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Marketing Research Sample MCQs

True/False Questions

1. Problem-solving research is undertaken to help identify problems that are not necessarily
apparent on the surface and yet exist or are likely to arise in the future.

2. Problem-identification research involves going below the surface to identify the true
underlying problem that the marketing manager is facing.

3. Problem-identification research is typically used to address pricing issues.


4. Problem-identification research is the more common of the forms of research and is

undertaken by virtually all marketing firms.

5. According to the text, problem-solving research is typically used to assess the environment
and diagnose problems.

6. Research undertaken to help solve specific marketing problems is called problem-solving


7. Market share is an example of a topic typically addressed by problem-solving research.


8. The first step in any marketing research project is to formulate the research design.

9. Formulating an analytical framework along with models, research questions, hypotheses,

and the information needed are included in developing an approach to the problem.

10. Telephone, mail, and electronic communication are forms of interviewing in the data
collection stage of the research process.

11. Collecting and analyzing are steps involved in the data-processing stage of collected data.

12. Promotion is considered an uncontrollable environmental factor.


13. Pricing, promotion, and distribution are all considered controllable marketing variables.

14. The information value chain consists of five parts.


15, "Data" is one of the parts of the information value chain.


16. The final part of the information value chain is "knowledge."


17. Making a recommendation to a decision maker is the final link in the information value

18. Marketing research departments located within a firm are called internal suppliers.

19. Outside marketing research companies hired to supply marketing research data are called
external suppliers.

20. According to the text, most of the research suppliers are Fortune 500 operations.

21. The services of full-service suppliers can be categorized into syndicated, customized, and
Internet services.

22. Companies that collect and sell common pools of data designed to serve information
needs that a number of clients share are called syndicated services.

23. Focus groups represent the main method for which data for syndicated services are

24. According to the text, VNU N.V. was recognized as the largest global research firm based
on year 2003 global research revenues.
25. Synovate, TNS, and Burke, Inc. are examples of marketing research firms that offer
customized services.

26. Companies whose primary service offering is their expertise in collecting data for research
projects are called coding and data entry services.

27. Data analysis services perform services that include editing competing questionnaires,
developing a coding scheme, and transcribing the data onto diskettes or magnetic tapes
for input into the computer.

28. Selecting an outside supplier is always done with a formal "request for proposal."

29. According to the text, the most common entry-level position in the marketing research
industry for people with bachelor's degrees is assistant project director.

30. A formalized set of procedures for generating, analyzing, storing, and distributing
pertinent information to marketing decision makers on an ongoing basis is called a
marketing information system.

31. An information system that enables decision makers to interact directly with both
databases and analysis models is called a decision support system.

32. Hardware and a communication network are recognized as important components of a

decision support system.

33. The ability to improve decision making by using "what if" analysis is a characteristic of a
marketing information system.

34. Unstructured problems and the use of models are characteristics that describe a decision
support system.

35. An advanced form of decision support system, called expert systems, uses artificial
intelligence procedures to incorporate expert judgment.

36. The US accounts for 60 percent of the marketing research expenditures worldwide.

Multiple Choice

37. Marketing research involves all of the following regarding information EXCEPT:
a. identification.
b. collection.
c. analysis.
d. manipulation.
e. dissemination

38. Which of the following statements is most TRUE about marketing research?
a. Marketing research follows an unpredictable path.
b. Marketing research is systematic.
c. Marketing research cannot be planned.
d. All of the answer selections are FALSE.
e. a and c are both true.

39. _______________ research is undertaken to help identify problems that are not necessarily
apparent on the surface and yet exist or are likely to arise in the future.
a. Problem-solving
b. Problem-identification
c. Problem-manipulation
d. Problem-correction
e. Problem exception

40. Which of the following classifications of marketing research involves going below the
surface to identify the true underlying problem that the marketing manager is facing?
a. problem-solving
b. problem-manipulation
c. problem-correction
d. problem-identification
e. problem exception

41. Problem-identification research is typically used to address all of the following topics
a. market share.
b. short-range forecasting.
c. long-range forecasting.
d. pricing.
e. market potential.

42. Which of the following is the more common of the forms of research and is undertaken by
virtually all marketing firms?
a. problem-solving research
b. problem-identification research
c. problem-manipulation research
d. problem-correction research
e. problem exception

43. According to the text, ______________ research is typically used to assess the environment
and diagnose problems.
a. problem-solving research
b. problem-manipulation research
c. problem-identification research
d. problem-correction research
e. problem exception

44. Research undertaken to help solve specific marketing problems is called ______________.
a. problem-solving research
b. problem-manipulation research
c. problem-identification research
d. problem-correction research
e. problem exception

45. All of the following are examples of topics typically addressed by problem-solving research
a. segmentation.
b. product.
c. promotion.
d. market share.
e. pricing.

46. Which of the following is NOT a step in the marketing research process?
a. problem definition
b. problem correction
c. research design formulation
d. report generation and presentation
e. report binding and shelving

47. The first step in any marketing research project is to ______________.

a. define the problem
b. develop an approach to the problem
c. formulate the research design
d. correct the problem
e. excise the problem
48. If an outside agency was brought in to conduct work for a research project after the first
three steps in the marketing research process were completed, which step would the agency
a. define the problem
b. develop an approach to the problem
c. formulate the research design
d. correct the problem
e. doing field work or collecting data

49. The marketing chief of Fossil is considering the introduction of a super functional,
fashionable wristwatch for men and women priced at $99. For this, he decided on 30
telephonic interviews from their customer database, 50 valid survey responses from
individuals whose income is greater than $60,000 and 2 focus-groups. To which of the six
steps of the marketing research process do the actions of the marketing chief for Fossil fall
a. defining the problem
b. developing an approach to the problem
c. doing analysis
d. doing field work or collecting data
e. formulating the research design

50. Which of the following is NOT a form of interviewing in the data collection stage of the
research process?
a. telephone interviewing
b. mail interviewing
c. electronic interviewing
d. observational interviewing
e. personal interviewing

51. All of the following are steps involved in the data-processing stage of collected data
a. editing.
b. coding.
c. transcribing.
d. collecting.
e. initial inspection.

52. Which of the following is NOT considered an uncontrollable environmental factor?

a. competition
b. social and cultural factors
c. political factors
d. promotion
e. economy
53. All of the following are considered to be controllable marketing variables EXCEPT:
a. competition.
b. pricing.
c. promotion.
d. distribution.
e. product

54. Which of the following are links in the information value chain?
a. segmentation
b. targeting
c. research agency
d. research design
e. knowledge

55. Researchers enter the realm of the decision maker when they ______________.
a. make an appointment no less than 2 weeks in advance
b. state the facts
c. send an invoice for professional services they have redeemed
d. explain the research design
e. give justification for a recommended course of action over others

56. Marketing research departments located within a firm are called ______________.
a. internal suppliers
b. horizontal suppliers
c. virtual suppliers
d. external suppliers
e. smart zones

57. A marketing research project is warranted when​ ​______________.

a. the required information is already in the organization
b. the decision which the research addresses has already been made
c. the research will be used for gaining political ends
d. time or money are not available in adequate amounts
e. the cost of the research is less than its eventual benefits

58.ABC is a company which is involved in selling data that is designed to serve information
needs to company's like PepsiCo and Coco-cola. The data is primarily collected through
surveys, purchase and media panels and scanners. What kind of service does ABC
provide in the marketing research industry?
a. internet service
b. data analysis service
c. limited-service suppliers
d. coding and data entry services
e. syndicated services
59. Outside marketing research companies hired to supply marketing research data are called
a. horizontal suppliers
b. vertical suppliers
c. external suppliers
d. internal suppliers
e. full-service suppliers

60. According to the text, most of the research suppliers are _______________.
a. multinational operations
b. Fortune 500 operations
c. foreign operations
d. small operations
e. 501(c)(3) organizations

61. The services of full-service suppliers can be categorized into all of the following types of
services EXCEPT:
a. syndicated services.
b. environmental services
c. customized services.
d. Internet services.
e. b and d

62. Companies that collect and sell common pools of data designed to serve information needs
that a number of clients share are called ______________.
a. environmental services
b. customized services
c. syndicated services
d. Internet services
e. field services

63. All of the following represent main methods for which data for syndicated services are
collected EXCEPT:
a. focus groups.
b. surveys.
c. dairy panels.
d. scanners.
e. Audits.

64. According to the text, which of the following organizations was recognized as the largest
global research firm based on year 2000 global research revenues?
a. NFO WorldGroup Inc.
b. Arbitron Inc.
c. VNU N.V.
d. Roper Starch Worldwide Inc.
e. Decision Analyst, Inc.

65. Which of the following marketing research firms does NOT offer customized services?
a. Synovate
b. TNS
c. Burke, Inc.
d. Field Work Chicago, Inc.
e. both b and d

66. Companies whose primary service offering is their expertise in collecting data for research
projects are called ______________.
a. field services
b. Internet services
c. coding and data entry services
d. data analysis services
e. research directorates

67. Which of the following types of research suppliers perform services that include editing
competing questionnaires, developing a coding scheme, and transcribing the data onto
diskettes or magnetic tapes for input into the computer?
a. field services
b. Internet services
c. coding and data entry services
d. data analysis services
e. research directorates

68. According to the text, the most common entry-level position in the marketing research
industry for people with bachelor's degrees is ______________.
a. assistant project director
b. project director
c. operational supervisor
d. research analyst
e. account executive

69. All of the following are mentioned in the text as steps to take to prepare for a career in
marketing research EXCEPT:
a. acquire computer and Internet skills.
b. obtain any work experience.
c. take courses in statistics and quantitative methods.
d. acquire effective written and verbal communication skills.
e. think creatively.

70. A formalized set of procedures for generating, analyzing, storing, and distributing pertinent
information to marketing decision makers on an ongoing basis is called a(n)
a. transactions processing system
b. decision support system
c. marketing information system
d. expert system
e. research directorate

71.In order to compare the national retailers' success in selling its brands of digital cameras
with the national retailers' success in selling traditional camera equipment, the marketing
manager for Sony decided to use the billing information Sony has for these national
retailers. This information is fed into spreadsheets formatted in tabular form and updated
continuously as accounts change. In doing so, the marketing manager for Sony utilized which
one of the following:
a. a rolling audit
b. a functional system
c. an expert system
d. a decision support system
e. a marketing information system

72. An information system that enables decision makers to interact directly with both databases
and analysis models is called a(n) _____________.
a. transaction processing system
b. decision support system
c. expert system
d. marketing information system
e. information load

73. All of the following are important components of a decision support system EXCEPT:
a. hardware and a communication network.
b. model base.
c. software base.
d. data entry procedures
e. DSS user

74. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a marketing information system?

a. structured problems
b. use of reports
c. information displaying restricted
d. can improve decision making by using "what if" analysis
e. can improve decision making by clarifying new data.

75. All of the following are characteristics that describe a decision support system EXCEPT:
a. can improve decision making by clarifying new data.
b. unstructured problems.
c. use of models.
d. adaptability.
e. a and b

76. An advanced form of decision support system, called ______________, uses artificial
intelligence procedures to incorporate expert judgment.
a. management information systems
b. transaction processing systems
c. expert systems
d. marketing information systems
e. total quality management

77. According to Alvin Toffler's book ​The Third Wave​, the third wave features
a. supporting management decision with action
b. summarizing underlying patterns in data
c. seat of the pants decision making
d. no data needed
e. using decision support systems and expert systems

78. Which of the following stakeholders is NOT mentioned as being affected by marketing
research activities?
a. the government
b. the client
c. the respondent
d. the public
e. the marketing researcher

Additional Questions

1. Marketing Research, is everything except

a. Systematic
b. Politically biased
c. Objective
d. Used to assist management in decision making
e. None of the above

2. is undertaken to help identify problems that are perhaps not apparent on the
surface and yet exist or are likely to arise in the future.
a. Problem identification research
b. Segmentation research
c. Problem solving research
d. Marketing information systems
e. Advertising research

3. In
order to determine customer needs and to implement marketing strategies and
programs aimed at
satisfying those needs, marketing managers need information about .
a. Customers
b. Competitors
c. Other forces in the marketplace
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

4. Marketing managers need the information provided by marketing

research for many reasons.
Which of the following is not a reason to need information provided by
marketing research?
a. Firms have become national and international in scope.
b. Consumers have become more affluent and sophisticated.
c. Competition has become more intense.
d. All of the above.
e. (a) and (b) above

5. The Nielsen
Television Index is a set of information of known commercial value that is provided to
clients on a subscription basis. The Nielson Index is an example of .
a. Syndicated services
b. Customized services
c. Standardized services
d. Analytical services
e. Partial services

6. Customized services are

a. Companies that specialize in one or a few phases of the marketing research
b. Companies that use standardized procedures to provide marketing research to
various clients
c. Companies that collect and sell common pools of data designed to serve
information needs shared by a
number of clients
d. Companies that tailor the research procedures to best meet the needs of each
e. Both (a) and (b) above

7. Which one of the following techniques is not a qualitative research technique?

a. Depth interview
b. Word association
c. Focus group
d. Conclusive research
e. Projective technique

8. Which of the following tasks is not a component of research design?

a. Design the exploratory, descriptive, and/or causal phases of the research.
b. Construct and pretest a questionnaire (interviewing form) or an appropriate form
for data collection.
c. Specify the sampling process and sample size.
d. Develop hypotheses.
e. None of the above

9. As compared to
primary data, secondary data are collected .
a. Rapidly and easily
b. At a relatively low cost
c. In a short time
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

10. Depth interviews are like focus group in all of the following ways except:
a. Both are unstructured interviews
b. Both are direct ways of obtaining information
c. Both are qualitative research methods
d. Both are one-on-one interviews
e. (b) and (c) above

11. An interviewing process which uses a computerized questionnaire administered to

respondents over
telephone is known as
a. Traditional telephone
b. In-home
c. Computer-assisted telephone interviews (CATI)
d. Internet
e. Mall intercept

12.In marketing research, attitudinal data obtained from rating scales are often treated
a. Nominal
b. Ordinal
c. Interval
d. Ratio
e. Non metric

13. When used for classification purposes, the scaled numbers serve as labels
for classes or categories.
a. Ordinally
b. Intervally
c. Nominally
d. Ratio scale
e. Rank

14.The mathematical symbols ' ​Xc '​ and ' ​XS'​ represent a for the population and
the sampling
distribution respectively.
a. Standard error of the proportion
b. Standard deviation
c. Standard error of the mean
d. Median
e. Variance

15. Respondents have been asked to express their degree of agreement with a series
of lifestyle statements on a l-to-5 scale, assuming that 9 has been designated for missing
values, data values of 0, 6, 7, and 8 are out of range. Where in the data cleaning process
might any out-of range data be caught?
a. Consistency checks
b. Returning to the field
c. Treatment of missing responses
d. Both (a) and (c) are correct
e. Both (b) and (c) are correct
16. Which option for the treatment of missing values involves the researcher using the
respondents' pattern of responses to calculate a suitable response to the missing
a. Returning to the field
b. Case-wise deletion
c. Substitute an imputed response
d. Substitute a neutral value
e. Pair wise deletion

17. Which of the research questions / hypotheses given below is best answered using
cross tabulations?
a. Is model appeal of an motorbike related to age and education levels?
b. The department store is being patronized by more than 10 percent of households.
c. One hotel has a more upscale image than its close competitor.
d. Both (b) and (c) are correct.
e. None of the above

18. The regression equation for a categorical independent variable with four
categories would be modeled as: Yi=a+ bl D1+ b2 D2+ b3 D3, here Dl, D2, D3 are the
a. Dependent variables
b. Independent Variables
c. Dummy variables
d. Surrogate variables
e. Trial variables

19. If the discriminant function is estimated and the square of the canonical
correlation is 0.81, what does it indicate?
a. 81% of the variance in the dependent variable is explained by the model.
b. The null hypothesis is rejected. Therefore, there is significant discrimination
between groups.
c. 90% of the explained variance is accounted for.
d. (b) and (c) are correct
e. None of the above
20. The linear
combinations of independent variables developed by discriminant analysis that will
best discriminate between the categories of the dependent variable are .
a. Discriminant functions
b. Discriminant scores
c. Characteristic profiles
d. Classification matrix
e. Group centroids

21. Factor analysis is a (n) in that the entire set of interdependent relationships
is examined.
a. KMO measure of sampling adequacy
b. Orthogonal procedure
c. Interdependence technique
d. Varimax procedure
e. Orthogonal rotation

22. The amount of variance a variable shares with all other variables included in the
factor analysis is referred to
as .
a. Communality
b. Total variance
c. Shared variance
d. Percentage of variance
e. Eigen value

23. An analysis technique which uses methods that are heuristics based on algorithms
is known as.
a. Factor analysis
b. Discriminant analysis
c. Clustering
d. Analysis of variance
e. Regression analysis
24. If you are performing cluster analysis on the same data using different
distance measures and then comparing the results across measures to determine
stability of the solutions, you are at which stage of the cluster analysis process?

a. Interpreting and profiling the clusters

b. Assessing reliability and validity
c. Deciding on the number of clusters
d. Deciding on the number of factors
e. Selecting a clustering procedure

25. is a lack of fit measure; higher values indicate poorer fits.

a. Attribute levels
b. Stress
c. R-square
d. KMO
e. Relative importance weights

26. In which approach to collecting perception data are respondents often required to
rate all possible pairs of brands or stimuli in terms of similarity/dissimilarity on a 1-5
scale? (1 - Most similar, 5 - least similar)
a. Direct
b. Preference
c. Derived
d. Likert
e. In direct

27. Which statement is true about using discriminant analysis to create spatial maps?

a. Input data should be obtained via attribute-based approaches to obtaining

perception data.
b. Spatial maps are obtained by plotting brand scores on the factors.
c. Discriminant weights can be used to label the dimensions.
d. Both (a) and (c) are true
e. None of the above.
28. Which of the following statements is not true concerning conjoint analysis?

a. The underlying assumption is that any set of stimuli, such as products, brands, or
stores, is evaluated as a bundle of attributes.
b. Conjoint analysis relies on respondent's subjective evaluations.
c. Conjoint analysis seeks to develop the part-worth or utility functions describing
the utility consumers attach to the levels of each attribute.
d. The stimuli in conjoint analysis are products or brands
e. It is used for determining the relative importance of attributes in the consumer
choice process

29. For conjoint analysis, when full or complete profiles of brands are constructed for
all the attributes, the process is known as

a. Full-profile approach
b. Pair-wise approach
c. Two-factor evaluations
d. Both (b) and (c)
e. Multifactor evaluation

30. Marketing research has often been described as having four stakeholders.
These stakeholders have certain responsibilities to each other and to the research
project. Which of the following is not one of the stakeholders?

a. The marketing researcher

b. The respondent
c. The public
d. The environment
e. The research agency
31. Because of potential difficulties when seeking
advice from experts, it is best to use interviews with experts when conducting marketing
research .

a. For industrial firms

b. For products of a technical nature
c. In situations where little information is available from other sources
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

32. The management decision

problem focuses on , while the marketing research
problem focuses on

a. Symptoms; solutions
b. Symptoms; underlying causes
c. Solutions; underlying causes
d. Underlying causes; solutions
e. None of the above

33. is a type of non-sampling error arising from respondents who do respond but
give inaccurate answers, or their answers are mis-recorded or mis analyzed. It may be
defined as the variation between the true mean value of the variable in the net sample and
the observed mean value obtained in the marketing research project.
a. Random sampling error
b. Non-response error
c. Non-sampling error
d. Response error
e. Inefficiency error
34. Which of the following is a disadvantage of surveys?
a​. Interviewer errors; respondent errors
b. Data is lacking in terms of content, quantity, and quality
c. Data may not be representative; quality of data limited
d. Coverage may be incomplete; matching of data on the competitive activity may
be difficult
e. None of the above

35. The target population for a department store project was defined as "male or
female head of household responsible for most of the shopping at department stores in
metro Mumbai in 2006." "Male or female head of household responsible for most of the
shopping at department stores" is what part of the target population definition?
a. Elements
b. Sampling unit
c. Extent
d. Time
e. Both (b) and (c) above
36. Using the same text in question number 7 "Metro Mumbai" is what part of the
target population definition?
a. Elements
b. Sampling unit
c. Extent
d. Time
e. Both (b) and (c) above

37. Supervisor should keep daily records of the number of calls

made, number of not-at-homes, number of refusals, and number of completed
interviews for each interviewer and the total for all interviewers under their control.
These daily records are a part of .
a. Quality control and editing
b. Control of cheating
c. Central office control
d. Sampling control
e. Both b and c above

38. The number of units that will have to be sampled is the

a. Incidence rate
b. Initial sample size
c. Completion rate
d. Final sample size
e. Population size

39. Which option for the treatment of missing values involves the researcher
using only cases or respondents with
complete responses for each calculation?
a. Returning to the field
b. Case-wise deletion
c. Pair-wise deletion
d. Substitute a neutral value
e. Using an arbitrary value

40. Factor analysis is a multivariate statistical techniques used when, there is

a. Variable interdependence
b. One dependent variable
c. More than one dependent variable
d. Inter object similarity
e. Inter object dissimilarity
1. Introduction to marketing research: Scientific research approach and Problem definition
1. The process of marketing involves all of the following EXCEPT:
a) Product
b) Production
c) Pricing
d) Distribution
e) Promotion

2. Problem identification research is undertaken to:

a. Help identify problems that are not apparent on the surface and yet exist or may exist in
the future.
b. Develop clear, concise marketing segments.
c. Help solve specific research problems.
d. Establish a procedure for development of a primary research plan.

3. Which of the issues listed below would be addressed using problem-solving research?
a. the need to understand market potential
b. the need to understand current cultural trends
c. the need to understand changes in consumer behavior
d. the need to determine where to locate retail outlets

4. Every marketing research project is unique in its own sense.

a. True
b. False

5. Marketing managers require the information from marketing research for various
Which of the following is/are the reason(s) for the requirement of that information?
a. More and more companies are facing international competition.
b. Consumers have become very demanding and are asking for newer products and services
all the time.
c. Managers are becoming distant from consumers due to layers in organizational hierarchy.
d. All of the above.

6. In contrast to marketing researchers, management decision-makers are more focused on:

a. scientific and technical analysis of emerging phenomenon
b. market performance
c. proactive research
d. long-term strategic investigation of marketplace

7. A research project can involve both problem identification and problem-solving research.
a. True
b. False
8. To convert a management dilemma into a research question what should a manager and
researcher focus on:
a. The decision making environment b. Alternative courses of action
c. Objectives of the decision makers
d. Consequences of alternative actions e. None of the above
f. All of the above

9. Conducting marketing research guarantees success.

a. True
b. False

10. Marketing research can assist in the decision making process

a. True
b. False

2. Exploratory research design

1. Which of these count as data?

a. The number of males and females in a group
b. The number of employees in an organization
c. A tape recorded interview
d. A poster for a brand of coffee
e. All of these

2. When the research objective of a study is to gain background information and to clarify
the research problems to create hypotheses, it is generally referred to as:
a. Exploratory research design
b. Descriptive research design
c. Causal research design
d. Experimental research design
e. All of the above

3. Which of the following is TRUE?

a. Secondary data are more accurate than primary data.
b. The researcher should attempt to gather secondary data before initiating a search for
primary data.
c. Primary data are gathered by the researcher and secondary data by other researchers.
d. If a researcher obtains secondary data from the party who collected them, he or she is
using a secondary source of secondary data.
e. They are all false.

4. A quantitative research study aims to achieve all of the following, EXCEPT:

a. test various types of hypotheses
b. make accurate predictions about relationships between market factors and behaviour
c. generate sustainable competitive advantages for an organization
d. gain meaningful insights into the relationships between variables
e. validate the existing relationships between variables

5. Qualitative research techniques perform better for which of the following issue in
comparison to quantitative research techniques?
a. Developing generalizable findings
​b. Gathering rich data
c. Distinguishing small differences
d. High reliability
e. High validity

6. The optimal number of participants for a focus group is:

a. 1-2 members
b. 3-7 members
c. 8-12 members
d. 12-20 members
e. 20-50 members

7. For which of the following projects would secondary data collection likely be sufficient in
arriving at a conclusion?
a. A bank wants to determine how the bank's customers feel about the new service they
have introduced.
b. A fast-food franchisee wants to determine the market potential for a new type of
specialty food in a certain area.
c. A department store chain wants to know whether consumers will spend more money if
a coffee shop was introduced.
d. A pet food manufacturer wants to determine whether dogs will prefer a new type of dog
e. None of the above.

8. The basic rule for data collection process is:

a. Always start by consulting the governmental statistics website
b. Begin with primary data, then supplement if needed with secondary data.
c. Begin with secondary data, then proceed if necessary to collect primary data​.
d. Always investigate external sources of secondary data first.
e. Design a field experiment to collect primary data.

9. Which of the following are advantages of individual depth interviews?

a. They allow deeper and candid discussion.
b. They eliminate the negatives that group influences have in a focus group. c. None of the
d. Both of the above (a and b)

10. Which of the following is not a project technique:

a. In-depth interview
b. Pictorial construction c. Word association tests
d. Sentence completion tests
e. Role plays

3. Conclusive research design

1. Which of the following methods can be used in administering survey instruments?

a. Personal interview
b. Mall intercept
c. Internet
d. Mail interview
e. All of the above
f. None of the above

2. All of the following are advantages of surveys, EXCEPT:

a. Surveys can tap into factors that are not directly observable
b. One can accommodate large sample sizes at relatively modest costs
c. Administration of surveys is relatively easy
d. One can make extensive use of probing questions using a survey
e. Survey data can be used with advanced statistical analysis

3. Most conclusive research designs involve qualitative research techniques.

a. True
b. False

4. What does CATI stand for in marketing research?

a. Computer anonymized telephone interaction
b. Computing & analysing technical information c. Computer associated telephone
d. Computer assisted telephone interviewin​g
e. None of the above

5. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of a self-administered survey?

a. Cost per survey
b. Respondent control
c. Interviewer-respondent bias
d. Flexibility
e. Anonymity in responses

6. What observation method is the most flexible?

a. Personal observation
b. Mechanical observation
c. Audit
d. All of the above

7. The survey method involves a structured questionnaire administered to a sample of a

population and designed to elicit specific information from respondents.
a. True
b. False

8. Descriptive designs involve mostly experimentation.

a. True
b. False

9. Cross-sectional designs and longitudinal designs are at times compared with a photograph
and a movie respectively.
a. True
b. False

10. Method of observation depends on:

a. Directness of approach
b. Respondent’s awareness of being observed
c. The rigour of information and structure
d. Observation recording method
e. All of the above

4. Sampling

1. In what of the following situations sampling plays an important role:

a. In identifying, developing, and understanding new marketing concepts that need to be
b. In designing questionnaires
c. In reducing the time and money it will take to conduct a survey
d. In developing scale measurements used to collect primary data
e. All of the above

2. We use sampling many times during our daily lives.

a. True
b. False
3. The studies which cover all the members of are called ‘census’.
a. Elements
b. Population
c. Sample
d. Sampling frame
e. All of the above

4. A is a representation of the elements of the target population.

a. Population
b. Sampling frame
c. Sample
d. Element
e. All of the above

5. Non-sampling errors represent any type of bias that is attributable to mistakes in either
drawing a sample or demining the sample size.
a. True
b. False

6. Which of the following is a not a probability sampling technique

a. Systematic random sampling
b. Cluster sampling
c. Quota sampling
d. Stratified sampling

7. In which sampling technique a random number table is employed.

a. Snowball sampling
b. Simple random sampling
c. Systematic random sampling
d. Convenience sampling

8. In which technique selection of sample is left entirely to the researcher.

a. Convenience sampling
b. Simple random sampling
c. Stratified sampling
d. Cluster sampling

9. Which nonprobability sampling technique is called as the most refined nonprobability

a. Convenience sampling
b. Simple random sampling
c. Judgement sampling
d. Quota sampling
e. Snowball sampling

10. In which of the sampling techniques each sampling unit has a known, nonzero chance of
a. Probability sampling technique
b. Nonprobability sampling technique

5. Measurement and scaling

1. Most people use measurement in their daily lives.

a. True
b. False

2. The idea of assigning numbers can be helpful in:

a. allowing statistical testing
b. facilitating easier communication ​c. Both a and b
d. None

3. The appropriateness of the raw data being collected depends directly on the scaling
technique used by the researcher.
a. True
b. False
4. Which of the following scale has assignment property?
a. Nominal
b. Ordinal
c. Interval
d. Ratio
e. All of the above
f. None of the above

5. The interval scale possesses all of the below properties, except:

a. Assignment
b. Order
c. Distance
d. Origin
e. All of the above
f. None of the above

6. The origin property refers to a numbering system where zero is the displayed or
referenced starting point in the set of possible responses.
a. True
b. False
7. Which among the following is not comparative scaling technique?
a. Paired comparison
b. Rank order
c. Constant sum scale
d. Q-sort
e. Stapel scale

8. Which among the following is not a noncomparative scaling technique?

a. Likert
b. Stapel
c. Semantic differential
d. Rank order
e. None of the above

9. Respondent characteristics such as intelligence, education does not have any affect the
test score.
a. True
b. False

10. Validity refers to scale consistency over a period of time.

a. True
b. False

6. Questionnaire design

1. A questionnaire is a formalized set of questions involving one or more measurement

scales designed to collect specified secondary data.
a. True
b. False

2. The first step in developing a questionnaire is to specify the information needed in

researchable format.
a. True
b. False

3. In which of the following interviewing methods most complex question scales can be used
a. Personal interviews
b. Telephone interviews
c. Mail interviews
d. Online interviews
4. Unstructured questions are also called as:
a. Close ended
b. Open ended
c. Both
d. None

5. Open ended questions are mostly used in:

a. Exploratory research
b. Conclusive research
c. Both
d. None

6. What should be avoided when developing a questionnaire?

a. Complex words
b. Ambiguous words
c. Leading questions
d. Generalizations
e. All of the above
f. None of the above

7. Double barrelled questions should be avoided in questionnaire development.

a. True
b. False

8. The forward and opening questions are highly important in gaining respondents’ trust and
making them feel comfortable with the study.
a. True
b. False

9. Most socioeconomic and demographic questions are defined as:

a. Identification information
b. Specific information
c. Classification information
d. All of the above

10. A questionnaire should not be used in the field survey without being adequately pilot
a. True
b. False

7. Data preparation and preliminary data analysis

1. Most market research studies can be solved only by collecting secondary data.
a. True
b. False

2. Which of the following steps is not involved in fieldwork?

a. Selection of fieldworkers
b. Training of fieldworkers
c. Supervision of fieldworkers
d. Evaluation of fieldworkers
e. All of the above
f. None of the above

3. Probing helps in motivating the respondent and helps focus on a specific issue.
a. True
b. False

4. Which of the following is not an appropriate probing technique?

a. Repeating the question
b. Repeating the respondents’ reply
c. Forcing the respondent to remember
d. Eliciting clarification
e. Using objective/neutral questions or comments

5. One of the major editing problem concerns with faking of an interview.

a. True
b. False

6. How can a researcher avoid and cross-check for fake interviews?

a. Use complex scales
b. Use dichotomous questions
c. Use only close ended questions
d. Use few open-ended questions

7. What types of questions are relatively hard to code?

a. Multiple choice questions
b. Dichotomous questions
c. Open-ended questions
d. Likert scale based questions

8. Data cleaning involves which of the following.

a. Substituting missing value with a neutral value
b. Substituting an imputed response by following a pattern of respondent’s other responses
c. Casewise deletion
d. Pairwise deletion
e. All of the above
f. None of the above

9. Categorical variables involve what of the following scales?

a. Nominal and ordinal
b. Nominal and interval
c. Nominal and ratio
d. Ordinal and ratio
e. Ordinal and interval
f. Interval and ratio

10. Categorical variables involve what of the following scales?

a. Nominal and ordinal
b. Nominal and interval
c. Nominal and ratio
d. Ordinal and ratio
e. Ordinal and interval
f. Interval and ratio

8. Report preparation and presentation

1. Marketing research report is the bridge between researcher and manager with regard to
the research findings.
a. True
b. False

2. A project can still be called successful, even if the research results are not effectively
communicated using the research report.
a. True
b. False

3. Many times managers judge the research by the quality of the report.
​a. True
b. False

4. While writing the report, researcher should empathize with how the manager will be
reading and interpreting the report?
a. True
b. False

5. Which of the following must be kept in mind when writing a marketing research report?
a. Empathizing skills
b. Structure and logical arguments
c. Objectivity
d. Professional presentation
e. All of the above

6. Many consider executive summary as the soul of the research report?

a. True
b. False
7. Executive summary should involve all of the following, except:
a. Why and how the research was carried out
b. What was done to manage fieldworkers
c. What was found
d. What can be interpreted and acted upon by the manager

8. Which of the following sections in report should provide background information to the
a. Research methodology
b. Results
c. Conclusion
d. Introduction

9. Pilot testing should be discussed in which of the following sections of the report.
a. Introduction
b. Research methodology
c. Results
d. Conclusion

10. Researcher should explain any jargons used in the report succinctly.
a. True
b. False

1. A _________________ consists of people, equipment, and procedures to gather,

sort, analyze, evaluate, and distribute needed, timely, and accurate information to
marketing decision makers.
a. management information system
b. marketing information system
c. financial information system
d. management intelligence plan

Answer: (b)
3. Marketing information systems begin and end with information users. They
_______________, develop needed information, and distribute information.
a. assess information needs
b. forecast problem situations
c. gather marketing intelligence
d. tighten internal security over information

Answer: (a)

4. In a marketing information system, it is necessary to develop needed information.

All of the following would be primary sources of this needed information EXCEPT:
a. psychoanalytical models.
b. internal company databases.
c. marketing intelligence.
d. marketing research.

Answer: (a)

5. A good marketing information system balances the information managers would

like to have against:
a. information that competitors have.
b. information that is available.
c. what they really need and what is feasible to offer.
d. what is supplied by consultants.

Answer: (c)

6. One of the greatest problems in obtaining and accessing information that is relevant
to a marketing manager is:
a. the intelligence of the manager.
b. the cost of obtaining the information.
c. the number of people that are seeking the information.
d. a cataloging system for the information.

Answer: (b)

7. A(n) __________________ is a computerized collection of information obtained

from data sources within the company.
a. retrieval system
b. marketing research report
c. flow diagram and a PERT chart
d. internal database

Answer: (d)

8. Information in the company database can come from many sources. Which of the
following would not be chief among these sources?
a. the accounting department
b. the manufacturing department
c. the marketing department
d. interviews with stockholders

Answer: (d)

9. Which of the following information forms available to the marketing manager can
usually be accessed more quickly and cheaply than other information sources?
a. marketing intelligence
b. marketing research
c. customer profiles
d. internal databases

Answer: (d)

10. One of the most common problems with using internal information is that:
a. since it was probably collected for some other purpose, it may be incomplete or
b. it is usually expensive to retrieve.
c. top executives are usually unwilling to relinquish data, therefore, the data has
d. the data is almost always unsecured and, therefore, suspect as to reliability.

Answer: (a)
11. ______________ is(are) the systematic collection and analysis of publicly available
information about competitors and developments in the marketing environment.
a. Marketing research
b. Internal company records
c. Marketing intelligence
d. Competitor analysis

Answer: (c)
12. The goal of marketing intelligence is to:
a. improve strategic decision making.
b. improve external security of the organization.
c. prevent regulators from persecuting the company or its officers.
d. monitor employees and ensure the company against leaks or fraud.

Answer: (a)

13. The systematic design, collection, analysis, and reporting of data relevant to a
specific marketing situation facing an organization is called:
a. internal company records.
b. marketing research.
c. marketing implementation.
d. marketing intelligence.

Answer: (b)

14. If Compaq Computers wants to know how many and what kinds of people or
companies will buy its new light-weight super-fast notebook computer, it would
probably undertake which of the following?
a. internal company records search
b. marketing research
c. marketing implementation analysis
d. marketing intelligence

Answer: (b)

15. Typical situations in which ________________ is used include market potential and
market share studies, assessments of customer satisfaction and purchase behavior,
and/or studies of pricing, product, distribution, and promotion activities.
a. marketing intelligence
b. marketing control
c. internal company records
d. marketing research

Answer: (d)

16. The first step in the formal marketing research process is best described as being one
where the marketing manager has to:
a. define the problem and research objectives.
b. interpret and report the findings.
c. develop the research plan for collecting information.
d. implement the research plan, and collect and analyze the data.

Answer: (a)

17. Managers believe that the hardest step to accomplish successfully in the marketing
research process is the one where the marketing manager has to:
a. define the problem and research objectives.
b. interpret and report the findings.
c. develop the research plan for collecting information.
d. implement the research plan, and collect and analyze the data.
Answer: (a)

18. When a manager knows that something is wrong, but is unsure of the specific causes,
the marketing research process is most likely to be in which of the following stages?
a. define the problem and research objectives
b. interpret and report the findings
c. develop the research plan for collecting information
d. implement the research plan, collect, and analyze the data

Answer: (a)

19. After the problem has been defined carefully, the next step in the marketing research
process is to:
a. develop the product concept.
b. develop the advertising campaign.
c. develop the research plan for collecting information.
d. proceed with collecting the information.

Answer: (c)

20. ________________ is marketing research to gather preliminary information that will

help define problems and suggest hypotheses.
a. Descriptive research
b. Causal research
c. Exploratory research
d. Experimental research

Answer: (c)

21. The type of research used to gather preliminary information to help generate research
hypotheses is called:
a. descriptive research.
b. causal research.
c. exploratory research.
d. experimental research.

Answer: (c)

22. __________________ is marketing research to better describe marketing problems,

situations, or markets.
a. Descriptive research
b. Causal research
c. Exploratory research
d. Experimental research

Answer: (a)

23. The type of research used to describe things such as the market potential for a product
is called:
a. descriptive research.
b. causal research.
c. exploratory research.
d. investigative research.

Answer: (a)

24. ___________________ is marketing research to test hypotheses about cause-and-

effect relationships.
a. Descriptive research
b. Causal research
c. Exploratory research
d. Experimental research

Answer: (b)

25. The type of research used to test hypotheses about cause-and-effect relationships is
a. descriptive research.
b. causal research.
c. exploratory research.
d. investigative research.

Answer: (b)

26. The owner of a small men’s clothing store has noticed that sales for men’s suits are
especially high on Saturdays and at the end of the month. If he chooses to investigate
this phenomenon he would probably choose which of the following research formats?
a. descriptive research
b. causal research
c. exploratory research
d. investigative research

Answer: (b)
27. The second step of the marketing research process is ____________________.
During this step an outline of sources of existing data, specific research approaches,
contact methods, sampling plans, and instruments that researchers will use to gather
new data are presented.
a. defining the problem and research objectives
b. implementing the research plan
c. developing the research plan for collecting information
d. interpreting and reporting the findings

Answer: (c)

28. Research objectives can be translated into specific information needs. Which of the
following would not be a good example of such specific information needs that could
be matched to research objectives as applied to consumers?
a. demographic, economic, and lifestyle characteristics of users
b. consumer-usage patterns
c. profit margins
d. attitudes toward proposed new packaging

Answer: (c)
29. __________________ is information that already exists somewhere, having been
collected for another purpose.
a. Experimental information
b. External information
c. Primary data
d. Secondary data

Answer: (d)

30. _________________ is information collected for the specific purpose at hand.

a. Experimental information
b. External information
c. Primary data
d. Secondary data

Answer: (c)

31. The first type of data normally collected and processed in a research effort is called
____________________ data.
a. experimental
b. external
c. primary
d. secondary
Answer: (d)

32. _________________ are computerized collections of information available from

online commercial sources or via the Internet.
a. Internal databases
b. Intranet databases
c. Online databases
d. Synergistic databases

Answer: (c)

33. Which of the following would be a good example of an online database?

a. Linux
c. AOL
d. Quicken

Answer: (b)

34. All of the following are advantages of using secondary data EXCEPT:
a. secondary data can be obtained from either internal or external sources.
b. secondary data can be obtained more quickly than primary data.
​c. secondary data usually costs more (but is usually worth it) than primary data.
d. secondary data can often provide data that an individual company cannot collect on
its own.

Answer: (c)

35. Problems associated with secondary data include all of the following EXCEPT:
​a. consistency.
b. relevancy.
c. accuracy.
d. current status (currency).

Answer: (a)

36. Designing a plan for primary data collection usually calls for decisions in all of the
following areas EXCEPT:
a. payment methods.
b. research approaches.
c. contact methods.
d. research instruments.
Answer: (a)

37. ________________ research is the gathering of primary data by observing relevant

people, actions, and situations.
a. Questionnaire
b. Observational
c. Survey
d. Experimental

Answer: (b)

38. Steelcase office equipment company, when designing its highly successful Personal
Harbor modular office units, set up video cameras at various companies to study
motions and behavior patterns that customers themselves might not even notice.
This would be an example of which of the following research approaches?
a. questionnaire research
​b. observational research
c. survey research
d. experimental research

Answer: (b)

39. A wide range of companies now use ___________ research—which combines

intensive observation with customer interviews—to gain deep insights into how
customers buy and live with their products.
a. experimental
b. dyad
​c. ethnographic
d. experimental

Answer: (c)

40. A people meter or a checkout scanner would be examples of which of the following
forms of research?
a. ethnographic
b. survey
c. experimental
​d. mechanical

Answer: (d)

41. ______________ is the gathering of primary data by asking people questions about
their knowledge, attitudes, preferences, and buying behavior.
a. Observational research
b. Survey research
c. Experimental research
d. Mechanical research

Answer: (b)

42. The most widely used method for primary data collection is called:
a. observational research.
​b. survey research.
c. experimental research.
d. mechanical research.

Answer: (b)

43. Electronic monitoring systems that link consumers’ exposure to television

advertising and promotion (measured using television meters) with what they buy
in stores (measured using store checkout scanners) are called:
a. covert intelligence devices.
​b. single-source data systems.
c. motivational research systems.
d. subliminal persuasion measurement devices.

Answer: (b)

44. The major advantage of survey research is its:

a. simplicity.
b. structure.
c. organization.
d. flexibility.

Answer: (d)

45. ________________ is the gathering of primary data by selecting matched groups of

subjects, giving them different treatments, controlling related factors, and checking for
differences in group responses.
a. Observational research
b. Survey research
​c. Experimental research
d. Mechanical research

Answer: (c
46. Which of the following common survey methods is rated “excellent” for the control
of the sample?
a. mail
b. telephone
c. personal
d. online

Answer: (b)

47. Which of the following common survey methods is rated “poor” in terms of speed
of data collection?
a. mail
b. telephone
c. personal
d. online

Answer: (a)

48. Of all the survey contact methods available for the marketing researcher, the
_______________ method is the only one rated as “excellent” in the cost category
(it can collect many responses cheaply).
a. mail
b. telephone
c. personal
d. online

Answer: (d)

49. Which of the following common survey methods is rated “excellent” in terms of
a. mail
b. telephone
​c. personal
d. online

Answer: (c)

50. When personal interviewing involves inviting six to ten people to gather for a few
hours with a trained interviewer to talk about a product, service, or organization, the
method is called:
a. selective sponsorship.
b. probing.
c. focus group interviewing.
d. the Delphi method.

Answer: (c)

51. One of the problems with focus group interviewing is the potential for greater:
a. interviewer bias.
b. respondent boredom.
c. respondent ignorance.
d. interviewer incompetence.

Answer: (a)

52. Sam Moise goes to a local cybercafe once a week to participate in a unique form of
marketing research. He sits at one of the computers in the cafe, receives questions
from a pre-programmed disk, reads the questions, and types in his answers while an
interviewer is present in the cafe to monitor and assist with the process. Which of the
following would be the best description of the form of research in which Sam has just
been a participant?
a. mechanical interviewing
​b. computer-assisted interviewing
c. focus group interviewing
d. online or Internet interviewing

Answer: (b)

53. When a marketing research organization chooses a segment of the population that
represents the population as a whole, they have chosen a _______________.
a. group
b. bi-variant population
c. sample
d. market target

Answer: (c

54. Designing the sample in a research process requires three decisions. Which of the
following is not one of those decisions?
a. Who is to be surveyed?
b. How many people are to be surveyed?
c. How should the people in the survey be chosen?
​d. Who will check the accuracy of the sample?

Answer: (d)
55. When the researcher is using a _____________, each population member has a
known chance of being included in the sample.
a. sampling unit
b. sample size measure
c. probability sample
d. nonprobability sample

Answer: (c)

56. When the sampling error cannot be calculated due to the method used to select the
sample, the researcher has just used a(n):
a. sampling unit sample.
b. inverted sample.
c. probability sample.
d. nonprobability sample.

Answer: (d)

57. If the researcher (because of time or cost constraints) selects the easiest population
members from which to obtain the information, he or she has just selected a(n):
a. judgment sample.
b. sample random sample.
​c. convenience sample.
d. stratified random sample.

Answer: (c)

58. If the researcher is faced with a research problem wherein the population needs to be
divided into mutually exclusive groups (such as age groups), and random samples
are drawn from each group, the researcher has just selected a(n):
a. judgment sample.
b. sample random sample.
c. convenience sample.
d. stratified random sample.

Answer: (d)

59. If every member of the population has a known and equal chance of being chosen to
survey, then the researcher has just used a(n):
a. judgment sample.
b. sample random sample.
c. convenience sample.
d. stratified random sample.

Answer: (b)

60. Perhaps the most explosive issue facing online researchers concerns:
a. the extremely high costs of online research.
b. consumer privacy.
c. lack of accuracy with respondent responses.
d. difficulty in verifying sample demographics.

Answer: (b)

61. ____________________ include all the possible answers, and subjects make choices
among them.
a. Closed-parameter questions
b. Open-end questions
c. Closed-end questions
d. Conditioned response questions

Answer: (c)

62. _________________ allow respondents to answer questions in their own words.

a. Closed-parameter questions
​b. Open-end questions
c. Closed-end questions
d. Conditioned response questions

Answer: (b)

63. If a researcher wanted to measure a respondent’s physical responses with a

mechanical device, he or she could use a(n):
​a. galvanometer​.
b. people meter.
c. scanner.
d. brain probe.

Answer: (a)

64. In recent years, many companies have acquired or developed special software and
analysis techniques called ________________for integrating and applying the
mountains of individual customer data contained in their databases.
a. integration management
b. people probes
c. customer relationship management
d. psychographics

Answer: (c)

65. Francis Smith wishes to pull psychographic data about customers’ wants and desires
from the company’s database. The company has been maintaining elaborate records
about the wants and desires of its customers for years in what would now be called
a data warehouse. When Francis pulls the needed data gems from the data
warehouse, she has just participated in the process of:
a. data research.
b. nonmetric-multidimensional scaling.
​c. data mining.
d. data probing.

Answer: (c)

66. Increasingly, companies are allowing key customers and value-network members
to access account and product information and other data on a company’s _______
to update their accounts, arrange purchases, and check orders against inventories
to improve customer service.
a. Internet
b. intranet
c. Web-net
d. extranet

Answer: (d)

67. International marketing researchers follow _______________ steps as(than) domestic

researchers do.
a. the same
b. more reduced
c. more expanded
d. more primitive

Answer: (a)

68. All of the following would be among the problems faced by international researchers
a. the inability on the part of world consumers to understand marketing.
b. the scarcity of good secondary data in the international arena.
c. the respondents are more difficult to reach.
d. the cultural differences in the world community.
Answer: (a)

69. Increasing consumer resentment has become a major problem for the research
industry. For example, in a recent poll, _________ of Americans now refuse to
be interviewed in an average survey.
a. 10 percent
b. 20 percent
c. 25 percent
​d. 38 percent

Answer: (d)

70. One common misuse of marketing research findings in contemporary business is the
tendency for marketing research to:
​ a. become a vehicle for pitching the sponsor’s products.
b. become a vehicle for discriminating in the marketplace.
c. become a means for raising prices.
d. become a means for unfair competition.

Answer: (a)


71. A system that uses people, equipment, and procedures to gather, sort, analyze,
evaluate, and distribute needed, timely, and accurate information to marketing
decision makers is called a marketing information system.

Answer: (True)

72. One of the components of an organization’s marketing information system is

marketing intelligence.

Answer: (True)

73. A good marketing information system balances the information users’ ability to pay
against a hierarchy of their needs.

Answer: (False)

74. By itself, information has no worth.

Answer: (True)

75. One of the problems with internal databases is the slowness of access and cost
associated with these information sources.

Answer: (False)

76. Marketing research is the systematic collection and analysis of publicly available
information about competitors and developments in the marketing environment.

Answer: (False)

77. The first step in the marketing research process is to define the problem and research

Answer: (True)

78. Descriptive research is marketing research to gather preliminary information that

will help define problems and suggest hypotheses.

Answer: (False)

79. The objective of causal research is to gather preliminary information that will
help define the problem and suggest hypotheses.

Answer: (False)

80. Secondary data is information collected for the specific purpose at hand.

Answer: (False)

81. A good example of an online database is LEXIS-NEXIS.

Answer: (True)

82. Primary data can usually be obtained more quickly and at a lower cost than
secondary data.

Answer: (False)

83. Ethnographic research is used to gain deep insights into how customers buy and
live with their products.
Answer: (True)

84. One way to conduct observational research would be to use a people meter.

Answer: (True)

85. Observational research is the gathering of primary data by asking people questions
about their knowledge, attitudes, preferences, and buying behavior.

Answer: (False)

86. The mail survey technique is rated “excellent” in the flexibility category.

Answer: (False)

87. The telephone survey technique is rated as being “excellent” in the control of
sample category.

Answer: (True)

88. The only survey method that receives an “excellent” rating with respect to cost is the
online method of survey research.

Answer: (True)

89. Because interviewers have more freedom in personal interviews while conducting
a focus group, the problem of interviewer bias is very slight.

Answer: (False)

90. With a sample random sample, the researcher finds and interviews a prescribed
number of people in each of several categories.

Answer: (False)

91. With a stratified random sample, the population is divided into mutually exclusive
groups and the researcher draws a random sample from each group.

Answer: (True)

92. Open-end questions allow respondents to answer in their own words.

Answer: (True)
93. A customer touch point is a company-wide electronic storehouse of customer

Answer: (False)

94. Marketing information has no value until it is used to make better marketing

Answer: (True)

95. Because of the complexity and cost of secondary data collection, observation,
surveys, and experiments, small organizations with small budgets can rarely use
and benefit from marketing research done on an informal basis.

Answer: (False)

96. Many consumers feel positively about marketing research and believe that it serves
a useful purpose.

Answer: (True)

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