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Unit 6 present perfect continuous

Choose the correct form, A or B, to complete the sentence.

A I've
a I've
II've read
aB War and Peace. !t's reaUy long, and I'm only halfway. A'veI've
I've eating BB B
b Maria aU day, but there's never agh
fecbreply. Score:
c to the library and back, sa I feel a bit tired.
d French far three years, but I still can't say a thing!
e.... the wark I had to do, sa naw we can go out.
f....... the vegetables, sa you can start cooking them.
g aU the ice-cream, and naw I feel sick!
h three letters sa far, but I still have to write twa mare.

Unit 7 past perfect

Underline the correct form.

Gottfried Liebnitz and Isaac Newton developed the mathematics we cali calculus at about the same time in the
17th century, although their versions a were / had been slightly different. However, Newton was sure that he was
first and that Leibnitz b copied I had copied him.
2 The Wright brothers made the first powered flight in 1903, but only four men and a boy c saw I had seen their piane
fly.Until Wilbur Wright flew in front of a large crowd in France in 1908, most people refused to believe that their
earlier flight d succeeded I had succeeded.
3 Shakespeare e used I had used familiar stories and events from history in a lot of his plays, so the audience
f heard I had heard the plots before. However, that didn't stop him being very successful.
4 Aristotle g was I had been a philosopher and teacher in ancient Greece. By the time he died in 322 Be, he
h had written I wrote some of the most famous philosophical texts of all time, and had tutored Alexander the Great.

Score: /8

Unit 8 tense contrasts

Complete the text with the most suitable form of the verbs in brackets.

Bob Dylan a (become) hiJs ..Qe,cQf1.A,e, one of the most famous singer I song-writers of all time.At the age of 65 in
2006, he b (reach) .. ..the top of the US album charts with Modern Times, the oldest living singer to do
so. He c (record) .. . many other hit albums since he d (make) . . his first album at the
age of 21 while he e (perform).. as a folk singer in New York clubs.Although he first f (find) ..
.. fame as a folk singer, he g (try) originally to be a rock and roll singer, but without success.
In the mid-bOs, Dylan h (start) to perform rock songs with a group, instead of the solo folk songs
which i (make).... him famous.At the time, many of his fans j (feel) .. ..... angry because they
k (think) . that he I (do) this simply for money. Many folk music fans still
m (believe) that he was wrong.ln fact, Dylan's songs n (change) .. in the time up to
this point.As far as he was concerned, he o (do) .... everything that he could with folk music already,
and he p (need).... a different musical style to express his changing feelings.
Dylan's career q (be) .. a long one, and there is no sign that he r (think) of retirement.
He s (perform) .. ...since the late 1950s and t (appear) in several films too.

Score: /20

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