Getting To Know You Questions

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Getting to know you questions

1. Who is your hero?

2. If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
3. What is your biggest fear? What would you change about yourself if you
4. What really makes you angry?
5. What motivates you to work hard?
6. What is your favorite thing about your career?
7. What is your biggest complaint about your job?
8. What is your proudest accomplishment?
9. What is your favorite book to read?
10. What was the last movie you went to or watched? What did you think?
11. If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would it be?
12. If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
13. If money was no object, what would you do all day?
14. How would your friends describe you?
15. What are your hobbies?
16. What is the best gift you have been given?
17. What is the worst gift you have received?
18. List two pet peeves.
19. What's the most daring thing you've ever done?
20. What was the last book you read?
21. What's your favorite type of foreign food?
22. Are you a clean or messy person?
23. Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life?
24. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
25. What's the most unusual thing you've ever eaten?
26. Do you collect anything?
27. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
28. Which of the five senses would you say is your strongest?
29. What do you do to keep fit?
30. What song would you say best sums you up?
31. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
32. How many languages do you speak?
33. What is one thing you will never do again?
34. Who knows you the best?

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