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Electronic Instrument System (EIS) - MAP PARTLY

DISPLAYED message on ND

ATA: 31-60 FIN: Ref: 31.60.00047

A/C Type: A319 A/C Serie: Topic: First Issue 11-JUL-2006
A320 Date:
Part Number: Last Publication 27-DEC-2013
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Articles: Documentation:

Old Wise Ref:


Engineering Support
First Issue Date: 11-JUL-2006
Model: Last Publication Date: 27-DEC-2013


One operator experienced the "MAP PARTLY DISPLAYED" message on both NDs without
any possibility to clear it. They replaced both FMGC and reloaded NAV database without
success. The message finally disappeared after RH MCDU replacement.

In the frame of the above report, this article describes the conditions to display the MAP
PARTLY DISPLAYED message and provides troubleshooting instructions to deal with this


Aircraft equipped with EIS1 system (CRT technology) with Display Management Computer
(DMC) V40 standard PN 9615325040


AIRBUS understands that both CAPT & F/O NDs have displayed the amber "MAP PARTLY
DISPLAYED" message. This office would like to inform that the aforementioned amber
message appears on the Navigation Display (ND) DU in case of incomplete data transmission
between the FMGC (priority criteria) and the DMC, or if the DMC can not draw the complete
"MAP PARTLY DISPLAYED" message can also be displayed when a very long leg exists in
the flight plan. A leg is considered as "very long" when the starting point (or endpoint) is
located at more than 45 deg from the aircraft location (45 deg of longitude or latitude).

This DMC limitation results from a compromise between accurate drawing precision and
maximum leg length that can be displayed. We recommend to refer to FCOM 1.31.45 Pages
19 and 21 for further details.

The "MAP PARTLY DISPLAYED" logic is made-up through the DMC. With DMC V40
standard, this amber message is displayed on the lower part of the ND Display Unit as soon as
the following condition are gathered:

- PLAN, ARC or ROSNAV mode is selected,

- at least one of both FMCs onside or offside is valid,
- detection of a leg overflow (waypoint up to 45 deg from the aircraft position),
- DMC internal detection (ND image incomplete),
- FMGC has too much data to transmit through its EFIS bus.

Concerning this latter condition, the FMGC will send the "too much data to transmit"
information through the word 302 bit #29 (EOT).

The EOT (End Of Transmission) is transmitted at the end of the last 64 word-block. Be
advised that this bit is normally positioned at '0'. When all selected background data can not
be transmitted to the DMCs (full up buffer), this bit will be set to '1'. In that case, the DMC
will display the "MAP PARTLY DISPLAYED" amber message.

In addition, if the ND (DMC and ND in fact) is not able to display the totality of the
information received from the FMGC "EFIS" bus, for drawing time reasons, the ND will
display a "MAP PARTLY DISPLAYED" amber message.
Operator has reported the replacement of both FMGCs and their corresponding database
without success. Finally, RH MCDU replacement cures the amber message.

AIRBUS does not suspect the RH MCDU to be directly at the source of the display issue.
Indeed, we advise to carry-out the following troubleshooting:

1/ In case of re-occurrence we would recommend at first to verify if the ND MODE display

matches with either PLAN, ARC or ROSNAV. If yes, turn down the rotary selector of the
RANGE setting and check the result. As a matter of fact, if the range selected is positioned on
a high value (in NM), the whole image could encountered some trouble to be displayed in its
totality. Therefore, decreasing the range might help to fix this issue.

2/ If the message remains after step 1, this office will advise to cross-check whether a flight
plan is entered through the MCDU and then to ensure there is no "very long" leg (up to 45
deg of longitude or latitude) that could generate an amber message.

3/ Afterwards, if the message is still displayed, the operator can perform a label call-up in
accordance with AMM TASK 31-36-00-740-008 - "Access to the Parameter Call-Up Menus"
in order to catch the status of bit #29 on word 302. As per the above description, if set to '1' it
will indicate that too many background data could not be transmitted to the DMC.

Please report the result of steps 1, 2, and 3.

4/ According to IPC 31-63-22-01, affected aircraft may have CRT Display Unit P/N
3906130302 installed. Airbus would like A/L to confirm if ND DU P/N are the same?

If confirmed, AIRBUS would be interested in knowing whether THALES VSB 390613-18 &
-20 have been embodied in accordance with TFU (TEMPORARY LOSS OF
In addition, please provide us with the DMC #1, #2 and #3 Trouble Shooting Data (TSD).

5/ Finally, if the issue persists at this stage perform a wiring check of the FMGC "EFIS" bus
between DMCs and FMGCs units:

FMGC1: pin AB/12J & AB/12K (EIS COM),
FMGC2: pin AB/12J & AB/12K (EIS COM),
DMC1: pin AA/4A & AA/4B (FMC1 INPUT) ; AA/4J & AA/4K (FMC2 INPUT),
DMC2: pin AA/4A & AA/4B (FMC1 INPUT) ; AA/4J & AA/4K (FMC2 INPUT),


Survey for the Engineering Support section

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