Volume 10, Issue 6, December 12, 2010

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Church of Christ Newsletter

Volume 10 Issue 6, December 12, 2010 www.moosemountainchurch.com

Contact Info:
Beneath The Surface With A Big Bag Of Beans info@moosemountainchurch.com
1 Christina Street
If you’re like me, you take change. And maybe this day right? See, I can do that, be-
Box 184
more of a wham, bam, thank begins this season, where I dig cause I want that with my Kenosee Lake, SK
you Wal*Mart mentality beneath my surface life to a S0C0R0
own dad. Now, maybe your
when it comes to Christmas life where the ol’ ticker is
relationship with your father ***
shopping. For me, the thought pumping loudly and passion-
isn’t like this. Maybe you
of making a birdhouse for my ately. Yes, it may happen--I Assembly Times:
mom or a toy for my kids just know a birdhouse isn’t don’t even have someone Sunday
sounds like torture. And here I going to get me there. called “dad” in your life. But Bible Class
am, serving as one of the I’m willing to bet you have 10:03am
creatives behind a movement Last year a guy from church someone that you’d like to
Full Family
that encourages people to told us about a gift he gave his get to know more. And where Fellowship
give relational gifts like these. dad. It was a bag of coffee 11:03am
glitter may not cut it, maybe
But I’m not a builder. In fact,
beans. A pretty sizable one something as simple as coffee Thursday Evening
Bob The Builder intimidates
too. He explained the puzzled beans will. Bible Study
me. The very term “arts and 7:00pm
crafts” gives me nausea. I look on his dad’s face when
hate glitter. And to be honest, he opened the gift. Then he Tony Biaggne
Life Groups
the thought of doing some told his father he wanted to Alternating
online shopping sounds pretty use this gift as an opportunity Thursdays in various
sweet right about now. But I to know him more.
know I can’t because I want to
He wanted to hear ***
give people something that
screams “YES! I LOVE YOU!” I stories about this man’s
life. His childhood. Leadership:
want impact, substance. I
want it to be real. So much of His wedding day.
my day in and day out is sur- All of it. So, his
Rolland Bouchard
face living. Surface conversa- plan was to call
tions about the weather. Sur- his dad up every Elders
face intentions. I go to surface
Sunday night Jim Sedor
birthdays with a surface gift
and hear a story Cameron Husband
tucked under one arm, to Dale King
which I receive a surface about his life while
Harold Floyd
“thank you” card a few weeks sharing a cup of coffee
later. Maybe one day this will made from the beans. Wow, ***

Announcements and Upcoming Events Ministries:


We will be working the thrift store Harold Floyd
December 28 & 30 This year we will be taking up a special
*** collection on December 26th. The pro-
POTLUCK REQUEST ceeds will go toward digging a well in In-
dia through the direct sponsorship of Monica McMillan
We want to thank you all for your generous do-
Compassion Canada. To give you an idea
nations to our potluck lunches. Because of how much we will need to raise, it costs Worship
known allergies within our congregation we ask $1500 to dig one well. This one well will Cameron Husband
that you do not bring any items containing pork. service a family or village. Please be
Thanks! praying about supporting such a project. Education
*** If you would like, there are gift cata- Laurie Bouchard
HOMEMAKERS CIRCLE! logues available for other ideas on how
Jan 14th - Spa Night you can support those stricken by pov-
erty in our world. Outreach
Feb 8th - Cake Decorating Jim Sedor
Mar 19th - Ladies Day / Theme Supper
April 8/9th - Mini Retreat www.jointheconspiracy.net Missions
May 24th - Kennedy Memorial Gardens Owen King
June 14th - Tea House, Fairlight
Garnet Goud
The Adult Bible Study will be over for the rest of
December, and will resume at the building on
January 13th with an introduction to the Syca-
Mark Olson
more series.
Volume 10, Issue 6 December 12, 2010 www.moosemountainchurch.com
 All of those walking through grief.
This Christmas, what if our celebration wasn’t about
 Arnold Lawrence consumerism and Christmas presnts? What if, instead, we made it about wor-
 Marie McMillan shipping fully, and spending less so that we can give more. This is precisely
what Christ came near for, to make a profound impact on the world. Over the
 Lougheed Family—Friends of Verna(Frieda
centuries, the significant impact of Christ’s coming has melted away into spend-
passed away this last week)
ing, rushing, and the O-so-famous question, “what do you want for Christmas!”
 Bernard and Alicia Krogsgaard - Missionaries in I know, I know, Jesus wasn’t born in December or on the 25th, but HE WAS
Mexico BORN! That God came into this world deserves, at the very least our worship!
 Joe Fox—recovery from surgery. The Christmas celebration, historically, was birthed out of pagan celebrations.
The heart of it’s inception was pure, early Christians thought that there was no
 Verna and Harold’s Sister Linda recovering from
car accident
greater reason to celebrate than God coming into the world. What’s changed?
Do we believe that there is no greater joy than Jesus, His birth, His life, His
 Chris Cornforth—continued health concerns. Death, His burial, and His resurrection?
 Joe Cornforth, continued emotional and health In a world where Christmas is a consumer holiday, lights, trees and all the other
issues. accoutrements, what would happen if we recaptured the joy of Christmas by
 Catherine Taylor– seeing continued success and worshipping fully, spending less, giving more, and loving all? Maybe the world
healing after her surgery. would see the significant impact that the coming of Christ has had on us!
 Nancy Martinson—(Heather Kings Sister-in-law)
Pray for success in cancer treatments.
 Candy Wise—undergoing another surgery for an
aneurism. Pray for success.
 Tammy Palmer—continued health concerns
 Neil Palmer—Verna’s Cousin recovering from five
bypass surgery
 Pam’s Uncle, John Dyck had open heart surgery.
 Pam’s cousin Julie’s husband passed away from
cancer leaving behind 2 young sons and a widow.
 Pam’s step brother in the Hospital in Regina.
 Joe’s brother Dan is doing much better after his
 Krista Dolphin’s arm is broken, pray for a speedy
 Mary Elford—recently diagnosed with cancer.
She is trying to get in for surgery as soon as possi-
 Upcoming weddings: Trevor and Raysha, and
Abby Hannah (recently engaged).
 Glen and Kay—on their journey to Arizona
 Cody’s victory at agribition– thank God for His
continued safety.
 Jeremy Hengen’s Dad Passed away
 Pamela King—pray for her personal well-being.
 That Christ would be made known throughout
this Christmas Season.
 People going through difficult times throughout
the holiday season.
...and pray in the Spirit on all occasions...

Puzzles and Cartoons used with Permission. For rights and permissions see http://biblewordgames.com and www.reverendfun.com

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Every Sunday: 11:03am (306)577

(306)577--2477 info@moosemountainchurch.com Join The Conspiracy!

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