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Smart Message Board

Thesis · June 2004

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.2291.2164


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Jason Yang



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Information Environments
University of Queensland, Ipswich Campus

Master Thesis – course work

(Semester 2, 2004)

Smart Message Board


Jason Shih Sheng Yang (30092824)

Master of Information Environment

Supervised by: Dr. Margot Brereton

June 2004

I declare that the work presented in this thesis is, to the best of my
knowledge, original, except as acknowledged in the text, and that the material
has not been submitted, whether in whole or in part, for a degree at this or any other

Jason Shih Sheng Yang


I would like to thank the following people who are among those who have helped
make this thesis what it is;

z My Supervisor: Dr. Margot Brereton

For encouraging me to explore all sorts of interesting tangents, given me her advice
and guidance over the past three months.

z My Family: My parents and my older bother

For providing all the supports through all the years of my life.

z My Closest Friends: Wayne Dallachy, Cindy Huang, Daniel Kuo, Patric Kuo,
Alan Lee
For giving me a wide range of ideas and helpful suggestions towards the end of the

z My Fellow Students and staff members at Ipswich campus

For helping me test the prototypes and giving suggestions and feedbacks.

z The ITEE Information Environment, Ipswich campus

For providing all the necessary computer software and hardware for completing this

z Jono from Foood’s Icon (

For giving me permission to use icons from my prototypes.

z Ikemcg (
For using his wonderful php scripts; phpEventCalendar in prototypes

In this thesis, the project is mainly focusing on the interaction design of the new
electronic message board system to assist users and resident of office. In order to
understand the “what”, “how” and “why” underlying users’ interactions between
message board, a numerous onsite observations and contextual interviews were
involved. Prototypes were built based on data analysis that was collected from
previous observational studies and interviews. Some interesting findings were
discovered from the evaluation, there were a few issues raised and discussed whether
it is feasible to replace old fashion message board with the Smart Message Board
Table of Contents

Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................1

1.1 Research Motivation ................................................................................................1

1.2 Related Work ...........................................................................................................1

1.3 Goals ........................................................................................................................5

1.4 Project timeline (estimate) .......................................................................................5

Chapter 2: Observation ........................................................................................................6

2.1 Approaches to observation, preliminary plan & trial observation...........................6

2.2 Questions that arose before observation ..................................................................8

2.3 Reflection of the observation (analysis) and Questions that arose ..........................8

2.4 Ethical consideration..............................................................................................10

Chapter 3: Contextual interview ........................................................................................11

3.1 Principles of contextual inquiry .............................................................................11

3.2 Contextual Interview Structure ..............................................................................13

3.3 Reflections from Contextual Interview..................................................................13

3.4 Ethical consideration..............................................................................................15

Chapter 4: User-centred design requirements....................................................................17

4.1 User needs analysis ................................................................................................17

4.2 User-centred design requirements..........................................................................19

Chapter 5: Design proposal................................................................................................21

5.1 Description of interaction theme............................................................................21

5.2 Description of problem of interest .........................................................................21

5.3 Early solution possibilities.....................................................................................21

5.4 Sketch of the overall network ................................................................................23

Chapter 6: Data Analysis ...................................................................................................24

Chapter 7: Solution ............................................................................................................27

7.1 SmartMessageBoard System .................................................................................27

7.2 The Conceptual Model...........................................................................................28

7.3 The Physical Model ...............................................................................................29

Chapter 8: Prototyping.......................................................................................................30

Chapter 9: Evaluation ........................................................................................................32

9.1 “Quick and Dirty” procedure and outcome ...........................................................32

9.2 Usability Testing and Procedure............................................................................32

9.3 Evaluation Process .................................................................................................34

Chapter 10: [Click and type chapter title]..........................................................................35

10.1 Overview of the evaluation results ......................................................................35

10.2 Was the conceptual model appropriate? ..............................................................35

10.3 Was the prototype appropriate? ...........................................................................35

10.4 Were the tasks selected adequate to test all the requirements of the system?


10.5 Were any features overlooked?............................................................................36

10.6 Were there any surprises in testing? ....................................................................36

10.7 Future improvements ...........................................................................................37

10.8 Future user tesing.................................................................................................37

10.9 Compared to non-IT solutions .............................................................................37

Appendix 1 : Observation and Contextual Interview Record............................................38

Appendix 2: Sample consent form for contextual interview .............................................39

Appendix 3: Three scenarios for SmartMessageBoard Unit .............................................40

Appendix 4: Three scenarios for SmartMessageBoard Admin Tool.................................41

Appendix 5: Illustration of SmartMessageBoard on office door.......................................42

Appendix 6: Screen capture of the SmartMessageBoard Unit ..........................................43

Appendix 7: Screen capture of the SmartMessageBoard Admin Tool..............................46

Appendix 8: SmartMessageBoard website for user testing and survey.............................52

Appendix 9: SmartMessageBoard Unit electronic survey.................................................55

Appendix 10: SmartMessageBoard Admin Tool electronic survey ..................................57

Appendix 11: SmartMessageBoard Unit electronic survey result.....................................59

Appendix 12: SmartMessageBoard Admin Tool electronic survey result ........................62

Appendix 13: User testing scripts, consent form ...............................................................64

Appendix 14: User verbal and action log for SmartMessageBoard System......................69

Appendix 15: Walk through of 3 scenarios for SmartMessageBoard Unit .......................79

Appendix 16: Walk through of 3 scenarios for SmartMessageBoard Admin Tool...........82

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Research Motivation

Imaging a university lecturer has an appointment with his student but due to the bad

traffic conditions, he is going to be late, so then he rings a colleague and asks her to

put a “post-it” note on your door for him. It is alright for the first time, but he can’t

always rely on someone to do this for him. According to this situation, by designing a

digital networked message board on the door could solve this problem. This smart

office door display is an example of a realization for situated interaction in the context

of a future work environment. Their mutual interactions are designed to be sustainable,

facilitate awareness and notification as well as informal communication through

wireless network.

1.2 Related Work

Door displays have been the source of design inspiration for various other projects.

Segawat etal [1] have implemented WWW-based message boards as door displays

which supports communications between a receiver and anonymous senders. They

called that type of system an “on-door” communication board, and implemented a

prototype based on their experience of the operation of such a board on the door of a

room in a graduate student hall of residence. According to Segawat’s article, the on-

door communication board has the following characteristics:

(I) Messages on the board are short and written by hand.

(2) It provides asynchronous communication.

(3) Anyone can read and write.

(4) Anything can be written on the board, including a message addressed to other

people than the resident.

(5) It is write-only and without any eraser.

(6) Only the resident can clear out the message board.

(7) Users stay anonymous, and there is no authentication.

This is a very early model of door display; there were many requests from the users of

the prototype such as privacy issues, no authentication and no guarantee that users

stay anonymous. They want to enhance the use of the message board over the internet

for ease of communication between local system and outside system. Their future

work includes generating a board automatically when to a user request, erasing

functions, and some authentications that guarantee user stay anonymous.

Researchers at Georgia Tech [2] conducted a study of doors to inform a dynamic door

display prototype that displayed a person's calendar and allowed visitors to leave

messages and his/her calendar information will then be updated. The displays can also

provide access to private information by allowing visitors to identify themselves

through some authentication such as electronic tags or speaker identification. Nice

feature included voice mail, but lack of function for user to leave their own message

in typing, perhaps due to the small LCD screen.

Their initial response of the design was positive and users were interested in “custom

welcome screen”. The design team thought the web-based version of the interface

may offer convenience to remote visitors but due to privacy issues they didn’t

promote the ideas. They were considering the possibility of using audio cues to

convey messages into lightweight dialog from door owner to identified visitors. They

were also investigating of using RF tags and speaker for identification and for

authentication purposes.

O'Hara, K etal [3] implemented “RoomWizard” system which consists of a web-

based reservation system for shared meeting rooms and associated touch screen

display that provide real-time status of the room. According to the article, the

RoomWizard offers a simple reservation process to manage communal spaces and

avoids the scheduling conflicts that commonly occur in the workplace. The device is

physically located on the wall outside the meeting room and connected to the

organization’s network. By visiting the corporate website, people can reserve a

space/discover the topic or duration of an existing meeting. The 6 1/2”screen itself is

a touch screen, people can grab an unused room at the last minute and the new

reservation is immediately visible on the website. Red and Green lights on the

machine itself indicate the status of the room which acts as a visual cue for visitors.

However, the RoomWizard system did not completely overcome the problem of

“ownership of the meeting room” or use of the meeting room without booking. There

were a few issues with Green/Red light indicator as some users do not mind using the

meeting room when it is empty but the RoomWizard indicated Red light and there is

a chance that they may get kicked out. Therefore the team also found out that the

“swapping of the room” feature can help negotiate changes for meeting rooms when


The Hermes project by Cheverst etal [4] involved with network of electronic displays

mounted on the door frames of offices. The resident of the office can leave messages

for people visiting the office and visitors can leave messages for the door owner.

Hermes raises a number of design issues which may be improved upon:


The fact that it is by the office door is significant - it is where visitors go to find the

door owner, so visitors notice door display. Perhaps there should be a central door

displays which shows every office in the building at the department information desk

or at the entrance of the building.


The Hermes door display has to be placed at a height where it can also be reached for

disable visitors (e.g. wheel chair) or blind people.

Physical security

How can the door display be prevented to being stolen or damaged? Perhaps the

device can build into walls and also has a special alarm or protected case enclosed.


What happened if the msn network is down? Or the local Hermes server is down?


The device will only accept hand writing onto the PDA, some bit map images of

messages are difficult to read. What about using audio (act as a voice mail or

answering machine without the need of the phone)?

1.3 Goals

The goal of this project is to develop a digital networked door display system (name:

SmartMessageBoard) to explore whether it is feasible to replace the traditional way of

leaving “post-it” message notes in the “semi-private” places such as office doors. I am

hoping to achieve over other research including: ability to see the status of the

resident of the office, ability to leave short voice mail messages, ability to browse all

available messages on electronic notice board, ability to use swipe card authentication

when sending messages. The project will mainly focus on the software interface

design part, and there will be usability testing later on for the prototype within the

Information Environment department building at University of Queensland.

1.4 Project timeline

April May June

Wk1 Wk2 Wk3 Wk4 Wk1 Wk2 Wk3 Wk4 Wk1 Wk2 Wk3 Wk4





User testing


Chapter 2 Observation

2.1 Approaches to observation, preliminary plan & trial observation

After extensive research on various data collection techniques, I have decided to

adopt the observational technique of ethnographic analysis and contextual interviews.

Ethnographic analysis involves understanding work environments and activities as

they occur naturally from the viewpoint of the people inhabiting those settings. This

technique is particularly suitable as it places the intended technology, which I will

design, under socially and physically natural domains (ie. in the “real world”). The

ethnographic analysis will be used to interpret user needs and requirements and

therefore drive the design process.

For this project, office door is the domain of interest. I have chosen GP South

building at University of Queensland for my investigation. This building has plenty of

lecturer’s rooms and is rich in the context of door message board for visitors

providing a wide scope for observation. The observation should be done at a time

when the intended users are at maximum capacity (eg. close to end of each hour from

9am to 5pm).

The initial design aims to enhance and extend the users’ experience in some sort of

“off-line” communications and the goal of my observation is to find out how the

resident of office messages on the door affects visitors. This involves noting people’s

interaction with objects, their physical gestures, their eye contact, their comments and

their facial expression.

To gain a better understanding of the office door message board systems as the

domain and the context of investigation, an initial observation (not involving users)

was conducted. I became familiarised with the environment, tools and processes. By

having a superficial grasp of the situation, I was able to be more effective in the actual

observation/interview with users. According to the previous experience and

knowledge in mind, a non-participatory observation of the users in the office setting

need to conducted. This observation took place on a Monday from 9am to 12am, by

visiting as many offices as possible on each floor of this building. I noticed that there

were more visitors at the start of every hour (eg. 9:05am) and end of the hour (eg.

9:55am). The “pencil and paper” technique was used to take notes and sketches. I paid

special attention to the activities of visitors reading & leaving messages of the

messages on the office doors.

2.2 Questions that arose before observation

Prior to my observation, I thought of some key questions to which I will seek answers.

The questions mainly but not always, revolved around the interaction theme of

reading & leaving messages on the office door as I hope to improve overall

experiences in general.

Some example questions are:

• How do visitors search for their desired resident’s office?

- Do they browse? Eye scan? Seek assistance? Or by other means?

• How do visitors ask for help when needed?

• What do visitors do when they cannot find a particular resident of office?

• What sort of social interactions do visitors encounter with messages on office door?

• What are visitors’ body and hand gestures?

• What are visitors’ facial and body expressions?

• Do visitors choose specific times to visit?

• How do visitors leave messages?

• How do residents of the offices leave messages?

2.3 Reflection of the observation (analysis) and Questions that arose

After the observation, I noted several interesting findings:

• Visitors tend to eye search the resident office number from the display board (in

front of the lift on every floor of GP South Building).

• Some visitors browsed door by door to find a particular office.

• Many visitors tend not to leave any messages on the door. (most office doors do

not have a message board/white board)

• Some visitors use a variety of hand gestures (eg. point at message board, use

fingers to check schedules etc).

• Nearly all visitors tend to knock on the door first to see if the resident of the office

is in or not.

• Visitors tend to visit as quickly as they can.

• Only a small number of white boards are provided by residents; most residents of

the office provide either pen/white board marker for visitors

• Hardly any visitors leave messages on the office door message board.

From the observations, I was able to ascertain a basic framework of what do visitors

& residents of the office do and some cases how they conduct their activities.

However, many questions raised prior to the observation could not be answered. I

therefore realised that there are several limitations to my observations:

1. I observed visitors in the building freely. I therefore have very limited knowledge

of the activities.

2. Observation on any one particular person is for a very short period of time, and

thus the details obtained e.g. what do they do, how they do it, are very basic.

3. By simply observing and not participating in their activities, I do not know the

reasons for some of their actions.

Therefore, in the next section, the contextual interview, I aim to overcome these

limitations and gather detailed understanding of their work and the reasons for their


2.4 Ethical Consideration

I was careful in abiding the ethical responsibilities of observations. I took the

following measures:

z Prior to my investigation I notified the help desk staff of GP South building

about my existence in conducting the investigation

z Ensured the information help desk staff that I am conducting the investigation for

university study purposes and not for industrial purposes.

z When observing, I only made notes on the activity that the visitors are making

rather than their appearance, their attire and their gender, age, ethnic background.

z Made sure that the information taken from the observations are kept confidential.

z Did not interrupt, disturb, or interfere with visitors when they are conducting

their activities.

Chapter 3 Contextual Interview

Following several informal, yet careful observations of the potential users (visitors &

residents of office) carrying out their activities in the natural setting, I was able to

ascertain a preliminary framework of what their tasks involved, their behaviour and

the difficulties in performing the tasks. These findings will help me decide the sort of

assistance technology that I should provide. However, to form a detailed

understanding of what the users need, I must thoroughly investigate and analyse each

step of their workflow and the reasons behind it. This can be best done by contextual


Like prior observations, contextual interview involves the users and investigate what

they do in the natural setting. However, in contextual interviews, I talk to the users,

act like an apprentice and find out the reasons for each of their actions. The key is to

inquire and learn. In addition, contextual interviews usually abide by a standard

timeframe whereas observations are ad-lib and are usually lengthier.

3.1 Principles of contextual inquiry

I abided by the four principles of contextual inquiry in my interview:

3.1.1 Context

This meant going to the users at the setting in which they inhabit and see how the

activities unfolds. Following this principle, I was able to obtain concrete and on-going

experience relating to their work, rather than a generalization of past experiences.

3.1.2 Partnership

I collaborated with the interviewer to find out how to do the activities and the reasons

for each step of their actions. By doing so, I was able to identify structures and

patterns of their activities and thus help to shape my design.

3.1.3 Interpretation

From the facts collected in the interview, I need to hypothesize about what the users

want and what sort of design would be most useful for them. This is not easy as what

may seem reasonable and intuitive for me, the designer, is often not the case for the

users. To avoid conflicting interpretations of the data, through out the interview, I

shared my interpretations with the interviewees, and encouraged them to make further

suggestions and modifications. The users themselves often don’t even know what they

want and what best satisfies their needs. Thus it is important that my subsequent

design proposals and prototypes are tested and approved by the users who need to be

incorporated throughout the entire project cycle, not just the data collection phase.

3.1.4 Focus

As interviewers, I need to steer the interview in such a way that I can get the most

useful and relevant information in the set timeframe. However, this must be carefully

done as I would not wish to take too much control that it becomes a convention

question-answer style interview.

3.2 Contextual Interview Structure

3.2.1 Introduction (5 minutes)

I firstly introduced myself to the interviewees, explained the purpose of this

interview and what I hope to achieve. I asked the interviewees to sign a consent

form (see appendix), in which I promised to conduct the interview in an ethical

manner, and acquired permission to take notes.

3.2.2 Transition (2 minute)

I explained the rules of the interview. They understand that I will be watching

what they do and ask questions where required. They know that I will be taking


3.2.3 Body of Interview (5 minutes)

This is the section where I got the information I am after. The four principles

mentioned above were applied here.

3.2.4 Wrap Up (3 minutes)

Concluded the interview and obtained feedback from the interviewees.

Corrections to my interpretations were also obtained where possible.

3.3 Ethical Consideration

I will uphold the ethical responsibilities of contextual interviews. I respect and

appreciate the time and effort participants contributed to the interviews and thus took

the following considerations:

• Prior my investigation I obtained permission from the help desk staff of GP South

building to conduct the interviews.

• Ensured the help desk staff that I am conducting the investigation for university

study and not for industrial purposes.

• I asked the interviewees to sign a consent form which clearly stipulates the ethical

responsibilities by me. By signing the consent form (See Appendix 2), the

participants understand:

o The goal of the interview

o What they are expected to perform

o The approximate duration of the interview, and

o How data will be collected and used.

They are also aware that:

o Personal details such as health, employment, education, financial status and

where the participants live will not be asked.

o Should the participants be quoted, it will not be possible to identify individuals

from comments written in the report.

o The information collected in the interview will only be used for the stated


o They will be asked questions about their activities and their reasons for doing


o Their activities will be carefully recorded in the form of written notes.

o The relationship with the interviewees is formal and professional and they will

receive a soft drink as a token of my appreciation.

o They are free to stop the interview at any time should they feel uncomfortable

with the procedure.

The consent forms signed by each participant before the interviews are in Appendix 2.

3.4 Reflections from Contextual Interview

The contextual interview proved to be very useful data collection method. Not only

was I able to witness the work process unfold in the natural setting, find out reasons

for their actions, I also had access to verify my interpretations and raise any questions

with the potential users. I was able to interview three undergraduate students and two

postgraduate students.

I will use extracts from the actual interviews to illustrate some interesting findings:

(P: Participant; I: Interviewer)

• Most subjects seemed to know where to look for a particular resident’s office.

However, they do not know the exact position of the office within that floor of the


P: “Finding a particular room alone this corridor can take some time, even though

you know what number the office is”

I: “Why’s that?”

P: “I always get confused if that office is on the right or left corridor”

• Most subjects identify the room number of a particular resident’s office by

checking the index display board in front of the left on each floor of the building.

P: “Can’t remember what Dr. Phil’s office number is, better check on the index

display board.”

• When a subject arrived at a particular office, the subject tends to knock on the

door first to check if the resident of the office is available or not.

I: “Why did you knock on the door first?”

P: “Just to check if he is inside his office.”

• Office doors with message board/white board tend to grab the subjects’ attention.

• Most subjects checking on message board/white board on the door after knocking

on the door, many tend not to leave messages and prefer to come back later or

email the resident of the office.

P: “Better check if he has got a lecture now or not, if so I’ll come back later to see


I: “Don’t you wish to leave a note for him?”

P: “Its ok I will email him to make an appointment or come back later.”

I: “Why don’t you want to leave a note may I ask?”

P: “Don’t really want others to read my messages.”

I also found reason to one of my previous observations:

• When a subject is troubled, subjects tend not to approach the help desk staff

unless there is an emergency.

P: “Asking for assistance from the help desk staff is often to much trouble, unless

I have a emergency like hand-in a late assignment.”

Chapter 4 User-centred design requirements

4.1 User needs analysis

In the user-centred approach in interaction design, it is imperative that users’ needs,

goals, characteristics and capabilities are taken into consideration. Having collected

user data using techniques outlined in chapter 2 and 3, the following user information

has been identified. These will become the basis for formulating design requirements.

4.1.1 Identity

This section endeavours to answer the question – who are the users?

Since the message board service is on university campus, the potential users of the

SmartMessageBoard system will be UQ students and UQ staff members, also some

general publics that visit University of Queensland.

4.1.2 Activities

This section is about finding the needs and goals of the users – what’s their purpose of

using such service? What functions are to be supported?

From the contextual interview I can ascertain that,

y Students/Visitors visit the resident of office (lecturer/academic staff) for various

reasons mainly for the purpose of education such as; lecture materials, tutorials,

assignments, projects, thesis, exam grades etc.

y Students/Visitors normally need to make appointment to see the resident of the

office in order for them to sit down and have the discussion. This indicates a

need to provide an effective and efficient service as users interact with the

system to check resident of the office’s schedule and then make appointments

when there is a free slot.

y Necessary functions identified for the systems include: Details of the resident

(name, room number, telephone number, and email address), Date & Time,

resident’s status (away/available).

y Majority of the users wish to leave quick notes for the resident of the office if he

or she is not available.

y Majority of the users expressed either neutral or negative feelings for the current

message board system.

y For resident of the office, he/she would need some kind of management program

(SmartMessageBoard Admin Tool) to manage the SmartMessageBoard Unit

located on the office door.

4.1.3 Physical

This section examines the physical environment under which the SmartMessageBoard

system might be used and the possible constraints associated with it. For

SmartMessageBoard Unit, a 10” touch screen LCD screen will be used which will

provide high resolution (1024X768) for the interface. For SmartMessageBoard Admin

Tool, the management program will need to be installed on resident of the office’s


4.1.4 Cognitive

Users are likely to interact with the system in a busy, chaotic cognitive state (eg.

rushing to another lecture) when interacting with the system. They are likely to have:

y Low processing capabilities – problem solving, planning, reasoning, decision


y Low memory

y Low learning

y Low attention – due to external disturbances and distractions.

As designers, I must endeavour to provide services that require minimal cognitive

resources from the user.

4.2 User-centred design requirements

Once user needs analysis has been carried out (4.1), the next stage is to formulate

design requirements. The requirements are categorised into functional and non-

functional requirements for both SmartMessageBoard Unit and SmartMessageBoard

Admin Tool.

4.2.1 Functional Requirements

For SmartMessageBoard Unit:

z The system shall prompt authentication via swipe card prior to leaving messages

for resident of office.

z The system shall provide a main menu outlining the services provided.

z The system shall provide information specific to the services provided. (e.g.

notice board, resident’s schedule of the current month etc)

z The system shall provide date & time to remind visitor.

z The system shall provide red/green lights indicating status of the resident.

z The system shall provide forms of messages (email/quick message/voicemail)

z The system shall provide up-to-date notice board messages.

z The system shall provide services for people with disability.

For SmartMessageBoard Admin Tool:

z The system shall prompt user name and password prior to log in.

z The system shall provide a main menu outlining the services provided.

z The system shall provide information specific to the services provided; ability to

update notice board, check email/voicemail.

z The system shall provide the function that user can change the current status of

the resident (e.g. away/ available).

4.2.2 Non-functional Requirements

z The system shall be wireless between SmartMessageBoard Unit and

SmartMessageBoard Admin Tool.

z The transmission shall be stable and not affected by circumstances that are

considered “reasonable.”

z The interface shall be visible and readable under “reasonable” physical


z The SmartMessageBoard Admin Tool program shall run on multi-platforms.

z The system shall provide its services/functions using minimal cognitive


z The system services/functions shall be effective and efficient.

Chapter 5 Design proposal

5.1 Description of interaction theme

Having decided to focus on office door message board as the domain for my project, I

set out to gather information about customers based on the theme of digitalised the

traditional message board/white board (SmartMessageBoard) on the office door. This

involves finding information of how they search, browse, navigate, interact and

communicate with tool and human.

5.2 Description of problem of interest

The problem I am concentrating on is how to assist and enhance their experience on

the SmartMessageBoard for both resident of the office and the visitor.

5.3 Early solution possibilities

From the user requirements, the SmartMessageBoard will support functions for both

visitors and resident of the office. For visitors, functions including:

z Visitors are able to find a particular office from information desk of the building

and check if the resident of the office is available or not.

z Messages left from the resident of the office can be viewed by visitors; messages

are categorized by time/date (calendar view of the month).

z Visitors can leave a voice message for up to 2 minutes per message. (this

function restricted to university staffs and students only)

z Disable visitors (blind people), messages left on the SmartMessageBoard are

able to playback and all buttons include Braille. For wheelchair visitors, there

will be a button on the lower part of the door frame for them to press which will

playback the messages as well.

z Visitors can check RED/GREEN light indicators on the SmartMessageBoard for

fast indication whether the resident of the office is available or not.

z Visitors can leave typed text/hand written messages, hand written messages will

be transform to typed text messages using text recognition softwares for easy

reading. (this function restricted to university staffs and students only)

z Visitor can book new appointment at the site.

z For external visitors (non university staff or students), contact information of the

resident can be found on the system.

For resident of the office:

z Messages can be created or retrieved through web portal and mobile phone via

SMS for text, and voicemail/voice message bank for voice messages. Each

message is time-stamped.

z Voice messages can also be created and sent directly to SmartMessageBoard

Unit via telephone service (act as digital answering machine) in case the local

server/web server is down.

z Calender events on resident’s PC are transferred and automatically updated to

the SmartMessageBoard via Bluetooth technology for appointment purposes.

z New messages can be created and posted to SmartMessageBoard Unit directly.

To complete the SmartMessageBoard system, the network part will consist:

1. A local SmartMessageBoard server where all text messaging information is stored.

2. A mobile phone connected to the local server to act as SMS gateway.

3. A modem with answering machine function connected to another local voice mail

server to handle all voice related messages.

4. A few wireless & firewall network devices.

5. Email client for creating or retrieving messages.

6. Login authentication system.

5.4 Sketch of the overall network

Chapter 6 Data Analysis

Prior to prototyping, I have conducted five observations and five contextual

interviews (See Appendix 1) to collect meaningful and relevant data from the users as
they carry out their “normal” activities in the natural setting – outside the staff offices
inside the GP-south building.

The next stage of the project involves interpreting and analysing the data collected.
This is a crucial stage of the project as it interprets users’ underlying goals and needs,
therefore shapes the design process. Taking a user-centred approach, I have selected
four techniques for data analysis: scenario, use cases, essential use cases and task

Scenarios are useful to guide design as it facilitates discussion and exploration of

what the users want to achieve and how they go about doing that. This will determine
system requirements.

Example of scenarios that I used was: (See all scenarios in Appendix 2)

1. John has just got back from Taiwan and he has missed the first two weeks of the
semester. He wants to find out if his HCI lecturer has given out the first
assignment or not. He goes to the GP-South Building and visits his lecturer’s
office. He sees the SmartMessageBoard on the office door; he then clicks on
“Notice Board” button on the system screen. The system then displays up-to-date
messages left by his lecturer.

In this scenario, John simply wants to find out what he has missed for the first two
weeks of the semester by checking the notice board from the SmartMessageBoard

Use cases also focus on user goals but also build from scenarios by incorporating a
system to assist the user completing his/her tasks. It emphasises user-system

An example use case for scenario one:

1. John wants to leave a voice mail message for his lecturer.
2. System show the options (see appendix)
3. John clicks on “Feedback”.
4. System displays two options; “Email”, “Voicemail”.
5. John clicks “Voicemail”.
6. System asks John to swipe his student card in order to authenticate before
using the “Voicemail” function.

Essential use cases are an extension of scenarios and use cases. It represents the
scenario into three parts: user overall intention, stepped description of user action,
stepped description of system responsibility
An example essential use case for scenario “Check schedule and make appointment”.

User action System responsibility

Checking lecturer’s schedule for Request to choose a date of the calendar
Selects a date of the calendar Display the current schedule of that date
Clicks “Make appointment” Display “ ?” for current free slot of the day
Clicks on “9:00am” slot Display “Please select method of input” for writing
appointment title/subject.
Selects “keyboard” Display “Please swipe your UQ ID card”
Swipes UQ ID card Display “Please wait…”, “Authenticating”.
Display “Date”, “Time”, “Name”, “Student ID”.
Keys in “Need help on project” Display “Need help on project” on “Subject”
Clicks on “Confirm” button Display “You have successfully made an

Task analysis on the other hand, breaks down the task into subtasks.
An example task analysis by considering a system:
0. To leave a voicemail for lecturer
1. Go to GP-South building
2. Find lecturer’s office door
2.1 Access the SmartMessageBoard system.
2.2 Clicks on “Feedback” button.
2.3 Clicks on “Voicemail” button.
3. Swipe UQ ID card.
4. Press “Start recording” button to record voice message.
5. Press “Stop recoding” button to send out voicemail.

Plan 0: do 1,3,4,5. If visitor doesn’t know lecturer’s office, do 1,2.3,4.5.

Plan 2: do 2.1, 2.2, 2.3.

Chapter 7 Solution

Through the process of data interpretation and analysis, a set of system requirements
that need to be implemented were collected. After considering numerous conceptual,
physical and prototyping design methods, I have finally come up with a solution to
the original interaction problem based on user requirements in chapter 4. A suitable
conceptual model is important. It is based on “the user’s needs and other requirements
identified” [5, p.39], and physical design “involves considering more concrete,
detailed issues of designing the interface [5, p.266]. Prototyping creates a mock up of
the final design that “allows users to interact with it and to explore it suitability” [5,

7.1 SmartMessageBoard System

The SmartMessageBoard system is an innovative design that aims to assist and
enhance the experience on the electronic version of message board for both resident
of the office and the visitor and also management of the message board without
causing other interaction problems. This system emerged primarily through the use of
various scenarios which was an enactment of what I have observed to be users’ goals
and needs.
The SmartMessageBoard system is an amalgamation of the SmartMessageBoard Unit
and SmartMessageBoard Admin Tool. The design of the SmartMessageBoard Unit
involves with the object being attached on the office doors. The SmartMessageBoard
Admin Tool is a management program for resident of the office.

The interface of the SmartMessageBoard Unit will provide four main functions
including; notice board, checking schedule, making appointment and leaving
messages. There were a few limitations in prototyping the SmartMessageBoard Unit
and it will be discuss later in the “Prototyping” section. The main screen of the unit
will have three buttons: (for screen shots see appendix five)

z Notice Board
z Schedule and Appointment
z Feedback (Email/Voicemail)

The SmartMessageBoard Admin Tool allows resident of the office to maintain notice
board, current status of the office (in/out), managing all incoming messages. There
were a few limitations in prototyping the SmartMessageBoard Admin Tool and again
it will be discuss later in the “Prototyping” section. The Admin Tool consists:

z Login screen
z Notice Board (adding new message)
z Appointment (adding/deleting appointment)
z Email (check email through my.UQ portal website)
z Voicemail (listen to all voicemail messages)

7.2 The Conceptual Model

The interaction mode for the SmartMessageBoard System is a hybrid of direct
manipulation and exploring and browsing. [5, p.41-47] The users need physical
actions such as button pressing on the touch screen to instruct the device on what kind
of information they want, and explore/browse the system to find the relevant
information (see screen shots below for demonstration). This design is typically an
ubiquitous computing solution where it invisibly enhances the message boards on
office doors. The SmartMessageBoard is an integration of technologies that follows
the pervasive computing paradigm as it can be used at anytime within the office


Buttons on touch screen 28

7.3 The Physical Model
Key issues to consider about the physical design of this system are the configuration
of the small electronic device and the placement of the device on the office doors and
the admin tool program. Eight physical designs guidelines were followed [5, p.266].

1. Strive for consistency – All screens have the same font, title and colour.
2. Enable frequent users to use shortcut – This system is designed for diverse range
of users, simplicity is one of the main features of the system. Therefore short cuts
will not be necessary.
3. Offer informative feedback – If it detects that there is no character input in the
message field when the user presses “Send”, there will be a feedback message
saying “Please enter your message”.

4. Design dialogs to yield closure – System will display confirmation message when
a task is completed. For example, “You have successfully left a voicemail
5. Offer error prevention and simple error handling – If an error has been made by
the user, they can click clear/reset or back button on the current screen and re-do
the task again.
6. Permit easy reversal of action – The system interface will always have a back
button which will allow the users to go back to the previous page if an error has
being made.
7. Support internal locus of control – The system is fully depended on what the users
want. Therefore the system will do exactly what the users instruct it to do.
Therefore users have the total control at all times.
8. Reduce the short-term memory load – This system is designed for the diverse
range of the people so simplicity is a key focus. Therefore short-term memory
load is definitely reduced to the minimum.

Chapter 8 Prototyping

Since this is only the first design of the solution and I need to explore its feasibility
and usefulness, a combination of the medium to high fidelity prototyping methods
were used. The designs of the SmartMessageBoard system were created mainly in
Flash with PHP scripts with MySQL function to store data.
Software and scripts that were used in the prototypes were:

z SWiSHmax (Flash tool)

z PHP scripts by ikemcg: phpEventCalendar

Scenarios – Three scenarios were created based on the type of functions that are
featured in SmartMessageBoard Unit and another three scenarios for
SmartMessageBoard Admin Tool. This is a powerful mechanism for communication
among prototype designer (me in this case) and with users. This allowed me to have a
better idea of the functionalities the design should possess.

Due to time constrains and technical difficulties in prototyping, there were a few
limitations for both prototypes. Limitation includes:
z SMS functions for resident of office to send SMS message to update “Current
Status” and “Notice Board” on SmartMessageBoard Unit (SMS function was cut
out since it can not be done on time for user testing due to technical difficulties
and time constrain, see reference 5).
z Sending and retrieving emails (only example version was showing in actual
z Recording sound for voicemail (only example version was showing in actual
z Keyboard function and Hand writing recognition (only example version was
showing in actual prototype).

This system is designed to suit a diverse range of people from UQ students, UQ staff
members to visitors from outside UQ, therefore it must be easily understood and
easily learnt processes. A vertical prototype was adopted due to the limitations; this
type of compromisation in prototyping concentrates on the depth of functionalities
rather than breadth of the functionalities. [5, p.246-248]

Prototypes for SmartMessageBoard Unit and SmartMessageBoard Admin Tool can be

view online via WWW. (See Appendix 5 and 6 for screenshots)

z For SmartMessageBoard Unit prototype:

z For SmartMessageBoard Admin Tool prototype:

Chapter 9 Evaluation

Evaluation is a critical stage of the project cycle. It allows me to obtain user response
and feedback on the interaction solution for the original problem. Without evaluation,
it is not possible to judge whether the system is feasible and is what the users want.

There are four evaluation paradigms that are commonly used: “Quick and Dirty”,
Usability Testing, Field Studies and Predictive Evaluation (p341). In this project,
“Quick and Dirty” evaluation was conducted first shortly after completion of the
prototypes. Due to lack of feedback, Usability Testing was then used to test the
SmartMessageBoard system involving tasks.

9.1 “Quick and Dirty” procedure and outcome

The “Quick and Dirty” evaluation took place over the WWW; some features of the
system are utilising database over the internet (eg. Noticeboard). I have set up a
website dedicated to SmartMessageBoard system
( (See Appendix 7 for screenshots of the
website). The main purpose of “Quick and Dirty” evaluation is to ask students and
UQ staff to try out the prototypes online and complete online surveys (See Appendix
8 and 9 for survey questionnaires). There were total of 15 participants who have
completed the SmartMessageBoard Unit survey; and 3 participants completed the
SmartMessageBoard Admin Tool Survey. The online survey results were not very
significant; for example, comments were short, very informal, and very general
comments. (See Appendix 10 and 11 for survey results)

9.2 Usability Testing and Procedure

The SmartMessageBoard was designed in accordance with the requirements collected
from the observational studies, contextual interviews and three scenarios described
previously (See Appendix 2). To test whether the system meets the user requirements,
the medium to high fidelity prototype was chosen to test the usability of the system.
To complement the scenarios, three tasks are to be completed and result evaluated.

There were five potential users from UQ to participate in the usability testing and took
measures to ensure that the users are well-informed of the goals and procedures of the
tests. I have also assured them of the commitments to uphold our ethical obligations
evident in their signing of the consent form (See Appendix 12 for the user testing
scripts, user consent forms and post-testing questionnaires).

The three tasks developed for the usability testing of SmartMessageBoard Unit are:
1. Find messages previously posted on notice board.
2. Book appointment on 1st-June-2004 at 9am.
3. Leave a voicemail message.

The three tasks developed for the usability testing of SmartMessageBoard Admin Tool
1. Gain access to Admin Tool system and post a new message to notice board.
2. Gain access to Admin Tool system and add an event (appointment) on the
3. Gain access to Admin Tool system and check voicemail message.

Before the commencement of the testing, users were given 2 minutes to independently
navigate and explore the system in order to become familiar with its features. Each
task was allocated 5 minutes completion time and once the time was up, users were
asked to move on to the next task.

All participants were reminded that it is the system being tested, not their performance,
and that they should not feel compelled to finish within the prescribed time. The users
were also encouraged to “think aloud” as they worked through the tasks. This will
allow me to obtain a more thorough picture of their thought process and cognitive

Once the testing session was completed, the users were asked to complete the online
surveys. This will help obtain information not collected during the session and also,
how to improve the testing procedures.

9.3 Evaluation Process

Once the session began, I took note of the participant’s actions, comments and the
steps they took to complete the tasks (See Appendix 14 for example user verbal and
action log).

Chapter 10 Conclusion

10.1 Over view of evaluation results

SmartMessageBoard is an innovative idea that requires high capital investment.
Realistically, one needs to assess the feasibility of such design with regards to theft,
physical vandalism and hacking of the system. On top of the original capital
requirements, one also needs to consider the additional costs of SMS subscription
charges [6] through leased line into the SMS Centre (Telstra), broadband internet
access and technical maintenance including software, hardware and database.

10.2 Was the conceptual model appropriate?

Yes, the previously determined conceptual model based on a hybrid of direct
manipulation and exploring and browsing is appropriate as most users were satisfied
with the system and found it to be useful (online survey questionnaire response). The
interface metaphors that were adopted for the SmartMessageBoard System including
ICONIC [7] metaphor and DESKTOP metaphor [8]. The reason for choosing
ICONIC interface metaphor is because icons are widely used for various purposes.
Within the context of computing, it is sometime referring to as a symbol or graphic
representation of a program for example; short cuts on desktop in OS [7]. Icons used
in SmartMessageBoard System have a property of initiating various types of process
when user try and bush the icon on the touch screen. For the SmartMessageBoard
Admin Tool, both ICONIC and part of DESKTOP metaphors were adopted as it is a
virtual desktop with management program for maintaining SmartMessageBoard Units.
I was able to find a set of icons that were relevant to the SmartMessageBoard System

10.3 Was the prototype appropriate?

The medium to high fidelity prototype was sufficient to complete the tasks specified.
The low fidelity prototypes were not carried out in this project because the medium to
high fidelity prototypes were developed rapidly at the beginning of the design phase.
From my previous projects, low fidelity prototypes were used and the feedbacks were
proved to have more detailed and depth compare to medium to high fidelity
prototypes that I adopted. However, further in the project cycle, higher fidelity

prototypes should be used to facilitate testing of technical and functional requirements
such as SMS, email, voice recording. It will also give a more accurate estimate of the
time required to complete a task as with the current “medium to high fidelity
prototype”. Due to internet connection speed, there were a few delays such as loading
calendar from PHP server; therefore time was wasted while loading the interface. By
placing all the necessary files onto the local server at UQ, this will solve the problem.

10.4 Were the tasks selected adequate to test all the requirements of the system?
The tasks prescribed were sufficient to test the original goal, however, it did not
comprehensively test all the issues raised from the proposal. For example, the SMS
features such as sending SMS message to change “current status” of the message
board. Due to time constrain and technical difficulties, the functions were dropped out
completely. Similar issues also happened to others such as email and voice recording;
users can only “wait & see” the demo version to perform the task instead of
interacting with the device.

10.5 Were any features overlooked?

Yes, a HELP function including “how to use the system” and also linking to technical
staff would be helpful if the network is down. Also ETA (estimate time) of person
returning to room function would have been useful and ability to cancel appointments.

10.6 Were there any surprises in testing?

Yes, we encountered a few surprises from online surveys:
• The naming of “Feedback” was not intuitive for some users. Comments like: “I
couldn't work out how to leave a note on the door. I also was confused by what
was meant by Feedback”, “The term "Feedback" not really best description. It's
more of a "message" to the person, rather than a feedback.”
• One of the draw backs for online survey questionnaires was that participants tend
to leave simple, very general and not specific/detailed enough for some comments.
• A large number of positive feedbacks, comments like “Useful systems with good
functionality. Intuitive, user-friendly design.” “I think the design is excellent, it
looks great on the screen & is very easy to use. I think you would find both adults
& children would use this.”

10.7 Future improvements
Future prototype should consider:
• Incorporate a HELP function to explain how to use the system, and alert technical
staff if network is down.
• Make naming more intuitive and understandable.
• Estimate time of person returning to room function.
• Ability to cancel appointment.
• Post messages remotely to notice board via SMS and email.

10.8 Further user testing

• For future testing, video and audio devices should also be used in a usability
laboratory. This will capture more information and allow me to revise the session
if necessary. It will also help put participants at ease as they will not have eyes
observing their activities constantly and vigorously taking notes.
• As the requirements expand for better prototypes, the number of tasks and
participants should also increase.

10.9 Compared to non-IT solutions

The SmartMessageBoard System is a superior solution to the non-IT solutions
considering some factors:
• Environmentally friendly - the information in the system can be easily updated
whereas the non-IT solution needs to be re-printed on papers.
• Efficient - Messages left by visitors can get through to the resident of the office
quickly; likewise messages posted on the notice board by the resident of the office
can be seen in real time.
• User friendly and simplicity – Many participants of user testing were pleased with
the interface design; comments like “it looks great on the screen & is very easy to
use.” “Clean look and feel, not a bad concept” (see more feedbacks on Appendix
11 and 12)

Appendix 1 - Observation and Contextual Interview Record

Observation One (non-participatory observation)

Place: GP South building at University of Queensland
Time: 19/04/04, Monday, 9am – 12pm
Duration: 3 hours
Purpose: a general observation of the premise, visiting as many offices as possible on
each floor of this building.
Total: 5 observed.

Observation Two
Place: GP South building at University of Queensland
Time: 20/04/04, Tuesday, 9am – 12pm
Duration: 3 hours
Purpose: observation on visitor’s activities around offices. (e.g. reading & leaving
messages of the messages on the office doors.)

Contextual Interviews
Place: GP South building at University of Queensland
Time: 23/04/04, Friday, 9am – 11pm
Duration: 2 hours
Purpose: collect detailed understanding of the “why” and “how” of user actions.
Detail: 5 interviews conducted.

Appendix 2 – sample consent form for contextual interview

Participation Consent Form (Sample)

I _______________________ hereby volunteer to participate in a contextual

interview conducted by Jason Shih-Sheng Yang as part of master thesis project, in the
Information Environment Master Degree Program at the University of Queensland.

I understand that the purpose of this interview is to inquire how people interact with
message board on the office door and these findings will help to shape the design of a
technology aimed at enhancing and extending people’s experiences.

The procedure involves interviewers observing my activities. This process will take
approximately 15 minutes. My activities will be carefully observed and monitored by
form of written notes. I will also be asked questions about what I do and my reasons
for doing it.

I am aware that all the data collected in the interview will only be used for its stated
purpose and my personal details will remain confidential. Should I be quoted in the
report, my identity will remain undisclosed.

I also understand that I am not being graded on my participation in this study and I
will not be affected academically should I discontinue my involvement.

This testing is strictly professional and I will receive a soft drink in appreciation of
my involvement. I understand that I am free to ask questions or to withdraw from
participation at any time without penalty.

_____________________ _______________
Signature of Participant Date

Appendix 3 - three scenarios for SmartMessageBoard Unit
Character Profile:
John – overseas undergraduate student


1. John has just got back from Taiwan and he has missed the first two weeks of the
semester. He wants to find out if his HCI lecturer has given out the first
assignment or not. He goes to the GP-South Building and visits his lecturer’s
office. He sees the SmartMessageBoard on the office door; he then clicks on
“Notice Board” button on the system screen. The system then displays up-to-date
messages left by his lecturer.
2. John wants to make an appointment to see his lecturer. He goes to the GP-South
Building and visits his lecturer’s office. He sees the SmartMessageBoard on the
office door, he then clicks on “Schedule and appointment” button on the system
screen. The system then displays current month and asks to choose a date from
the calendar. He chooses “1st-June”, the systems displays current schedule of his
lecturer. He notices that his lecturer is free at 9am on the 1st-June , he then clicks
on “Make Appointment” button and the system display “?” for the slots that are
available. He then clicks the “?” on the 9am slot, the system displays “Please
select method of input” for writing appointment title/subject. He then selects
“Keyboard” as input method, the systems asks him to swipe his UQ ID card for
authentication before he can use the booking system. He swipes his UQ ID card;
the system authenticates him with his name and student ID number display on
the screen. He keys in the appointment subject “Need help on project”. He then
clicks “Confirm” button to book the appointment. The system displays “You
have successfully made an appointment”.
3. John wants to talk to his lecturer about his final exam results. He goes to the GP-
South Building and visits his lecturer’s office. When he arrives, there is no one at
the office and the SmartMessageBoard unit displays the resident of the office is
currently out for lunch, so he decides to leave him a voicemail. He clicks
“Feedback” button on the system screen, then he selects “Voicemail”. The
system displays “Please swipe your UQ ID card”. He swipes his card for the
system to authenticate him. He then clicks on the “Start recording” button and
says “Hi, this is John, can you please email me my final exam results, thank you”.

Appendix 4 - three scenarios for SmartMessageBoard Admin Tool
Character Profile
Dr. Margot Brereton – Senior lecturer


1. Margot wants to add a new message to the notice board. She starts the
SmartMessageBoard Admin Tool program; enters username and password and
clicks “submit” button. The systems first display “Connecting to
server…Retrieving messages” then displays admin tools. She clicks on “Notice
board” button; the system displays two separate windows (one for adding new
message, one for current view of notice board). She enters new message for the
notice board and click “submit” button. The current view of the notice board
changes and the new message appears”.
2. Margot wants to add new events for her schedule. She starts the
SmartMessageBoard Admin Tool program; enters username and password and
clicks “submit” button. The systems first display “Connecting to
server…Retrieving messages” then displays admin tools. She clicks on
“Appointment” button, the system display current events of the month. She
logon as administrator and adds new events to the calendar. The system displays
modified calendar events of the month.
3. Margot wants to check her voicemail messages. She starts the
SmartMessageBoard Admin Tool program; enters username and password and
clicks “submit” button. The systems first display “Connecting to
server…Retrieving messages” then displays admin tools. She clicks on
“Voicemail”. The system displays current voicemail messages she received. She
selects voicemail message from “Jason Yang”. The system displays the name
and time stamp of the message and plays the recorded voicemail message at the
same time.

Appendix 5 – illustration of SmartMessageBoard on office door

Appendix 6 – screen capture of the SmartMessageBoard Unit

Main Screen

Notice Board




Appendix 7 – screen capture of the SmartMessageBoard Admin Tool

Login screen


Admin Tool

Current Status

Current Status removed

new Current Status added

Adding new message to notice board

Current appointments/events of the month

Details of appointment/event
for specific date

Pop-up screen for staff to check emails

Current voicemail messages

Appendix 8 – SmartMessageBoard website for user testing and survey

Appendix 9 – SmartMessageBoard Unit electronic survey

SmartMessageBoard Unit Survey by Jason Shih-Sheng Yang as part of master

thesis project, in the Information Environment Master Degree Program at the
University of Queensland. There are 11 questions in this survey.

During your participation were you at anytime felt lost testing the prototype?
Very lost
Not lost at all
During your participation were you at anytime felt frustrated using the
Very Frustrated
Not Frustrated at all
Overall how would you rate yourself in your ability to browse notice board/
make appointment/ deposit messages using SmartMessageBoard?

Did you like the design of the interface?


Was the naming of the functions intuitive (easy to understand)?

What features would you use most when resident of the office is

Remaining characters:

What is the worst feature of the SmartMessageBoard?

Remaining characters:

What improvement(s) can be made for future prototype?


Remaining characters:

What other features would you like to see on SmartMessageBoard?


Remaining characters:

Overall how would you rate the system?

Very Poor

Remaining characters:

Thank you for taking time to complete this survey, these findings will help to
shape the design of a technology aimed at enhancing and extending people's
experiences. If you have any additional questions or comments please email me

Appendix 10 – SmartMessageBoard Admin Tool electronic survey
SmartMessageBoard Admin Tool Survey by Jason Shih-Sheng Yang as part of
master thesis project, in the Information Environment Master Degree Program
at the University of Queensland. There are 11 questions in this survey.

Are you UQ Staff?


During your participation were you at anytime felt lost testing the prototype?
Very lost
Not lost at all
During your participation were you at anytime felt frustrated using the
Very Frustrated
Not Frustrated at all
Overall how would you rate yourself in your ability to browse notice board/
make appointment/ deposit messages?

Did you like the design of the interface?


Was the naming of the functions intuitive (easy to understand)?


What is the best feature of the SmartMessageBoard?


Remaining characters:

What is the worst feature of the SmartMessageBoard?

Remaining characters:

What improvement(s) can be made for future prototype?


Remaining characters:

What other features would you like to see on the SmartMessageBoard?


Remaining characters:


Overall how would you rate the system?


Remaining characters:

Thank you for taking time to complete this survey, these findings will help to
shape the design of a technology aimed at enhancing and extending people's
experiences. If you have any additional questions or comments please email me

Appendix 11 – SmartMessageBoard Unit electronic survey result

Survey Question/Answers Count Percent Graph

1. During your participation were you at anytime felt lost testing the prototype?
Very lost 0 0.00%
Moderate 5 33.33%
Not lost at all 10 66.67%
2. During your participation were you at anytime felt frustrated using the prototype?
Very Frustrated 0 0.00%
Moderate 4 28.57%
Not Frustrated at all 10 71.43%
3. Overall how would you rate yourself in your ability to browse notice board/ make appointment/
deposit messages using SmartMessageBoard?

Poor 0 0.00%
Moderate 3 20.00%
Good 12 80.00%
4. Did you like the design of the interface?
No 2 13.33%
Yes 13 86.67%
5. Was the naming of the functions intuitive (easy to understand)?
No 1 6.67%
Yes 14 93.33%
6. What features would you use most when resident of the office is unavailable?
N/A 5 33.33%
Comments: 10 66.67%

To see where they are and when they are going to be in.
I would probably just leave a message at the door for the person as this would probably
be the most commonly used item i feel
audio message.
the appointment/ schedule feature and the message feature.
The appointment schedulers is useful, but would that maybe restrict the movements of
the "important" person, making them at the beckoned call?
Message board.
Notice board.
making an appointment or sending an email.
Seeking information about when they think they will be back in the office.

7. What is the best feature of the SmartMessageBoard?
N/A 3 20.00%
Comments: 12 80.00%
Appointments and message board.
Seeing the schedule.
The non wastage of resources.
Audio message.
All of it was fantastic and would be very useful in a business environment.
Awareness of Lecturer availability.
Time saving.
Simple design.
Voice message.
The whole thing is a great idea.
Status indicator.
Staff whereabouts and notice board.
8. What is the worst feature of the SmartMessageBoard?
N/A 4 26.67%
Comments: 11 73.33%
I couldn't work out how to leave a note on the door. I also was confused by what was
meant by "Feedback".
I didn’t like the calendar.
Nothing it was excellent.
All pretty standard and usable. The term "Feedback" not really best description. It's
more of a "message" to the person, rather than a feedback.
the organiaation for the notice board could be improved.
time spent loading applications
9. What improvement(s) can be made for future prototype?
N/A 3 20.00%
Comments: 12 80.00%
Probably you also want the equivalent of slipping a note under the door - a private
A way for adding a way for a student to leave a note for Margot just on the door or
something and also perhaps an urgent message option that alerts the owner of the
door upon entering the room.
Faster loading time.
When loading maybe a little of animation on the screen. I have dialup and it took quite
a while to load the screen - a bit boring.
Naming of "feedback". More rigid appointment scheduling, in certain times.
Hall way units.
A small introduction to each part of the prototype makes navigation through the
message board easier.
This is a very early design ... nothing smart about it ... all done before .. however this
product has potential if you refine your design.
Totally standardise the interface, all options available at all times

10. What other features would you like to see on SmartMessageBoard?
N/A 4 26.67%
Comments: 11 73.33%
Hard to say without using it for real.
I think i said that in the last question
ability to cancel appointments
no, good because it is basic.
Coffee dispenser? Seriously, maybe ETA of person returning to room.
Well .. lots .. icq, msn , iqc, better calendars .. etc
some indication of when the staff member last used the system or if they are currently
11. Overall how would you rate the system?
Very Poor 0 0.00%
Moderate 8 53.33%
Excellent 7 46.67%

There were some problems but it seems like it will be okay to use with either fixed
problems or getting used to it.
I think the idea is good but needs more work, good luck.
Useful systems with good functionalities. Intuitive, user-friendly design.
I think the design is excellent, it looks great on the screen & is very easy to use. I think
you would find both adults & children would use this.
The issues of whether a lecturer would want to be scheduled into meetings, and
whether they want their every move tracked maybe need investigation.
Moderate ... very moderate.
Clean look and feel, not a bad concept.
It was ok. but not particularly pleasing to the eye.

Appendix 12 – SmartMessageBoard Admin Tool electronic survey result

Survey Question/Answers Count Percent Graph

1. Are you UQ Staff?
No 2 66.67%
Yas 1 33.33%
2. During your participation were you at anytime felt lost testing the prototype?
Very lost 0 0.00%
Moderate 2 66.67%
Not lost at all 1 33.33%
3. During your participation were you at anytime felt frustrated using the
Very Frustrated 0 0.00%
Moderate 1 33.33%
Not Frustrated at all 2 66.67%
4. Overall how would you rate yourself in your ability to browse notice board/
make appointment/ deposit messages?
Poor 0 0.00%
Moderate 1 33.33%
Good 2 66.67%
5. Did you like the design of the interface?
No 1 33.33%
Yes 2 66.67%
6. Was the naming of the functions intuitive (easy to understand)?
No 0 0.00%
Yes 3 100.00%

7. What is the best feature of the SmartMessageBoard?
N/A 1 33.33%
Comments: 2 66.67%
eas of use
Notice board
it appeared to work well.... I am concerned that it would not integrate with staff work
practices though
8. What is the worst feature of the SmartMessageBoard?
N/A 2 66.67%
Comments: 1 33.33%
staff dont use web based email and calendars very often...... how would this affect your
9. What improvement(s) can be made for future prototype?
N/A 1 33.33%
Comments: 2 66.67%
consider the users better.....try to make it work with their work practices and their
this will be you single biggest problem.
10. What other features would you like to see on the SmartMessageBoard?
N/A 1 33.33%

Comments: 2 66.67%
I would like to be able to post messages remotely to my own noticeboard to inform students
if I will be late.....
i.e from email or sms
11. Overall how would you rate the system?
N/A 0 0.00%
Comments: 3 100.00%
9/ 10
good....... once you consider user requirements further

Appendix 13 – User testing scripts (one for SmartMessageBoard Unit; one for
SmartMessageBoard Admin Tool), consent form.

The script used to greet participants in the SmartMessageBoard Unit study.

Thank you very much for participating in this usability test. The goal of this project is
to examining the feasibility and usefulness of the SmartMessageBoard system. You
will be asked to use SmartMessageBoard Unit to solve a series of specific message
board related tasks. Your efforts today will be valuable inputs in project evaluation.
I encourage you to “think aloud” as you navigate through the system to complete the
tasks. Your performance will be closely observed and analysed.
Please be assured that your personal details and identity will remain confidential and
the data collected in this session will only be used for its stated purpose.
Before we commence, I will need you to review and sign this statement of informed
consent. Please let me know if you have any questions about it.

The script used to explain the procedure.

SmartMessageBoard Unit - a digital networked message board, is an IT solution to
assist and enhance their experience on the message board for both resident of the
office and the visitor.
The purpose of this study is to find out if the SmartMessageBoard Unit has met the
goal of helping users enhancing their experience.
I will give you 2 minutes to navigate through the system to become familiar with its
functionalities and services. I will then give you 3 tasks to complete. For each task
you will be using web-based prototype of SmartMessageBoard Unit .
As you use SmartMessageBoard Unit to find out the information for each task, please
keep in mind that it is the interface design that is being tested, not you.
Please work through the tasks at your own pace and comfort and you must not feel
pressure working on the tasks. I will keep an eye on the time for completing each task,
but I do not want you to feel rushed. If any task takes you longer than three minutes I
will ask you to stop working on the current task and move on to the next task. If you
are stuck at any moment, you can ask for help or you would like to stop on current
task, please say so and I will move on to the next task.
Before we proceed, do you have any questions so far?

The script used to introduce and describe the initial exploration task.
I will now start giving you 2 minutes to navigate through the system to become
familiar with its functionalities and services. Once 2 minutes are up, I will begin the
first task.

It is very important for you to “think aloud” as you navigate through the system to
complete the tasks, because I want you to tell me your thoughts as you encounter the
different features of SmartMessageBoard Unit.

Please let me know if you complete your independent exploration before 5 minutes
are up and we will proceed with the next task.

Here are the three tasks:

1. Find messages previously posted on notice board.
2. Book appointment on 1st-June-2004 at 9am.
3. Leave a voicemail message.

The script used to greet participants in the SmartMessageBoard Admin Tool

Thank you very much for participating in this usability test. The goal of this project is
to examining the feasibility and usefulness of the SmartMessageBoard system. You
will be asked to use SmartMessageBoard Admin Tool to solve a series of specific
message board related tasks. Your efforts today will be valuable inputs in project
I encourage you to “think aloud” as you navigate through the system to complete the
tasks. Your performance will be closely observed and analysed.
Please be assured that your personal details and identity will remain confidential and
the data collected in this session will only be used for its stated purpose.
Before we commence, I will need you to review and sign this statement of informed
consent. Please let me know if you have any questions about it.

The script used to explain the procedure.

SmartMessageBoard Unit - a digital networked message board, is an IT solution to
assist and enhance their experience on the message board for both resident of the
office and the visitor. The SmartMessageBoard Admin Tool is a management program
for resident of the office.
The purpose of this study is to find out if the SmartMessageBoard Admin Tool has
met the goal of maintaining SmartMessageBoard system.
I will give you 2 minutes to navigate through the system to become familiar with its
functionalities and services. I will then give you 3 tasks to complete. For each task
you will be using web-based prototype of SmartMessageBoard Admin Tool.
As you use SmartMessageBoard Admin Tool to find out the information for each task,
please keep in mind that it is the interface design that is being tested, not you.
Please work through the tasks at your own pace and comfort and you must not feel
pressure working on the tasks. I will keep an eye on the time for completing each task,
but I do not want you to feel rushed. If any task takes you longer than three minutes I
will ask you to stop working on the current task and move on to the next task. If you
are stuck at any moment, you can ask for help or you would like to stop on current
task, please say so and I will move on to the next task.
Before we proceed, do you have any questions so far?

The script used to introduce and describe the initial exploration task.

I will now start giving you 2 minutes to navigate through the system to become
familiar with its functionalities and services. Once 2 minutes are up, I will begin the
first task.

It is very important for you to “think aloud” as you navigate through the system to
complete the tasks, because I want you to tell me your thoughts as you encounter the
different features of SmartMessageBoard Admin Tool.

Please let me know if you complete your independent exploration before 5 minutes
are up and we will proceed with the next task.

Here are the three tasks:

1. Gain access to Admin Tool system (both username and password are uq) and post
a new message to notice board. (Message detail: testing testing)
2. Gain access to Admin Tool system and add an event (appointment) on the
calendar. (Even details: Lunch with bob from 1pm to 2pm on 1st-June 2004)
3. Gain access to Admin Tool system and check voicemail message.

Participation Consent Form (Sample)

I _______________________ hereby volunteer to participate in

SmartMessageBoard user testing conducted by Jason Shih-Sheng Yang as part of
master thesis project, in the Information Environment Master Degree Program at the
University of Queensland.

I understand that the purpose of this testing is to assess whether the

SmartMessageBoard meet the goals and requirements of the design.

The procedure involves using the prototype to complete a set of tasks. This process
will take approximately 20 minutes. My performance will be carefully monitored
and analysed, and used as inputs in the evaluation report. I will also be asked open-
ended questions about the prototype and my experience using it over a online

I am aware that all the data collected in the tests will only be used for its stated
purpose and my personal details will remain confidential. Should I be quoted in the
evaluation report, my identity will remain undisclosed.

This testing is strictly professional and I will receive a soft drink in appreciation of
my involvement.

I understand that I am free to ask questions or to withdraw from participation at any

time without penalty.

_____________________ _______________
Signature of Participant Date

Appendix 14 – User verbal and action log for SmartMessageBoard System
Participant 1: verbal and action log for SmartMessageBoard unit.

Time Action Participant Comment Tester


Task 1: Find messages previously posted on notice board.

0:02 Click on Notice Board icon ok, notice board
0:15 Click on “next” button next
0.50 Click on “next” button next again and see if there is more
1:10 Task complete complete

Task 2: Book appointment on 1st-June-2004 at 9am.

0:02 Click on “Schedule and schedule and appointment
appointment” icon
0:10 Click on “1st-June” 1st-June
0:15 - hummmm…
0:23 Click on “Make appointment” make appointment
0:25 Click on “9 am” 9am right yes
0:28 Click on “keyboard” icon keyboard
1:02 Click “confirm” button confirm
1:10 Task complete complete

Task 3: Leave a voicemail message.

0:02 Click “Feedback” icon feedback
0:08 Click “Voice mail” icon voice mail
0:20 Click on “Start recording” button start recording
0.22 - hello… testing, end now? yes
0:40 Click on “Stop recording” button stop recording
0.50 Task complete complete

Participant 2: verbal and action log for SmartMessageBoard unit.

Time Action Participant Comment Tester


Task 1: Find messages previously posted on notice board.

0:01 Click on Notice Board icon notice board
0:12 Click on “back” button back
0.35 Click on “next” button next
0.50 Click on “next” button next again
1.11 - is that all I have to do? yes, that’s all
1:15 Task complete complete

Task 2: Book appointment on 1st-June-2004 at 9am.

0:03 Click on “Schedule and schedule and appointment
appointment” icon
0.20 - is it 1st-June right? yes, correct
0:28 Click on “1 -June” 1st-June
0:31 - whats next? try and make
0:40 Click on “Make appointment” make appointment
0:50 Click on “9 am” is it 9am? yes
- shall I just pick one form of input? Just choose one
type of input
0:55 Click on “keyboard” icon keyboard
1:30 Click “confirm” button confirm
1:40 Task complete complete

Task 3: Leave a voicemail message.

0:01 Click “Feedback” icon feedback
0:11 Click “Voice mail” icon voice mail
0:28 Click on “Start recording” button start recording
0.40 - testing testing… when do I stop? anytime you
1:14 Click on “Stop recording” button stop recording
1.20 Task complete complete

Participant 3: verbal and action log for SmartMessageBoard unit.

Time Action Participant Comment Tester


Task 1: Find messages previously posted on notice board.

0:02 Click on Notice Board icon notice board
0:15 Click on “next” button next
0.40 Click on “back” button back
1:12 Task complete complete

Task 2: Book appointment on 1st-June-2004 at 9am.

0:01 Click on “Schedule and schedule and appointment
appointment” icon
0:10 Click on “1st-June” 1st-June
0:18 Click on “Make appointment” make appointment
0:23 Click on “9 am” 9am yes
0:28 Click on “keyboard” icon handwriting
- wow, its all automatic Yes, its only a
demo version
0.58 Click “confirm” button confirm
1:03 Task complete complete

Task 3: Leave a voicemail message.

0:03 Click “Feedback” icon feedback
0:09 Click “Voice mail” icon voice mail
0:18 Click on “Start recording” button start recording
0.22 - Shall I say something? Its oki, again
it’s a demo
0:46 Click on “Stop recording” button stop recording
0.58 Task complete complete

Participant 4: verbal and action log for SmartMessageBoard unit.

Time Action Participant Comment Tester


Task 1: Find messages previously posted on notice board.

0:02 Click on Notice Board icon notice board
0.08 Click on “back” button back
0:22 Click on “next” button next
0.39 Click on “next” button next
0.46 - is that all? yes
0:59 Task complete complete

Task 2: Book appointment on 1st-June-2004 at 9am.

0:02 Click on “Schedule and schedule and appointment
appointment” icon
0:10 Click on “1st-June” 1st-June
0:16 - what do I have to do now? make
0:31 Click on “Make appointment” make appointment
0:37 Click on “9 am” 9am right yes
0:44 Click on “keyboard” icon handwriting
0:59 - can I actually write something? No, its only a
demo version
1:12 Click “confirm” button confirm
1:20 Task complete complete

Task 3: Leave a voicemail message.

0:02 Click “Feedback” icon feedback
0:18 - I don’t really like the term Ok, here it
“feedback” means leave
0:22 Click “Voice mail” icon voice mail
0:29 Click on “Start recording” button start recording
0.33 - testing
0:37 Click on “Stop recording” button stop recording
0.57 Task complete complete

Participant 5: verbal and action log for SmartMessageBoard unit.

Time Action Participant Comment Tester


Task 1: Find messages previously posted on notice board.

0:02 Click on Notice Board icon notice board
0:15 Click on “next” button next
0:45 Complete complete

Task 2: Book appointment on 1st-June-2004 at 9am.

0:01 Click on “Schedule and schedule and appointment
appointment” icon
0:09 Click on “1st-June” 1st-June
0:15 Click on “Make appointment” make appointment
0:21 Click on “9 am” 9am
0:27 Click on “keyboard” icon keyboard
0:56 Click “confirm” button confirm
1:04 Complete complete

Task 3: Leave a voicemail message.

0:02 Click “Feedback” icon feedback
0:08 Click “Voice mail” icon voice mail
0:20 Click on “Start recording” button start recording
0.22 - hello…, is that all? Yes, you can
stop recording
0:42 Click on “Stop recording” button stop recording
0.53 Complete complete

Participant 1: verbal and action log for SmartMessageBoard Admin Tool.

Time Action Participant Comment Tester


Task 1: Post a new message to notice board. (username=uq, password=uq)

0:02 Enter username and password username; uq, password; uq
0:10 Click on “Sign in” button sign in
0.25 Click on “Notice Board” icon notice board
0.42 Click on “adding new message” Do I just click on this window to yes
window type message?
0:58 Key in new message testing tesing
1:20 Click on “Submit” button done, submit
1:23 Complete complete

Task 2: Add an event (appointment) on the calendar.

Even details: Lunch with bob from 1pm to 2pm on 1st-June 2004
0:05 Enter username and password username; uq, password; uq
0:11 Click on “Sign in” button sign in
0:30 Click on “Appointment” icon appointment
0:35 Click on “ Launch Calendar” launch calendar
1:00 - Do I need to log in again? Yes and
username and
password are
both “uq”
1:25 Click on “Login” login
1:35 Enter username and password username; uq, password; uq
1:40 Click on “Login” login
1:55 Click on “1st-June 2004” st
Its 1 -June right? yes
2:12 Enter “title” “text” ”time” Title; lunch with bob, text; lunch
with bob, time; from 1pm to 2pm
2:50 Click on “Post” done., post.
2:58 Complete complete

Task 3: Check voicemail message.

0:02 Enter username and password username; uq, password; uq
0:08 Click on “Sign in” button sign in
0:28 Click on “Voicemail” icon voicemail
0:35 Click on “1. From: Jason Yang” check on first one
1:00 Click “Stop” button shall I go to next one? yes
1:10 Click on “2. From Jason Yang” now checking second one
1:40 Click on “Stop” done
1:42 Complete complete

Participant 2: verbal and action log for SmartMessageBoard Admin Tool.

Time Action Participant Comment Tester


Task 1: Post a new message to notice board. (username=uq, password=uq)

0:02 Enter username and password username; uq, password; uq
0:09 Click on “Sign in” button sign in
0.27 Click on “Notice Board” icon notice board
0:48 Key in new message testing tesing …
0:55 Click on “Submit” button ok, submit
1:56 - loading takes too much time sorry it’s the
1:58 Task complete complete

Task 2: Add an event (appointment) on the calendar.

Even details: Lunch with bob from 1pm to 2pm on 1st-June 2004
0:05 Enter username and password username; uq, password; uq
0:11 Click on “Sign in” button sign in
0:30 Click on “Appointment” icon appointment
0:35 Click on “ Launch Calendar” launch calendar
1:20 - takes a long time to load again dunno what
happen to my
internet tonight
1:56 - Do I need to log in again? Yes and
username and
password are
both “uq”
2:01 Click on “Login” login
2:06 Enter username and password username; uq, password; uq
2:11 Click on “Login” login
2:16 Click on “1st-June 2004” 1st-June
2:35 Enter “title” “text” ”time” Title; lunch with bob, text; lunch
with bob, time; from 1pm to 2pm
2:59 Click on “Post” post.
3:02 Task complete complete

Task 3: Check voicemail message.

0:02 Enter username and password username; uq, password; uq
0:07 Click on “Sign in” button sign in
0:24 Click on “Voicemail” icon voicemail
0:31 Click on “1. From: Jason Yang” check on first one
0:58 - shall I go check next one? yes
1:10 Click on “2. From Jason Yang” second one now ok
1:25 Click on “Stop” done
1:33 Task complete complete

Participant 3: verbal and action log for SmartMessageBoard Admin Tool.

Time Action Participant Comment Tester


Task 1: Post a new message to notice board. (username=uq, password=uq)

0:02 Enter username and password username; uq, password; uq
0:07 Click on “Sign in” button sign in
0.26 Click on “Notice Board” icon notice board
0.44 Click on “adding new message” what do I need to type? testing testing
1:02 Key in new message testing tesing
1:16 Click on “Submit” button done, submit
1:20 Task complete complete

Task 2: Add an event (appointment) on the calendar.

Even details: Lunch with bob from 1pm to 2pm on 1st-June 2004
0:04 Enter username and password username; uq, password; uq
0:11 Click on “Sign in” button sign in
0:33 Click on “Appointment” icon appointment
0:38 Click on “ Launch Calendar” launch calendar
0:50 - How can I make a new event? You need to
and password
are both “uq”
1:21 Click on “Login” login
1:30 Enter username and password username; uq, password; uq
1:34 Click on “Login” login
1:51 Click on “1st-June 2004” st
1 -June yes
2:13 Enter “title” “text” ”time” Title; lunch with bob, text; lunch
with bob, time; from 1pm to 2pm
2:50 Click on “Post” post.
2:54 Task complete complete

Task 3: Check voicemail message.

0:02 Enter username and password username; uq, password; uq
0:08 Click on “Sign in” button sign in
0:27 Click on “Voicemail” icon voicemail
0:34 Click on “1. From: Jason Yang” check on first one
0:58 Click “Stop” button check both? yes
1:10 Click on “2. From Jason Yang” checking second one
1:41 Click on “Stop” done
1:45 Task complete complete

Participant 4: verbal and action log for SmartMessageBoard Admin Tool.

Time Action Participant Comment Tester


Task 1: Post a new message to notice board. (username=uq, password=uq)

0:04 Enter username and password username; uq, password; uq
0:11 Click on “Sign in” button sign in
0.29 Click on “Notice Board” icon notice board
0.36 Click on “adding new message” type here? Yes, just click
window there
0:57 Key in new message testing testing
1:19 Click on “Submit” button is that all? submit yes
1:21 Task complete complete

Task 2: Add an event (appointment) on the calendar.

Even details: Lunch with bob from 1pm to 2pm on 1st-June 2004
0:05 Enter username and password username; uq, password; uq
0:13 Click on “Sign in” button sign in
0:29 Click on “Appointment” icon appointment
0:34 Click on “ Launch Calendar” launch calendar
1:02 - log in again? Yes, username
and password
are both “uq”
1:20 Click on “Login” login
1:31 Enter username and password username; uq, password; uq
1:42 Click on “Login” login
1:55 Click on “1st-June 2004” 1st-June, what do I have to put in? Title: Lunch
with Bob, text;
lunch with bob,
time; from 1pm
to 2pm
2:32 Enter “title” “text” ”time” Title; lunch with bob, text; lunch
with bob, time; from 1pm to 2pm
2:55 Click on “Post” post.
2:57 Task complete complete

Task 3: Check voicemail message.

0:02 Enter username and password username; uq, password; uq
0:07 Click on “Sign in” button sign in
0:33 Click on “Voicemail” icon voicemail
0:38 Click on “1. From: Jason Yang” first one
0:58 Click “Stop” button next? check the next
1:11 Click on “2. From Jason Yang” second one
1:55 Click on “Stop” finish
1:58 Task complete complete

Participant 5: verbal and action log for SmartMessageBoard Admin Tool.

Time Action Participant Comment Tester


Task 1: Post a new message to notice board. (username=uq, password=uq)

0:02 Enter username and password username; uq, password; uq
0:08 Click on “Sign in” button sign in
0.20 Click on “Notice Board” icon notice board
0.25 Click on “adding new message” ok
0:40 Key in new message testing tesing …
1:01 Click on “Submit” button finish, submit
1:05 Task complete complete

Task 2: Add an event (appointment) on the calendar.

Even details: Lunch with bob from 1pm to 2pm on 1st-June 2004
0:02 Enter username and password username; uq, password; uq
0:08 Click on “Sign in” button sign in
0:26 Click on “Appointment” icon appointment
0:28 Click on “ Launch Calendar” launch calendar
0:55 Click on “Login” login
1:19 Enter username and password username; uq, password; uq
1:25 Click on “Login” login
st st
1:32 Click on “1 -June 2004” 1 -June
1:55 Enter “title” “text” ”time” Title; lunch with bob, text; lunch
with bob, time; from 1pm to 2pm
2:23 Click on “Post” post.
2:26 Complete complete

Task 3: Check voicemail message.

0:02 Enter username and password username; uq, password; uq
0:06 Click on “Sign in” button sign in
0:22 Click on “Voicemail” icon voicemail
0:30 Click on “1. From: Jason Yang” check on first one
0:48 Click “Stop” button done check the next
1:01 Click on “2. From Jason Yang” ok
1:19 Click on “Stop” done
1:21 Task complete complete

Appendix 15 – Walk through of 3 scenarios for SmartMessageBoard Unit

Scenario 1: Browsing Notice Board

Main Screen

Click on “Notice Board” icon

Result: up-to-date info on notice board

Scenario 2: Making appointment

1. Main Screen 2. Press “Schedule + Appointment” icon 3. Select 1st-June 4. Press “Make appointment” button

5. Select 9:00 am 6. Select on keyboard 7. swipe UQ ID card, enter “subject” 8. Appointment made
field, then press “confirm” button 80
Scenario 3: Leaving voicemail message

1. Main Screen 2. Press “Feedback” icon 3. Press “Voice mail” icon 4. Swipe your UQ ID card

5. Press “Start recording” to record 6. Press “Stop recording” to end 7. Voicemail mail sent 81
Appendix 16 – Walk through of 3 scenarios for SmartMessageBoard Admin Tool

Scenario 1: Adding new message to notice board

1. Enter username and password 2. Press “Notice Board” icon

3. Enter new message, then press “Submit” 4. New message posted on notice board
Scenario 2: Adding new appointment to calendar

1. Enter username and password 2. Press “Appointment” icon 3. Press “Launch Calendar” icon

4. Enter username and password 5. Select a date 6. Enter appointment details then press “Post”
Scenario 3: Checking voicemail

3. Press “Launch Calendar” icon

1. Enter username and password 2. Press “Voicemail” icon

3. Select a voicemail, press again to play.

5. Select a date

[1] Segawa, N., Murayama, Y., Nakamoto, Y., Gondo, H. and Miyazaki, M. (1999).
“A message board on WWW for on-door communication.” Proceedings of the 7th
ACM International Conference (Part 2) on Multimedia. ACM Press

[2] Nguyen, D. H., Tullio, J., DreIs, 11 and Mynatt, E.D. (unpublished). “Dynamic
Door Displays.” Unpublished article written at GVU, Georgia Tech.

[3] O'Hara, K. Perry, K. Lewis, S. (2003) “Social coordination around a situated

display appliance” ACM Press.

[4] Cheverst, K., D. Fitton, A. Dix and M. Rouncefield. “Exploring Situated

Interaction with Ubiquitous Office Door Displays”. Proc. of the Workshop on
‘Situated Interaction’ at CSCW '02, New Orleans, November 2002.

[5] Preece, Rogers and Sharp, “Interaction Design”, 2002, John Wiley & Sons Inc,
USA, chapters 6,7,8,9,12

[6] SMS Development Package

[7] Richards, S., Barker,P.; Banerji,A., Lamont, C., and Manji,K. “The Use of
Metaphors in Iconic Interface Design”, Interactive Systems Research Group, Human-
Computer Interaction Laboratory School of Computing and Mathematics, University
of Teesside, Cleve, and, United Kingdom.

[8] Tim Rohrer, “Metaphors we compute by: bringing magic into interface design“,
Philosophy Department, University of Oregon.

[9] Foood’s Icon (permission granted for using icons)


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