Summary English History - Raquel Ortega

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The United Kingdom is located in the British Islands, their origin is characterized for people
moving into - and out of - Britain. Their history dates back 10.000 years ago, when pre-Celtic
groups known as “The Picts” inhabited the place; over time waves of Celtic people arrived from
European continent and moved the Picts north into Scotland. In A.D 43, Romans invaded part of
island and ruled over 400 years, contributing to the development of the island. When romans left
there was a great migration of Germanic tribes Jutes, Angles and Saxons. The Angles gave their
name to England, and English people became known as Anglo-Saxons. From 900s to the 1400s,
England was ruled by Viking, Danish, and Norman invaders. In 1485 Henry Tudor claimed the
crown and became Henry VII, several important lines of kings and queens followed. By the
1800s, Britain was one of the most powerful nations in the world. But early 20 th century Britain
could no longer afford its Empire due to the following wars and conflicts, setting most of their
colonies free.
Historians have divided the literature of English Language into 7 prominent epochs. The first of
them is Old English (Anglo – Saxon) Period (450 - 1066), prior to that time there was not much
production of literature, but just translation of basic medical, religious or legal documents, as well
as oral tradition. However, some pieces include Beowulf and poets like Caedmon and Cynewulf;
then it followed Middle English Period (1066 – 1500) which evidenced an important transition in
the language, culture, and lifestyle of England, much of their writings were religious, but from 1350
on, more writings were based on rational works. Notable papers include “Piers Plowman” and “Sir
Gawain and the Green Knight”; it continued The Renaissance (1500 - 1660) which was remarkable
for its brilliant achievements, important authors include William Shakespeare and John Donne;
follows The Neoclassical (1600 - 1785) in this period people sought some response to the
Puritanical age, the literature of this time made use of reason, philosophy or skepticism; some
important playwrights include William Congreve and John Bunyan; The Romantic Period (1785 -
1832) approaches the most popular and well-known of all literary ages, Gothic literature was born,
includes the works of Wordsworth and Matthew Lewis; continues The Victorian Period (1832 -
1901) named after Queen Victoria, this time represents time of great social, religious, intellectual
and economics issues; next it is The Edwardian Period (1901 - 1914), notable poets include Alfred
Noyes and William Butler Yeats; and The Modern Period (1914 - ?).
English Literary Techniques or figurative language refers to strategies that writers use to convey
meaning in their pieces and give emphasis to their ideas, so rather than using plain language they
include this strategies with the purpose of writing creatively and strengthen their repertoire. Some
of this includes allegory, allusion, alliteration, ambiguity, analogy, anaphora, anecdote, anomaly,
anthropomorphism, apostrophe, archetype, assonance, bricolage, cliché, contrast, dialect, dialogue,
didactic, flashback and so on.
Among the first documents of English literature we find “The Poem Beowulf”, the most famous
work of Old English, other great works of Old English poetry include The Wanderer, The Seafarer,
The Battle of Maldon, and The Dream of the Rood. The Poem of Beowulf consists of a man who is
considered a hero because he is super strong, he does extraordinary feats and fights against
mythological monsters (including Grendel), and for those achievements Beowulf earns the title of
being brave and becomes a generous king for many years. Apart from that, there are also other
important myths that have influenced their culture, for example: “Robyn Hood” who was a kind of
hero that would steal from the rich to help the poor. On the other hand, we got “King Arthur” who
was a legendary British leader; he was also considered a great warrior.
By Raquel Ortega

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