LFH-Researchclass-Mutia Nurul Makhfirah

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Mutia Nurul Makhfirah


Research Traditions: qualitative vs quantitative

This material explains the research traditions: qualitative and quantitative. I have

found and understood the difference between qualitative and quantitative. Both types of

research have weaknesses and strengths. This material also became additional knowledge for

me because I had previously studied it in a research methodology class. Here, I will explain

the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of what I know from this material. Quantitative

and qualitative research methods investigate and explore various problems and both methods

are designed to answer certain types of research questions. While quantitative methods

provide an objective measure of reality, qualitative methods allow researchers to explore and

better understand the complexity of a phenomenon.

Quantitative research begins with problem statements and involves the formation of

hypotheses, literature review, and analysis of quantitative data. Quantitative research "uses

inquiry strategies such as experiments and surveys, and collects data on predetermined

instruments that produce statistical data. Findings from quantitative research can be

predictive, clear and confirmative.

Based on my opinion, I will choose quantitative because I prefer to meet directly with

respondents and get clearer and more tangible results. If I choose qualitative it makes me

overwhelmed because I am less skilled in stringing words and interpreting meanings or

phenomena. Honestly, I still do not really understand the purpose of the group design control

material and Pretest/Posttest Design, but I will read from other sources that explain the

Mutia Nurul Makhfirah
Week 2&3
Qualitative research and Quantitative research

Research according to its use is divided into two namely qualitative or quantitative

research. Each has advantages and disadvantages. I got information in this material that

quantitative is a bit difficult at the beginning of research (preparing methods and measuring

instruments) and when processing data, then discuss it based on facts. Qualitative is not as

complicated as quantitative when preparing it, but looking for the data is a bit tiring,

sometimes it feels unfinished because there are still new topics of discussion that arise.

In my opinion Quantitative is more suitable for people who like "stability" and "clear

benchmarks". Qualitative is more suitable for people who like exploration and can work

without clear measurement tools (it is not clear when a data has been considered completed).

This is not to say that qualitative research does not have benchmarks, but is somewhat

ambiguous and not as clear as quantitative.

Based on my opinion I will choose quantitative research and use experimental

methods. This is one of the reasons I chose quantitative because the advantages of

quantitative research are that the results and discussion are more directed and structured (real

or not significant) when compared with qualitative, which can sometimes be misunderstood,

if we do not really understand the focus of our research. Although quantitative research is a

bit complicated at the beginning of the study and many use the formula but with clear and

tangible research results. I also prefer things that are structured. So I choose quantitative

research to do research.
Mutia Nurul Makhfirah
Research Problems and Purpose Statement

“Improving pronunciation through the use of karaoke in English education department

students UIN Ar-Ranirry Banda Aceh”

1. Problem Research

- PBI students find it difficult to pronounce good and correct pronunciation

- The cause of PBI students is not good in pronunciation

2. The purpose

The purposes of this research are to find out to what extent the use of karaoke can

help students improve their English pronunciation ability and what kind of problems that

students faced when they learned English pronunciation by the use of karaoke.

3. Research Questions

I want to examine the use of karaoke in improving English pronunciation ability. As

the result, a question appeared:

1. To what extent can the use of karaoke help students improve their English

pronunciation ability?

2. What kind of problems that students faced when they learned English pronunciation

by the use of karaoke?


Literature Review

I have read about the literature review of this material and also other sources. In my

opinion Literature review is a term that is often done by students when working on a thesis,

thesis or dissertation. Literature review does not only mean reading the literature, but rather

in-depth and critical evaluation of previous research on a topic. This material can include

books, articles, abstracts, reviews etc. A good literature review is an evaluation of the quality

and new findings of a scientific paper. Unfortunately, literature review is often interpreted

simply by reading scientific literature, when in fact the process is not that simple.

Presentation of literature review will depend on the type of research to be carried out,

whether qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods. I will use quantitative in my research,

this on the other hand includes a large amount of literature at the beginning of the study to

provide direction / guidance on research statements and hypotheses. At the end of the study,

the researcher reviewed the existing literature and made a comparison between the results of

the study with the findings contained in the literature.



I have read 3 material provided. From the 3 literary reviews, there are different styles

of delivering different material. In my opinion the paragraph that discusses "Japanese

Women’s Language” has a predictive style in making literature review. It is proven by the

existence of predictive sentences estimating how certain variables are related based on what

is known about past and present relationships in the text This literature review also uses

ethnographic research design because in that paragraph we can see researchers discuss

anthropology, social science or more direct observations in their environment rather than in

the laboratory. This shows that this study uses a qualitative research.

In the paragraph "Revised LR 2" which discusses "The relationship between

homework and achievement". This review literature using correlation design research can be

seen in this text written "the relationship between homework and achievement". Correlational

research has the objective to determine whether there is a relationship between two or more

variables, which direction the relationship is positive or negative, and how far the relationship

that exists between two or more variables can be measured. Researchers also use observation

and interview-based instruments to collect data.

In the literature "Can Apes Make Sentences?" using qualitative descriptive research

evidenced by research that describes or depicts the object of research based on facts that
appear or as they are. I prefer qualitative descriptive design research because it's easier to

explain a research.




Reporting Literature Review

 Introduction

As a College student, reading a journal or other source is a must. When we want to do a thesis

(skripsi), of course we have to read a lot of books that are relevant to our research. I have read 5

relevant sources and made me more informed about my research. I chose several journals as reading

sources because in my opinion it was easier to understand than other sources. These sources are very

relevant to my research because the problems and the methods used are closely related to the research

that I will examine. Here also I learn how to make good research with experience from their research.

The sources (journals) really helped me to make a research such as getting problems that

could be used as the basis for writing the background of my thesis problem. In the example of the

journals there are actual problems. This will facilitate me in compiling the background of the problem.

The sources are also accompanied by a summary of theories relevant to my research. I can use this

and develop it into a major theory in thesis (skripsi) writing. These sources also make it easier for me

to choose which method is suitable for my research.

1. The Effect of Using Karaoke Activities on Students’ English Pronunciation

Karsono, Karsono. “The Effect of Using Karaoke Activities on Students English Pronunciation.” JET
(Journal of English Teaching), vol. 5, no. 3, 2019, p. 179.

 Purpose of the research

This study aims to investigate the effect of karaoke activities on students' English pronunciation.
By using the design of one group pretest-posttest, 34 students of class X MIPA 3 of SMA Negeri 14
Jakarta in the 2018/2019 academic year learned pronunciation through karaoke activities in five

 Participant

34 students of class X MIPA 3 of SMA Negeri 14 Jakarta in the academic year 2018/2019

 Location of the research

The location of the research was conducted in SMA Negeri 14 Jakarta, Indonesia.

 Research Design

This study is an experimental study that employs a one-group pretest-posttest design. It took one

group only, an experimental class without any control class. Also, the pretest was administered at the

beginning of the experiment before giving the treatment, and the post-test was given at the end of the

treatment after finishing the last treatment.

 Result and conclusion

Based on the research findings, it can be concluded that karaoke activities significantly affect the

English pronunciation of 10th grade students at SMA Negeri 14 Jakarta. This is indicated by the

results of what have been studied. Students also showed improvement after researchers applied

karaoke activities in teaching, student achievement increased. In addition, the use of karaoke activities

can motivate and encourage students' interest in learning English much better. Researchers also found
that students had a great interest in karaoke activities on English songs. Therefore, karaoke activities

are considered as an effective technique in learning English, especially English pronunciation.

2. The Students’ Achievement In Pronouncing English Song Using Smule


Khoiriyah, H., Waris, A. M., & Juhansar, J. (2018). The students‟ achievement in pronouncing
English song using Smule application. Indonesian EFL Journal, 5(1), 45-58.

 Purpose of the research

This study aims to describe the achievements of students in pronouncing English songs using the
Smule application and find out the factors that affect the achievements of the fourth semester students
of the Department of English Education, Faculty of Education, Yogyakarta University of Technology,
academic year 2017/2018 in reciting English songs using applications Smule.

 Participant:

Fourth semester student Department of English Education, Faculty of Education, Yogyakarta

University of Technology, academic year 2017/2018

 Location of the research

Department of English Education, Faculty of Education, Yogyakarta University of Technology,


 Research design

Researchers used quantitative research data with a descriptive statistical approach as a research
design. This relates to data on student achievement in pronouncing English songs using the Smule
application, and factors that affect students' pronunciation performance. In collecting data, the
researchers used two instruments, namely the English pronunciation test and a questionnaire. The
English pronunciation test is used to collect data related to students 'English pronunciation
achievement and the questionnaire is used to find out the factors that influence students' English
pronunciation achievement.

 Result and Conclusion

Thus, it can be concluded that the achievement of the fourth semester students of the Department of
English Education, Faculty of Education, Yogyakarta University of Technology, academic year
2017/2018 in reciting English songs is almost good or equal to 3.81. Furthermore, the researcher
found 3 (three) factors that influenced the achievement of fourth semester students of the Department
of English Education, Faculty of Education, Yogyakarta University of Technology, academic year
2017/2018 in reciting English songs using the Smule application. First, students have low frequency
in practicing English pronunciation. Second, students find it difficult to balance karaoke and musical
instruments at fast tempo songs. Third, students lack the Smule application to sing karaoke.

3. English karaoke: a speaking strategy to improve pronunciation and oral fluency


 Pupose of the Research

This study aims to determine the effect of the use of English songs and related activities on
pronunciation and oral fluency in a group of students from a promotion course for the rank of colonel
in the Colombian National Police Advanced Study School during the second half of 2017. It also to
compare pronunciation and fluency of students before and after the application of musical activities,
changes in this aspect of speaking.

 Participants

For this research, we selected fifteen officers of the National Police of Colombia in the rank of major
advancement course for the colonel rank. Twelve of the participants English karaoke as a speaking
strategy to improve pronunciation 42 were men and three women. All of them hold an undergraduate
degree in police management and a master’s in security management.

 Location of the research:

The location of the research was conducted in Colombia.

 Research Design

This research project was based on the quantitative approach to find answers for the research
question. This research design was a quasi-experimental study. Researcher focused on the English
karaoke as a speaking strategy to improve pronunciation 40 suprasegmental features of speech
(intonation, stress, rhythm, expression, accuracy and rate) while they work with some songs designed
for improving speaking skills. This research used pre-test and post-test as data collection.

 Result and conclusion

Considering the research question of this project and based on the results of the data analysis of the
study, it could be concluded by the researchers that the use of English karaoke song activities can
have a significant effect on students’ pronunciation and oral fluency of major advancement course for
the colonel rank at Advanced Studies School of Colombian National Police; since the results showed
a significant change from the pre-test to the post-test. These tests showed an increment in the average
of each one of the evaluated suprasegmental criteria of pronunciation and oral fluency (intonation,
stress, rhythm, expression, accuracy and rate) after the use of English song karaoke activities.

4. Using songs to improve students’ pronunciation

Rahmawati, N. L. R., & Yunus, M. (2020). Using songs for improving students’ pronunciation for the
second grade. Journal of Research on English and Language Learning (J-REaLL), 1(1), 12.

 Purpose of the research

This study was designed to improve the pronunciation of students at MTs Almaarif 01 Singosari,
Malang through songs. In the preliminary study, researchers found that students had difficulty
pronouncing words correctly and were confirmed by the results of their English tests in oral tests.

 Participant

The object of this research was VIII B Class consisting of 43 students at

 Location of the research

The location of the research was conducted in MTs Almaarif 01 Singosari, Malang, Indonesia.

 Research Design

The Classroom Action Research Procedure was carried out in a cycle consisting of several steps.
There are preliminary studies, designing lesson plans, preparing materials, preparing success criteria,
implementation, observation checklists, field notes, testing, and reflecting studies. The researcher
used field notes and observation lists to find out the class atmosphere and students' attention to the
material provided by the researcher.

 Result and Conclusion

Based on the findings, it can be concluded that the use of songs in the teaching and learning process
of English can improve the pronunciation of students' ability at MTs Almaarif 01 Singosari, Malang
in the second cycle with the song Insha Allah by Maher Zain. Based on the conclusions, the following
is about how to teach using songs. First, in choosing a song, researchers must consider the difficulty
level of the song. For the middle class such as SMP / MTs, researchers can use and sing songs that are
suitable and positive for them and also according to their age. Second, for students to choose songs
that are interesting and easy to hear for learning media, it can make students easily accept songs, such
as jazz, rock, and others.

5. Improving Pronunciation through the Use of Karaoke in an Adult English Class

Rengifo, A. R. (2009). Improving pronunciation through the use of karaoke in an adult English
class. Profile Issues in TeachersProfessional Development, (11), 91-106.

 Purpose of the research

The purpose of this article is to show how students can improve their pronunciation through the use of
karaoke in their English class. Using karaoke, the teacher designs activities and engages students to
improve their pronunciation.

• The degree to which students' pronunciation increases.

• To analyze how helpful karaoke is used in class.

 Participant

The project was initially designed to subsidize the specific needs of, a group of around 12-15 adult
students in an adult English education institute; their ages ranged from 18 to 60. Most of them were
studying English for communicative purposes (traveling to the USA or Canada; marrying a foreigner,
etc.), academic purposes (passing the Toefl or Ielts Exam), and to enhance economical opportunities
(find a highpaying job where English is a plus or a requirement, etc).

 Location of the research

The location of the research was conducted in Bogotá, Cundinamarca, Colombia

 Research methods

This research used action research method, it is divided into several cycles to get various categories of
analysis. There are four phases for action research: planning, acting, observing, and reflecting
researchers using qualitative collection techniques. However, techniques that can gather quantity
characteristics must be used to reach conclusions during the analysis.
-This research collects data with video recorders, interviews, and teacher's diaries. This research was
conducted using a qualitative approach through the Classroom Action Research (CAR) method.
Classroom Action Research is a qualitative research although the data collected can be quantitative,
where the description is descriptive.

 Result and Conclusion

Taking into account the research question proposed for this project and based on all the information
collected, it could be concluded that karaoke activities promoted learning in a laidback environment.
In short, karaoke brings a lot of motivation to the class to improve pronunciation.

 Conclusion

My research question 1 is "To What Extent Can The Use Of Karaoke Help Students Improve

Their English Pronunciation Ability?, This is closely related to the source of" The Effect of Using

Karaoke Activities on Students' English Pronunciation ". It is proven by the results of research from

these sources which show that based on research findings that karaoke activities significantly affect

the English pronunciation of 10th grade students at SMA Negeri 14 Jakarta. This is indicated by the

results of what have been studied. Students also showed improvement after researchers applied

karaoke activities in teaching, student achievement increased. From this question I can conclude that

the source is most relevant to my research question 1.

My research question 2 is "What Kind Of Problems Are Students Faced When They Learned

English Pronunciation By The Use Of Karaoke?". In my opinion the most relevant source with it is

"The Students' Achievement in Pronouncing English Song Using Smule Application". For

information Smule application is one of the karoeke applications on smartphones. Through the stages

of data collection and research results, there are 3 problems students have in pronouncing

pronunciation through karoeke. First, students have low frequency in practicing English

pronunciation. Second, students find it difficult to balance karaoke and musical instruments at fast

tempo songs. Third, students lack the Smule application to sing karaoke.

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