what else inside his head,
but I don’t like to insist on somebody to tell me what
he trying to hide it,
one day I told him I will go out to bring some stuff
from the merchant to the restaurant , keep your red
eyes opened and foucs with the customer , if you
need something just call me, and I left the store
and sited in my car , then after 10 minutes I entred
the store, I found many customers in the loopy and
no one in the cash , I found him in the restroom , I
wait him to go out then when he goes out he
looked at me as aguilt or scare from something , I
pretend I don’t care about him and I’m busy and I
enterd the restroom quickly and closed the door,
then I keep looking for anything he lefted behind
him , I didn’t found any think , then with some
patient and peresintince , I get an idea , I start
searching in the restroom trash , a lot of knapkiens ,
it was descusting, but I insist to know whats going
on I found a napkin with blood, then with more
searching I found something like a paper burned
and something like a flour on it , like shrimp flour ,
and something like a glass but it’s not a glass then I
took these staff and go to my office and I started
make a search what kind of that staff. if you need to
research—absolutely nothing at all—the internet is
a great place to start
I start looked for these staff on the internet, the
first site coming up to my head is National institute
of drug abuse then I found kind of drugs called
, the adecit people broke it in to small pieces then
they burned lt then smell the smoke , I never see
this kind in my life , it makes them a powerful,
highly addictive stimulant that affects the
central nervous system. Crystal
methamphetamine is a form of the drug that
looks like glass fragments or shiny, bluish-white
rocks. It is chemically similar to amphetamine, a
drug used to treat attention-deficit hyperactivity
disorder , a sleep disorder.
Now , I fired him with as astrong decision from
my mind , and I feel proud of my self because I
keep searching about the problem and observe it
then I choose the correct descion , I know I can
fired him from the first upnormal act from him ,
but I prefer and taught don’t take any decision
without thinking and thinking of the thinking
Critical Thinking
Critical thinking is when you focuse on one particular
topic. There are a couple of important critical thinking
skills that help build critical thinking. What makes a great
critical thinker is one that :
 Analyzes arguements- Is able the analyze the topic/
 Assesses Assumptions -Being able to ask the right
questions about the topic
 Considers Claims- being able to recognize the right
answer by the evidence given and also being opended
minded and being willing to change your ideas.
 Avoids Faulty Reasoning- being careful in being
convinced to a false idea.
The two most important skills in critical thinking is being
able  to analyze arguements and Assessing Assumptions.
It is important being able to break down and understand
the arguement in order to explore the topic and make a
dicision. It is also extemly important, once understanding
the topic being able to ask the right questions. Questions
is key to fully understand anything that comes your way
and the skill to being able to make the right conclusion is
being able to recocgnize what questions and facts are
most important.

Once being able Analyze the argument and ask the right
questions, everything else should be able to fall in place.

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