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Business Rationale

Having consulted with an expert concerning online selling, we were able to

establish a logical line up of products to help optimize our chances of success, namely;
a box of disposable masks and home baked cookies with free delivery in Lanton and
Dona Soledad area. Where the said products are convenient for us, the sellers, and the
consumers. This document outlines our goals, our plan and how we rationalized each
The World Health Organization and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
refer to improvised or cloth face masks as a last resort because these masks haven’t
been tested and are not considered as Protective Personal Equipment to healthcare
workers. The CDC highly recommends looking for additional medical-grade masks
either from donations or from other suppliers. As a solution to this, providing an
additional source of disposable face masks that are cheap with a free delivery service
could help ease the burden of healthcare workers and at the same time the general
public that have to go out to the city to buy disposable masks.
Homemade cookies are typically made with better quality ingredients than store
bought cookies. They use real butter, vanilla, chocolate chips, flour, and no highly
processed additives or artificial flavors. This product will be introduced once the profit
from the face masks have been produced, investing the profits in another product.
For this reason, we have concluded that delivering disposable face masks as an
alternative to expensive N95 masks, cloth masks, and/or improvised masks. This will
allow the consumers to have an easy access to disposable masks and have better
protection against covid-19. While the profits will be invested for the production of
homemade cookies.

Business location
Due to the current situation minors like us are not allowed to go out in the street
freely and sell our product and so we decided to sell our products through online with
the help of social media platforms like Facebook. The delivery and distribution of the
products shall be made by us and each one of the members is tasked to sell certain
We divided our group it to two which sell two different products: group A are
tasked to sell face mask while the group B are for cookies. With the limited actions we
can do in operating our business the products can be only be bought in accordance with
the location of which specific group or members of the group are located. For example,
group A has a limited area in which they can sell their products and as well as with the
group B. The products that are only available in group A cannot be bought by the
costumers that are located within the vicinity of group B and so as well with the other
group. This is to ensure that the business is following the rules and regulation of the
government in responding to the current situation especially that the sellers are minors
and are not allowed to go out freely. Group A’s area of sales is at Lanton, Apopong
while the Group B area of sales is at Dona Soledad. The stock of the facemask should
be pickup and distributed among the members of group A before the actual selling of
the products.
To ensure the availability of the face mask enough amount of should be provided
equally among the members of group A. As for the cookies, Group B can only make the
product if a customer already made a reservation for the product. To ensure the
availability of the raw materials in making the products, enough stocks of raw materials
are maintained. The production of the cookies shall be also under the Group B.

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