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tT PART 1 (Approximately 40 minutes) xg Tips Yous mar te dita exacts, For question 4 chao te anor (Bo 6) ~ which fits best according to what you hear. There are two questions for each extract. You many not be ableto answer thetwo questions py in order as the EXTRACT 1 information You hear part ofan intorviow with a guitarist called Rick Evans. seeded could be in diferent parts 1 How did Rick feo! when he was performing at the concert? of the script. ‘A pleased that he was playing well B overwhelmed by the occasion | intimidated by the large aucience ‘What is Rick's attitude towards becoming a better musician? ‘A He believes it will happen automatically it he practises envough, B He is happy to simply maintain the level he has already attained. © He realises that he needs to practise more to further improve. 2 EXTRACT 2 . ‘You hear part of a radio interview with well-known interior designer, Fiona Sharpe. 3 Fiona says that she feels disappointed by her job when A. clionts don't seem to appreciate her hard work. B client doesn’t communicate what they really want. her design skis are not fly utilised. 3 4 What does Fiona do to try to ensure that her clients are happy with her work? ‘A. She adapts her designs it necessary. ' B She discusses every dotail of a design with them, © She totally puts aside her own preferences, 4 rE EXTRACT 3 ‘You heara man and a woman discussing an incident in which the man got caught speeding. 5 Why does John disagree with so many speed cameras being installed? A He believes they can actually make the roads more dangerous. B He doubis the motives of those who installed them, © He thinks the money needed for ther could be better spent, 6 John and Pam agree that A. strict speed limits are sometimes necessary. B the system is not always fair. © there should be fewer cameras. ce a ESE aR emma ceo 8 ali Exam Tips i Do not try to paraphrase information that you hear. The answers are always actual words from the recording, 66 PART 2 You will hear a herbal therapist called Chris White taking about his work. For questions 7-14, complete the sentences. Herbal Therapist ‘As Chris was growing up, he leamt that plants were often used as medicine by 7 His father also used different plants to keep 8 away from the vegetables in his garden. Chris used the plants he grew in the garden to treat various 9 He made 10 | out of some of the plants he grew, ‘such as Echinacea and Feverfew. ‘When he started 11 | ater moving back to Devon, he rediscovered his interest in healing herbs. In order to recommend a 12 |, he finds ‘out a lot about a patient frst He says that by using plants as medicines, some. 13 can be avoided, ‘As a herbalist, he believes that the body has a 4 to recover. | eminem PART 3. Exam, aipg > You will hear an interview with a man who is @ police diver. For questions 15-20 choose the answer (A,B, C or D) which fis best according to what you hear. Don't spend too” much time on any one question ; even it you are 18 What led Michael to a career as a police iver? having dficlty ‘A He was already a competent diver. vith it Move onto B is uncle had followed this séme career. the next question, © His superiors recommended him fori. | D He had a desire to do something different. 16 What did Michael find difficult about his training? A. diving in sometimes very harsh conditions B having to work shifts, especially at night © coping with the heavy clothing and equipment D getting used to the behaviour of his team mates ‘7 What is Michael sometimes unable to avoid while working under water? A losing his way B suffering minor injury © causing damage to evidence D mistaking other debris for evidence 18 What limitation of the undersea robot does Michael mention? A tis not able to descend to a great depth. B It can't always retrieve items easily € Itcan take too long to submerge. D It moves more slowly than divers. 19 How has Michael's choice of career affected his relationship with his mother? A Ithas encouraged a better understanding between them. B He now feels obliged to keep some things from her. © She now constantly puts pressure on him to give up his job. D She has become his main confidante regarding work issues. 20 For Michael, what is the most fuflling part of being a police diver? A helping to make society a safer place B seeing the direct results of his work © using the different skits he has acquired D being involved in saving lives @ Exam Tips > Lsten to the speaker's tone of voice. What is his/her attitude? PART 4 You will hear five short extracts in which people are talking about learning a foreign language. While you listen you must complete both tasks. TASK ONE For quastions 21-25, choose trom the fst (A-H) the main reason the person gives for learning a new language. ‘They make frequent visits to another country They want to become a translator They have migrated to another county. They have a natural abilty for languages. They needed to pass @ college exam. They were compelled to learn it at school. Speaker 1 Al Speaker 2 22 Speaker 3 23 Speaker 4 24 Speaker 5 25 They enjoy a leisure activity that is related to the language. ronmoogoe They want to lear their family’s native language. TASK TWO For questions 26-30, choose trom the list (A-H) what aspect each speaker focuses on. A. the cost of learning the language(s) B their senso of satisfaction at having leamt the languagels) easily © the advantages of learning in a class D the level of citfcuty of a/some particular languages) Speaker 1 26 E the necessity of practising the language(s) frequently ‘Speaker 2 27 F the regret they eel about not learming the languages) Speaker 3 2B sooner Speaker 4 29 the importance of earring the grammar rules of languages Speaker 5 30 the improved career prospects they have as a result of knowing the language(s) well.

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