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Story Reading; Promoting and Establishing Reading Habit of

Grade-6 Pupils of Mount Carmel College


Reading habits are well-planned and deliberate pattern by study which has

attained a form of consistency on the part of students toward understanding

academic subjects and passing examinations. Academic achievements mean

how much knowledge the individual has acquired from the school (Bashir &

Mattoo,2012). Reading habit is most skillful construct at a young

impressionable age in school, but once construct it can last one’s life time

(Green,2001). It is the reading habits which help the learner in obtaining

meaningful and desirable knowledge.

“Stories play a vital role in the growth and development of children. The books

they read and the characters they get to know can become like friends. It’s also

good for children to understand that books are a useful source of information

and that good reading skills are important for success in their future live.”

Good reading habits act as a strong weapon for the students to excel in life.

Reading habit is an essential and important aspect for creating a literate

society in this world. It shapes the personality of individuals and it helps them

to develop proper thinking methods, and create new ideas. However, the

Research2 research proposal

developments in the Mass Media, had continued to influence interest in the

reading (hard copy of

literature such as.) books, magazines and journals among others. Effective

reading is important avenue of effective learning and reading is interrelated

with the total educational process and hence, educational success requires

successful reading habit (Palani 2012).

Comprehension skills help the learner to understand the meaning of words in

isolation and in context. Before the advent of television, both the young and the

old found enough time to read. Nowadays reading habit has lost its importance

as both the young and the old are glued to the television (Palani 2012).

This study was conducted as research deeply concerned about the problem of

the Grade-6 pupils on having their poor performance in tests and examinations

because of lack of proper reading habits for an excellent performance. The

researcher found out that there is the need for the student to form good

reading and study habits. Story reading promoting and establishing reading

habit as motivation. Motivating students to read is to increase their

comprehension and improve their reading skills. This is a direct path to higher

overall achievement and success inside and outside school. At present, due to

the influence of the mass media, people do not show much interest in reading

books, magazines and journals, among others (Palani 2012).

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Today, many students prefer to watch movies and other shows on the

television, listening to audio-CD’s, watching-CD’s, among others. Reading has

numerous benefits that improve a person’s, language acquisition, cultural

enrichment, critical thinking and social skills. The study further found out that

laziness is one of the basic hindrances to reading among the respondents. It

can develop fluency in reading and more that they read, the stronger they

become in their reading skills, It’s involves students in an enjoyable and

purposeful way. Many parents and teachers complain about students of our

generation who have not developed reading habits among themselves.

Officials of the West African Examinations Council and the teachers of English

complain the kind of English written by today’s generation of students’


One of the many issues confronting students nowadays is perhaps, not their

ability to read but their lack of interests. From the assertion above, Story

Reading was conducted to promote and Establishing Reading Habit among

Grade-6 pupils of Mount Carmel College SFADS.

The general objective of this research is to assess reading habits of student’s

and how it affects their performance. The specific objectives are as follows: i. To

examine the reading habits (style) among the students. ii. To promote and

establish reading habit among students. iii. To assess the effect of Story

Research2 research proposal

Reading on student’s performance. IV. To ascertain why students engage in


Research Questions

1. What are the factors affecting lack of interests in reading habit?

2. What are the reading habits among the students?

3. Is there any significance in doing story reading?

Scope and Limitations

This kind of research is limited only to the whole Grade-6 pupils of Mount

Carmel College of SFADS located at Brgy.3 who were having a Story Reading to

Promote and Establish Reading Habit, they will perform the Reading Story

before class hours.

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Research Design

This study will employ a qualitative research design. Kowalcyzk (2016) defines

descriptive research as a study designed to defect the participants in an

accurate way and is all about describing people who take part in the study.

Survey as brief interview or discussion with an individual about a specific

topic. Qualitative will be also employed since this study will determine of how

many percentages does the students Promote and Establishing Reading Habit.

Sampling Design

This research will utilize the systematic random sampling to the Grade-6

pupils of Mount Carmel College. Since this study will focus on the Reading

Habit of the Grade-6, they are systematically selected and conduct an

interviews only to grade-6 pupils.

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Data Collection

The researcher will follow these procedures in gathering the data of the study.

 The researcher will send a proposal to the Principal Office, to the

respective teacher, sub-teacher and to the Grade-6 pupils of Mount

Carmel College of SFADS located at Brgy.3 requesting for an approval to

conduct a research.

 The questionnaires will be administered to the respondents with the

permission of the School Principal.

 Having a briefing on the purpose of the study for them to understand the

term use in the survey they will answer.

Plan for Data Analysis

To analyze data in this research the researcher takes primary data and

gathered from different sources through internet. The researcher used

qualitative research, this qualitative data using thematic content analysis.

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Ethical Issue

The researcher has eager enough to do the duty and responsibilities in finding

the results of the study. This research is unique and are not plagiarized. And

conveniently helpful to the grade-6 pupils of Mount Carmel College.

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Mt. Carmel College
San Francisco, Agusan del Sur


Story Reading; Promoting and Establishing

Reading Habit of Grade-6 Pupils of Mount
Carmel College

Submitted to;
Marle C. Bueno PhD.

Research2 research proposal

Submitted by;
Marlina B. Buctot

Research2 research proposal

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