Gear Calculations

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Table of Tables

TABLE 1: TORQUE AND SPEEDS OF GEARS..............................................................................................................................4

TABLE 2: PITCH DIAMETERS OF GEARS...................................................................................................................................5
TABLE 3: FACE WIDTH AND CONTACT RATIO OF GEARS.............................................................................................................5
TABLE 4: SURFACE STRENGTH GEOMETRY FACTORS..................................................................................................................6
TABLE 5: BENDING GEOMETRY FACTORS...............................................................................................................................6
TABLE 6: DYNAMIC FACTORS..............................................................................................................................................7
TABLE 7: RIM THICKNESS FACTORS.......................................................................................................................................7
TABLE 8: LOAD DISTRIBUTION FACTORS.................................................................................................................................8
TABLE 9: SIZE FACTORS......................................................................................................................................................8
TABLE 10: OVERLOAD FACTORS.......................................................................................................................................... 8
TABLE 11: SURFACE CONDITION FACTORS.............................................................................................................................8
TABLE 12: BENDING AND CONTACT STRESSES.........................................................................................................................9
TABLE 13: ALLOWABLE BENDING AND CONTACT STRESS NUMBERS.............................................................................................9
TABLE 14: RELIABILITY FACTORS........................................................................................................................................10
TABLE 15: STRESS CYCLE FACTORS.....................................................................................................................................10
TABLE 16: HARDNESS RATIO FACTOR..................................................................................................................................10
TABLE 17: TEMPERATURE FACTORS....................................................................................................................................10
TABLE 18: ALLOWABLE BENDING AND CONTACT STRESSES......................................................................................................11
TABLE 19: DESIGN FACTORS............................................................................................................................................. 11

Table of Figures
FIGURE 1: LAYOUT OF GEARS AND SHAFTS.............................................................................................................................3
Detailed calculations for Gears

The numbering and layout of the gears and shafts can be seen below: change layout?

Figure 1: Layout of gears and shafts

In the first gear set, Gear 1 was chosen as the pinion gear 2 as the interlocking gear. For the
second gear set, gear 3 was chosen as the pinion and gear 4 as the interlocking gear.
The input power and speed was given as 168 kW and 2600 rpm respectively (see Table 1
from the project brief). The Gear Ratio (GR) was chosen as =1.5862, where N p=29 teeth
and N g=46 teeth. This GR and number if teeth were used for both gear sets.
The number of teeth for the pinion and mating gear for each gear set as well as the helix
angle was calculated as follows:
The Overall Gear Ratio (2.5 +/- 1%) will thus fall between:
2.475<Overall GR <2.525 {A – 1}
Because of this the individual gear ratios (If GR1=GR2) will fall between:
1.5732< IndividualGR <1.58 9 {A – 2}
Therefore, by choosing NP = 29 teeth and NG = 46 teeth for both gear sets the individual
gear ratio becomes:
GR 1=GR 2= =1.5862 {A – 3}
The overall gear ratio is then:

GR overall =GR 1 ×GR 2=1.58622=2.516 {A – 4}

The following method was used to test for interference:

Let k = 1, for full depth teeth. Using this the helix angle and tangential pressure angle can be
determined for a given normal pressure angle.

helix angleψ =25° , normal pressure angle φn=20°

tangential pressure angle φ t= =21.88°
cos ( φ ) °
Determining the minimum number of teeth for the pinion using the given GR = 1.5862:
2 kcos(ψ ) 2 2
N P= 2
(1+2 m G )sin ( φt )
G + m +
G (√1+2 m G) sin (φ t ]
) = 11 teeth {A – 5}
Therefore, NP can equal 29 teeth for each of the various angles of ψ.
A pinion gear with 29 teeth can mesh with a rack and therefore there is no maximum
number of teeth of the gear.
For NG to be equal to 46 teeth, ψ can be any angle, thus choose 20ᵒ
The torque and speed on each gear was then calculated as follows:
Table 1: Torque and speeds of gears

Torque Speed
Gear 1 T 1= =617.03 Nm
ω 1=n¿( 30π )=272.27 rad / s
Gear 2 T 2=T 1∗GR=978.74 Nm n π
ω =(
2 ) ( )=171.65rad /s
GR 30
Gear 3 T 3=T 2=978.74 Nm ω 3=ω 2=171.65 rad /s

Gear 4 T 4=T 3∗GR =1552.48 Nm n3 π

ω 4=( )
GR 30 ( )
=108.21 rad /s
Aside from the given normal pressure angle (φ n) of 20ᵒ, the following parameters were
chosen (see Table 2 in the project brief):
- Helix angle (ψ) = 20ᵒ.
- Normal module (m n) = 4 mm

The transverse pressure angle (φ t) and module (m t ) was calculated as follows:

tan ( φn )
φ t=atan ( )
cos ( ψ )
=0.3695 rad {A – 6}

mt = =4.2567 mm {A – 7}
cos ⁡(ψ )
The pitch diameters could be calculated using the transverse module and number of teeth.
Table 2: pitch diameters of gears

Gear set 1 Gear 1 d p=mt ∙ N p=123.4 mm {A – 8}

Gear 2 d g=mt ∙ N g=195.81 mm
{A – 9}
Gear set 2 Gear 3 d p=mt ∙ N p=123.4 mm
Gear 4 d g=mt ∙ N g=195.81 mm
A face contact ratio of m F >2 is used to choose the face width (F) for helical gears.
The following equations A-5 and A-6 are obtained from equations 13-3 and 13-17 of
Budynas and Nisbett (2015).

Normal pitch ( pn ¿=π ∙ mn =12.57 mm {A – 10}

Axial pitch ( p x ¿= =36.74 mm {A – 11}
sin ⁡(ψ)
A face width was chosen for each gear as follows and the contact ratio was calculated using
equation 14-19 from Budynas and Nisbett (2015):
Table 3: face width and contact ratio of gears

Gear 1 Gear 2 Gear 3 Gear 4

Face Width (mm) 75 75 105 78
Face contact ratio 2.04 2.04 2.86 2.12

As seen in table 3 the face contact ratio satisfies the requirement for all the gears.
In order to determine the AGMA bending and contact stresses, first the AGMA stress factors
had to be calculated using the equations as shown from Budynas and Nisbett (2015).
Below demonstrates the method that was used to calculate the surface strength geometry
factor. Gear 1 was used as an example.
Base pitch radius (equation 14-26):
Pinion Gear
Gear set 1 r bp=0.5 ( d p ) cos ( φ t )=57.56 mm r bg=0.5 ( d g ) cos ( φt ) =91.30 mm
Gear set 2 r bp=0.5 ( d p ) cos ( φ t )=mm r bg=0.5 ( d g ) cos ( φt ) =mm

Addendum (a) = m n = 4 mm (see Table 13-4 from Budynas and Nisbett (2015))
Z a= ( 0.5 ( d p ) + a ) − ( r bp )2=31.73
√ {A – 12}
2 2
Z =√ ( 0.5 ( d ) +a ) −( r
b g bg ) =45.27 {A – 13}

Z c =0.5 ( d p +d g ) sin ( φt ) =57.65 {A – 14}

Contact length (equation 14-25) : Z=min ( ZZ )+ min( ZZ )−Z =19.35 mm



c {A – 15}

Normal base pitch (equation 14-24): p N =( p n ) cos ( φn ) =11.81 mm {A – 16}

( pN )
Load sharing ratio (equation 14-21): mN = =0.64 {A – 17}
0.95( Z)

Speed ratio (equation 14-22): m G=GR=1.5862 {A – 18}

Surface strength geometry factor (equation 14-23 for external gears):
cos ⁡(φ t) sin ( φ t ) mG
Z I =I = ⋅ =0.1608 {A – 19}
2(m N ) m G +1

The surface strength geometry factor for gears 1 to 4:

Table 4: surface strength geometry factors

Gear 1 Gear 2 Gear 3 Gear 4

surface strength 0.1608 0.1608 0.1608 0.1608
geometry factor (I)

Below demonstrates the method that was used to calculate the bending geometry factor.
Gear 1 was used as an example.
Using figure 14-7 and 14-8 from Budynas and Nisbett (2015), the geometry factor ( J ' p) was
determined to be 0.55 and a modifying factor ( J pc ) of 0.978 for a helix angle of 20ᵒ and 29
teeth for the pinion and 46 teeth for the mating gear.
Thus, the bending geometry factor is calculated to be 0.538 by using the equation
Y J =J p=J ' p∗J pc {A – 20}
Table 5: Bending geometry factors

Gear 1 Gear 2 Gear 3 Gear 4

Bending geometry 0,538  0,552 0,538  0,552 
factor (J)

Below demonstrates the method that was used to calculate the Dynamic factor. Gear 1 was
used as an example.
The AGMA Quality number (Qv ) was given as 7.

Pitch line velocity: V p=

{0.5∗d p∗ω1 }
=16.8052 m/s {A – 21}
Using equations 14-27, A-16 and 14-28 to determine equations A-17, A-18 and A-19.
( 12−Q v ) 3 {A – 22}
B= =0.731
A=50+56 ( 1−B )=65.064 {A – 23}
A + √ 200 ( V p )
Kv= ( A )
=1.5932 {A – 24}

Use the pitch line velocity to compare to the maximum velocity to test if V p ≤V max. Use
equation 14-29 to calculate maximum velocity:
( A−3+ Qv ) {A – 25}
V max = =21.17 m/s
The calculations can be assumed satisfactory since V p is smaller than V max .
Table 6: Dynamic factors

Gear 1 Gear 2 Gear 3 Gear 4

Dynamic factor ( K v ) 1,5 1,59 1,48 1,48

For the rim thickness factor ( K B ¿ was chosen as 1 for all gears.
Table 7: Rim thickness factors

Gear 1 Gear 2 Gear 3 Gear 4

Rim thickness factor 1 1 1 1
(K B¿

Below demonstrates the method that was used to calculate the Load distribution factor.
Gear 1 was used as an example.
Firstly, the validity of the equations was tested:
=0.61≤ 2 thus, equations can be used.

Use uncrowned teeth (C mc =1¿ equation 14.31 ¿, straddle mounted pinion with S1 /S <0.175 (
C pm=1¿ equation14.33 ¿ and C e =1 (from equation 14-35).

( ¿ equation 14−32 ) : C pf = −0.0375+4.92∗10−4∗b=0.06 {A – 26}
10∗d p

From equation 14-34 and Table 14-9 of Budynas and Nisbett (2015):

C ma= A+ BF+C F 2=0.1736 {A – 27}

Use commercial, enclosed gears which will give values of A=0.127, B=0.0158 and
Use equation 14-30 to calculate the load distribution factor:
K H =K m =1+ Cmc ( C pf ∙C pm ∙ C ma ∙ Ce ) =1.0104 {A – 28}
Table 8: load distribution factors

Gear 1 Gear 2 Gear 3 Gear 4

load distribution 1,010  1,010  1,019 1,011
factor ( K m ¿

To calculate the size factor ( K s ¿ Table 14-2 from Budynas and Nisbett (2015) was used to
get the value for the Lewis Form factor (Y) and then substituted into the equation for Ks as
shown below.
K s =0.8433 ( b ∙ mt ⋅ √ Y ) =1.117 {A – 29}
Table 9: Size factors

Gear 1 Gear 2 Gear 3 Gear 4

Size factor ( K s ¿ 1,117 1,120 1,137  1,123 
The overload factors were chosen as 1.05 for all gears. See figure 14-17 from Budynas and
Nisbett (2015).

Table 10: Overload factors

Gear 1 Gear 2 Gear 3 Gear 4

Overload factor ( K o ¿ 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05

The surface condition factor (C f ¿ was chosen as 1 for all gears.

Table 11: Surface condition factors

Gear 1 Gear 2 Gear 3 Gear 4

Surface condition 1 1 1 1
factor (C f ¿

From Table 14-8 the elastic coefficient (C p ¿ was selected as 191 √ MPa since the pinion is
made from steel as well as the mating gear for both gear sets.
Gear 1 Gear 2 Gear 3 Gear 4
elastic coefficient ( 191 191 191 191
C p ¿ (√ MPa)

The bending and contact stresses can be calculated using equation 14-15, 14-16 and A-25.
Tangential load: W t =2 ∙ {A – 30}

1 K K
Bending stress: σ =W t ⋅ K o ⋅ K v ⋅ K s ⋅ ⋅ H B {A – 31}
b ⋅mt Y JP


Contact stress: σ c =Z E ⋅ W t ⋅ K o ⋅ K v ⋅ K s ⋅ ⋅
b ⋅ d p ZI
{A – 32}

Table 12: Bending and contact stresses

Gear 1 Gear 2 Gear 3 Gear 4

Bending stress (σ ¿ ( 109.89 107.43  118.65  152.51
MPa ¿
Contact stress (σ c ¿ ( 680.08  540.86  706.67  644.41 
MPa ¿

The material was chosen to be through hardened Grade 1 Steel, with a Brinell hardness of
350 HB. It has a good quality rating and is typical industrial practice.
Use figure 14-2 and 14-5 from Budynas and Nisbett (2015) to determine allowable bending
and contact stress numbers St and Sc , respectively.
St =0.533 ⋅ H B +88.3 MPa {A – 33}
Sc =2.22 ⋅ H B + 200 MPa {A – 34}

Table 13: allowable bending and contact stress numbers

Gear 1 Gear 2 Gear 3 Gear 4

Allowable bending 274.85  248.20  274.85 248.20
stress number St (
MPa ¿
Allowable contact 977.00 866.00 977.00 866.00
stress number Sc (
MPa ¿

A reliability of 95% was chosen and thus, the reliability factors were calculated using
equation 14-38 from Budynas and Nisbett (2015).
Y Z =K R =0.658−0.0759⋅ ln ⁡(1−R) {A – 35}
Table 14: reliability factors

Gear 1 Gear 2 Gear 3 Gear 4

reliability factor ( 0,885 0,885 0,885 0,885

The lifetime of the gears were calculated using equation A-31 and A-32.
Lifetime (hours) = 2*365*10=7300 hours {A – 36}

N 1=lifetime ⋅60 ⋅n 1=1.1388∙ 109 cycles {A – 37}

Figures 14-14 and 14-15 from Budynas and Nisbett (2015) was used to select a value for
the stress cycle factors Y N and Z N

Y N =1.6831 ⋅ N−0.0323
1 (use bottom line for more conservative design) {A – 38}
Z N =2.466 ⋅ N−0.056
1 {A – 39}
Table 15: Stress cycle factors

Stress cycle factors Gear 1 Gear 2 Gear 3 Gear 4

YN 0,858 0,871 0,871 0,884
ZN 0,767 0,787  0,787  0,808 

The hardness ratio factor (C H ¿ was chosen as 1 for all gears.

Table 16: Hardness ratio factor

Gear 1 Gear 2 Gear 3 Gear 4

Hardness ratio factor 1 1 1 1
(C H ¿
The temperature factor ( K T ¿ was chosen as 1 for all gears since the maximum operating
temperature of the gearbox is 60ᵒC which still lower than the 120ᵒC threshold.
Table 17: temperature factors

Gear 1 Gear 2 Gear 3 Gear 4

Temperature factor ( 1 1 1 1
KT ¿

The allowable bending and contact stresses can be calculated using equation 14-17, 14-18
and a safety factor of 1.5.
Allowable Bending stress: σ all=S t ⋅ {A – 40}
Y θ ⋅YZ
Z N ⋅Z w
Allowable Contact stress: σ call =S c ⋅ {A – 41}
Y θ ⋅Y Z
Table 18: allowable bending and contact stresses

Gear 1 Gear 2 Gear 3 Gear 4

Allowable Bending 266.41 244.19  270.41  247.86 
stress (σ all ¿ (MPa ¿
Allowable contact 846.45  769.91  868.60  790.06 
stress (σ call ¿ (MPa ¿

To calculate the bending and contact design factors S F and S H , the equations A-37 to A-39
were used.
σ all
S F= {A – 42}
σ call
SH= {A – 43}
( )
S H ,adjusted = call
{A – 44}

Table 19: design factors

Gear 1 Gear 2 Gear 3 Gear 4

Design factor, 2.42 2.27  2.28 1.63 
bending ( S F) 
Design factor, 1.55  2.03 1.51  1.50
contact ( S H ,adjusted ) 

Thus, as seen in table 19, all design factors satisfied the requirement of a minimum safety
factor of 1.5.
Detailed calculations for Shafts
Detailed calculations for Bearings

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