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Submitted by:

Sherwin T. Omandam
BSCE-1 (4008)

Submitted to:

Mrs. Arceli P. Naval

Day 1: August 18, 2020 (Conference)
In this day, ma’am Naval introduced the rules and regulation on our subject
Mathematics in the Modern World as well as the way on how we can communicate each
other during our class.
Day 2: August 19, 2020 (No Conference)
In this day ma’am Naval gave us our first assignment to be answer by 5 members in
a group to be send via email.
Day 3: August 20, 2020 (No Conference)
In this day, we have no online conference because the school is has an virtual Abri-
klase 2020-2021 activity.
Day 4: August 24, 2020 (No Conference)
In this day, we have no conference but ma’am Naval gave us an activity in pages 19-
26 and 29-34 in our book.
Day 5: August 25, 2020 (Conference)
In this day, ma’am Naval taught us the topics “The Language of Mathematics” and
“Elementary Logic: Connectives, Variables, Quantifiers, and negations”. And after the
class conference, ma’am Naval gave us the Chapter Assessment in page 35 as
assignment to be submitted via email also.
Day 6: August 26, 2020 (No Conference)
In this day, ma’am Naval only remind us about the assignment that she gave and
she told us to have an advance study in the succeeding topics in the book.
Day 7: August 27, 2020 (Conference)
In this day, ma’am Naval taught us the chapter 3 in the with a topics of Problems,
Reasons, and Solutions in Mathematics.
Day 8: August 28, 2020 (No Conference)
In this day, we have no conference, but ma’am Naval told us to study and practice
answering the succeeding pages or chapter of our book.
Day 9: September 01, 2020 (Conference)
In this day, ma’am Naval gave us our first quiz in the subject Mathematics in the
Modern World to be send via email.
Day 10: September 2, 2020 (No Conference)
In this day, we have no conference, but ma’am Naval told us to study the topic
Measures of Central Tendency for grouped and ungrouped data.
Day 11: September 3, 2020 (Conference)
In this day, ma’am Naval taught us on how to make frequency distribution table for
grouped and ungrouped data.
Day 12: September 4, 2020 (No Conference)
In this day, we have no online class, ma’am Naval only told us to study and practice
solving about the previous topics.
Day 13: September 7, 2020 (No Conference)
In this day, we have no conference, but ma’am Naval only told us to study the topic
Measures of MEAN, MEDIAN, and MODE.
Day 14: September 8, 2020 (Conference)
In this day, ma’am Naval taught us about Graphing a Histogram using the given raw
Day 15: September 9,2020 (No Conference)
In this day, we have no conference, instead ma’am Naval told us to study and
prepare ourselves for the upcoming exam.
Day 16: September 10, 2020 (No Conference)
In this day, we have no conference because this is the schedule day of our examination.
Day 17: September 11, 2020 (No Conference)
In this day, we have no conference instead ma’am Naval gave us our seatwork #1 to
be send via email.
Day 18: September 14, 2020 (No Conference)
In this day, we have no conference but ma’am Naval told us to study page 61-63 of
our book.
Day 19: September 15, 2020 (Conference)
In this day, ma’am Naval taught us the topic about Frequency distribution for
ungrouped and grouped data.
Day 20: September 16, 2020 (No Conference)
In this day, we have no conference but ma’am Naval told us to study the assigned
topic to be explained by her on the next day.
Day 21: September 17, 2020 (Conference)
In this day, ma’am Naval taught us the topic about the Mean Average Deviation
(MAD) for grouped and ungrouped data.
Day 22: September 18, 2020 (No Conference)
In this day, we have no conference but ma’am Naval told us to study in advance the
topic Quartile Deviation for ungrouped and grouped data.
Day 23: September 21, 2020 (No Conference)
In this day, we have no online class but ma’am Naval gave us quiz to be submitted in
Day 24: September 22, 2020 (No Conference)
In this day, we don’t have conference because the laptop of ma’am Naval is not
funtioning but she gave us a topic to be study for the next day conference which is
Quartile Deviation of ungrouped and grouped data.

Day 25: September 23, 2020 (No Conference)

In this day, we also don’t have an online conference because in this day, the area
where ma’am Naval live is experiencing a brownout but she told us to study page 79 of
our book which is about Normal Curve.
Day 26: September 24, 2020 (No Conference)
In this day, we have no conference but ma’am Naval gave us an activity to be pass
via messenger.
Day 27: September 25, 2020 (No Conference)
In this day, we have no conference also because there was a news that PLDT might
lost their internet connection, so ma’am Naval told us to study the topic about
Compound Interest.

Day 28: September 28, 2020 (No Conference)

In this day, we have no conference but ma’am Naval gave us an activity to be
answer about compound interest and she also gave us the pointers for our examination.

Day 29: September 29, 2020 (Conference)

In this day, ma’am Naval taught us the topics Normal distribution, Simple interest,
and she also gave us an assignment together with the answers to be pass via
messenger. In that assignment we are ask to find the solution of each given problem
and answers.

Day 30: September 30, 2020 (No Conference)

In this day, we have no online conference but ma’am Naval told us to study for our
upcoming midterm examination.

Day 31: October 01, 2020 (No Conference)

In this day, we have also no online conference but ma’am Naval told us to study for
our upcoming midterm examination.

Day 32: October 02, 2020 (No Conference)

In this day, we have no online conference because this is the scheduled day for our
midterm examination. Ma’am Naval gave us our midterm exam through messenger. We
are only given one hour to answer our exam that to be pass via messenger also.

Day 33: October 05, 2020 (No Conference)

In this day, wa have no online conference because we are still having our midterm
examination in other subjects.

Day 34: October 06, 2020 (No Conference/ Conference)

In this day, we should have a conference but sadly, ma’am Naval lost her connection
so she just gave us a topic to be study which is chapter 7 in our book.

Day 35: October 07, 2020 (No Conference)

In this day, we have no online conference but ma’am Naval gave us a topic to be
study which is Linear inequalities to be discuss on the next day. She also gave as an
assignment about the stocks and bonds to be pass through messenger.

Day 36: October 08, 2020 (Conference)

In this day, ma’am Naval taught us the topic Linear inequalities. After the conference,
she gave us an activity to us an activity to practice our solving skill for the topic linear

Day 37: October 09, 2020 (No Conference)

In this day, we have no class, ma’am Naval only told us to have an advance study
about Graphing of linear inequalities.
Day 38: October 12, 2020 (No Conference)
This day, we have no conferece, but ma’am Naval told us to study and practice
answer the given homework about linear inequalities.
Day 39: October 13, 2020 (Conference)
In this day, we have our online conference, ma’am naval discussed the final topic in
the term which is the Linear Programming.
Day 40: October 14, 2020 (No Conference)
In this day, we have no conference. Ma’am Naval only told us to study and practice
solving the linear inequalities and linear programming that serve as our review for the
upcoming exam.
Day 41: October 15, 2020 (Conference)
This day, ma’am Naval discussed the topics linear inequalities and linear
programming. She also let our classmates to report to the class their assigned topic and
problem about solving and graphing linear inequalities.
Day 42: October 16, 2020 (No Conference)
This day, ma’am Naval gave us some rest so that we can study our lessons for the
preparation for the upcomming examination. She also reminded us about permit.
Day 43: October 19, 2020 (No Conference)
This day, we have no online class because ma’am Naval let us to study our topics
that aare included to our exam and she reminded to secure our permit so that we can
take our exams.
Day 44: October 20, 2020 (No Conference)
This day, we have no online conference because ma”am Naval is preparing our
examinations paper for the upcomming final exam on October 22, 2020. But ma’am
Naval told us to study our past lesson so that we can asnwer the exam.
Day 45: October 21, 2020 (No Conference)
This day, we also don’t have online conference but ma’am Naval reminded as about
our upcomming exam on the next day.
Day 46: October 22, 2020 (No Conference)
Today is our final day, ma’am Naval gave us our final examination for the subject
Mathematics in the Modern World. She send the exam through messenger and to be
pass by us via messenger also. The exam was started at 8:00 AM and done at exactly
9:00 AM.

I Sherwin T. Omandam would like to express my sincere appreciation and heartfelt

gratitude to Mrs. Arceli P. Naval, our Mathematics in the Modern World instructor for her

immense knowledge and patience in sharing his learning about the mathematic subject.

Above all, I would to say thank you to our almighty God, for the enlightenment and

wisdom, blessings and guidance, and in giving us the best instructor that helps us to

improve and add more to our learnings not only in mathematic subject but also in real


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