Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting: State-Of-The-Art and Challenges

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Piezoelectric energy harvesting: State-of-the-art and challenges

Alperen Toprak and Onur Tigli

Citation: Applied Physics Reviews 1, 031104 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4896166

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Piezoelectric energy harvesting: State-of-the-art and challenges

Alperen Toprak1,2,a) and Onur Tigli1,3,2,b)
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida 33146, USA
Dr. John T. Macdonald Foundation, Biomedical Nanotechnology Institute at University of Miami, Miami,
Florida 33136, USA
Department of Pathology, Miller School of Medicine, University of Miami, Miami, Florida 33136, USA
(Received 30 May 2014; accepted 9 September 2014; published online 23 September 2014)
Piezoelectric energy harvesting has attracted wide attention from researchers especially in the last
decade due to its advantages such as high power density, architectural simplicity, and scalability.
As a result, the number of studies on piezoelectric energy harvesting published in the last 5 years is
more than twice the sum of publications on its electromagnetic and electrostatic counterparts. This
paper presents a comprehensive review on the history and current state-of-the art of piezoelectric
energy harvesting. A brief theory section presents the basic principles of piezoelectric energy
conversion and introduces the most commonly used mechanical architectures. The theory section is
followed by a literature survey on piezoelectric energy harvesters, which are classified into three
groups: (i) macro- and mesoscale, (ii) MEMS scale, and (iii) nanoscale. The size of a piezoelectric
energy harvester affects a variety of parameters such as its weight, fabrication method, achievable
power output level, and potential application areas. Consequently, size-based classification pro-
vides a reliable and effective basis to study various piezoelectric energy harvesters. The literature
survey on each scale group is concluded with a summary, potential application areas, and future
directions. In a separate section, the most prominent challenges in piezoelectric energy harvesting
and the studies focusing on these challenges are discussed. The conclusion part summarizes the
current standing of piezoelectric energy harvesters as possible candidates for various applications
and discusses the issues that need to be addressed for realization of practical piezoelectric energy
harvesting devices. VC 2014 AIP Publishing LLC. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4896166]


In its simplest form, energy harvesting can be defined as

I. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 converting the unused energy available in the environment
II. PIEZOELECTRIC ENERGY HARVESTING into electrical energy, which can be used immediately or
THEORY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 stored for later use. This broad definition also implies a vari-
III. CURRENT LITERATURE IN ety of applications, which strongly depend on the scale of
PIEZOELECTRIC ENERGY HARVESTERS . . . 4 the harvestable energy. Large scale sources such as vehicle
A. Macro and meso-scale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 suspension systems, tall buildings, or ocean waves can con-
B. MEMS scale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 tain power levels up to tens of kilowatts, which might be
C. Nanoscale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 used as a form of renewable energy source.1 On the other
D. Comparative summary of cantilever type end of the scale, relatively small energy sources such as am-
piezoelectric energy harvesters . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 bient vibrations or temperature gradients are not capable of
IV. CHALLENGES AND PROPOSED providing power output levels that are high enough to be
SOLUTIONS IN PIEZOELECTRIC ENERGY considered for power grids. Instead, they can be utilized to
HARVESTERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 supply sustainable, clean power for standalone electronic
A. Bandwidth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 sensor or transducer elements. In current technology exam-
B. CMOS compatibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 ples, this important task is handled solely by batteries. In
C. Biocompatibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 conjunction with shrinking transistor sizes, improvements in
V. CONCLUSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 CMOS and MEMS technologies enabled the mass fabrica-
tion of very small sensor and transducers with remarkably
low power requirements. The size, weight, and cost of these
systems are currently limited by the available battery tech-
a.toprak@umiami.edu nologies. More importantly, replacement of depleted bat-
tigli@miami.edu teries is mostly infeasible, which limits the lifetime and

1931-9401/2014/1(3)/031104/14/$30.00 1, 031104-1 C 2014 AIP Publishing LLC


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031104-2 A. Toprak and O. Tigli Appl. Phys. Rev. 1, 031104 (2014)

sustainability of these systems. As a result, energy harvesting on piezoelectric, electrostatic, and electromagnetic energy
applications are expected to increase the lifetime, or even harvesters indexed in Web of Science between years 2003
lead to self-sustaining systems by completely eliminating the and 2013. The graph clearly shows the steadily growing in-
need for batteries while creating a significant impetus for terest on PEHs especially in the last 5 years.
growing research in industry and academia. This review paper presents a review of the current status
There are a number of available ambient energy sources of PEHs. Section II briefly presents the theory of piezoelec-
suitable for energy harvesting applications including solar, tric energy harvesting. Section III presents the current status
vibration, radio frequency (RF), acoustic waves, and temper- of PEHs in three categories depending on their sizes: macro-
ature gradients.2 Achievable power densities from various and meso-scale, MEMS scale, and nanoscale. The main chal-
energy sources as well as their advantages and disadvantages lenges of PEHs and proposed solutions to overcome these
are previously reported in the literature.3 Ambient vibrations challenges are discussed in Sec. IV, and Sec. V concludes
can provide a high energy density per unit device volume; the paper.
and unlike solar cells, they can operate in implanted or em-
bedded systems. There are several vibration sources in the II. PIEZOELECTRIC ENERGY HARVESTING THEORY
environment, generating vibrations with different amplitudes
Piezoelectric materials have the ability to create an elec-
and frequencies.4,5 Vibration energy can be harvested using
tric charge in response to a mechanical stress, which is called
an inertial mechanism, in which the vibration is coupled to a
direct piezoelectric effect. The reciprocal process, mechani-
proof mass and then extracted by damping the mechanical
cal strain in response to an electrical potential, is named
motion of the mass. There are three main types of vibration-
inverse piezoelectric effect. Piezoelectric energy harvesting
based energy harvesters: piezoelectric, electromagnetic, and
process uses the direct piezoelectric effect, which is
electrostatic. Piezoelectric vibration energy harvesters are
described by the constitutive equation
reported to have a higher energy density for practical appli-
cations.6,7 Another advantage of the piezoelectric conversion Di ¼ dij Tj þ Tik Ek ; (1)
mechanism is the inherent reciprocal conversion capability:
piezoelectric materials convert the mechanical energy where D is the electrical displacement, d is the piezoelectric
directly to electrical energy without any further external stress coefficient, T is the stress,  is the dielectric constant,
input. This inherent capability allows simpler architectures and E is the electric field.9 The subscript indices in this equa-
for piezoelectric energy harvesters (PEHs) compared to their tion refer to different directions within the material coordi-
electromagnetic and electrostatic counterparts. Simple archi- nate system, and the superscript “T” means that the dielectric
tectures are especially preferable in MEMS scale devices, constants are measured under constant stress. Subscripts i
where the structures have to be created by micromachining and k denote the coordinate axes, numbered from 1 to 3, sim-
techniques. Scaling of the power with volume also favors the ilar to Cartesian coordinate axes x, y, and z. By convention,
piezoelectric devices in smaller scales: output power scales direction 3 is defined as the polarization direction of the pie-
with V4/3 and V 2 in piezoelectric and electromagnetic con- zoelectric material. Subscript j, in addition to the same three
version mechanisms, respectively.8 The critical volume that axes, defines the rotational motions around them; therefore,
piezoelectric converters provide a better power output is it is denoted with numbers from 1 to 6. The operation modes,
determined as 0.5 cm3 in the same study.8 Due to these most i.e., expected directions of mechanical strain and electric
salient advantages, PEHs have been studied extensively in field, of a piezoelectric device is also indicated using the
the last decade. Figure 1 shows the number of publications defined indices. To give an example, a piezoelectric sensor is

FIG. 1. Number of publications on pie-

zoelectric, electromagnetic, and elec-
trostatic energy harvesters in Web of
Science between years 2003 and 2013.

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031104-3 A. Toprak and O. Tigli Appl. Phys. Rev. 1, 031104 (2014)

FIG. 2. (a) Schematic view describing the operating principle of a cantilever type PEH, and (b) a prototype PEH that consists of two PZT-5A layers bonded on
two sides of a steel shim and a proof mass at the tip. Ambient vibrations are coupled to the cantilever-mass system through the base of the cantilever, and the
strain due to bending is converted to voltage by the piezoelectric material. The proof mass is used to increase the coupled mechanical energy and reduce the
resonant frequency of the structure. Reproduced by permission from S. Roundy and P. K. Wright, Smart Mater. Struct. 13(5), 1131–1142 (2004). Copyright
2004 IOP Publishing.

defined to be operating in d31 mode if it is subject to a stress resonance frequency of the energy harvester. Furthermore,
on axis 1 and the output is sensed via the electrodes placed the proof mass increases the overall mechanical energy
across the device on axis 3. In this case, the electrical output stored in the cantilever-mass system, increasing the amount
is proportional to the coefficient d31, hence the name of the of harvestable energy.
operation mode. The first term of Eq. (1) implies that the Another mechanical structure used for PEH is the circu-
charge generated in a piezoelectric material is proportional lar diaphragm. In one of the earliest studies on PEHs, Umeda
to the applied stress. Therefore, PEHs are designed to maxi- et al. proposed using a thin disk of piezoelectric material to
mize the stress under a certain mechanical load. convert impact energy to electrical energy.10 They verified
The most commonly used shape in piezoelectric energy the energy conversion by dropping a steel ball on top of a
harvesting is the cantilever beam, since this structure creates 0.25 mm thick piezoelectric disk mounted on a bronze disk
the highest average strain for a given input force.7 Figure with the same thickness. In such an impact-type PEH, the
2(a) shows the schematic view describing the operating prin- structure starts oscillating at its resonance frequency, which
ciple of a cantilever type PEH, and Fig. 2(b) shows a proto- is typically much higher than the frequency of impacts. The
type PEH that consists of two lead zirconate titanate (PZT) amplitude of the oscillations then gradually decreases
layers bonded on two sides of a steel shim and a proof mass because of the mechanical and electrical damping.10 An im-
at the tip.7 Ambient vibrations are coupled to the cantilever- portant advantage of diaphragm structure over the cantilever
mass system through the base of the cantilever, causing the beam is its compatibility with pressure mode operation. In
structure to oscillate. The alternating bending strains during pressure mode operation, a varying pressure field such as
the oscillations are converted to an AC voltage by the piezo- sound can be converted to an AC electrical signal by a piezo-
electric material. One of the most important design consider- electric converter. In order to be able to create a stress in
ations in this architecture is the frequency matching, which response to a pressure change in the surrounding medium,
requires the exact coupling of ambient vibration frequencies two sides of the mechanical structure must be isolated as in
to the natural oscillation frequency of the beam. Cantilever the case of a diaphragm structure. Figure 3(a) depicts the
beams usually have a high mechanical quality factor, or deflection of a diaphragm structure in pressure mode opera-
equivalently, a narrow bandwidth. The oscillation amplitude tion, which causes different stress types, i.e., compressive or
rapidly drops as the excitation frequency shifts from the res- tensile, to develop on the top layer depending on the loca-
onance frequency. Since most ambient vibrations are at low tion.11 The switching stress sign necessitates the poling
frequencies, additional proof masses are used to reduce the direction be switched as well for optimum power output.

FIG. 3. (a) Deflection of a diaphragm structure in pressure mode operation, which causes different stress types, i.e., compressive or tensile, on the top layer
depending on the location. The switching stress sign necessitates the poling direction be switched as well for optimum power output. Part (b) shows diaphragm
type PEH prototypes with different poling switch locations as indicated by the gaps in the top electrodes. Reprinted with permission from Kim et al., J. Intell.
Mater. Syst. Struct. 16(10) 847–854 (2005) and from Kim et al., J. Intell. Mater. Syst. Struct. 16(10), 855–863 (2005). Copyright 2005 SAGE Publications.

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031104-4 A. Toprak and O. Tigli Appl. Phys. Rev. 1, 031104 (2014)

pressures are available or they are coupled to mechanical

force amplifiers. Figure 5 shows a “cymbal” transducer, a
force amplifying structure, used to improve the power output
from a PEH.23 In the cymbal structure, the axial stress
applied to the metal end caps is amplified and transformed
into radial stress in the piezoelectric material, resulting in a
higher effective piezoelectric constant. The amplification
factor depends on the structure of the caps.23


In this section, the current state-of-the-art in PEHs is
presented. The PEHs are examined in three groups according
to their dimensions: (i) macro/meso (ii) MEMS, and (iii)
FIG. 4. (a) Simplified view of a 4-layer PZT stack architecture, and (b)
actual photograph of a 300-layer PZT stack actuator. Small arrows inside
nanoscale. There are not any strict size limits defined to dis-
the PZT show the poling direction. Poling direction is on the same axis as tinguish MEMS scale devices. Therefore, we classify the
the applied pressure, which implies d33 mode operation. Reproduced by per- devices fabricated using standard photolithography techni-
mission from Xu et al., Smart Mater. Struct. 22(6), 065015 (2013). ques as MEMS scale, whereas the devices including manual
Copyright 2013 IOP Publishing.
assembly and bonding are examined as mesoscale.
Figure 3(b) shows diaphragm type PEH prototypes with dif- Nanoscale energy harvester section includes energy harvest-
ferent poling switch locations as indicated by the gaps in the ers constructed using piezoelectric nanowires.
top electrodes.12 The theoretical and experimental analyses
A. Macro and meso-scale
of piezoelectric circular diaphragms operating under varying
pressure were presented by Kim et al.11–13 Diaphragm is a The research on PEHs is mostly focused on small scale
versatile structure that can be used to harvest energy from devices that can provide power for wireless sensor networks
slowly varying, aperiodic pressure fields14,15 or periodic (WSNs). However, it has also been proposed as an alterna-
acoustic waves,16–18 as well as mechanical vibrations.19,20 tive clean energy source in the recent years. In 2006, Japan
However, it should be noted that it is considerably stiffer East Railway Company installed piezoelectric floors in an
than a cantilever of same size, leading to higher resonance exit gate of their Tokyo Station to evaluate the power gener-
frequencies in vibration mode operation. ation capacity of such a system. The 6 m2 piezoelectric floor
Pressure mode operation can be achieved also using was reported to generate a maximum energy of 10 000 W  s
stack architectures. Figure 4(a) shows the simplified view of per day. They repeated the experiment in 2008 in an effort to
a 4-layer PZT stack, and Fig. 4(b) actual photograph of a improve the power output and the durability of the system.
300-layer PZT stack actuator.21 In the stack architecture, pie- The target energy output from the piezoelectric floors in-
zoelectric layers are placed such that the poling axes of the stalled on a 90 m2 area was 500 kW  s per day.24 Another
layers align with the applied pressure in order to utilize the approach is to harvest energy from highways and railways
d33 mode, which has a higher coefficient than d31. using piezoelectric generators. In a pilot study carried out by
Alternating poling directions of subsequent layers provides Innowattech Ltd. in association with Technion Israel
that the direction of the electric field is always towards the Institute of Technology, a 10-m stretch of piezoelectric gen-
same electrode. Although piezoelectric stacks utilize the d33 erators were placed under a highway in Israel in 2009. The
mode, the mechanical energy coupled from the applied pres- reported average power output was 2000 W, and the obtained
sure is usually low due to the high stiffness of the structure.22 energy was stored in a battery beside the road.25 The same
Therefore, they are either used in applications where high company also announced a project on self-powered railway

FIG. 5. (a) A cymbal transducer con-

sisting of a metal cap attached to a
PZT disc, and (b) schematic view of
the test setup used to investigate the
energy harvesting performance of a
prototype. The axial stress applied by
the shaker is amplified and converted
to radial stress in the PZT material.
Stress amplification provides a higher
effective piezoelectric constant for the
structure. Reprinted with permission
from Kim et al., Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.,
Part 1 43(9A), 6178–6183 (2004).
Copyright 2004 Japan Society of
Applied Physics.

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031104-5 A. Toprak and O. Tigli Appl. Phys. Rev. 1, 031104 (2014)

monitoring systems, for which 32 railway pads were

replaced with their piezoelectric generator pads.26 This tech-
nology is not mature enough to be fully commercialized yet.
A recent consultant report prepared for California Energy
Commission evaluated the feasibility of the approach and
concluded that more comprehensive tests are necessary to
understand the energy output, the cost, and the lifetime of
such systems.27
Mesoscale PEHs usually aim to provide power for wire-
less sensor networks or implantable medical devices (IMDs).
The earliest examples of meso-scale PEHs were proposed in
1960s to supply power for pacemakers.28,29 Both devices
used the expansion of aorta during systole/diastole cycle as
the energy source, which was converted to electrical energy
using PZT beams. In 1984, Hasler et al. designed an implant-
able energy harvester to generate electrical power from the
relative motion of ribs during respiration.30 After these initial
studies for implantable energy harvesters, Antaki et al. pro-
posed a shoe-embedded piezoelectric generator to harvest
energy for medical implants from human walking in 1995.31
They conducted experiments using a single cylindrical PZT
stack with 0.5 cm3 volume, which resulted in an average
power of 5.7 mW/kg during walking. In another study on
harvesting energy from human gait, the performances of one
electromagnetic and two PEHs were compared.32 The har-
vesters were designed to harvest energy mainly from the
heel strike and the sole bending during walking. Utilization
of the energy harvesters were also demonstrated by intermit-
tently operating a radio frequency identification (RFID) tag
using the harvested power. The authors concluded that
although the electromagnetic harvester has two orders of mag-
nitude higher power output, piezoelectric ones are much easier
to integrate into shoes without interfering with the gait.32 In
FIG. 6. (a) Energy harvesting scheme from two different regions in a shoe:
2001, the same group published a follow up study on shoe em- (i) polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) stave placed under the ball of the foot to
bedded piezoelectric generators as depicted in Figure 6.33 harvest the energy from bending, and (ii) PZT dimorph placed under the
Figure 6(a) illustrates the proposed energy harvesting devices heel to harvest the heel strike energy. Part (b) shows the voltage and power
and their locations in the shoe, and Fig. 6(b) shows the voltage outputs of fabricated devices on optimized resistive loads under a normal
walking pace, which is approximately 0.9 Hz as evident from the spikes on
and power outputs of fabricated devices on optimized resistive the outputs. Reprinted with permission from N. S. Shenck and J. A.
loads under a normal walking pace, which is approximately Paradiso, IEEE Micro 21(3), 30–42 (2001). Copyright 2001 IEEE Micro.
0.9 Hz as evident from the spikes on the outputs. In this study,
a dimorph was used instead of a unimorph at the heel, and a parameters, including the load resistance and the mechanical
more efficient power conditioning circuitry was utilized to be quality factor of the piezoelectric generator.10 The same
able to rectify the output and store it on a capacitor. The whole group also studied the efficiency in case of an output load
system, including the power conditioning circuitry and storage consisting of a rectifier and a capacitor, which can be used to
elements, was shown to provide 1.3 mW continuous power store the harvested energy and achieved a maximum electro-
from a walking speed of 0.8 Hz.33 mechanical conversion efficiency of 35%.34
Using PEHs with the purpose of charging the batteries Using resonant mode piezoelectric devices to harvest
of portable electronic devices was first proposed by Umeda energy from periodic vibrations has also been widely studied
et al. in 1996.10 In this study, the authors pointed out that by researchers. The most common architecture for harvesting
portable devices are subjected to mechanical impact during energy from vibrations is the cantilever beam. Cantilever
transportation, which can be converted to electrical energy type energy harvesters typically consist of a thin cantilever
and used to recharge their batteries. They developed an beam with a proof mass at its free end and a fixed base at the
equivalent circuit model for the piezoelectric generator and other end. The entire structure is mechanically attached to a
performed experiments by dropping a steel ball on a circular vibrating body via the fixed base, in order to couple the
piezoelectric disk clamped at the edges. The piezoelectric vibrations to the cantilever and the proof mass. Resultant os-
disk converted the vibrations induced by the impact of the cillation is converted to an AC electrical signal by the piezo-
steel ball into electrical energy, which was dissipated on a electric material on the cantilever beam. The amplitude of
resistive load. The results of the experiments showed that the the oscillation, and consequently, the electrical output,
harvested electrical power depends on a number of strongly depends on the frequency matching between the

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031104-6 A. Toprak and O. Tigli Appl. Phys. Rev. 1, 031104 (2014)

input vibrations and the natural frequency of the beam. a sinusoidal force of 7.8 N at 100 Hz.23 Ren et al. used a rec-
Glynne-Jones et al. designed, fabricated, and tested a cantile- tangular cymbal coupled with a single crystal lead magne-
ver type vibrational mode PEH as a proof-of-concept in sium niobate/lead titanate (PMN-PT) for vibrational energy
2001.35 The proposed device consisted of a tapered PZT harvesting. The reported output power was 14.0 mW under a
layer with electrodes on both sides, bonded to a 23 mm wide cyclic force of 0.55 N at 500 Hz with a 17 g proof mass.42
trapezoidal steel beam; it had a resonance frequency of Feenstra et al. used a 130-layer, 400 mm3 PZT stack coupled
80 Hz and generated 3 lW power on an optimal resistance of to a mechanical force amplifier to harvest energy from the
333 kX at a tip displacement of 0.8 mm. Another demonstra- tension created at the straps of a backpack during walking.22
tion for the utilization of the vibration energy harvested by They performed experiments using a backpack with a 220 N
piezoelectric cantilevers was presented by Roundy and load. Based on the results, the authors predicted a power out-
Wright in 2004.7 In this study, a 1.9 GHz radio transmitter put of 0.4 mW from each piezoelectric stack under typical
was operated intermittently using the harvested energy walking conditions.22 Nevertheless, a piezoelectric stack can
stored in a 47 lF capacitor. The energy was supplied from a be used directly as well if the input force is large enough: Xu
1 cm3 rectangular cantilever type PEH subjected to an input et al. used a 300-layer PZT stack with a volume of 1.75 cm3
acceleration of 2.5 m/s2 at its resonance frequency of 120 Hz. for vibration energy harvesting, which generated 15 mW at
The power output was measured as 375 lW, and correspond- 1767 Hz in resonance mode and 15 lW at 800 Hz in off-
ing maximum duty cycle at which the radio transmitter can resonance mode in response to a 1 Nrms force.21
be operated was calculated as 1.6% by the authors.7 A simi- In summary, large scale PEHs are currently being inves-
lar experiment was performed by Reilly et al. in 2011 using tigated for feasibility and reliability. Deployment of such
a trapezoidal cantilever beam structure, which was reported systems would require high investment costs; therefore,
to operate a radio transmitter at 0.2% duty cycle.36 Although commercialization can be expected only if their feasibility is
the aforementioned devices use PZT as the piezoelectric ma- proven via thorough experimental studies. On the other
terial, there are other studies reporting the utilization of other hand, there are several examples of mesoscale PEHs that can
materials. In 2012, Cao et al. fabricated an AlN based energy be fabricated at low costs reported in the literature. Power
harvester on a stainless steel substrate to improve the fracture outputs of these devices cover a range from hundreds of lW
toughness of the structure.37 They bonded a relatively large to a few mW, depending on the device size and input accel-
copper proof mass to reduce the resonance frequency, which eration levels. The reported power levels can be sufficient to
was then measured as 69.8 Hz for a 6.1 mm long cantilever.37 operate a variety of electronic sensors or transducers.
More recently reported cantilever type devices usually aim However, these power outputs are obtained in controlled lab-
to improve the power output by using optimally curved can- oratory environments using frequency controlled test equip-
tilevers38 or other mechanical structures that can provide a ment. Practical application of PEHs to real systems has
more uniform stress distribution.39 certain challenges such as operation bandwidth, as it will be
Cantilever beams provide an easy method to create high discussed in Sec. IV. Nevertheless, new methods are being
stress from a relatively small force; however, they are not proposed continuously to address these problems, and small
compatible with pressure mode operation. In 2003, Kim systems utilizing PEHs might be possible in the near future.
et al. investigated the feasibility of harvesting energy from
pressure using a diaphragm structure.13 They studied the
B. MEMS scale
stress distribution in a clamped circular diaphragm and pro-
posed a re-poling scheme to maximize the electrical output High level integration capability of modern CMOS and
energy. The same group published detailed analytical models MEMS fabrication technologies enabled monolithic fabrica-
and experimental results for clamped11,12 and simply sup- tion of complete sensor systems in sub-cm sized chips. The
ported15,40 circular diaphragms operated in a quasi-static small dimensions and low unit costs of these devices
mode, where the varying pressure frequency is much lower increase the impact of the batteries on the overall system
than the resonance frequency of the diaphragms. In both size and cost. With this driving force, there have been a re-
cases, experimental results showed good agreement with the markable number of studies on MEMS scale energy harvest-
analytical models. Diaphragm structure can be used to har- ers in the last decade, most of which are piezoelectric type
vest vibrational energy as well, which has been demonstrated due to their aforementioned advantages. However, unlike the
in a number of studies.19,20,41 However, the stiffness of this electronic circuits, functionality of vibrational energy har-
structure is considerably higher than a same size cantilever, vesters depends primarily or strongly on their dimensions.
which leads to high resonance frequencies such as 1.71 kHz These devices harvest the mechanical energy of a moving
for a 25-mm diameter diaphragm.19 Bringing the resonance mass; therefore, the harvestable energy is reduced as the
frequency below 200 Hz for similar sized diaphragm harvest- mass gets smaller. Consequently, maximizing the output
ers necessitate using proof masses on the order of 0.1 kg.20,41 power obtained per unit volume at a certain input accelera-
Pressure mode energy harvesting using stack architec- tion is crucial in MEMS scale. This becomes even more
ture usually requires mechanical force amplifier structures. challenging in thin films due their lower electromechanical
Kim et al. coupled a PZT disk, which can be considered as a conversion efficiencies.43 Furthermore, MEMS scale PEHs
single layer stack, with a cymbal mechanical transducer.23 are mostly in unimorph configuration, which has lower elec-
The cymbal energy harvester with 29 mm diameter and tromechanical conversion factor compared to bimorphs,
1 mm thickness generated 39 mW output when excited with since the microfabrication techniques are not suitable to

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031104-7 A. Toprak and O. Tigli Appl. Phys. Rev. 1, 031104 (2014)

fabricate bimorph structures.44 Another problem caused by

the small device dimensions is the high resonance frequen-
cies. Thepresonance
ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi frequency of a spring-mass system is
equal to k=m, where k is the spring constant and m is the
mass. Small masses and relatively high spring constants of
sub-mm length cantilevers make it difficult to reduce the res-
onance frequencies below 250 Hz, which covers the spec-
trum of commonly available ambient vibration sources.4,5
One of the most commonly used piezoelectric materials
in MEMS scale energy harvesting is PZT. The first study
reporting utilization of thin film PZT for MEMS scale energy
harvesting purposes was published by Jeon et al. in 2003.45
The proposed energy harvester architecture was a rectangu-
lar cantilever consisting of a structural oxide layer, a sol-gel
FIG. 8. SEM image of a prototype MEMS scale cantilever type PEH before
coated PZT thin film layer, an interdigitated electrode layer, cantilever suspension. A 50 lm thick SU8 layer is used as a proof mass in
and an SU-8 proof mass layer. Interdigitated electrodes ena- order to reduce the resonance frequency.
ble the utilization of d33 mode operation in a cantilever
beam, allow the output voltage to be determined by the fin- (0.15 mm3) Ni proof mass to increase the power output and
ger spacing rather than the piezoelectric material thickness, reduce the resonance frequency. The fabricated device gener-
and reduce the number of layers to be patterned.45 Figure 7 ated 2.16 lW power under 1 g peak acceleration at 609 Hz.48
illustrates the electrode patterns and corresponding poling The PZT deposition method in these studies is the sol-gel
directions in d31 and d33 mode cantilevers, which are con- method, which is probably the most commonly used method
structed using plate electrodes and interdigitated electrodes, for MEMS scale PEHs.49–51 In this method, a precursor solu-
respectively. It should be noted that interdigitated electrode tion is first spin coated on the substrate, followed by solvent
configuration necessitates the piezoelectric material be poled evaporation and thermal annealing cycles for crystallization.
using the same electrodes; and therefore, this configuration Sol-gel deposition of PZT has certain advantages such as pre-
is not applicable to non-ferroelectric piezoelectric materials. cise control of the composition, high film quality, and low
The same group reported some follow-up studies, where they cost.52 On the other hand, one of the problems with the sol-
reduced the stress-induced bending of fabricated cantile- gel deposition of PZT is the small thickness: the thickness of
vers.46,47 Fabricated devices generated 1 lW power under a the PZT layer is in the order of 0.1 lm in each coating,46,48
peak acceleration of approximately 10.9 g at the resonance which makes it inconvenient to fabricate a PZT layer thicker
frequency of 13.9 kHz. The high resonance frequency is than a few microns. Lee et al. designed an aerosol PZT depo-
mainly caused by the small cantilever dimensions, which sition system, which is capable of deposition rate of 0.1 lm/
yield high cantilever stiffness and small mass. Nevertheless, min, and used it to fabricate both d31 and d33 mode cantile-
it possible to reduce this resonance frequency by using thick vers.53,54 However, the remnant polarization of the 5 lm PZT
proof mass layers as illustrated in Figure 8, which shows the film after poling under a 75 V/lm electric field was measured
SEM image of a prototype cantilever PEH before cantilever as 7.3–9 lC/cm2,54 which is smaller than the values reported
suspension. for sol-gel coated PZT films.48,49 As a matter of fact, it is al-
Fang et al. reported a d31 mode cantilever type harvester ready known that the electromechanical coupling coefficient
with sol-gel PZT in 2006.48 They used a relatively large of thin film PZT is considerably smaller than bulk ceramics.43
In order to get a higher electromechanical coupling, Aktakka
et al. proposed bonding bulk PZT ceramic on a Si substrate
and subsequently thinning it to obtain a MEMS scale de-
vice.43,55 Another approach to increase the electromechanical
coupling is using epitaxial PZT thin films.44 Epitaxial thin
film PZT growth on Si substrates with a SrTiO3 buffer layer
has been realized using pulsed laser deposition56 and molecu-
lar beam epitaxy.57,58 Growing the epitaxial films on top of Si
substrates allow the fabrication of microstructures using
standard Si microfabrication techniques on the same sub-
strates. Nevertheless, it is also possible to transfer epitaxial
films from one substrate to another. In an effort to reduce the
resonant frequency and increase the fracture strength,
Morimoto et al. transferred epitaxial PZT films grown on
FIG. 7. Illustration of the electrode patterns and corresponding poling direc- MgO substrates to stainless steel cantilevers for energy har-
tions in d31 and d33 mode cantilevers, which are constructed using plate elec- vesting purposes.59 Fabricated device, which consisted of
trodes and interdigitated electrodes, respectively. It should be noted that
interdigitated electrode configuration necessitates the piezoelectric material
2.8 lm PZT film bonded to a 50 lm steel cantilever, was
be poled using the same electrodes. Therefore, this configuration is not ap- reported to provide 244 lW output power at 126 Hz under
plicable to non-ferroelectric piezoelectric materials. 50 m/s2 acceleration without structural damage.59

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031104-8 A. Toprak and O. Tigli Appl. Phys. Rev. 1, 031104 (2014)

Another commonly used piezoelectric material in low efficiency were listed as the residual stress of dielectric
MEMS scale energy harvesters is aluminum nitride (AlN). layer, low poling voltage limited by imperfect electrode
Although AlN has a lower electromechanical coupling coef- shapes, the quality of the sol-gel deposited PZT layer, and
ficient than PZT, it offers certain advantages. First of all, the low quality factor of the fabricated diaphragm. The
AlN thin films can be easily deposited with sputtering, which authors claimed that the power density of such a device can
makes it also a possible candidate for CMOS compatible be as high as 250 lW/cm2 with the elimination of the listed
PEHs.60 Second, AlN has a higher piezoelectric voltage con- problems by improved fabrication methods.16 In another
stant compared to PZT because of its lower dielectric con- study published in 2008, Kuehne et al. reported a ZnO-based
stant. High output voltage could be an important advantage MEMS scale circular diaphragm for energy harvesting.66
in the systems where the energy harvester output is rectified Both small and large deflection tests were performed on the
using diodes for storage. Furthermore, the optimum piezo- fabricated diaphragm; however, output power was not high
electric material thickness that will give the maximum power enough to be directly measured in small deflection tests.
output in a d31 mode cantilever is approximately three times Based on the large deflection tests, the authors predicted a
smaller for AlN compared to PZT, due to the higher Young’s power output around 1 lW in resonant mode operation.66
modulus of the former.61 Finally, AlN is a non-ferroelectric ZnO has piezoelectric properties comparable to those of
material and tends to grow in [0001] direction, along which AlN; however, its low DC resistivity and diffusion problem
it exhibits piezoelectric characteristics, when deposited using of Zn ions make it less preferred in MEMS scale energy har-
sputtering. Therefore, unlike PZT, there is no need for exter- vesting applications.67
nal poling. On the other hand, it should be noted that this In summary, majority of the reported MEMS scale
property also prevents AlN from being used in d33 mode can- PEHs are cantilever type, aiming to harvest vibrational
tilever devices. One of the important examples of AlN-based energy; however, diaphragm type PEHs are also fabricated
energy harvesters at MEMS scale was reported by and tested. One of the most promising application areas for
Marzencki in 2005.62 While this study focused mostly on MEMS scale PEHs is supplying power for IMDs. Reported
theoretical analysis, the same group followed their earlier power outputs cover a wide range and can go as high as tens
work with a system on a package (SoP) energy harvester, of lW. With the continuously decreasing power consump-
which consisted of an AlN-based cantilever type energy tion in modern CMOS circuits, MEMS scale PEHs are
harvester and a CMOS power management circuit.63 In the becoming more pronounced candidates as energy sources for
experiments, a single cantilever with dimensions 1200 lm IMDs. However, implantable energy harvesters will have
 800 lm generated 0.8 lW on a resistive load under 2 g additional packaging and biocompatibility issues, which will
acceleration. Operation of the power management circuit has have to be addressed before these devices come to market.
also been demonstrated; a maximum output power of Currently, most of the studies on MEMS scale PEHs aim to
0.45 lW was transferred to a capacitor at 1.5 V under 2 g increase the piezoelectric material quality, improve the oper-
acceleration.63 Elfrink et al. also designed AlN-based canti- ation bandwidth, and optimize the mechanical architecture
lever type energy harvesters and discussed the effects of for maximum electromechanical conversion efficiency.
packaging on the performance.64 Their study showed that a
package with atmospheric pressure significantly reduces the
C. Nanoscale
power output due to increased air damping.64 In a later study,
the same group fabricated vacuum packaged devices and Piezoelectric energy harvesting at nanometer scale is
compared the performances of unpackaged, packaged (under typically carried out by nanowires that are synthesized from
atmospheric pressure), and vacuum packaged devices.65 piezoelectric materials. Piezoelectric nanowire generators
Measured output powers for the same type device with vac- were first demonstrated by Dr. Wang’s group at Georgia
uum package, no package, and atmospheric package were Institute of Technology in 2006.68,69 In these studies, single
32.0 lW, 10.2 lW, and 0.27 lW.65 Defosseux et al. designed ZnO nanowires were bent by a conductive atomic force
and fabricated AlN-based cantilevers with circularly filleted microscope (AFM) probe used in contact mode. Figure 9(a)
edges at the base to reduce the maximum stress.60 The per- shows the interaction between the AFM probe and a single
formance increase under vacuum package was also verified ZnO nanowire during a contact mode scan and Fig. 9(b) cor-
by the experimental results presented in this study. responding electrical potential on the nanowire.70 The semi-
The majority of MEMS scale PEHs are cantilever type conducting characteristics of the ZnO creates a Schottky
devices, which are used to harvest the ambient vibrations. contact between the conductive tip of the AFM and the nano-
However, pressure mode energy harvesters, which can har- wire itself, creating a rectifying structure that allows observ-
vest energy from pressure differences in the surrounding me- able voltage output at an external resistive load.68 The same
dium, have also been reported in MEMS scale. As explained group demonstrated that the nanowires can also be grown on
before, pressure mode energy harvesting necessitates a struc- flexible plastic substrates, which might prove advantageous
ture that can provide mechanical isolation between its two for implantable energy harvesters.71
ends, such a diaphragm. In 2006, Horowitz et al. designed These initial studies proved the electrical energy genera-
and fabricated a diaphragm-type, MEMS scale PZT-based tion capability of a single ZnO nanowire. However, a practi-
acoustic energy harvester.16 Output power density of the fab- cal application requires thousands of nanowires to be
ricated diaphragm was measured as 0.34 lW/cm2 at a sound mechanically excited without a special device. Typical ZnO
pressure level of 149 dB. In this study, the reasons for the nanowire fabrication processes yield very high spatial

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031104-9 A. Toprak and O. Tigli Appl. Phys. Rev. 1, 031104 (2014)

FIG. 9. (a) Interaction of an AFM probe

with a ZnO nanowire during a contact
mode scan and (b) corresponding elec-
trical potential on the nanowire. (Image
courtesy of Professor Z. L. Wang,
Georgia Tech.) Reprinted with permis-
sion from Y. Gao and Z. L. Wang,
Nano Lett. 7(8), 2499–2505 (2007).
Copyright 2007 ACS Publications.

densities; however, the orientations of these nanowires are D. Comparative summary of cantilever type
usually random, as illustrated by the SEM images shown in piezoelectric energy harvesters
Figure 10. In order to address this need, Wang et al. used a
Performance evaluation method of a PEH is mainly
zigzag-shaped top electrode on a vertically aligned ZnO
determined by its operation mode. Therefore, different PEH
nanowire array.72 In this device, each tip on the zigzag-
types are tested under different conditions. To give an exam-
shaped top electrode emulates an AFM tip that bends the
ple, a cantilever type device is usually tested by applying a
nanowire. The output power strongly depends on the density
periodic mechanical vibration, whereas a membrane type,
and height uniformity of the nanowires as well as the contact
pressure mode device is tested by applying a slowly varying
distance between the nanowire array and the top electrode.
pressure. There is also no standard figure of merit that can be
Nevertheless, fabricated device generated a DC output power
used to compare PEHs that are designed for different
of 1 pW from a 2 mm2 active area when excited with an
operation modes. Consequently, a rational comparison is
ultrasound wave.72 Another method to increase the number
possible only among the PEHs having the same architecture
of nanowires contributing to the electrical output is using
and operation mode. The most prominent PEH architecture
conical shaped nanowires.73 The conical shape provides that
is the cantilever beam, which is typically used in
the c-axis of a nanowire has a downward pointing angle,
resonant vibration mode. Table I presents a comparison of
which ensures a unipolar alignment in every layer. A flexi- different resonant mode cantilever type PEHs. Volumes
ble, multilayer generator fabricated using conical nanowires
listed in the table include only the cantilever beams and
was used to supply power to a simple LCD screen.73 The
proof masses.
same group demonstrated a self-powered sensor with wire- It is evident from the table that PZT and AlN are the
less transmission74 and a device harvesting energy from a
most widely preferred piezoelectric materials for cantilever
rotating tire that can possibly be used as a self-powered pres-
type PEHs. Although it varies to a great extent within the
sure or speed sensor.75,76 As demonstrated by these nascent devices of same materials, normalized power density (NPD)
approaches, energy harvesting from nanostructures is a
values for PZT devices are higher than those of AlN devices
promising field with a wide application range.77–80 This
in average, which is mostly due to the higher electromechan-
growing interest helped founding a dedicated scientific jour- ical coupling of PZT. Among the PZT devices, bulk and epi-
nal on Nano Energy and its applications.
taxial materials have better NPD in comparison to sol-gel
and aerosol deposited films. This result indicates that epitax-
ial growth method can eliminate the disadvantage of low
electromechanical coupling of thin film PZT. In the given ta-
ble, the highest NPD is 104.7 lW/mm3/g2, which was
obtained using a bulk PZT based device.36 The bimorph
architecture of this hand-assembled device, along with the W
proof mass placed at the very tip, yields an NPD higher than
other bulk and epitaxial PZT based devices. On the other
hand, the lowest NPD in the given list is 0.055 lW/mm3/g2,
obtained from an AlN based device fabricated on a steel sub-
strate.37 This value is substantially lower than other AlN
based devices, which is mostly due to the sub-optimal thick-
ness ratio between the AlN film and the steel substrate.
It should be noted that the NPD of a device depends on
a number of factors, including the density and location of the
proof mass, rather than solely on the performance of the pie-
zoelectric material. To give an example, a device with a W
FIG. 10. SEM image showing the random orientation of ZnO nanowires
proof mass can store and convert more mechanical energy
grown on the same substrate. The inset shows a close-up view of individual compared to its counterpart with a Si proof mass. On the
nanowires showing the hexagonal wurtzite crystal structure. other hand, creating a Si proof mass is much easier than

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031104-10 A. Toprak and O. Tigli Appl. Phys. Rev. 1, 031104 (2014)

TABLE I. Comparison of different resonant mode cantilever type PEHs. Volumes listed in the table include only the cantilever beams and proof masses.

Normalized power
Authors Material Mode Volume (mm3) Power (lW) Acceleration (g) Frequency (Hz) density (lW/mm3/g2)

Roundy and Wright7 Bulk PZT d31 535 375 0.255 120 10.8
Aktakka et al.55 Bulk PZT d31 19.7 2.74 0.1 167 13.91
Reilly et al.36 Bulk PZT d31 613 4000 0.25 100 104.7
Fang et al.48 Sol-gel PZT d31 0.20 2.16 1.0 461 10.80
Shen et al.50 Sol-gel PZT d31 0.77 0.24 0.5 184 1.25
Muralt et al.51 Sol-gel PZT d33 0.32 1.40 2.0 855 1.09
Lee et al.54 Aerosol PZT d31 0.43 2.10 2.0 256 1.24
d33 0.61 1.29 2.0 214 0.53
Isarakorn et al.58 Epitaxial PZT d31 0.15 13.0 1.0 2300 85.25
Morimoto et al.59 Epitaxial PZT d31 4.88 5.30 0.51 126 4.18
Cao et al.37 AlN d31 114 0.24 0.2 69 0.055
Marzencki et al.63 AlN d31 0.34 0.80 2.0 1495 0.59
Elfrink et al.65 AlN d31 1.28 1.46 (atm) 0.2 597 2.85
6.90 (vac) 0.2 599 13.48
Defosseux et al.60 AlN d31 1.32 0.59 (atm) 0.2 212 11.17
0.53 (vac) 0.07 212 84.45

creating a W proof mass for a microfabricated device. Leland and Wright demonstrated a passive tuning method in
Furthermore, there are other important considerations that which an axial compressive stress is applied to the cantilever
are not listed in this comparison, such as operation band- in order to change the resonance frequency.82 In the experi-
width. Therefore, NPD of a PEH does not indicate a com- ments, they used a steel vise to manually apply the stress and
plete measure of its overall performance. Consequently, the suggested that the system might be improved to form a
research on PEHs addresses a wide range of issues other closed-loop controller for automatic tuning.82 Challa et al.
than the NPD. The most prominent ones of these issues are used attractive and repulsive magnetic forces to apply a pre-
discussed in Sec. IV. stress to the cantilever for tuning, as shown in Figure 11.83
Figure 11(a) shows the setup of the resonance frequency tun-
IV. CHALLENGES AND PROPOSED SOLUTIONS IN ing mechanism, and Fig. 11(b) shows the experimental
PIEZOELECTRIC ENERGY HARVESTERS results obtained from a prototype device. In this method, res-
onance frequency of the piezoelectric beam is tuned by mod-
A. Bandwidth
ifying its position between the magnets. In Figure 11(b), the
Most of the vibrational energy harvesters are designed thin lines show the power output for a single beam position,
to operate in resonance mode and the half-power bandwidth whereas the thick solid line shows the power output in case
is usually small. This is one of the most important challenges of successful tuning between 22 and 32 Hz. In a later study,
of energy harvesting since the frequency of ambient vibra- the same group demonstrated a closed loop operation of the
tions varies within a wide range, from 1 Hz for heel tapping5 same magnetic tuning mechanism.84 The designed system,
up to 240 Hz for an electric tea pot.4 There are some vibra- which included a data acquisition module to gather data and
tion sources such as industrial machinery that can supply a DC motor to move the piezoelectric beam, successfully
constant frequency vibrations over relatively long periods. tuned the resonance frequency between 13 and 22 Hz.84 Al-
To give an example, a synchronous AC electric motor run- Ashtari et al. also used magnetic force for resonance tuning
ning in a factory during the work hours would provide vibra- of a cantilever beam.85 They placed a magnet to the cantile-
tions at the AC line frequency for 8 h a day. However, even ver tip and applied a force on this magnet by another magnet
the harvesters using this type sources might require tuning placed in close proximity. Resonance frequency was tuned
due to frequency shifts in the vibration source or drifts in the by adjusting the distance between the two magnets.85
resonance frequency. This issue becomes more pronounced Eichhorn et al. designed a system where the axial pre-stress
in case of random ambient vibration sources, which would is applied by manually adjusting the position of thin arms
span a broader frequency range. Obviously, it would not be beside the cantilever.86 In a later study, the same group pro-
feasible to continuously measure the vibration and manually posed using piezoelectric actuation to adjust the stress
tune the resonance frequency of the harvester in this case. exerted by the arms.87 Dylan et al. demonstrated a frequency
Two possible solutions to this problem are dynamic reso- tuning method for membrane type vibrational energy har-
nance frequency tuning and wide bandwidth harvesters. Both vesters by applying a pre-load to the membrane.88 Gu and
methods have been investigated in the literature by several Livermore used the centrifugal force to design a passive self-
research groups. tuning PEH for rotating applications.89,90
Roundy and Zhang investigated the feasibility of Most of the proposed resonance frequency tuning mech-
actively tuning the resonance frequency by using actuators anisms requires either manual adjustment or control systems
and listed the requirements for a net power increase.81 that will dissipate at least part of the harvested power.

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031104-11 A. Toprak and O. Tigli Appl. Phys. Rev. 1, 031104 (2014)

FIG. 11. (a) Setup of the resonance frequency tuning mechanism using magnetic force technique, and (b) experimental results obtained from a prototype de-
vice. Resonance frequency of the piezoelectric beam is tuned by modifying its position between the magnets. In part (b), the thin lines show the power output
for a single beam position, whereas the thick solid line shows the power output in case of successful tuning. Reproduced by permission from Challa et al.,
Smart Mater. Struct. 17(1), 015035 (2008). Copyright 2008 IOP Publishing.

Therefore, these systems would not be feasible if the vibra- and electrical parts are built on the same substrate.
tion frequencies are changing rapidly. In this case, wide- Monolithic fabrication reduces the overall device size and
bandwidth architectures can provide a better solution. cost. Furthermore, the interconnections between the mechan-
However, linear systems have a gain-bandwidth trade-off, ical and electrical parts are completed by microprocessing
which means that the peak output power has to drop if the
bandwidth is increased in a single device. Therefore, wide
bandwidth energy harvester research is mostly focused on
nonlinear systems. As an alternative, it is also possible to use
parallel or series connected linear cantilever arrays to
improve the bandwidth.91,92
Erturk et al. investigated the piezomagnetoelastic struc-
ture, which consists of a ferromagnetic beam placed between
two closely spaced magnets as shown in Figure 12, for
broadband energy harvesting.93 The experimental results
showed that the chaotic behavior of the bistable structure
improved the bandwidth and the power output.93 Stanton
et al. used repulsive magnetic forces to create a bistable pie-
zoelectric cantilever.94 Karami and Inman designed a wide
bandwidth piezoelectric cantilever using the same principle
to harvest energy from heartbeat vibrations, which covers a
wide frequency range.95 Another method to create bistable
structures is using buckled beams as demonstrated by Sneller
et al.96
Structures with nonlinear stiffness characteristics can
also be used to improve the bandwidth. In 2009, Marinkovic
and Koser demonstrated the wide bandwidth operation of
doubly fixed beams.97 Double-clamped beams undergo both
bending and stretching under vibration, and the stretching
stiffness depends on the displacement, causing a nonlinear
spring motion.98 Hajati and Kim reported a PEH with a
bandwidth more than 20% of the center frequency using the
doubly clamped structure.98 There are some other methods
proposed to improve bandwidth such as using mechanical
stoppers.99–102 Mechanical stoppers have the advantage of
being simple and robust; but on the other hand, they require
a slow frequency sweep to reach and stay in the wide band-
width region.103 More detailed information on wide band-
width vibrational energy harvesting methods can be found in
some recent review studies.103,104

B. CMOS compatibility FIG. 12. (a) Bistable piezomagnetoelastic structure for broadband energy har-
vesting, and (b) experimental results obtained using a piezomagnetoelastic energy
CMOS compatible MEMS processes allow fabrication harvester prototype. Reproduced with permission from Erturk et al., Appl. Phys.
of monolithic sensors and transducers, where the mechanical Lett. 94(25), 254102-254103 (2009). Copyright 2009 AIP Publishing LLC.

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031104-12 A. Toprak and O. Tigli Appl. Phys. Rev. 1, 031104 (2014)

rather than wire bonding, which increases the reliability and lead-free piezoelectric material is potassium sodium niobate
reduces the parasitic effects. The key to a monolithic device (KNN), which has piezoelectric properties similar to those of
is developing a CMOS compatible process, which does not PZT.44,115 Operation of KNN-based PEHs has been demon-
harm the electronic circuits while fabricating the mechanical strated in MEMS scale, and their performance has been
parts. found to be comparable to PZT based devices.116
Most common material used in MEMS scale PEHs is Biocompatibility of another widely used piezoelectric mate-
thin-film PZT, which is usually deposited with sol-gel rial, AlN, has been verified by in vivo and in vitro tests.117,118
method. Crystallization temperature of PZT is around Heidrich et al. proposed a corrugated membrane type AlN-
600–700  C; therefore, the coated films must be annealed at based energy harvester designed for aperiodic vibrations at
these temperatures in order to obtain piezoelectric character- low acceleration levels, which is the expected input type for
istics. Although there are other methods to deposit thin film an implanted device.119,120 Jackson et al. demonstrated the
PZT such as aerosol deposition53,54 or epitaxial deposition of AlN thin films on polyimide to create flexible
growth,56,57,59 all these methods require high temperature for devices, which can also be advantageous for implanted devi-
proper crystallization. Consequently, these devices are not ces.118 Another alternative method to create a flexible,
CMOS compatible. Aktakka et al. proposed integrating bulk implantable energy harvester is using PVDF-based polymers.
PZT on silicon using a low temperature bonding process as a Biocompatibility of PVDF and PVDF-TrFE has also been
solution to this problem.43,55,105 The thickness of bulk PZT verified.121,122 Biocompatibility and flexibility of these poly-
is on the order of 200 lm, which is too thick for a MEMS mers make them a suitable candidate for implantable energy
scale device; therefore, the bulk PZT crystal is mechanically harvesters.30,114,123
thinned after the bonding. Therefore, the proposed process
brings CMOS compatibility at the cost of increased fabrica-
tion complexity.
Some piezoelectric materials such as ZnO and AlN can Piezoelectric devices have attracted more attention than
be grown c-axis oriented using sputter deposition.106 other mechanical energy harvesting methods due to their cer-
Required temperatures are usually low and no subsequent tain advantages such as higher power output density, scal-
poling is required.67 Therefore, these materials can be used ability, and the simplicity of the required external circuitry.
to form CMOS-compatible piezoelectric layers.60,63,64 AlN The research on mechanical energy harvesting mostly
is more compatible with silicon semiconductor technology focused on converting the energy in ambient vibrations;
compared to ZnO and has a higher resistivity.67 These two however, PEHs can convert the energy in varying pressure
advantages make AlN a better candidate for CMOS compati- as well, which increases their potential applications.
ble energy harvesting applications. There are several AlN Piezoelectric energy harvesting has been demonstrated
based vibrational PEHs reported in the litera- in different scales from several m2 piezoelectric floors to
ture.37,60,63–65,107,108 The output power density reported in sub-micron nanowire arrays. Large scale piezoelectric
AlN devices is quite promising, which might further increase energy harvesting demonstrations so far aim to provide
the interest in this material.44 power for nearby lighting or sensing systems in an effort to
Another piezoelectric material class that can be used for reduce the effective energy consumption of the overall sys-
CMOS compatible energy harvesters is the piezoelectric poly- tem. On the other hand, the ultimate goal of smaller scale
mers. Most commonly used piezoelectric polymers are PVDF energy harvesters is mostly creating self-powered systems.
and its copolymer, polyvinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene Improvements in piezoelectric energy harvesting and
(PVDF-TrFE). PVDF requires mechanical stretching to switch decreasing power requirements of CMOS circuits brought
to its piezoelectric phase; therefore, it cannot be used on non- the supplied and required power levels close to each other,
flexible substrates for piezoelectric applications. On the other which brings us closer to such systems. There are still certain
hand, PVDF-TrFE films can crystallize into its piezoelectric b- challenges in PEHs such as increasing the operation band-
phase without mechanical stretching if they are annealed at a width, developing CMOS compatible processes for inte-
temperature between its Curie temperature and melting temper- grated devices, or fabricating biocompatible devices for
ature.109 Required annealing temperature depends on the molar implants. Another important issue arises due to the availabil-
ratio of the copolymer and it is typically lower than 150  C.110 ity level of harvestable energy, which is almost impossible to
This low process temperature makes PVDF-TrFE a suitable predict beforehand. Therefore, the system should be able to
candidate for CMOS compatible piezoelectric applications.111 harvest energy whenever it is available and store it for later
use. Storage of the harvested energy requires the AC outputs
of PEHs be rectified using impedance-matched electrical cir-
C. Biocompatibility
cuits. The rectification and storage processes have their own
One of the promising applications of PEHs is IMDs. losses as well, which would reduce the already low amount
There is considerable effort in creating self-sustained IMDs of harvested energy. Nevertheless, there is an ongoing
using PEHs as reported in the literature.30,95,112–114 One of research effort focused on these problems and new solutions
the most important considerations in IMDs is the biocompat- are being proposed continuously.
ibility of the used materials. The most commonly used piezo- Currently, the most prominent candidates for self-
electric material, PZT, is not favorable for implants due to powered systems are WSN and IMD. Eliminating the battery
its lead content, which is a toxic material. An alternative in a WSN will reduce the cost, size, and weight of the node as

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