The Killer Corona Effect

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We all known how the world is facing the corona virus effect, here is some
brief essay related to COVID-19 effect on the world. The first case of someone in
China suffering from COVID-19 can be traced back to November 17, the report
said quoting government data. A 55-year-old from Hubei province could have been
the first person to have contracted the viral infection on November 17 last year. As
on March 10, 13 states and Union territories in India had reported at least one
COVID-19 case--Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Uttar
Pradesh, Delhi, Haryana, Rajasthan, Punjab, J&K and Ladakh. India’s prime
minister ordered all 1.3 billion people in the country to stay inside their homes.The
breadth and depth of such a challenge is staggering in a country where hundreds
of millions of citizens are destitute and countless millions live in packed urban
areas with poor sanitation and weak public health care. But Mr. Modi did not
make clear how people would get food, water and other necessities during the
lockdown, or how they would maintain a safe distance from one another in the
cramped spaces where many now live.
The Home Ministry issued a statement after Mr. Modi spoke saying that food
shops, banks, gas stations and some other essential services would be exempt from
the lockdown. But the ministry warned that anyone who refused to follow the
restrictions faced up to a year in jail. This government is considering insurance
cover for agricultural workers, truck drivers transporting cargo and those
employed in essential industries. Farming and harvesting will continue in all zones
with produce being procured from the doorstep of farmers and free movement for
the transport of crops. The marine and aquaculture sector will be exempted. The
Centre told all states on Sunday to allow movement of goods of all kinds and said
godowns and cold storages can store any item. Tens of thousands are calling
helplines daily while thousands are going to bed hungry as the country shuts down
to battle the pandemic. With 472 million children, India has the largest child
population in the world and campaigners say the lockdown has impacted around
40 million children from poor families. In the first seven days of the shutdown,
Childline India Foundation's number - 1098 (ten-nine-eight) - received about
300,000 calls as against a weekly average of 200,000. The callers, who can either
be children themselves or an adult calling on their behalf, sometimes ask for food,
but most want to know the symptoms of the infection or where they can get medical
assistance in case they are infected. Many children also call to talk about their
anxieties or fears about Covid-19. As soon as the coronavirus crisis started taking
grip in the country, all educational institutions announced to remain shut due to
the students' safety. Schools and colleges took the help of technology and started
taking online classes so that the studies don't get affected. This is not a problem
for this type of education because online guided discussions and personal talk time
with their professors and lecturers is a hallmark of online classes. This increases
the chances of a student performing well due to the time their instructors give
them. This also enhances their problem-solving and communication skills, as well
as knowing how to defend their arguments to superiors if needed. With an online
class, you get to control your learning environment, which ultimately helps you
develop a deeper understanding of your degree course. New models of learning
are always springing up in the market, providing students with varied
opportunities to fashion their education into something that fits them, not the other
way round. It also provides individuals an opportunity to finish a degree they
might have started and were unable to continue with for one reason or another.
The future of online degree education looks promising, and opens up education to
a larger section of the population than ever before.
Finally, I wish to say that please stay home so that we can break the chain of
COVID-19 spreading. ( stay home, stay safe )

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