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Name: Nathaniel D.

Flores MTE Subject: Foundation of Education

1. Trace the history of Education from the earliest time and explain the implication of each
period to the current curriculum in terms of aims of the country aims of education, VMG
of SLSU, methods or approaches of instruction, instructional technology used and give

 Primitive Education was centered on the experiences of making tools, ways of

gathering and producing foods, building shelter, learning language, and
acquiring values. The implication of this period in our curriculum today is the
corporation of Science and Technology, which continues to gather and produce
innovations in this fast paced world. Learning to understand culture in different
places and gain experience in the field of research.
 Education during ancient period are vocational and domestic training which
includes practical activities to satisfy the immediate needs like food, clothing and
shelter. Another type was religious (animistic) education consisting of learning
ritualistic activities to please or appease the unseen spirits. The implication of
this period on our current curriculum developing vocational courses to build the
learners ability in to highest degree which is a benefits in the real world
 Education on medieval period was focus monasticism and religious discipline.
Monasticism is a special form of religious community life where those who
practice shall separate themselves from the ordinary ways of living so they can
follow the religion completely. The implication of this period in our modern
times is the rise of the non-secular schools. This schools integrated subjects
which is related to each beliefs and serve as basis to make the learners more
humane in society.
 Education on renaissance period focus on Humanism. It aims the academic
freedom, abundant living, and liberal education. Its implication on current
curriculum is the new innovations that education provides us time to time. Since
its more on discovery and research education upgrades and give us new
learnings that won’t obsolete easily as time goes by.

2. Cite gender issues pertaining to education in earliest times, study and discuss whether
these issues are treated with the GAD program we have.
 One of the gender issues before is the right of women to have education. In China
19th century women are said to be lack of knowledge and not deserve to get
attention. With the arrival of Christian missionaries from Britain and US. They
give the rights to women to have formal education. One of the culture in China
that men and women should not be near each other, women are reluctant to be
treated by male doctors. A medical missionary name Mary H. Fulton was sent by
Foreign Missions Board of the Presbyterian Church (USA). She founded the first
School of medicine in China. It leads to the rights of women to be Educated. One
of the GAD programs were related to this issue is the right of women to take
courses that usually men do. What can men do also women can make.

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