Ion Mobility: Ue S Zee F Rs F

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Ion mobility

Qualitatively: Large ions in viscous liquids can be expected to be

drifting slowly and have low conductivities
electric field strength
Quantitatively: drift velocity s = uE
ion mobility

Two forces are acting on the ion: F field = zeE

elementary charge
Stokes’ law Fretardation = 6πηrs drift velocitynumber of ion charges
ion radius
When the ion has reached its drift velocity, both forces are equal!
⇒ ezE = 6πηrs ⇒ s = s ez
6πηr u= = [m 2 s −1V −1 ]
E 6πηr
ionic conductivities: u
λ+ = z + Fu + λ− = z − Fu − Nils Walter: Chem 260
Faraday constant
Measured ion mobilities
⇒ u is high for an ion that is:

• highly charged
• in a solution of low viscosity
• of small radius r

BUT: r = hydrodynamic radius

(including water ligands)

Special case H+: Grotthus conduction mechanism

Nils Walter: Chem 260

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