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New Life Community Care Foundation

After Activity Report (Incident Command System)

Incident Commander: Aaron Paul Teodosio

Date of Operations: May 18, 2019
Objective: Produce 1800 meals of Pancit Canton

What Went Well

1. Planning
The success of every operation can always be traced back on how a leader devotes his time for planning.
The IC first consulted the key people who are experienced in playing a crucial role every Saturday in
their specific assignments. The counsel of each person that was consulted by the IC contributed greatly
in the planning, drafting, and selection of people to be deployed in different teams. Considerations such
as traffic, resources, and timing became the determinative elements to depict a smooth, lightened

2. Communication
The IC during the week communicated with the people about how the operations would become and
how it will be executed. That gave the opportunity for the key leaders assigned to give inputs as to how
to improve it. At the same time, this gave the IC the chance to clarify some detailed plans to the RO,
suggest better ways to do stuff, make certain arrangements, empowering key leaders to let them decide
on IC's behalf, and changes even in the last minute so that all of the leaders and volunteers are on the
same page.

3. Placing People in Their Strength Zones.

The positioning of people in their niche played a major role for the IC to make the critical tasks and
important posts be delegated, thus, makes the IC being assured that the people whom he entrusted
with those assignments will never let him down knowing that they are doing their line of expertise. Since
the IC trusts the capability and the good judgment of the people he chose, that opened the way for the
IC to do other tasks (which, in this case, doing the photography).

4.Having a Good Number of Volunteers.

That is self-explanatory. 🙂

5. Goal-Driven Volunteers and "The Law of Big Mo".

A certain leadership guru once said, "Momentum is a leader's best friend". This became the catalyst for
the team leaders and volunteers to reach the goal even if the IC is not around. From the outset of the
meeting, (for example, the IC and RO setting the atmosphere of expectation and encouragement for the
volunteers in the briefing, the knowledge that this will be the last feed ops so we need to give our best)
the momentum rose from it, and until the last assignment that needs to be done until the end (stacking
and removal of equipment from the truck, washing of the food containers), it did not die down. That
gave morale to the team and gave them sense of responsibility, and hear from their hearts saying,
"What can I do? How can I help? How we will finsh this? That gave the IC a good time leading the team.

6. Being Led by the Spirit of God.

Above all the things mentioned above, being dependent in the wisdom of the Holy Spirit gives the IC the
ability to contemplate, to have foresight, and give a careful thought in every decision. His guidance
helped the IC see beyond what the natural eyes can see, and depend on orchestrations that He's doing,
at the same time, the collaborations that he invites for the IC to do, and being amazed by how He sends
replacement for those people who weren't able to come.

What Needs Improvement

1. Print 3 copies of ICS Chart so that it will be visible in all places (which in this case, the IC printed one
copy only)

2. Make sure to take a double check upon the carrying of food containers so that the team wouldn't
bring as much as needed to avoid a double effort to pick it up once it was delivered already.

3. We need to have another vehicle to compensate with the Metro Team so it will not give us a hard
time transporting and for faster deployment of meals.

4. Inquire of the latest schedules of the starting time of sidewalk sunday school from Metro World Child
so we can adjust the departure of the teams leaving the ICP. The IC has observed that the NLCOM team
would come early and wait for 25-30 minutes before they can distribute the food. That waiting time can
still be utilized in helping out tasks at the ICP should they leave later than what is scheduled recently
(Isla Puting Bato and Delpan are the exceptions for these). This is applicable to sites that are near the
ICP. The IC suggests that the schedules of leaving the ICP must be revised as the semester resumes this
coming September.

5. Remind the drivers to make a thorough inspection in their vehicles before leaving the ICP. That will
ensure safety and security by checking the tires and doors especially the doors amd passageways of the
Kitchen Truck.

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