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Nama : Jepri Gunawan

Nim : 205180022

In my opinion, maybe studying at home looks fun, but for some students, including myself, they
consider studying at home to be less enjoyable because we cannot understand the material directly.
There are some materials that can be understood clearly but are not as easy as when explained
directly by the teachers while in class.

In addition, the large number of assignments given by the teachers made most students object to
them. They still do not understand the material explained but have been asked to do practice
questions, so currently many online tutoring applications are free to support student learning
activities. The online learning system that is implemented uses google as well as other applications
to support the learning process, such as google classroom, zoom, and whatsapp. Materials and
assignments are also sent online via the application. There are also several tasks that are uploaded
via email, Google Drive or even uploaded to social media accounts. An example of an assignment
uploaded to social media is a video assignment. I myself actually get too late if I continue to stay at
home plus work and materials that have not been completed. But in this situation we have to enjoy
it and become a new experience in life. At least I am grateful that in the midst of unfavorable
external conditions, I am still given the opportunity to continue learning distance.

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