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Flexible pavement design using geogrid


(Flexible Pavement Using Geosynthetic)
(LCR Method)
Flexible pavement design using geogrid

1 Design of Flexible Pavement Using Geosynthetic: ........................................................ 1
1.1 Introduction: .................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Design of geogrid reinforced flexible pavements: .......................................................................... 1
1.3 Design procedure for geogrid reinforced flexible pavements:........................................................ 1
1.4 Material Properties: ......................................................................................................................... 3
1.5 Design of geosynthetic reinforced Flexible Pavement using LCR: ................................................ 4
Flexible pavement design using geogrid

1 Design of Flexible Pavement Using Geosynthetic:

1.1 Introduction:

Geosynthetic is a polymeric material which are used with soil, rock or other
geotechnical – related material as an integral part of a road project, to improve its
performance. Synthetic materials in the form of strong flexible sheets either woven or
nonwoven, permeable or watertight, 2-dimensional or 3-dimensional have been used for
several years to improve soil quality and performance.

Several factors affect the service life of roads and pavements including
environmental factors, subgrade conditions, traffic loading, utility cuts and aging.
Pavement distresses such as surface cracks, joints and subgrade failures cause the rapid
reflection/Propagation of cracks up through the pavement layers and increases the
maintenance cost. Thus preferred strategy for long term road and pavement performance is
to build in safeguards during initial construction. This performance safeguards include
stabilizing the subgrade against the moisture intrusion and associated weakening,
strengthening the road base and subbase by allowing the efficient drainage of infiltrated
water and enhancing the stress absorption and moisture proofing capabilities.

1.2 Design of geogrid reinforced flexible pavements:

Geogrid reinforced flexible pavement section can be designed based on two design
approaches i.e. MEPDG (Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide) method
following MIF (Modulus improvement factor) and Modified AASTHO method following
LCR (Layer coefficient Ratio).

1.3 Design procedure for geogrid reinforced flexible pavements:

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Flexible pavement design using geogrid

 Design for geogrid reinforced pavement design procedure shall be done in two

a. Determine the conventional unreinforced pavement section as per IRC: 37 for

given sub grade CBR, Design traffic.

b. Determine the improved layer parameters, reinforced section shall be designed

with same methodology as per IRC: 37 and calculation of fatigue and rutting
resistance of geogrid reinforced pavement section.

 Detailed Design procedure for Geogrid reinforced pavement section:

1. Determine the subgrade CBR and design traffic load for which the flexible
pavement is to be designed. Unreinforced pavement section thickness shall be
determined according to the IRC: 37 for specified sub grade CBR and Design
2. Resilient moduli MR_GB and MR_GSB are evaluated for the base and Subbase
3. The tensile horizontal and vertical strains are evaluated for the conventional
section at points A and B for the given subgrade CBR and traffic/pavement
4. Structural layer coefficient a2, a3 for granular base and subbase layer of
unreinforced section shall be determined from its resilient modulus using
following equations from AASTHO 1993.
‘a2 = 0.249(log10 MR_GB)-0.977…………………………….(4)
‘a3 = 0.227(log10MR_GSB)-0.839……………………………(5)
Where MR_GB and MR_GSB are resilient modulus of base and Subbase layers
5. Consider the layer within which the geogrid is placed, base or subbase or
both. Accordingly, the corresponding structural layer coefficient (s) is/are
modified by multiplying by the corresponding linear coefficient ratios.

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Flexible pavement design using geogrid

LCR2a2 = 0.249(log10 M1R_GB)-0.977…………………….(6)

LCR3a3 = 0.227(log10 M1R_GB)-0.839…………………….(7)
Where M1R_GB and M1R_GSB are modified resilient modulus of base and
Subbase layers
6. From equation (6) and /or (7), M1R_GB and/or M1R_GSB are evaluated.
7. M1R_GB and/or M1R_GSB are then used to determine the reduced thicknesses of
the pavement components.
8. Further, these values are imposed in the IRC recommended IITPAVE
software and evaluated for the strain values as shown in below fig. 1.

Fig 1 Critical points for Evaluation of Horizontal and Vertical strains

9. By using critical tensile strain and compressive strain induced at the bottom
of the bituminous course and top of the sub grade respectively, the allowable
traffic should be determined for fatigue and rutting failures using equations
from IRC: 37.
10.If obtained strain values are less than the permissible strain values the section
is safe for pavement life in rutting and fatigue and may be adopted for the

1.4 Material Properties:

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Flexible pavement design using geogrid

Grade of bitumen and recommended modulus values, poison ratios, minimum

thickness requirements, reliability specified in IRC 37 shall be applicable for Geosynthetic
reinforced pavement design.

1.5 Design of geosynthetic reinforced Flexible Pavement using LCR:

1.5.1 Design Parameters: The pavement is designed for 20 year of design

life. The traffic is taken form traffic survey is obtained as 40 MSA. The
design CBR is considered as 9 %. On the basis of above data the
conventional pavement for 40 MSA traffic and 9 % design CBR as per
IRC 37 shown in below:

 Considering the design traffic as 40 MSA and for 90% reliability the calculated
allowable fatigue life and Rutting life of pavement as per IRC 37 are as below:

1. Fatigue Life of the pavement composition:

Nf = 0.5161 x C x 10-04 x [1/Et]3.89 x [1/MR]0.854

Nf = Fatigue life in number of standard axles.

Et =Maximum tensile strain at bottom of the bituminous layer
MR =resilient modulus of the bituminous layer. ( 3000 Mpa.)

Nf 1
[1/MR] x 0.5161 x C x 10-04 Et

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Flexible pavement design using geogrid

Nf =
40000000 Number of Standard Axles
[1/MR] = 0.001072849 MR = 3000
Va= 3.5 Vbe = 11.5
C= 2.35

Allowable Tensile Strain on bottom of Bituminous Layer

Et = 1.89E-04
2. Rutting of pavement composition :
N= 1.4100 x 10-08 x [1/Ev]4.5337
N= Rutting life in number of standard axles.
Ev = Vertical strain in the sub grade

N 1
4.1656 x 10-08 Ev

N = 40000000 Number of Standard Axles


Allowable Compressive Strain on the top of Subgrade

EV = 3.90E-04

Design of Bitumen Pavement with Geogrid reinforced granular base

and subbase layer using LCR of Geogrid

i Design Traffic = 40 msa

ii Subgrade CBR = 9%
iii Reliability = 90%
Resilient modulus of
iv 72
subgrade =
v Grade of Bitumen = VG-40

 Resilient moduli as per IRC: 37 : 2018

For Unreinforced Subbase layer

MR_GSB = 0.2 x h 0.45 x MR subgrade

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Flexible pavement design using geogrid

MR_GSB = 0.2 x 200 0.45 x 72

MR_GSB = 156 Mpa
22625.928 psi
For Unreinforced base layer
MR_GB = 0.2 x h 0.45 x MR subgrade
MR_GB = 0.2 x 250 0.45 x 156
MR_GB = 374 Mpa
54288.69 psi
For Bituminous mix
MR_Bitumen= 3000 Mpa
435114 psi

 Structural layer coefficient of each layer

1. Layer coefficient for bituminous

a1 0.171 x (ln(MR))-1.784
= 0.171 X (ln(435114))-1.784
= 0.436

2. Layer coefficient for base layer

a2 0.249(log 10 Mr BC)-0.977
= 0.249(LOG10 * 54288.69)-0.977
= 0.202

3. Layer coefficient for base layer

a3 0.227(log 10 Mr SB)-0.839
= 0.227(LOG10 * 22625.928)-0.839
= 0.149

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Flexible pavement design using geogrid

Fig. 2. Input parameters in IITPAVE for Unreinforced section

Fig. 3. Vertical and Tensile strains induced in the Pavement Layer for Unreinforced section

(B) Modified layer thickness values for reinforced sections by IIT Pave

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Flexible pavement design using geogrid

 In this designed we are neglecting the granular subbase layer and base layer are
assumed in 2 layer having geogrid in both layer.
 Thickness of bituminous layer = 130 mm
 Thickness of base layer = 290 mm

 Resilient Modulus of Reinforced base layer

For Reinforced base layer 1

MR_GB= 0.2 x h 0.45 x MR subgrade
MR_GB= 0.2 x 145 0.45 x 72
MR_GB= 135.0 Mpa
19580.13 psi

For Reinforced base layer 2

MR_GB = 0.2 x h 0.45 x MR subgrade
MR_GB = 0.2 x 145 0.45 x 135
MR_GB = 254.0 Mpa
36839.652 psi

 Structural layer coefficient of each layer

Layer coefficient for bituminous layer
a1 0.171 x (ln(MR))-1.784
= 0.171 X (ln(435114))-1.784
= 0.436

Layer coefficient for base layer-1

a2 0.249(log 10 Mr BC)-0.977
= 0.249(LOG10 * 19580.13)-0.977
= 0.092

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Flexible pavement design using geogrid

Layer coefficient for base layer-2

a3 0.249(log 10 Mr BC)-0.977
= 0.249(LOG10 * 36839.652)-0.977
= 0.160

5 Layer Coefficient Ratio 1.6 (From Table 3.1 of IRC SP 59 :2019)

> Modified layer coefficient for base layer-1(a2') LCR base x a2
= 1.6 x 0.092
= 0.147

> Modified layer coefficient for base layer-2 (a3') LCR base x a3
= 1.6 x 0.160
= 0.256

With the improved coefficients, improved elastic modulus of respective layers shall be back
calculated below equations:

a2 1 0.249 x (log 10 MR_GB)-0.977

0.147= 0.249 X (log 10 MR_GB)-0.977
MR_BC1 228 Mpa

a3 1 0.249 x (log 10 MR_GB)-0.977

0.256= 0.249 X (log 10 MR_GB)-0.977
MR_BC2 626 Mpa

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Flexible pavement design using geogrid

Fig. 4. Input parameters in IITPAVE for Reinforced section

Fig. 5. Vertical and Tensile strains induced in the Pavement Layer for Unreinforced section

Tensile Strain on bottom of BC ( Et ) = 1.320 x 10-04 < 1.89E-04

Compressive Strain on the top of Subgrade ( Ev ) = 3.747 x 10-04 < 3.90E-04

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Flexible pavement design using geogrid

The reinforced pavement section has been checked for fatigue and rutting failure
criteria by inputting the improved elastic modulus into IITPAVE. Fig. 4. Shows the input
parameters in IITPAVE, in which improved E Values are used. Fig.5 represents the
vertical and tensile strains induced in the pavement layers. Obtained strains are less than
the permissible strain. Hence the reduced section with geogrid reinforcement in base layer
is acceptable for design traffic 40 MSA.

BC 40 mm

DBM 100 mm

Base 250 mm

Subbase 200 mm

Subgrade 500 mm

(a) Conventional Unreinforced Pavement Section

BC 40 mm

DBM 90 mm

Base layer 1
145 mm

145 mm
Base layer 2
Geogrid in base
layer 1 and 2

Subgrade 500 mm

(b) Geogrid Reinforced Pavement Section

Fig. 6. Pavement section with and without Reinforcement

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Flexible pavement design using geogrid

The design standards are based on the following references:

IRC : SP : 19 : 2001 Manual for survey, investigation and preparation of Road Projects

IRC : 37 : 2018 Guidelines for Design of Flexible Pavement

IRC: SP : 59 : 2019 Guidelines for use of geosynthetics in road pavements and associated

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